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* virtual address mapping related functions.
#include "vmm.h"
#include "riscv.h"
#include "pmm.h"
#include "util/types.h"
#include "memlayout.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "spike_interface/spike_utils.h"
#include "util/functions.h"
/* --- utility functions for virtual address mapping --- */
// establish mapping of virtual address [va, va+size] to phyiscal address [pa, pa+size]
// with the permission of "perm".
int map_pages(pagetable_t page_dir, uint64 va, uint64 size, uint64 pa, int perm) {
uint64 first, last;
pte_t *pte;
for (first = ROUNDDOWN(va, PGSIZE), last = ROUNDDOWN(va + size - 1, PGSIZE);
first <= last; first += PGSIZE, pa += PGSIZE) {
if ((pte = page_walk(page_dir, first, 1)) == 0) return -1;
if (*pte & PTE_V)
panic("map_pages fails on mapping va (0x%lx) to pa (0x%lx)", first, pa);
*pte = PA2PTE(pa) | perm | PTE_V;
return 0;
// convert permission code to permission types of PTE
uint64 prot_to_type(int prot, int user) {
uint64 perm = 0;
if (prot & PROT_READ) perm |= PTE_R | PTE_A;
if (prot & PROT_WRITE) perm |= PTE_W | PTE_D;
if (prot & PROT_EXEC) perm |= PTE_X | PTE_A;
if (perm == 0) perm = PTE_R;
if (user) perm |= PTE_U;
return perm;
// traverse the page table (starting from page_dir) to find the corresponding pte of va.
// returns: PTE (page table entry) pointing to va.
pte_t *page_walk(pagetable_t page_dir, uint64 va, int alloc) {
if (va >= MAXVA) panic("page_walk");
// starting from the page directory
pagetable_t pt = page_dir;
// traverse from page directory to page table.
// as we use risc-v sv39 paging scheme, there will be 3 layers: page dir,
// page medium dir, and page table.
for (int level = 2; level > 0; level--) {
// macro "PX" gets the PTE index in page table of current level
// "pte" points to the entry of current level
pte_t *pte = pt + PX(level, va);
// now, we need to know if above pte is valid (established mapping to a phyiscal page)
// or not.
if (*pte & PTE_V) { //PTE valid
// phisical address of pagetable of next level
pt = (pagetable_t)PTE2PA(*pte);
} else { //PTE invalid (not exist).
// allocate a page (to be the new pagetable), if alloc == 1
if( alloc && ((pt = (pte_t *)alloc_page(1)) != 0) ){
memset(pt, 0, PGSIZE);
// writes the physical address of newly allocated page to pte, to establish the
// page table tree.
*pte = PA2PTE(pt) | PTE_V;
}else //returns NULL, if alloc == 0, or no more physical page remains
return 0;
// return a PTE which contains phisical address of a page
return pt + PX(0, va);
// look up a virtual page address, return the physical page address or 0 if not mapped.
uint64 lookup_pa(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va) {
pte_t *pte;
uint64 pa;
if (va >= MAXVA) return 0;
pte = page_walk(pagetable, va, 0);
if (pte == 0 || (*pte & PTE_V) == 0 || ((*pte & PTE_R) == 0 && (*pte & PTE_W) == 0))
return 0;
pa = PTE2PA(*pte);
return pa;
/* --- kernel page table part --- */
// _etext is defined in, it points to the address after text and rodata segments.
extern char _etext[];
// pointer to kernel page director
pagetable_t g_kernel_pagetable;
// maps virtual address [va, va+sz] to [pa, pa+sz] (for kernel).
void kern_vm_map(pagetable_t page_dir, uint64 va, uint64 pa, uint64 sz, int perm) {
// map_pages is defined in kernel/vmm.c
if (map_pages(page_dir, va, sz, pa, perm) != 0) panic("kern_vm_map");
// kern_vm_init() constructs the kernel page table.
void kern_vm_init(void) {
// pagetable_t is defined in kernel/riscv.h. it's actually uint64*
pagetable_t t_page_dir;
// allocate a page (t_page_dir) to be the page directory for kernel. alloc_page is defined in kernel/pmm.c
t_page_dir = (pagetable_t)alloc_page();
// memset is defined in util/string.c
memset(t_page_dir, 0, PGSIZE);
// map virtual address [KERN_BASE, _etext] to physical address [DRAM_BASE, DRAM_BASE+(_etext - KERN_BASE)],
// to maintain (direct) text section kernel address mapping.
kern_vm_map(t_page_dir, KERN_BASE, DRAM_BASE, (uint64)_etext - KERN_BASE,
prot_to_type(PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, 0));
sprint("KERN_BASE 0x%lx\n", lookup_pa(t_page_dir, KERN_BASE));
// also (direct) map remaining address space, to make them accessable from kernel.
// this is important when kernel needs to access the memory content of user's app
// without copying pages between kernel and user spaces.
kern_vm_map(t_page_dir, (uint64)_etext, (uint64)_etext, PHYS_TOP - (uint64)_etext,
prot_to_type(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, 0));
sprint("physical address of _etext is: 0x%lx\n", lookup_pa(t_page_dir, (uint64)_etext));
g_kernel_pagetable = t_page_dir;
/* --- user page table part --- */
// convert and return the corresponding physical address of a virtual address (va) of
// application.
void *user_va_to_pa(pagetable_t page_dir, void *va) {
// TODO (lab2_1): implement user_va_to_pa to convert a given user virtual address "va"
// to its corresponding physical address, i.e., "pa". To do it, we need to walk
// through the page table, starting from its directory "page_dir", to locate the PTE
// that maps "va". If found, returns the "pa" by using:
// pa = PYHS_ADDR(PTE) + (va & (1<<PGSHIFT -1))
// Here, PYHS_ADDR() means retrieving the starting address (4KB aligned), and
// (va & (1<<PGSHIFT -1)) means computing the offset of "va" inside its page.
// Also, it is possible that "va" is not mapped at all. in such case, we can find
// invalid PTE, and should return NULL.
panic( "You have to implement user_va_to_pa (convert user va to pa) to print messages in lab2_1.\n" );
// maps virtual address [va, va+sz] to [pa, pa+sz] (for user application).
void user_vm_map(pagetable_t page_dir, uint64 va, uint64 size, uint64 pa, int perm) {
if (map_pages(page_dir, va, size, pa, perm) != 0) {
panic("fail to user_vm_map .\n");
// unmap virtual address [va, va+size] from the user app.
// reclaim the physical pages if free!=0
void user_vm_unmap(pagetable_t page_dir, uint64 va, uint64 size, int free) {
// TODO (lab2_2): implement user_vm_unmap to disable the mapping of the virtual pages
// in [va, va+size], and free the corresponding physical pages used by the virtual
// addresses when if 'free' (the last parameter) is not zero.
// basic idea here is to first locate the PTEs of the virtual pages, and then reclaim
// (use free_page() defined in pmm.c) the physical pages. lastly, invalidate the PTEs.
// as naive_free reclaims only one page at a time, you only need to consider one page
// to make user/app_naive_malloc to behave correctly.
panic( "You have to implement user_vm_unmap to free pages using naive_free in lab2_2.\n" );