
SylorHuang 6 years ago
parent 450876fd39
commit 828ac000e0

@ -1175,8 +1175,46 @@ end
@menu_type = 6
@sub_type = 3
@partners = Partner.includes(:school)
@schools = School.where("partner_id IS NULL").all
@page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i
@schools_count = @schools.count
@limit = 10
@is_remote = true
@schools_pages = Paginator.new @schools_count, @limit, @page
@offset ||=@schools_pages.offset
@schools = paginateHelper @schools, @limit
def all_partners
@schools = School.where("partner_id IS NULL").all
@page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i
@schools_count = @schools.count
@limit = 10
@is_remote = true
@schools_pages = Paginator.new @schools_count, @limit, @page
@offset ||=@schools_pages.offset
@schools = paginateHelper @schools, @limit
render :json => @schools
def add_partner
school_ids = params[:ids]
if school_ids.count > 0
print school_ids
school_ids.each do |s|
school = School.where("id = ?",s).first
@partner = Partner.new(name: school.name)
school.partner_id = @partner.id
render :json => {status: 1, message: "创建成功!"}
# 删除部门管理员
def delete_depart_member
DepartmentMember.where(:department_id => params[:depart], :user_id => params[:user_id]).destroy_all

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ class PollController < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_login, :only => [:student_poll_list, :show]
include PollHelper
include ApplicationHelper
def index
if @course.is_public == 0 && !(User.current.member_of_course?(@course)||User.current.admin?)
@ -18,13 +19,13 @@ class PollController < ApplicationController
if @is_teacher
polls = @course.polls.order("IF(ISNULL(publish_time),0,1), publish_time DESC, created_at DESC")
elsif User.current.member_of_course?(@course)
elsif User.current.member_of_course?(@course) # 课堂成员显示为发布的和已发布的
member = @course.members.where(:user_id => User.current.id).first
if member.try(:course_group_id).to_i == 0
polls = @course.polls.where("publish_time <= '#{Time.now}' and unified_setting = 1").order("IF(ISNULL(publish_time),0,1),publish_time DESC, created_at DESC")
else # 已分班的成员
not_poll_ids = @course.poll_group_settings.where("course_group_id = #{member.try(:course_group_id)} and (publish_time > '#{Time.now}' or publish_time is null)")
not_poll_ids = not_poll_ids.blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + not_poll_ids.map(&:poll_id).join(",") + ")"
not_poll_ids = not_poll_ids.blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + not_poll_ids.map(&:poll_id).join(",") + ")" # 已分班,但是成员不再
polls = @course.polls.where("publish_time <= '#{Time.now}' and id not in #{not_poll_ids}").order("IF(ISNULL(publish_time),0,1),publish_time DESC, created_at DESC")
@ -414,7 +415,6 @@ class PollController < ApplicationController
def update_poll_question
@poll_question = PollQuestion.find params[:poll_question]
@poll = @poll_question.poll
@poll_question.is_necessary = params[:is_necessary] == "1" ? 1 : 0
@poll_question.question_title = params[:question_title].nil? || params[:question_title].empty? ? l(:label_enter_single_title) : params[:question_title]
@poll_question.max_choices = params[:max_choices].to_i || 0
@poll_question.min_choices = params[:min_choices].to_i || 0

@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
module PollHelper
def un_commit_num poll
course = poll.course
member = course.members.where(:user_id => User.current.id).first
poll_users = poll.poll_users
student_count = course.student.count
member = course.members.where(:user_id => User.current.id).first ## 当前用户是否为课堂成员
poll_users = poll.poll_users # 问卷的全部用户,包含已回答的/为回答,但是浏览的
student_count = course.student.count # 课堂的学生数
if member.present? && member.teacher_course_groups.count > 0
group_students = course.members.where(:course_group_id => member.teacher_course_groups.pluck(:course_group_id)).map(&:user_id)
group_students = course.members.where(:course_group_id => member.teacher_course_groups.pluck(:course_group_id)).map(&:user_id) ## 统计当前用户所在班级的全部学生
student_count = group_students.size
poll_users = poll_users.where(:user_id => group_students)

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :partner
has_one :scholl
has_one :school
has_many :users

@ -1 +1 @@
$("#intelligence_course_list").html("<%= j(render :partial => "courses/courseList") %>");
$("#intelligence_course_list").html("<%= j(render :partial => "courses/courseList") %>");

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div class="task-popup" style="width: 572px;">
<div class="task-popup-title clearfix">添加合作伙伴</div>
<div class="task_popup_con">
<div class="clearfix mb20 df">
<div class="clearfix mb5 df">
<div class="flex1">
<div class="df">
<span class="fl lineh-35">地区:</span>
@ -14,42 +14,26 @@
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="submit_search_user()" class="white-btn mt6 edu-blueback-btn fl ml15 mt55">搜索</a>
<div class="mb20 clearfix">
<div class="mb4 clearfix">
<p class="pl10 color-grey-6 clearfix">
<span class="fl ml25">单位</span>
<span class="fr with30">地区</span>
<div class="edu-back-skyblue clearfix pl10 over280" id="serch_user_list">
<p class="clearfix mt5">
<span class="fl with70">
<input type="checkbox" name="user_id[]" value="1" id="user_1" class="magic-checkbox">
<label for="user_1">国防科技大学</label>
<span class="fl with30">湖南</span>
<p class="clearfix mt5">
<span class="fl with70">
<input type="checkbox" name="user_id[]" value="12" id="user_12" class="magic-checkbox">
<label for="user_12">国防科技大学</label>
<span class="fl with30">湖南</span>
<p class="clearfix mt5">
<span class="fl with70">
<input type="checkbox" name="user_id[]" value="125" id="user_125" class="magic-checkbox">
<label for="user_125">国防科技大学</label>
<span class="fl with30">湖南</span>
<p class="clearfix" style="height: 20px;"><span class="fl lineh-20 none color-red" id="checkNotice"></span></p>
<div style="text-align:center;" class="new_expand">
<div class="pages_user_show" style="width:auto; display:inline-block;margin: 18px 0;">
<ul id="homework_pository_ref_pages">
<%= pagination_links_full @schools_pages, @schools_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => true, :flag => true, :is_new => true %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li class="clearfix mt10 edu-txt-center">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="task-btn mr10" onclick="hideModal()">取消</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="task-btn task-btn-orange ml20" onclick="submit_add_partner()">确定</a>
@ -60,12 +44,46 @@
$(function() {
function get_schools() {
let s_html = "";
$.each(schools,function (index,array) {
s_html =s_html+ "<p class='clearfix mt5'>" +
" <span class='fl with70'>" +
" <span>" +
" <input type='checkbox' name='school[id]' value='"+array["school"]["id"]+"' id='school_'"+array["school"]["id"]+"'class='magic-checkbox'>" +
" <label for='school_'"+array["school"]["id"]+">"+array["school"]["name"]+"</label>" +
" </span>\n" +
" </span>\n" +
" <span class='fl with30'>"+array["school"]["province"]+"</span>" +
" </p>"
function submit_add_partner(){
let checked_array = [];
$("input[name='school[id]']:checked").each(function () {
let check_ids = {ids:checked_array};
url: "/managements/add_partner",
type: 'POST',
data: check_ids,
success: function (e) {
if(e.status === 1){}

@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
<td><%= format_time career.created_at %></td>
<td><%= format_time career.published_at %></td>
<% if !career.status %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="color-grey-6" onclick="post_confirm_box('<%= published_career_managements_path(:id => career.id) %>', '是否确定执行发布操作?')">发布</a>
<% end %>
<a href="<%= edit_introduction_career_path(career) %>" class="color-grey-6" target="_blank">编辑</a>
<% if !career.status %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="color-grey-6" onclick="delete_confirm_box_2('<%= delete_career_managements_path(:id => career.id) %>', '是否确定执行删除操作?')">删除</a>
<% end %>
<%# if !career.status %>
<!-- <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="color-grey-6" onclick="post_confirm_box('<%= published_career_managements_path(:id => career.id) %>', '是否确定执行发布操作?')">发布</a>-->
<%# end %>
<!-- <a href="<%#= edit_introduction_career_path(career) %>" class="color-grey-6" target="_blank">编辑</a>-->
<%# if !career.status %>
<!-- <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="color-grey-6" onclick="delete_confirm_box_2('<%= delete_career_managements_path(:id => career.id) %>', '是否确定执行删除操作?')">删除</a>-->
<%# end %>
<% end %>

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="color-blue addOperation">+添加</a>
<ul class="partnerList">
<% @partners.each_with_index do |partner,index| %>
<li><a class="active" href=""><%= partner.school.name %></a></li>
<li><a class="active" href=""><%= partner.name %></a></li>
<% end %>
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
var html="<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "managements/partner_addManage") %>";

@ -554,6 +554,8 @@ RedmineApp::Application.routes.draw do ## oauth相关
post 'import_departments'
match 'departments', :via => [:get, :post]
get 'partners'
get 'all_partners'
post 'add_partner'
delete 'delete_depart_member'
get 'add_depart_member_box'
post 'add_depart_member'

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake"><RakeTask description="Run the given task for all appraisals" fullCmd="appraisal" taksId="appraisal" /><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="appraisal"><RakeTask description="DEPRECATED: Remove all generated gemfiles from gemfiles/ folder" fullCmd="appraisal:cleanup" taksId="cleanup" /><RakeTask description="DEPRECATED: Generate a Gemfile for each appraisal" fullCmd="appraisal:gemfiles" taksId="gemfiles" /><RakeTask description="DEPRECATED: Resolve and install dependencies for each appraisal" fullCmd="appraisal:install" taksId="install" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="appraisal:all" taksId="all" /></RakeGroup><RakeTask description="Run tests for bench" fullCmd="bench" taksId="bench" /><RakeTask description="Remove any temporary products" fullCmd="clean" taksId="clean" /><RakeTask description="Remove any generated files" fullCmd="clobber" taksId="clobber" /><RakeTask description="Remove RDoc HTML files" fullCmd="clobber_rdoc" taksId="clobber_rdoc" /><RakeTask description="Build RDoc HTML files" fullCmd="rdoc" taksId="rdoc" /><RakeTask description="Rebuild RDoc HTML files" fullCmd="rerdoc" taksId="rerdoc" /><RakeTask description="Run tests" fullCmd="test" taksId="test" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="default" taksId="default" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="html" taksId="html" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="html/index.html" taksId="html/index.html" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="file" taksId="file" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="test_all" taksId="test_all" /></RakeGroup></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake"><RakeTask description="Build gitlab-3.2.0.gem into the pkg directory" fullCmd="build" taksId="build" /><RakeTask description="Build and install gitlab-3.2.0.gem into system gems" fullCmd="install" taksId="install" /><RakeTask description="Create tag v3.2.0 and build and push gitlab-3.2.0.gem to Rubygems" fullCmd="release" taksId="release" /><RakeTask description="Run RSpec code examples" fullCmd="spec" taksId="spec" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="default" taksId="default" /></RakeGroup></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake"><RakeTask description="Build gitlab-3.2.0.gem into the pkg directory" fullCmd="build" taksId="build" /><RakeTask description="Remove any temporary products" fullCmd="clean" taksId="clean" /><RakeTask description="Remove any generated files" fullCmd="clobber" taksId="clobber" /><RakeTask description="Build and install gitlab-3.2.0.gem into system gems" fullCmd="install" taksId="install" /><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="install"><RakeTask description="Build and install gitlab-3.2.0.gem into system gems without network access" fullCmd="install:local" taksId="local" /></RakeGroup><RakeTask description="Create tag v3.2.0 and build and push gitlab-3.2.0.gem to rubygems.org" fullCmd="release[remote]" taksId="release[remote]" /><RakeTask description="Run RSpec code examples" fullCmd="spec" taksId="spec" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="default" taksId="default" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="release" taksId="release" /><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="release"><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="release:guard_clean" taksId="guard_clean" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="release:rubygem_push" taksId="rubygem_push" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="release:source_control_push" taksId="source_control_push" /></RakeGroup></RakeGroup></Settings>

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<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>

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<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>

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<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>

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<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>

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<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
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--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>
--><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake" /></Settings>
