Handle backspace for k210/qemu platform && Add lots of user tests.

Yifan Wu 4 years ago
parent 9165e64d1b
commit 244c0ee84d

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ impl StackFrameAllocator {
pub fn init(&mut self, l: PhysPageNum, r: PhysPageNum) {
self.current = l.0;
self.end = r.0;
println!("last {} Physical Frames.", self.end - self.current);
impl FrameAllocator for StackFrameAllocator {

@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ impl MemorySet {
areas: Vec::new(),
pub fn dealloc_all_frames(&mut self) {
*self = Self::new_bare();
pub fn token(&self) -> usize {
@ -217,7 +213,8 @@ impl MemorySet {
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
*self = Self::new_bare();
//*self = Self::new_bare();

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use crate::task::{
use crate::timer::get_time;
use crate::timer::get_time_ms;
use crate::mm::{
@ -14,18 +14,7 @@ use crate::loader::get_app_data_by_name;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
pub fn sys_exit(exit_code: i32) -> ! {
// save exit code
let task = current_task().unwrap();
// ---- hold current PCB lock
task.acquire_inner_lock().exit_code = exit_code;
// ---- release current PCB lock
// this function will not return
// drop task manually to maintain rc correctly
panic!("Unreachable in sys_exit!");
@ -35,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn sys_yield() -> isize {
pub fn sys_get_time() -> isize {
get_time() as isize
get_time_ms() as isize
pub fn sys_getpid() -> isize {
@ -68,11 +57,21 @@ pub fn sys_exec(path: *const u8) -> isize {
/// If there is not a child process whose pid is same as given, return -1.
/// Else if there is a child process but it is still running, return -2.
pub fn sys_waitpid(pid: isize, exit_code_ptr: *mut i32) -> isize {
let task = current_task().unwrap();
// find a child process
// ---- hold current PCB lock
let mut inner = task.acquire_inner_lock();
if inner.children
.find(|p| {pid == -1 || pid as usize == p.getpid()})
.is_none() {
return -1;
// ---- release current PCB lock
let pair = inner.children
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ pub fn sys_waitpid(pid: isize, exit_code_ptr: *mut i32) -> isize {
*translated_refmut(inner.memory_set.token(), exit_code_ptr) = exit_code;
found_pid as isize
} else {
// ---- release current PCB lock automatically

@ -42,14 +42,17 @@ pub fn suspend_current_and_run_next() {
pub fn exit_current_and_run_next() {
pub fn exit_current_and_run_next(exit_code: i32) {
// take from Processor
let task = take_current_task().unwrap();
// **** hold current PCB lock
let mut inner = task.acquire_inner_lock();
// Change status to Zombie
inner.task_status = TaskStatus::Zombie;
// Record exit code
inner.exit_code = exit_code;
// move any child to its parent
// TODO: do not move to its parent but under initproc
// ++++++ hold parent PCB lock here

@ -3,11 +3,16 @@ use crate::sbi::set_timer;
use crate::config::CPU_FREQ;
const TICKS_PER_SEC: usize = 100;
const MSEC_PER_SEC: usize = 1000;
pub fn get_time() -> usize {
pub fn get_time_ms() -> usize {
time::read() / (CPU_FREQ / MSEC_PER_SEC)
pub fn set_next_trigger() {
set_timer(get_time() + CPU_FREQ / TICKS_PER_SEC);

@ -67,13 +67,24 @@ pub fn trap_handler() -> ! {
cx.x[10] = result as usize;
Trap::Exception(Exception::StoreFault) |
Trap::Exception(Exception::StorePageFault) => {
println!("[kernel] PageFault in application, bad addr = {:#x}, bad instruction = {:#x}, core dumped.", stval, current_trap_cx().sepc);
Trap::Exception(Exception::StorePageFault) |
Trap::Exception(Exception::InstructionFault) |
Trap::Exception(Exception::InstructionPageFault) |
Trap::Exception(Exception::LoadFault) |
Trap::Exception(Exception::LoadPageFault) => {
"[kernel] {:?} in application, bad addr = {:#x}, bad instruction = {:#x}, core dumped.",
// page fault exit code
Trap::Exception(Exception::IllegalInstruction) => {
println!("[kernel] IllegalInstruction in application, core dumped.");
// illegal instruction exit code
Trap::Interrupt(Interrupt::SupervisorTimer) => {

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{fork, yield_, waitpid, exit, wait};
const MAGIC: i32 = -0x10384;
pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("I am the parent. Forking the child...");
let pid = fork();
if pid == 0 {
println!("I am the child.");
for _ in 0..7 { yield_(); }
} else {
println!("I am parent, fork a child pid {}", pid);
println!("I am the parent, waiting now..");
let mut xstate: i32 = 0;
assert!(waitpid(pid as usize, &mut xstate) == pid && xstate == MAGIC);
assert!(waitpid(pid as usize, &mut xstate) < 0 && wait(&mut xstate) <= 0);
println!("waitpid {} ok.", pid);
println!("exit pass.");

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
extern crate user_lib;
macro_rules! color_text {
($text:expr, $color:expr) => {{
format_args!("\x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m", $color, $text)
pub fn main() -> i32 {
"{}{}{}{}{} {}{}{}{} {}{}{}{}{}{}",
color_text!("H", 31),
color_text!("e", 32),
color_text!("l", 33),
color_text!("l", 34),
color_text!("o", 35),
color_text!("R", 36),
color_text!("u", 37),
color_text!("s", 90),
color_text!("t", 91),
color_text!("u", 92),
color_text!("C", 93),
color_text!("o", 94),
color_text!("r", 95),
color_text!("e", 96),
color_text!("!", 97),
let text =
"reguler \x1b[4munderline\x1b[24m \x1b[7mreverse\x1b[27m \x1b[9mstrikethrough\x1b[29m";
println!("\x1b[47m{}\x1b[0m", color_text!(text, 30));
for i in 31..38 {
println!("{}", color_text!(text, i));
for i in 90..98 {
println!("{}", color_text!(text, i));

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{fork, wait, exit};
const MAX_CHILD: usize = 20;
pub fn main() -> i32 {
for i in 0..MAX_CHILD {
let pid = fork();
if pid == 0 {
println!("I am child {}", i);
} else {
println!("forked child pid = {}", pid);
assert!(pid > 0);
let mut exit_code: i32 = 0;
for _ in 0..MAX_CHILD {
if wait(&mut exit_code) <= 0 {
panic!("wait stopped early");
if wait(&mut exit_code) > 0 {
panic!("wait got too many");
println!("forktest pass.");

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{fork, wait, get_time, getpid, exit, yield_,};
static NUM: usize = 13;
pub fn main() -> i32 {
for _ in 0..NUM {
let pid = fork();
if pid == 0 {
let current_time = get_time();
let sleep_length = (current_time as i32 as isize) * (current_time as i32 as isize) % 1000 + 1000;
println!("Subprocess {} sleep for {} ms", getpid(), sleep_length);
while get_time() < current_time + sleep_length {
println!("Subprocess {} OK!", getpid());
let mut xstate: i32 = 0;
for _ in 0..NUM {
assert!(wait(&mut xstate) > 0);
assert_eq!(xstate, 0);
assert!(wait(&mut xstate) < 0);
println!("r_forktest2 test passed!");

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{fork, getpid, wait};
pub fn main() -> i32 {
assert_eq!(wait(&mut 0i32), -1);
println!("sys_wait without child process test passed!");
println!("parent start, pid = {}!", getpid());
let pid = fork();
if pid == 0 {
// child process
println!("hello child process!");
} else {
// parent process
let mut xstate: i32 = 0;
println!("ready waiting on parent process!");
assert_eq!(pid, wait(&mut xstate));
assert_eq!(xstate, 100);
println!("child process pid = {}, exit code = {}", pid, xstate);

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
extern crate user_lib;
pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("Hello world from user mode program!");

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{fork, wait, yield_, exit, getpid, get_time, wait_once};
use user_lib::{fork, wait, yield_, exit, getpid, get_time};
static NUM: usize = 13;
static NUM: usize = 20;
const N: usize = 10;
static P: i32 = 10007;
type Arr = [[i32; N]; N];
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pub fn main() -> i32 {
if pid == 0 {
let current_time = get_time();
let times = (current_time as i32 as isize) * (current_time as i32 as isize) % 1000;
work(times * 40);
work(times * 10);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ pub fn main() -> i32 {
panic!("wait failed.");
assert!(wait_once(&mut xstate) < 0);
assert!(wait(&mut xstate) < 0);
println!("matrix passed.");

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{sleep, exit, get_time, fork, waitpid};
fn sleepy() {
let time: usize = 100;
for i in 0..5 {
println!("sleep {} x {} msecs.", i + 1, time);
pub fn main() -> i32 {
let current_time = get_time();
let pid = fork();
let mut xstate: i32 = 0;
if pid == 0 {
assert!(waitpid(pid as usize, &mut xstate) == pid && xstate == 0);
println!("use {} msecs.", get_time() - current_time);
println!("sleep pass.");

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{get_time, sleep};
pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("into sleep test!");
let start = get_time();
println!("current time_msec = {}", start);
let end = get_time();
println!("time_msec = {} after sleeping 100 ticks, delta = {}ms!", end, end - start);
println!("r_sleep passed!");

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
extern crate user_lib;
fn f(d: usize) {
println!("d = {}",d);
f(d + 1);
pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("It should trigger segmentation fault!");

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub fn main() -> i32 {
print!(">> ");
DL => {
BS | DL => {
if !line.is_empty() {
print!("{}", BS as char);
print!(" ");

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
extern crate user_lib;
static TESTS: &[&str] = &[
use user_lib::{exec, fork, waitpid};
pub fn main() -> i32 {
for test in TESTS {
println!("Usertests: Running {}", test);
let pid = fork();
if pid == 0 {
} else {
let mut xstate: i32 = Default::default();
let wait_pid = waitpid(pid as usize, &mut xstate);
assert_eq!(pid, wait_pid);
println!("\x1b[32mUsertests: Test {} in Process {} exited with code {}\x1b[0m", test, pid, xstate);
println!("Usertests passed!");

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
extern crate user_lib;
use user_lib::{getpid, yield_};
pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("Hello, I am process {}.", getpid());
for i in 0..5 {
println!("Back in process {}, iteration {}.", getpid(), i);
println!("yield pass.");

@ -51,19 +51,25 @@ pub fn exec(path: &str) -> isize { sys_exec(path) }
pub fn wait(exit_code: &mut i32) -> isize {
loop {
match sys_waitpid(-1, exit_code as *mut _) {
-1 => { yield_(); }
-2 => { yield_(); }
// -1 or a real pid
exit_pid => return exit_pid,
pub fn wait_once(exit_code: &mut i32) -> isize {
sys_waitpid(-1, exit_code as *mut _)
pub fn waitpid(pid: usize, exit_code: &mut i32) -> isize {
loop {
match sys_waitpid(pid as isize, exit_code as *mut _) {
-1 => { yield_(); }
-2 => { yield_(); }
// -1 or a real pid
exit_pid => return exit_pid,
pub fn sleep(period_ms: usize) {
let start = sys_get_time();
while sys_get_time() < start + period_ms as isize {