#include "kernel/riscv.h" #include "kernel/process.h" #include "spike_interface/spike_utils.h" static void handle_instruction_access_fault() { panic("Instruction access fault!"); } static void handle_load_access_fault() { panic("Load access fault!"); } static void handle_store_access_fault() { panic("Store/AMO access fault!"); } static void handle_illegal_instruction() { panic("Illegal instruction!"); } static void handle_misaligned_load() { panic("Misaligned Load!"); } static void handle_misaligned_store() { panic("Misaligned AMO!"); } // added @lab1_3 static void handle_timer() { int cpuid = read_csr(mhartid); // setup the timer fired at next time (TIMER_INTERVAL from now) *(uint64*)CLINT_MTIMECMP(cpuid) = *(uint64*)CLINT_MTIMECMP(cpuid) + TIMER_INTERVAL; // setup a soft interrupt in sip (S-mode Interrupt Pending) to be handled in S-mode write_csr(sip, SIP_SSIP); } // // handle_mtrap calls a handling function according to the type of a machine mode interrupt (trap). // void handle_mtrap() { uint64 mcause = read_csr(mcause); switch (mcause) { case CAUSE_MTIMER: handle_timer(); break; case CAUSE_FETCH_ACCESS: handle_instruction_access_fault(); break; case CAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS: handle_load_access_fault(); case CAUSE_STORE_ACCESS: handle_store_access_fault(); break; case CAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: // TODO (lab1_2): call handle_illegal_instruction to implement illegal instruction // interception, and finish lab1_2. panic( "call handle_illegal_instruction to accomplish illegal instruction interception for lab1_2.\n" ); break; case CAUSE_MISALIGNED_LOAD: handle_misaligned_load(); break; case CAUSE_MISALIGNED_STORE: handle_misaligned_store(); break; default: sprint("machine trap(): unexpected mscause %p\n", mcause); sprint(" mepc=%p mtval=%p\n", read_csr(mepc), read_csr(mtval)); panic( "unexpected exception happened in M-mode.\n" ); break; } }