rCore-Tutorial version 3.5. See the [Documentation in Chinese](https://rcore-os.github.io/rCore-Tutorial-Book-v3/).
## Overview
This project aims to show how to write an **Unix-like OS** running on **RISC-V** platforms **from scratch** in **[Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/)** for **beginners** without any background knowledge about **computer architectures, assembly languages or operating systems**.
## Features
* Platform supported: `qemu-system-riscv64` simulator or dev boards based on [Kendryte K210 SoC](https://canaan.io/product/kendryteai) such as [Maix Dock](https://www.seeedstudio.com/Sipeed-MAIX-Dock-p-4815.html)
* OS
* concurrency of multiple processes
* preemptive scheduling(Round-Robin algorithm)
* dynamic memory management in kernel
* virtual memory
* a simple file system with a block cache
* an interactive shell in the userspace
* **only 4K+ LoC**
* [A detailed documentation in Chinese](https://rcore-os.github.io/rCore-Tutorial-Book-v3/) in spite of the lack of comments in the code(English version is not available at present)
Now we are still updating our project, you can find latest changes on branches `chX-dev` such as `ch1-dev`. We are intended to publish first release 3.5.0 after completing most of the tasks mentioned below.
* [x] use `UPSafeCell` instead of `RefCell` or `spin::Mutex` in order to access static data structures and adjust its API so that it cannot be borrowed twice at a time(mention `& .exclusive_access().task[0]` in `run_first_task`)