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6 years ago
<div class="enroll-b">
<div class="enroll-t" style="background:url('/images/educoder/competition/anon.png') no-repeat top center;">
<div class="educontent edu-txt-center">
6 years ago
<p class="main_title"><%= %></p>
<% if @maximum_staff > 1 %>
6 years ago
<p class="sub_title"><%= @competition.sub_title %></p>
<p class="edu-txt-right inline mt20">
<% if !User.current.logged? %>
6 years ago
<%= link_to "创建战队", signin_path, :remote => true, :class => "enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr" %>
<% elsif !User.current.try(:profile_completed?) %>
<%= link_to "创建战队", 'javascript:void(0)', :class => "enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr", onclick: "userProfileModal()" %>
6 years ago
<% else %>
<% unless @competition.enroll_end_time.present? && @competition.enroll_end_time < %>
<% if !@can_enroll %>
6 years ago
<a onclick="notice_box('您已经加入了战队,不能再创建')" class="enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr">创建战队</a>
<% else %>
<a href="<%= new_competition_team_path(:com_id => %>" data-remote="true" class="enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr">创建战队</a>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<a onclick="notice_box('报名已截止')" class="enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr">创建战队</a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
6 years ago
<% if !User.current.logged? %>
6 years ago
<%= link_to "加入战队", signin_path, :remote => true, :class => "enroll-in-b fr" %>
<% elsif !User.current.try(:profile_completed?) %>
<%= link_to "加入战队", 'javascript:void(0)', :class => "enroll-in-b fr", onclick: "userProfileModal()" %>
6 years ago
<% else %>
<% unless @competition.enroll_end_time.present? && @competition.enroll_end_time < %>
<% if !@can_enroll %>
6 years ago
<a onclick="notice_box('您已经加入了战队,不能重复加入')" class="enroll-in-b fr">加入战队</a>
<% else %>
<a class="enroll-in-b fr" onclick="joinTeam();">加入战队</a>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<a onclick="notice_box('报名已截止')" class="enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr">加入战队</a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% unless User.current.logged? %>
6 years ago
<p class="edu-txt-right inline mt20"><%= link_to "立即报名", signin_path, :remote => true, :class => "enroll-in-b fr" %></p>
6 years ago
<% else %>
6 years ago
<p class="edu-txt-right inline mt20">
6 years ago
<% unless @competition.enroll_end_time.present? && @competition.enroll_end_time < %>
<% if !@can_enroll %>
6 years ago
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="notice_box('您已报名')" class="enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr">立即报名</a>
<% else %>
<%= link_to "立即报名", personal_enroll_competition_teams_path(:com_id =>, :remote => true, :class => "enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr" %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<a onclick="notice_box('报名已截止')" class="enroll-in-b enroll-in-b-green fr">立即报名</a>
<% end %>
6 years ago
6 years ago
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @show_notice %>
<p class="mt30 color-orange-tip font-16 edu-txt-center">您还未指定指导老师,将造成成绩无效</p>
<% end %>
<div class="educontent" style="width: 934px;">
<% if @is_enroll.present? %>
<div class="pb30">
<% if @maximum_staff > 1 %>
6 years ago
<div class="clearfix mt30 pr88">
<% @is_enroll.each do |team| %>
<li class="clearfix joinTeamInfo">
<span class="fl mr20 ml20">
6 years ago
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(team.user), :width => "48", :height => "48", :class => "radius fl mr10"), user_path(team.user), :title => team.user.show_name, :target => "_blank", :alt => "用户头像" %>
<span class="fl task-hide mt12 font-16" style="width: 140px;"><span data-tip-down="<%= %>"><%= %></span></span>
<span class="fl mr20 edu-txt-left mt14" style="width: 280px">
<span class="inline">
<% if team.teacher_id.present? %>
<a href="<%= user_path(team.teacher) %>" class="fl" target="_blank" data-tip-down="指导老师:<%= team.teacher.show_name %>"><%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(team.teacher), :width => "26", :height => "26", :class => "radius fl mr4") %></a>
<% end %>
<% team.team_members.where("user_id != #{team.teacher_id.present? ? team.teacher_id : '-1'}")[0, 8].each do |member| %>
6 years ago
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(member.user), :width => "20", :height => "20", :class => "radius fl mr5 mt3"), user_path(member.user), :title => member.user.show_name, :target => "_blank", :class => "fl", :alt => "用户头像" %>
<% end %>
6 years ago
<% if team.team_members.size > 8 %>
6 years ago
<label class="mt5 team-p-s mt3">...</label>
<% end %>
<span class="fl mr10 mt13 font-16">邀请码:<label class="color-orange"><%= team.invite_code %></label></span>
6 years ago
<% if @competition.enroll_end_time.present? && @competition.enroll_end_time < %>
<% if User.current.admin? || User.current == team.user %>
<a href="<%= edit_competition_team_path(team) %>" data-remote="true" class="fl mt13 mr10" data-tip-down="编辑"><i class="iconfont icon-bianjidaibeijing color-blue fl"></i></a>
6 years ago
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% if User.current.admin? || User.current == team.user %>
<a href="<%= edit_competition_team_path(team) %>" data-remote="true" class="fl mt13 mr10" data-tip-down="编辑"><i class="iconfont icon-bianjidaibeijing color-blue fl"></i></a>
6 years ago
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="font-16 color-grey-c fl mt12" onclick="delete_confirm_box('<%= exit_team_competition_team_path(team) %>', '是否确认删除战队')" data-tip-down="删除"><i class="iconfont icon-shanchu color-grey-c font-15"></i></a>
<% else %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="font-16 color-grey-c fl mt12" onclick="delete_confirm_box('<%= exit_team_competition_team_path(team) %>', '是否确认退出战队')">退出</a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
6 years ago
<%= link_to '进入大赛', competition_path(@competition), class: 'enrollOperation' %>
<% if @competition.identifier == 'gcc-course-2019' %>
<%= link_to '战队详情', competition_team_path(id:, class: 'enrollOperation' %>
<% end %>
6 years ago
<% end %>
<% else %>
<div class="clearfix enroll-info mt30">
<span class="mr60 fl">已报名</span>
<span class="mr40 fl task-hide edu-txt-center" data-tip-down="<%= User.current.show_name %>" style="width: 100px;"><%= User.current.show_name %></span>
<span class="color-grey-6 fr task-hide edu-txt-center" data-tip-down="<%= User.current.school_name %>" style="width: 200px;"><%= User.current.school_name %></span>
<% end %>
6 years ago
<% elsif !User.current.admin? %>
<div class="edu-txt-center">
<p class="font-30 color-green mb30">您还未参与报名哦,赶紧来挑战吧~</p>
<img src="/images/educoder/competition/noTeam.png"/>
6 years ago
<% end %>
6 years ago
<% if User.current.admin?%>
<div class="mt20">
<input class="fl ml20 mb5" style="padding: 5px; width: 200px; line-height: 20px;" maxlength="10" placeholder="输入学校名称进行搜索" type="text" id="school_name">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="fl task-btn task-btn-orange ml5 mb5" onclick="search_enroll_team();">搜索</a>
<span class="fl mb5 ml10 pr5 none">战队数:<span id="search_teams_count" class="color-orange"></span>个</span>
<span class="fl mb5 ml10 pr5 none">成员数:<span id="team_members_count" class="color-orange"></span>个</span>
<span class="fr mb5 pr5"><%= @maximum_staff > 1 ? "战队总数" : "报名人数" %><span class="color-orange"><%= @team_count %></span>个</span>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% if @teams.present? %>
<%= render :partial => "competitions/team_list" %>
<% else %>
<div class="edu-txt-center">
<p class="font-30 color-green mb30">还没有人报名~</p>
<img src="/images/educoder/competition/noTeam.png"/>
<% end %>
6 years ago
<% end %>
function joinTeam() {
var str = "<div class='df pl20 pr20 mt10'><span class='fl mt5'>邀请码:</span><input type='text' id='codeinput' class='input-flex-40 greyInput' placeholder='请输入您的邀请码'/></div><div class='mb20'><span class='mt3 color-red none' id='codeInput-notice' style='margin-left: 76px;'>战队成员已满,无法加入</span></div>";
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:500px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">加入战队</div>' +
'<div class="task-popup-content">' + str + '</div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>' +
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" onclick="joinSure();">加入</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 500, 205);
function userProfileModal() {
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:480px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">提示</div>'+
'<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">您需要去完善您的个人资料,才能使用此功能</p></div>' +
'<div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>'+
'<a href="/my/account?need_profile_completed=true" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" target="_blank" onclick="hideModal();">立即完善</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 480, 205);
6 years ago
function joinSure() {
if ($("#codeinput").val().trim() == "") {
} else {
'<%= join_team_competition_teams_path(:com_id => %>',
{"code": $("#codeinput").val().trim()}
$("#school_name").on("keydown", function(event){
var code;
if (!event) {
event = window.event; //针对ie浏览器
code = event.keyCode;
else {
code = event.keyCode;
if(code == 13) {
return false;
function search_enroll_team(){
'<%= enroll_competition_path(@competition) %>',
{schoolname: $("#school_name").val().trim()});