diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 23919f1b..247420e5 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,9 +18,47 @@ This project aims to show how to write an **Unix-like OS** running on **RISC-V** * **only 4K+ LoC** * [A detailed documentation in Chinese](https://rcore-os.github.io/rCore-Tutorial-Book-v3/) in spite of the lack of comments in the code(English version is not available at present) +## Run our project + +TODO: + ## Working in progress -* [ ] update Rust & RustSBI to latest version -* [ ] rewrite practice doc and remove some inproper questions + +Now we are still updating our project, you can find latest changes on branches `chX-dev` such as `ch1-dev`. We are intended to publish first release 3.5.0 after completing most of the tasks mentioned below. + +### Completed + +* [x] automatically clean up and rebuild before running our project on a different platform +* [x] fix `power` series application in early chapters, now you can find modulus in the output +* [x] use `UPSafeCell` instead of `RefCell` or `spin::Mutex` in order to access static data structures(now ch4 completed) +* [x] move `TaskContext` into `TaskControlBlock` instead of restoring it in place on kernel stack(since ch3), eliminating annoying `task_cx_ptr2` + +### Todo(High priority) + +* [ ] replace `llvm_asm!` with `asm!` +* [ ] bug fix: we should call `find_pte` rather than `find_pte_create` in `PageTable::unmap` * [ ] add a new chapter about synchronization & mutual exclusion(up or smp?) + +### Todo(Low priority) + +* [ ] rewrite practice doc and remove some inproper questions +* [ ] provide smooth debug experience at a Rust source code level * [ ] format the code using official tools * [ ] support Allwinner's RISC-V D1 chip + +## Dependency + +### Binaries + +* rustc: 1.55.0-nightly (2f391da2e 2021-07-14) + +* qemu: 5.0.0 + +* rustsbi-lib: 0.2.0-alpha.4 + + rustsbi-qemu: d4968dd2 + + rustsbi-k210: b689314e +### Crates + +We will add them later.