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* VFS (Virtual File System) interface utilities. added @lab4_1.
#include "vfs.h"
#include "pmm.h"
#include "spike_interface/spike_utils.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "util/types.h"
#include "util/hash_table.h"
struct dentry *vfs_root_dentry; // system root direntry
struct super_block *vfs_sb_list[MAX_MOUNTS]; // system superblock list
struct device *vfs_dev_list[MAX_VFS_DEV]; // system device list in vfs layer
struct hash_table dentry_hash_table;
struct hash_table vinode_hash_table;
// initializes the dentry hash list and vinode hash list
int vfs_init() {
int ret;
ret = hash_table_init(&dentry_hash_table, dentry_hash_equal, dentry_hash_func,
if (ret != 0) return ret;
ret = hash_table_init(&vinode_hash_table, vinode_hash_equal, vinode_hash_func,
if (ret != 0) return ret;
return 0;
// mount a file system from the device named "dev_name"
// PKE does not support mounting a device at an arbitrary directory as in Linux,
// but can only mount a device in one of the following two ways (according to
// the mnt_type parameter) :
// 1. when mnt_type = MOUNT_AS_ROOT
// Mount the device AS the root directory.
// that is, mount the device under system root direntry:"/".
// In this case, the device specified by parameter dev_name will be used as
// the root file system.
// 2. when mnt_type = MOUNT_DEFAULT
// Mount the device UNDER the root directory.
// that is, mount the device to "/DEVICE_NAME" (/DEVICE_NAME will be
// automatically created) folder.
struct super_block *vfs_mount(const char *dev_name, int mnt_type) {
// device pointer
struct device *p_device = NULL;
// find the device entry in vfs_device_list named as dev_name
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VFS_DEV; ++i) {
p_device = vfs_dev_list[i];
if (p_device && strcmp(p_device->dev_name, dev_name) == 0) break;
if (p_device == NULL) panic("vfs_mount: cannot find the device entry!\n");
// add the super block into vfs_sb_list
struct file_system_type *fs_type = p_device->fs_type;
struct super_block *sb = fs_type->get_superblock(p_device);
// add the root vinode into vinode_hash_table
int err = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MOUNTS; ++i) {
if (vfs_sb_list[i] == NULL) {
vfs_sb_list[i] = sb;
err = 0;
if (err) panic("vfs_mount: too many mounts!\n");
// mount the root dentry of the file system to right place
if (mnt_type == MOUNT_AS_ROOT) {
vfs_root_dentry = sb->s_root;
// insert the mount point into hash table
} else if (mnt_type == MOUNT_DEFAULT) {
if (!vfs_root_dentry)
panic("vfs_mount: root dentry not found, please mount the root device first!\n");
struct dentry *mnt_point = sb->s_root;
// set the mount point directory's name to device name
char *dev_name = p_device->dev_name;
strcpy(mnt_point->name, dev_name);
// by default, it is mounted under the vfs root directory
mnt_point->parent = vfs_root_dentry;
// insert the mount point into hash table
} else {
panic("vfs_mount: unknown mount type!\n");
return sb;
// open a file located at "path" with permission of "flags".
// if the file does not exist, and O_CREAT bit is set in "flags", the file will
// be created.
// return: the file pointer to the opened file.
struct file *vfs_open(const char *path, int flags) {
struct dentry *parent = vfs_root_dentry; // we start the path lookup from root.
char miss_name[MAX_PATH_LEN];
// path lookup.
struct dentry *file_dentry = lookup_final_dentry(path, &parent, miss_name);
// file does not exist
if (!file_dentry) {
int creatable = flags & O_CREAT;
// create the file if O_CREAT bit is set
if (creatable) {
char basename[MAX_PATH_LEN];
get_base_name(path, basename);
// a missing directory exists in the path
if (strcmp(miss_name, basename) != 0) {
sprint("vfs_open: cannot create file in a non-exist directory!\n");
return NULL;
// create the file
file_dentry = alloc_vfs_dentry(basename, NULL, parent);
struct vinode *new_inode = viop_create(parent->dentry_inode, file_dentry);
if (!new_inode) panic("vfs_open: cannot create file!\n");
file_dentry->dentry_inode = new_inode;
} else {
sprint("vfs_open: cannot find the file!\n");
return NULL;
if (file_dentry->dentry_inode->type != FILE_I) {
sprint("vfs_open: cannot open a directory!\n");
return NULL;
// get writable and readable flags
int writable = 0;
int readable = 0;
switch (flags & MASK_FILEMODE) {
case O_RDONLY:
writable = 0;
readable = 1;
case O_WRONLY:
writable = 1;
readable = 0;
case O_RDWR:
writable = 1;
readable = 1;
panic("fs_open: invalid open flags!\n");
struct file *file = alloc_vfs_file(file_dentry, readable, writable, 0);
// additional open operations for a specific file system
// hostfs needs to conduct actual file open.
if (file_dentry->dentry_inode->i_ops->viop_hook_open) {
if (file_dentry->dentry_inode->i_ops->
viop_hook_open(file_dentry->dentry_inode, file_dentry) < 0) {
sprint("vfs_open: hook_open failed!\n");
return file;
// read content from "file" starting from file->offset, and store it in "buf".
// return: the number of bytes actually read
ssize_t vfs_read(struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count) {
if (!file->readable) {
sprint("vfs_read: file is not readable!\n");
return -1;
if (file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->type != FILE_I) {
sprint("vfs_read: cannot read a directory!\n");
return -1;
// actual reading.
return viop_read(file->f_dentry->dentry_inode, buf, count, &(file->offset));
// write content in "buf" to "file", at file->offset.
// return: the number of bytes actually written
ssize_t vfs_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count) {
if (!file->writable) {
sprint("vfs_write: file is not writable!\n");
return -1;
if (file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->type != FILE_I) {
sprint("vfs_read: cannot write a directory!\n");
return -1;
// actual writing.
return viop_write(file->f_dentry->dentry_inode, buf, count, &(file->offset));
// reposition read/write file offset
// return: the new offset on success, -1 on failure.
ssize_t vfs_lseek(struct file *file, ssize_t offset, int whence) {
if (file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->type != FILE_I) {
sprint("vfs_read: cannot seek a directory!\n");
return -1;
if (viop_lseek(file->f_dentry->dentry_inode, offset, whence, &(file->offset)) != 0) {
sprint("vfs_lseek: lseek failed!\n");
return -1;
return file->offset;
// read the vinode information
int vfs_stat(struct file *file, struct istat *istat) {
istat->st_inum = file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->inum;
istat->st_size = file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->size;
istat->st_type = file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->type;
istat->st_nlinks = file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->nlinks;
istat->st_blocks = file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->blocks;
return 0;
// read the inode information on the disk
int vfs_disk_stat(struct file *file, struct istat *istat) {
return viop_disk_stat(file->f_dentry->dentry_inode, istat);
// close a file at vfs layer.
int vfs_close(struct file *file) {
if (file->f_dentry->dentry_inode->type != FILE_I) {
sprint("vfs_close: cannot close a directory!\n");
return -1;
struct dentry *dentry = file->f_dentry;
struct vinode *inode = dentry->dentry_inode;
// additional close operations for a specific file system
// hostfs needs to conduct actual file close.
if (inode->i_ops->viop_hook_close) {
if (inode->i_ops->viop_hook_close(inode, dentry) != 0) {
sprint("vfs_close: hook_close failed!\n");
// if the dentry is not pointed by any opened file, free the dentry
if (dentry->d_ref == 0) {
// free the dentry
// no other opened hard link
if (inode->ref == 0) {
// write back the inode and free it
if (viop_write_back_vinode(inode) != 0)
panic("vfs_close: free inode failed!\n");
file->status = FD_NONE;
return 0;
// lookup the "path" and return its dentry (or NULL if not found).
// the lookup starts from parent, and stop till the full "path" is parsed.
// return: the final dentry if we find it, NULL for otherwise.
struct dentry *lookup_final_dentry(const char *path, struct dentry **parent,
char *miss_name) {
char path_copy[MAX_PATH_LEN];
strcpy(path_copy, path);
// split the path, and retrieves a token at a time.
// note: strtok() uses a static (local) variable to store the input path
// string at the first time it is called. thus it can out a token each time.
// for example, when input path is: /RAMDISK0/test_dir/ramfile2
// strtok() outputs three tokens: 1)RAMDISK0, 2)test_dir and 3)ramfile2
// at its three continuous invocations.
char *token = strtok(path_copy, "/");
struct dentry *this = *parent;
while (token != NULL) {
*parent = this;
this = hash_get_dentry((*parent), token); // try hash first
if (this == NULL) {
// if not found in hash, try to find it in the directory
this = alloc_vfs_dentry(token, NULL, *parent);
// lookup subfolder/file in its parent directory. note:
// hostfs and rfs will take different procedures for lookup.
struct vinode *found_vinode = viop_lookup((*parent)->dentry_inode, this);
if (found_vinode == NULL) {
// not found in both hash table and directory file on disk.
strcpy(miss_name, token);
return NULL;
struct vinode *same_inode = hash_get_vinode(found_vinode->sb, found_vinode->inum);
if (same_inode != NULL) {
// the vinode is already in the hash table (i.e. we are opening another hard link)
this->dentry_inode = same_inode;
} else {
// the vinode is not in the hash table
this->dentry_inode = found_vinode;
// get next token
token = strtok(NULL, "/");
return this;
// get the base name of a path
void get_base_name(const char *path, char *base_name) {
char path_copy[MAX_PATH_LEN];
strcpy(path_copy, path);
char *token = strtok(path_copy, "/");
char *last_token = NULL;
while (token != NULL) {
last_token = token;
token = strtok(NULL, "/");
strcpy(base_name, last_token);
// alloc a (virtual) file
struct file *alloc_vfs_file(struct dentry *file_dentry, int readable, int writable,
int offset) {
struct file *file = alloc_page();
file->f_dentry = file_dentry;
file_dentry->d_ref += 1;
file->readable = readable;
file->writable = writable;
file->offset = 0;
file->status = FD_OPENED;
return file;
// alloc a (virtual) dir entry
struct dentry *alloc_vfs_dentry(const char *name, struct vinode *inode,
struct dentry *parent) {
struct dentry *dentry = (struct dentry *)alloc_page();
strcpy(dentry->name, name);
dentry->dentry_inode = inode;
if (inode) inode->ref++;
dentry->parent = parent;
dentry->d_ref = 0;
return dentry;
// free a (virtual) dir entry, if it is not referenced by any file
int free_vfs_dentry(struct dentry *dentry) {
if (dentry->d_ref > 0) {
sprint("free_vfs_dentry: dentry is still in use!\n");
return -1;
free_page((void *)dentry);
return 0;
// dentry generic hash table method implementation
int dentry_hash_equal(void *key1, void *key2) {
struct dentry_key *dentry_key1 = key1;
struct dentry_key *dentry_key2 = key2;
if (strcmp(dentry_key1->name, dentry_key2->name) == 0 &&
dentry_key1->parent == dentry_key2->parent) {
return 1;
return 0;
size_t dentry_hash_func(void *key) {
struct dentry_key *dentry_key = key;
char *name = dentry_key->name;
size_t hash = 5381;
int c;
while ((c = *name++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; // hash * 33 + c
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (size_t)dentry_key->parent;
return hash % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
// dentry hash table interface
struct dentry *hash_get_dentry(struct dentry *parent, char *name) {
struct dentry_key key = {.parent = parent, .name = name};
return (struct dentry *)dentry_hash_table.virtual_hash_get(&dentry_hash_table,
int hash_put_dentry(struct dentry *dentry) {
struct dentry_key *key = alloc_page();
key->name = dentry->name;
key->parent = dentry->parent;
int ret = dentry_hash_table.virtual_hash_put(&dentry_hash_table, key, dentry);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
int hash_erase_dentry(struct dentry *dentry) {
struct dentry_key key = {.parent = dentry->parent, .name = dentry->name};
return dentry_hash_table.virtual_hash_erase(&dentry_hash_table, &key);
// vinode generic hash table method implementation
int vinode_hash_equal(void *key1, void *key2) {
struct vinode_key *vinode_key1 = key1;
struct vinode_key *vinode_key2 = key2;
if (vinode_key1->inum == vinode_key2->inum && vinode_key1->sb == vinode_key2->sb) {
return 1;
return 0;
size_t vinode_hash_func(void *key) {
struct vinode_key *vinode_key = key;
return vinode_key->inum % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
// vinode hash table interface
struct vinode *hash_get_vinode(struct super_block *sb, int inum) {
if (inum < 0) return NULL;
struct vinode_key key = {.sb = sb, .inum = inum};
return (struct vinode *)vinode_hash_table.virtual_hash_get(&vinode_hash_table,
int hash_put_vinode(struct vinode *vinode) {
if (vinode->inum < 0) return -1;
struct vinode_key *key = alloc_page();
key->sb = vinode->sb;
key->inum = vinode->inum;
int ret = vinode_hash_table.virtual_hash_put(&vinode_hash_table, key, vinode);
if (ret != 0) free_page(key);
return ret;
int hash_erase_vinode(struct vinode *vinode) {
if (vinode->inum < 0) return -1;
struct vinode_key key = {.sb = vinode->sb, .inum = vinode->inum};
return vinode_hash_table.virtual_hash_erase(&vinode_hash_table, &key);
// shared (default) actions on allocating a vfs inode.
struct vinode *default_alloc_vinode(struct super_block *sb) {
struct vinode *vinode = (struct vinode *)alloc_page();
vinode->blocks = 0;
vinode->inum = 0;
vinode->nlinks = 0;
vinode->ref = 0;
vinode->sb = sb;
vinode->size = 0;
return vinode;
struct file_system_type *fs_list[MAX_SUPPORTED_FS];