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6 years ago
<div class="edu-class-container " >
<p class="mb10"><a href="<%= user_path(@user) %>" class="color-grey-9"><%= @user.show_real_name %> </a> >
<a href="<%= shixuns_path %>" class="color-grey-9">精选实训 </a> > 我的实训项目 </p>
6 years ago
<div class="edu-con-bg01" >
<div class="">
<div class="edu-tab clearfix mb20">
<ul id="edu-tab-nav" class="border-bottom-orange">
<li id="shixun_all" class="new-tab-nav background-orange">
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<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="white-btn orange-btn fr font-16" style = "margin-top:8px" onclick="shixun_new(<%= @mail %>)">+&nbsp;新建</a>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div id="edu-tab-con-1" class="user_bg_shadow bor-grey-e">
<%= render :partial => "users/myshixuns_list" %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".new-tab-nav").on("click", function(){
var filter = $(this).attr("id");
url: '<%= shixuns_user_path(@user) %>',
data: {filter: filter},
dataType: 'script'
// 新建实训
function shixun_new(mail){
sure_box_redirect_btn('<%= security_settings_path %>', '新建实训项目,请先绑定邮箱','绑定邮箱');
6 years ago
window.location.href= '<%= new_shixun_path %>';