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#ifndef _PROC_H_
#define _PROC_H_
#include "riscv.h"
#include "proc_file.h"
typedef struct trapframe_t {
// space to store context (all common registers)
/* offset:0 */ riscv_regs regs;
// process's "user kernel" stack
/* offset:248 */ uint64 kernel_sp;
// pointer to smode_trap_handler
/* offset:256 */ uint64 kernel_trap;
// saved user process counter
/* offset:264 */ uint64 epc;
// kernel page table. added @lab2_1
/* offset:272 */ uint64 kernel_satp;
// riscv-pke kernel supports at most 32 processes
#define NPROC 32
// maximum number of pages in a process's heap
#define MAX_HEAP_PAGES 32
// possible status of a process
enum proc_status {
FREE, // unused state
READY, // ready state
RUNNING, // currently running
BLOCKED, // waiting for something
ZOMBIE, // terminated but not reclaimed yet
// types of a segment
enum segment_type {
STACK_SEGMENT = 0, // runtime stack segment
CONTEXT_SEGMENT, // trapframe segment
SYSTEM_SEGMENT, // system segment
HEAP_SEGMENT, // runtime heap segment
CODE_SEGMENT, // ELF segment
DATA_SEGMENT, // ELF segment
// the VM regions mapped to a user process
typedef struct mapped_region {
uint64 va; // mapped virtual address
uint32 npages; // mapping_info is unused if npages == 0
uint32 seg_type; // segment type, one of the segment_types
} mapped_region;
typedef struct process_heap_manager {
// points to the last free page in our simple heap.
uint64 heap_top;
// points to the bottom of our simple heap.
uint64 heap_bottom;
// the address of free pages in the heap
uint64 free_pages_address[MAX_HEAP_PAGES];
// the number of free pages in the heap
uint32 free_pages_count;
// the extremely simple definition of process, used for begining labs of PKE
typedef struct process_t {
// pointing to the stack used in trap handling.
uint64 kstack;
// user page table
pagetable_t pagetable;
// trapframe storing the context of a (User mode) process.
trapframe* trapframe;
// points to a page that contains mapped_regions. below are added @lab3_1
mapped_region *mapped_info;
// next free mapped region in mapped_info
int total_mapped_region;
// heap management
process_heap_manager user_heap;
// process id
uint64 pid;
// process status
int status;
// parent process
struct process_t *parent;
// next queue element
struct process_t *queue_next;
// accounting. added @lab3_3
int tick_count;
// file system. added @lab4_1
proc_file_management *pfiles;
// wake up callback, registered by do_sleep(). added @lab5_2
// it will be called when process is waken up.
void (*wake_callback)(void *);
void *wake_callback_arg;
// switch to run user app
void switch_to(process*);
// initialize process pool (the procs[] array)
void init_proc_pool();
// allocate an empty process, init its vm space. returns its pid
process* alloc_process();
// reclaim a process, destruct its vm space and free physical pages.
int free_process( process* proc );
// fork a child from parent
int do_fork(process* parent);
// current running process
extern process* current;
// prototype declarations added @lab5_2
// sleep current process
void do_sleep(void (*wake_cb)(void *), void *wake_cb_arg);
// awake process with pid
void do_wake(uint64 pid);
// set wake callback for process with pid
void set_wake_callback(uint64 pid, void (*wake_cb)(void *), void *wake_cb_arg);
extern process procs[NPROC];
struct update_uartvalue_ctx {
char uartvalue;
uint64 pid;