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413 lines
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6 years ago
Dalli Changelog
- The fix for #423 didn't make it into the released 2.7.1 gem somehow.
- Rack session will check if servers are up on initialization (arthurnn, #423)
- Add support for IPv6 addresses in hex form, ie: "[::1]:11211" (dplummer, #428)
- Add symbol support for namespace (jingkai #431)
- Support expiration intervals longer than 30 days (leonid-shevtsov #436)
Dalli::Client#add and #replace now return a truthy value, not boolean true or false.
- Multithreading support with dalli\_store:
Use :pool\_size to create a pool of shared, threadsafe Dalli clients in Rails:
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, "cache-1.example.com", "cache-2.example.com", :compress => true, :pool_size => 5, :expires_in => 300
This will ensure the Rails.cache singleton does not become a source of contention.
**PLEASE NOTE** Rails's :mem\_cache\_store does not support pooling as of
Rails 4.0. You must use :dalli\_store.
- Implement `version` for retrieving version of connected servers [dterei, #384]
- Implement `fetch_multi` for batched read/write [sorentwo, #380]
- Add more support for safe updates with multiple writers: [philipmw, #395]
`require 'dalli/cas/client'` augments Dalli::Client with the following methods:
* Get value with CAS: `[value, cas] = get_cas(key)`
`get_cas(key) {|value, cas| ...}`
* Get multiple values with CAS: `get_multi_cas(k1, k2, ...) {|value, metadata| cas = metadata[:cas]}`
* Set value with CAS: `new_cas = set_cas(key, value, cas, ttl, options)`
* Replace value with CAS: `replace_cas(key, new_value, cas, ttl, options)`
* Delete value with CAS: `delete_cas(key, cas)`
- Fix bug with get key with "Not found" value [uzzz, #375]
- Fix ADD command, aka `write(unless_exist: true)` (pitr, #365)
- Upgrade test suite from mini\_shoulda to minitest.
- Even more performance improvements for get\_multi (xaop, #331)
- Support specific stats by passing `:items` or `:slabs` to `stats` method [bukhamseen]
- Fix 'can't modify frozen String' errors in `ActiveSupport::Cache::DalliStore` [dblock]
- Protect against objects with custom equality checking [theron17]
- Warn if value for key is too large to store [locriani]
- Properly handle missing RubyInline
- Add optional native C binary search for ring, add:
gem 'RubyInline'
to your Gemfile to get a 10% speedup when using many servers.
You will see no improvement if you are only using one server.
- More get_multi performance optimization [xaop, #315]
- Add lambda support for cache namespaces [joshwlewis, #311]
- read_multi optimization, now checks local_cache [chendo, #306]
- Re-implement get_multi to be non-blocking [tmm1, #295]
- Add `dalli` accessor to dalli_store to access the underlying
Dalli::Client, for things like `get_multi`.
- Add `Dalli::GzipCompressor`, primarily for compatibility with nginx's HttpMemcachedModule using `memcached_gzip_flag`
- Don't escape non-ASCII keys, memcached binary protocol doesn't care. [#257]
- :dalli_store now implements LocalCache [#236]
- Removed lots of old session_store test code, tests now all run without a default memcached server [#275]
- Changed Dalli ActiveSupport adapter to always attempt instrumentation [brianmario, #284]
- Change write operations (add/set/replace) to return false when value is too large to store [brianmario, #283]
- Allowing different compressors per client [naseem]
- Added the ability to swap out the compressed used to [de]compress cache data [brianmario, #276]
- Fix get\_multi performance issues with lots of memcached servers [tmm1]
- Throw more specific exceptions [tmm1]
- Allowing different types of serialization per client [naseem]
- Added the ability to swap out the serializer used to [de]serialize cache data [brianmario, #274]
- Fix issues with ENV-based connections. [#266]
- Fix problem with SessionStore in Rails 4.0 [#265]
- Add Rack session with\_lock helper, for Rails 4.0 support [#264]
- Accept connection string in the form of a URL (e.g., memcached://user:pass@hostname:port) [glenngillen]
- Add touch operation [#228, uzzz]
- Add Railtie to auto-configure Dalli when included in Gemfile [#217, steveklabnik]
- Create proper keys for arrays of objects passed as keys [twinturbo, #211]
- Handle long key with namespace [#212]
- Add NODELAY to TCP socket options [#206]
- Dalli no longer needs to be reset after Unicorn/Passenger fork [#208]
- Add option to re-raise errors rescued in the session and cache stores. [pitr, #200]
- DalliStore#fetch called the block if the cached value == false [#205]
- DalliStore should have accessible options [#195]
- Add silence and mute support for DalliStore [#207]
- Tracked down and fixed socket corruption due to Timeout [#146]
- Allow proper retrieval of stored `false` values [laserlemon, #197]
- Allow non-ascii and whitespace keys, only the text protocol has those restrictions [#145]
- Fix DalliStore#delete error-handling [#196]
- Fix all dalli\_store operations to handle nil options [#190]
- Increment and decrement with :initial => nil now return nil (lawrencepit, #112)
- Fix nil option handling in dalli\_store#write [#188]
- Reimplemented the Rails' dalli\_store to remove use of
ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry which added 109 bytes overhead to every
value stored, was a performance bottleneck and duplicated a lot of
functionality already in Dalli. One benchmark went from 4.0 sec to 3.0
sec with the new dalli\_store. [#173]
- Added reset\_stats operation [#155]
- Added support for configuring keepalive on TCP connections to memcached servers (@bianster, #180)
* data stored with dalli\_store 2.x is NOT backwards compatible with 1.x.
Upgraders are advised to namespace their keys and roll out the 2.x
upgrade slowly so keys do not clash and caches are warmed.
`config.cache_store = :dalli_store, :expires_in => 24.hours.to_i, :namespace => 'myapp2'`
* data stored with plain Dalli::Client API is unchanged.
* removed support for dalli\_store's race\_condition\_ttl option.
* removed support for em-synchrony and unix socket connection options.
* removed support for Ruby 1.8.6
* removed memcache-client compability layer and upgrade documentation.
- Coerce input to incr/decr to integer via #to\_i [#165]
- Convert test suite to minitest/spec (crigor, #166)
- Fix encoding issue with keys [#162]
- Fix double namespacing with Rails and dalli\_store. [#160]
- Use instead of localhost as default to avoid IPv6 issues
- Extend DalliStore's :expires\_in when :race\_condition\_ttl is also used.
- Fix :expires\_in option not propogating from DalliStore to Client, GH-136
- Added support for native Rack session store. Until now, Dalli's
session store has required Rails. Now you can use Dalli to store
sessions for any Rack application.
require 'rack/session/dalli'
use Rack::Session::Dalli, :memcache_server => 'localhost:11211', :compression => true
- Support Rails's autoloading hack for loading sessions with objects
whose classes have not be required yet, GH-129
- Support Unix sockets for connectivity. Shows a 2x performance
increase but keep in mind they only work on localhost. (dfens)
- Fix incompatibility with latest Rack session API when destroying
sessions, thanks @twinge!
v1.1.0 was a bad release. Yanked.
- Remove support for Rails 2.3, add support for Rails 3.1
- Fix socket failure retry logic, now you can restart memcached and Dalli won't complain!
- Add support for fibered operation via em-synchrony (eliaslevy)
- Gracefully handle write timeouts, GH-99
- Only issue bug warning for unexpected StandardErrors, GH-102
- Add travis-ci build support (ryanlecompte)
- Gracefully handle errors in get_multi (michaelfairley)
- Misc fixes from crash2burn, fphilipe, igreg, raggi
- Fix socket failure retry logic, now you can restart memcached and Dalli won't complain!
- Handle non-ASCII key content in dalli_store
- Accept key array for read_multi in dalli_store
- Fix multithreaded race condition in creation of mutex
- Better handling of application marshalling errors
- Work around jruby IO#sysread compatibility issue
- Allow browser session cookies (blindsey)
- Compatibility fixes (mwynholds)
- Add backwards compatibility module for memcache-client, require 'dalli/memcache-client'. It makes
Dalli more compatible with memcache-client and prints out a warning any time you do something that
is no longer supported so you can fix your code.
- Explicitly handle application marshalling bugs, GH-56
- Add support for username/password as options, to allow multiple bucket access
from the same Ruby process, GH-52
- Add support for >1MB values with :value_max_bytes option, GH-54 (r-stu31)
- Add support for default TTL, :expires_in, in Rails 2.3. (Steven Novotny)
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, 'localhost:11211', {:expires_in => 4.hours}
Welcome gucki as a Dalli committer!
- Fix network and namespace issues in get_multi (gucki)
- Better handling of unmarshalling errors (mperham)
- Major reworking of socket error and failover handling (gucki)
- Add basic JRuby support (mperham)
- Minor fixes, doc updates.
- Add optional support for kgio sockets, gives a 10-15% performance boost.
Warning: this release changes how Dalli marshals data. I do not guarantee compatibility until 1.0 but I will increment the minor version every time a release breaks compatibility until 1.0.
- multi() now works reentrantly.
- Added new Dalli::Client option for default TTLs, :expires_in, defaults to 0 (aka forever).
- Added new Dalli::Client option, :compression, to enable auto-compression of values.
- Refactor how Dalli stores data on the server. Values are now tagged
as "marshalled" or "compressed" so they can be automatically deserialized
without the client having to know how they were stored.
- Prefer server config from environment, fixes Heroku session store issues (thanks JoshMcKin)
- Better handling of non-ASCII values (size -> bytesize)
- Assert that keys are ASCII only
Warning: this release changed how Rails marshals data with Dalli. Unfortunately previous versions double marshalled values. It is possible that data stored with previous versions of Dalli will not work with this version.
- Rework how the Rails cache store does value marshalling.
- Rework old server version detection to avoid a socket read hang.
- Refactor the Rails 2.3 :dalli\_store to be closer to :mem\_cache\_store.
- Better documentation for session store config (plukevdh)
- Better server retry logic (next2you)
- Rails 3.1 compatibility (gucki)
- Add support for *_multi operations for add, set, replace and delete. This implements
pipelined network operations; Dalli disables network replies so we're not limited by
latency, allowing for much higher throughput.
dc = Dalli::Client.new
dc.multi do
dc.set 'a', 1
dc.set 'b', 2
dc.set 'c', 3
dc.delete 'd'
- Minor fix to set the continuum sorted by value (kangster)
- Implement session store with Rails 2.3. Update docs.
- Implement namespace support
- Misc fixes
- Small fix for NewRelic integration.
- Detect and fail on older memcached servers (pre-1.4).
- Patches for Rails 3.0.1 integration.
- Major design change - raw support is back to maximize compatibility with Rails
and the increment/decrement operations. You can now pass :raw => true to most methods
to bypass (un)marshalling.
- Support symbols as keys (ddollar)
- Rails 2.3 bug fixes
- Dalli support now in rack-bug (http://github.com/brynary/rack-bug), give it a try!
- Namespace support for Rails 2.3 (bpardee)
- Bug fixes
- Rails 2.3 support (beanieboi)
- Rails SessionStore support
- Passenger integration
- memcache-client upgrade docs, see Upgrade.md
- Verify proper operation in Heroku.
- Add fetch and cas operations (mperham)
- Add incr and decr operations (mperham)
- Initial support for SASL authentication via the MEMCACHE_{USERNAME,PASSWORD} environment variables, needed for Heroku (mperham)
- Initial gem release.