@ -3,11 +3,15 @@
extern crate user_lib;
// count_lines, infloop, user_shell, usertests
// item of TESTS : app_name(argv_0), argv_1, argv_2, argv_3, exit_code
static SUCC_TESTS: &[(&str, &str, &str, &str, i32)] = &[
("cmdline_args\0", "1\0", "2\0", "\0", 0),
("cat\0", "cat.rs\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("cmdline_args\0", "1\0", "2\0", "3\0", 0),
("matrix\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("eisenberg\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("exit\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("fantastic_text\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("filetest_simple\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
@ -17,14 +21,17 @@ static SUCC_TESTS: &[(&str, &str, &str, &str, i32)] = &[
("forktree\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("hello_world\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("huge_write\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("matrix\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("mpsc_sem\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("peterson\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("phil_din_mutex\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("pipe_large_test\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("pipetest\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("race_adder_arg\0", "3\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("race_adder_atomic\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("race_adder_mutex_blocking\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("race_adder_mutex_spin\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("race_adder_arg\0", "3\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("run_pipe_test\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("sleep_simple\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("sleep\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("sleep_simple\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
@ -33,7 +40,6 @@ static SUCC_TESTS: &[(&str, &str, &str, &str, i32)] = &[
("threads_arg\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("threads\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("yield\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
("run_pipe_test\0", "\0", "\0", "\0", 0),
static FAIL_TESTS: &[(&str, &str, &str, &str, i32)] = &[
@ -105,7 +111,7 @@ pub fn main() -> i32 {
let succ_num = run_tests(SUCC_TESTS);
let err_num = run_tests(FAIL_TESTS);
if succ_num == SUCC_TESTS.len() as i32 && err_num == FAIL_TESTS.len() as i32 {
println!("Usertests passed!");
println!("{} of sueecssed apps, {} of failed apps run correctly. \nUsertests passed!", SUCC_TESTS.len(), FAIL_TESTS.len() );
return 0;
if succ_num != SUCC_TESTS.len() as i32 {
@ -122,6 +128,6 @@ pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("Usertests failed!");
println!(" Usertests failed!");
return -1;