/* * Interface functions between file system and kernel/processes. added @lab4_1 */ #include "proc_file.h" #include "hostfs.h" #include "pmm.h" #include "process.h" #include "ramdev.h" #include "rfs.h" #include "riscv.h" #include "spike_interface/spike_file.h" #include "spike_interface/spike_utils.h" #include "util/functions.h" #include "util/string.h" // // initialize file system // void fs_init(void) { // initialize the vfs vfs_init(); // register hostfs and mount it as the root if( register_hostfs() < 0 ) panic( "fs_init: cannot register hostfs.\n" ); struct device *hostdev = init_host_device("HOSTDEV"); vfs_mount("HOSTDEV", MOUNT_AS_ROOT); // register and mount rfs if( register_rfs() < 0 ) panic( "fs_init: cannot register rfs.\n" ); struct device *ramdisk0 = init_rfs_device("RAMDISK0"); rfs_format_dev(ramdisk0); vfs_mount("RAMDISK0", MOUNT_DEFAULT); } // // initialize a proc_file_management data structure for a process. // return the pointer to the page containing the data structure. // proc_file_management *init_proc_file_management(void) { proc_file_management *pfiles = (proc_file_management *)alloc_page(); pfiles->cwd = vfs_root_dentry; // by default, cwd is the root pfiles->nfiles = 0; for (int fd = 0; fd < MAX_FILES; ++fd) pfiles->opened_files[fd].status = FD_NONE; sprint("FS: created a file management struct for a process.\n"); return pfiles; } // // reclaim the open-file management data structure of a process. // note: this function is not used as PKE does not actually reclaim a process. // void reclaim_proc_file_management(proc_file_management *pfiles) { free_page(pfiles); return; } // // get an opened file from proc->opened_file array. // return: the pointer to the opened file structure. // struct file *get_opened_file(int fd) { struct file *pfile = NULL; // browse opened file list to locate the fd for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILES; ++i) { pfile = &(current->pfiles->opened_files[i]); // file entry if (i == fd) break; } if (pfile == NULL) panic("do_read: invalid fd!\n"); return pfile; } // // open a file named as "pathname" with the permission of "flags". // return: -1 on failure; non-zero file-descriptor on success. // int do_open(char *pathname, int flags) { struct file *opened_file = NULL; if ((opened_file = vfs_open(pathname, flags)) == NULL) return -1; int fd = 0; if (current->pfiles->nfiles >= MAX_FILES) { panic("do_open: no file entry for current process!\n"); } struct file *pfile; for (fd = 0; fd < MAX_FILES; ++fd) { pfile = &(current->pfiles->opened_files[fd]); if (pfile->status == FD_NONE) break; } // initialize this file structure memcpy(pfile, opened_file, sizeof(struct file)); ++current->pfiles->nfiles; return fd; } // // read content of a file ("fd") into "buf" for "count". // return: actual length of data read from the file. // int do_read(int fd, char *buf, uint64 count) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); if (pfile->readable == 0) panic("do_read: no readable file!\n"); char buffer[count + 1]; int len = vfs_read(pfile, buffer, count); buffer[count] = '\0'; strcpy(buf, buffer); return len; } // // write content ("buf") whose length is "count" to a file "fd". // return: actual length of data written to the file. // int do_write(int fd, char *buf, uint64 count) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); if (pfile->writable == 0) panic("do_write: cannot write file!\n"); int len = vfs_write(pfile, buf, count); return len; } // // reposition the file offset // int do_lseek(int fd, int offset, int whence) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); return vfs_lseek(pfile, offset, whence); } // // read the vinode information // int do_stat(int fd, struct istat *istat) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); return vfs_stat(pfile, istat); } // // read the inode information on the disk // int do_disk_stat(int fd, struct istat *istat) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); return vfs_disk_stat(pfile, istat); } // // close a file // int do_close(int fd) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); return vfs_close(pfile); } // // open a directory // return: the fd of the directory file // int do_opendir(char *pathname) { struct file *opened_file = NULL; if ((opened_file = vfs_opendir(pathname)) == NULL) return -1; int fd = 0; struct file *pfile; for (fd = 0; fd < MAX_FILES; ++fd) { pfile = &(current->pfiles->opened_files[fd]); if (pfile->status == FD_NONE) break; } if (pfile->status != FD_NONE) // no free entry panic("do_opendir: no file entry for current process!\n"); // initialize this file structure memcpy(pfile, opened_file, sizeof(struct file)); ++current->pfiles->nfiles; return fd; } // // read a directory entry // int do_readdir(int fd, struct dir *dir) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); return vfs_readdir(pfile, dir); } // // make a new directory // int do_mkdir(char *pathname) { return vfs_mkdir(pathname); } // // close a directory // int do_closedir(int fd) { struct file *pfile = get_opened_file(fd); return vfs_closedir(pfile); }