# encoding: utf-8 class ManagementsController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_admin layout 'base_management' include ManagementsHelper include SortHelper include UsersHelper include ApplicationHelper include AvatarHelper include ShixunsHelper helper :files if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ require 'simple_xlsx_reader' require 'roo-xls' end CODES = %W(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) # 更新实训课程的等级 def update_level_for_subject subject = Subject.find params[:subject_id] subject.update_attribute(:subject_level_system_id, params[:level_id]) render :json => {status: 1} end # 实训课程等级体系 def subject_level_system @levels = SubjectLevelSystem.all end # 创建课程等级体系 def create_subject_level raise("名称不能为空") if params[:name].blank? repeat_name = SubjectLevelSystem.where(name: params[:name]).count raise("名称不能重复") if repeat_name > 0 level = SubjectLevelSystem.pluck(:level).max.to_i + 1 SubjectLevelSystem.create(name: params[:name], level: level) redirect_to subject_level_system_managements_path(:format => "js") end # 重命名课程等级 def rename_subject_level raise("名称不能为空!") if params[:name].blank? repeat_name = SubjectLevelSystem.where("name = ? and id != ?", params[:name], params[:id]).count raise("名称不能重复") if repeat_name > 0 level = SubjectLevelSystem.find params[:id] level.update_attribute(:name, params[:name]) redirect_to subject_level_system_managements_path(:format => "js") end # 删除课程等级 def delete_subject_level level = SubjectLevelSystem.find params[:id] Subject.where(:subject_level_system_id => level).update_all(:subject_level_system_id => nil) levels = SubjectLevelSystem.where("level > ?", level.level) levels.each do |l| l.update_attribute(:level, l.level-1) end level.delete redirect_to subject_level_system_managements_path(:format => "js") end # 工程认证视频导入模板 def ec_template @template = EcTemplate.where(nil) end def add_template logger.info("#############################{params}") EcTemplate.create(:name => params[:name].strip) @template = EcTemplate.where(nil) end def training_2018 @search = params[:search] @training_type = params[:training_type] @pay_type = params[:pay_type] @page = params[:page] || 1 @status = params[:status] if User.current.admin? @trainings = Training.includes(:training_payinfo) if params[:search] && params[:search].strip != "" @trainings = @trainings.where("trainings.name like '%#{params[:search]}%'") end if params[:training_type] && params[:training_type].to_i != -1 @trainings = @trainings.where("training_type = #{params[:training_type]}") end if params[:pay_type] && params[:pay_type].to_i != -1 @trainings = @trainings.where("training_payinfos.pay_type = #{params[:pay_type]}") end if params[:status] && params[:status].to_i != -1 @trainings = @trainings.where("training_payinfos.status = #{params[:status]}") end @page = params[:page] || 1 @all_trainings = @trainings.reorder("trainings.created_at desc") @trainings = paginateHelper @trainings.reorder("trainings.created_at desc"), 50 else render_403 end respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ time = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d") filename = "#{time}培训会报名列表.xls" send_data(training_2018_xls(@all_trainings), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def update_pay_status if User.current.admin? || User.current.id == 1 @training = Training.where(:id => params[:training]).first if @training @training.training_payinfo.update_attributes(:status => TrainingPayinfo::Status_Payed) if @training.phone.present? Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: @training.phone.to_s, send_type: "training_pay", user_name: @training.name) end end else render_403 end end def mul_test @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 9 @m_tests = MulTest.where(nil) @m_tests_count = @m_tests.count @m_tests_pages = Paginator.new @m_tests_count, 20, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @m_tests_pages.offset @m_tests = paginateHelper @m_tests, 20 respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def mul_statics @m_tests = MulTest.all.group_by{|o|[o.num, o.shixun_id]} # @m_tests_count = @m_tests.count # @m_tests_pages = Paginator.new @m_tests_count, 20, params['page'] || 1 # @offset ||= @m_tests_pages.offset # @m_tests = paginateHelper @m_tests, 20 end def update_shixun_usescope shixun = Shixun.where(:id => params[:shixun_id]).first shixun.update_column(:use_scope, params[:use_scope].to_i) render :json => {status: "success"} end #用户修改 def myshixuns @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 8 @g = Gitlab.client if params[:search] myshixun_id = Game.where("identifier = #{params[:search]} or id = #{params[:search]}").pluck(:myshixun_id) @myshixuns = Myshixun.where(:id => myshixun_id).includes(:shixun) else @myshixuns = Myshixun.where("0=0").includes(:shixun) end @myshixuns_count = @myshixuns.count limit = 20 @myshixuns_pages = Paginator.new @myshixuns_count, limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @myshixuns_pages.offset @myshixuns = paginateHelper @myshixuns, limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def myshixun_info user_id = User.where(:login => params[:login].strip).pluck(:id).first shixun_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => params[:shixun_id].strip).pluck(:id).first myshixun = Myshixun.where(:user_id => user_id, :shixun_id => shixun_id).first game = myshixun.current_task @game_url = Setting.protocol + "://" + Setting.host_name + "/tasks/#{game.identifier}" @git_url = Redmine::Configuration['gitlab_address']+"/"+myshixun.git_url end def anomaly_detection end def account @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) begin if request.post? @user.nickname = params[:nickname] @user.lastname = params[:lastname] @user.firstname = "" @user.mail = params[:mail].strip == "" ? nil : params[:mail] @user.phone = params[:phone].strip == "" ? nil : params[:phone] #@user.password = params[:new_password] # if params[:new_password].strip != "" && params[:new_password_confirmation].strip != "" # @user.password, @user.password_confirmation = params[:new_password], params[:new_password_confirmation] # end @se = @user.extensions @se.school_id = params[:occupation] @se.department_id = params[:department_id] @se.gender = params[:sex] @se.location = params[:province] if params[:province] @se.location_city = params[:city] if params[:city] @se.identity = params[:identity].to_i if params[:identity] if @se.identity == 0 @se.technical_title = params[:te_technical_title] if params[:te_technical_title] @se.student_id = nil elsif @se.identity == 1 @se.student_id = params[:no] if params[:no] @se.technical_title = nil elsif @se.identity == 2 @se.technical_title = params[:pro_technical_title] if params[:pro_technical_title] @se.student_id = nil end @se.brief_introduction = params[:brief_introduction] @user.save @se.save us = UsersService.new @user = us.change_password params.merge(:current_user_id => @user.id) # if @user.save && @se.save # reward_grade(@user, @user.id, 'Account', 500) # # 头像保存 # FileUtils.mv diskfile1, diskfile, force: true if File.exist? diskfile1 # @user.pref.save # @user.notified_project_ids = (@user.mail_notification == 'selected' ? params[:notified_project_ids] : []) # set_language_if_valid @user.language # flash[:notice] = l(:notice_account_updated) # return # else # # @user.login = lg # end end # 不管前面是否有异常,如果文件已存在就删除 ensure end # @setting_type = 1 redirect_to update_user_managements_path(:user => @user) end # 获取镜像 def pull_mirror #params[:jsonMirrorDetails] = '{"images":[{"imageID":"2367ee7a7d4c","name":"octave-novnc:v1.0"}, {"imageID":"1b9cfba2c4dd","name":"jfinal-mysql55:v1.0"}]}' ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin shixun_tomcat = Redmine::Configuration['shixun_tomcat'] params = {} uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/docker/images" res = uri_exec uri, params if (res && res['code'] != 0) raise("Pull mirror the repository exception") end mirrors = res["images"] images = [] # 中间层镜像名称的数组 if mirrors.present? mirrors.each do |mirror| mirror = JSON.parse(mirror) match_rep_mirror_name = MirrorRepository.where(:name => mirror['imageName']).first match_rep_mirror_id = MirrorRepository.where(:mirrorID => mirror['imageID']).first images << mirror['imageName'] if match_rep_mirror_name.blank? && match_rep_mirror_id.blank? # 镜像不存在、创建镜像 new_mirror = MirrorRepository.create!(:mirrorID => mirror['imageID'], :name => mirror['imageName']) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => new_mirror.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 0, :user_id => -1) elsif match_rep_mirror_name.present? && match_rep_mirror_id.blank? # 镜像ID被修改 match_rep_mirror_name.update_attributes(:status => 2) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => match_rep_mirror_name.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 1, :user_id => -1) elsif match_rep_mirror_name.blank? && match_rep_mirror_id.present? # 镜像名称被修改 match_rep_mirror_id.update_attribute(:status, 3) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => match_rep_mirror_id.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 2, :user_id => -1) end end end # 判断中间层镜像是否被删除 edu_mirrors = MirrorRepository.all edu_mirrors.each do |mirror| if(images.index(mirror.try(:name)).nil? && mirror.try(:name).present?) mirror.update_attribute(:status, 4) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => mirror.id, :mirror_id => mirror.try(:mirrorID), :mirror_name => mirror.name, :status => 3, :user_id => -1) end end # end redirect_to mirror_repository_managements_path rescue Exception => e logger.error("pull_mirror error: #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end # 验证镜像名是否重复 # 判断依据:主类别和小类别可以同名;主类别和小类别各自之间 def check_mirror_name random = CODES.sample(8).join mirror_count = MirrorRepository.where("type_name = ? and id != ? and main_type =?", params[:type_name], params[:mirror_id], params[:main_type].to_i).count check = (mirror_count > 0 ? true : false) render :json => {check: check, random: random} end # 中间层与edu镜像不一致时,选择镜像一个可用的版本 def choose_mirror @mirror = MirrorRepository.find(params[:mirror_id]) @new_mirror = MirrorOperationRecord.where(:mirror_repository_id => @mirror.id, :status => 1, :user_id => -1).first respond_to do |format| format.js end end # flag: 0 更新新ID,1 回退 # old_id: 平台保存的ID # change_id: 用户修改的新ID # 选择镜像后,向中间层updateImage flag: 0 更新新ID,1 回退镜像 def choose_update_mirror old_id = params[:id] change_id = params[:mirror_id] flag = (old_id == change_id ? 1 : 0) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin mirror = MirrorRepository.where(:mirrorID => old_id).first if mirror.blank? raise("choose_update_mirror exception") end shixun_tomcat = Redmine::Configuration['shixun_tomcat'] params = {imageName: mirror.name, imageID: old_id, flag: flag} uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/docker/updateImage" res = uri_exec uri, params if (res && res['code'] != 0) raise("choose_update_mirror exception") end if flag == 0 mirror.update_attributes(:mirrorID => change_id, :status => 0) # 用户操作的的行为需要记录 user_id, 中间层操作的行为user_id = -1 MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => mirror.id, :mirror_id => change_id, :mirror_name => mirror.name, :status => 1, :user_id => User.current.id, :old_tag => old_id, :new_tag => change_id) else mirror.update_attribute(:status, 0) end respond_to do |format| format.js{ redirect_to mirror_repository_managements_path(:reaction => "choose_update_mirror")} end #format.js{ redirect_to mirror_repository_managements_path(:reaction => "choose_update_mirror")} rescue Exception => e logger.error("choose_update_mirror error: #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end # 搜索镜像 def mirror_search @scope = [] if params[:q] && params[:q].lstrip.rstrip != "" @scope = MirrorRepository.where("name like ?", "%#{params[:q]}%").map(&:name) end respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 镜像管理 # REDO: images Get请求不能用Post def mirror_repository @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 5 @reaction = params[:reaction] # 如果是局部刷新调用,不需要拉取镜像 ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin # 重新定向或翻页不需要拉取镜像 if @reaction.nil? && @_params['page'].nil? shixun_tomcat = Redmine::Configuration['shixun_tomcat'] uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/docker/images" res = get_url_exec uri if (res && res['code'] != 0) raise("Pull mirror the repository exception") end mirrors = res["images"] # 主节点的所有镜像 sync_mirrors = res['imagesNotSync'] # 子节点镜像异常(主节点有,而子节点却没同步/异常) images = [] # 中间层镜像名称的数组 if sync_mirrors.present? sync_mirrors.each do |mirror| mirror = JSON.parse(mirror) match_rep_mirror_name = MirrorRepository.where(:name => mirror['imageName']).first # match_rep_mirror_id = MirrorRepository.where(:mirrorID => mirror['imageID']).first if match_rep_mirror_name.present? && match_rep_mirror_name.status == 1 match_rep_mirror_name.update_attribute(:status, 5) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => match_rep_mirror_name.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 4, :user_id => -1) end end end if mirrors.present? mirrors.each do |mirror| mirror = JSON.parse(mirror) match_rep_mirror_name = MirrorRepository.where(:name => mirror['imageName']).first match_rep_mirror_id = MirrorRepository.where(:mirrorID => mirror['imageID']).first images << mirror['imageName'] if match_rep_mirror_name.blank? # 镜像不存在、创建镜像 new_mirror = MirrorRepository.create!(:mirrorID => mirror['imageID'], :name => mirror['imageName']) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => new_mirror.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 0, :user_id => -1) elsif (match_rep_mirror_name.present? && (mirror['imageID'] != match_rep_mirror_name.mirrorID)) # 镜像ID被修改 match_rep_mirror_name.update_attributes(:status => 2) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => match_rep_mirror_name.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 1, :user_id => -1) elsif match_rep_mirror_name.blank? && match_rep_mirror_id.present? # 镜像名称被修改 match_rep_mirror_id.update_attribute(:status, 3) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => match_rep_mirror_id.id, :mirror_id => mirror['imageID'], :mirror_name => mirror['imageName'], :status => 2, :user_id => -1) end end end # 判断中间层镜像是否被删除 edu_mirrors = MirrorRepository.all edu_mirrors.each do |mirror| if(images.index(mirror.try(:name)).nil? && mirror.try(:name).present?) mirror.update_attribute(:status, 4) MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => mirror.id, :mirror_id => mirror.try(:mirrorID), :mirror_name => mirror.name, :status => 3, :user_id => -1) end end # end end @error_mirrors = MirrorRepository.where(:status => 5) @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 4 @mirrors = MirrorRepository.reorder("status desc, main_type desc, type_name asc") @mirrors_count = @mirrors.count @limit = 20 @page = (@_params['page'] || 1).to_i @mirrors_pages = Paginator.new @mirrors_count, @limit, @page @offset ||= @mirrors_pages.offset @mirrors = paginateHelper @mirrors, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end rescue Exception => e logger.error("pull_mirror error: #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end # 迁移数据与脚本 # eg: shixun_id 字符类型。eg:shixun_id=61,71 # res['script'] tpm的模板 # res['template'] 标准模板 def migrate_data_and_script ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin if params[:shixun_id] shixuns = Shixun.where(:id => params[:shixun_id].split(",")) else shixuns = Shixun.where(nil) end shixuns.find_each do |shixun| main_miiror_name, child_miiror_name, secend_miiror_name = "", "", "" case shixun.language when 'C', 'C++' main_miiror_name = 'C/C++' when 'MySQL/Java' main_miiror_name = 'Java' child_miiror_name = 'Mysql' when 'MySQL/Python3.6' main_miiror_name = 'Python3.6' child_miiror_name = 'Mysql' when 'PHP/Web' main_miiror_name = 'PHP' child_miiror_name = 'Mysql' secend_miiror_name = 'Web' when 'Golang' main_miiror_name ='Go' when 'Html' main_miiror_name = 'Python3.6' child_miiror_name = 'Html' else main_miiror_name = shixun.language end main_miiror = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => main_miiror_name).first child_miiror = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => child_miiror_name).first if child_miiror_name.present? secend_miiror = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => secend_miiror_name).first if child_miiror_name.present? # 删除实训的关联,重新迁移 shixun.shixun_mirror_repositories.delete_all if shixun.mirror_repositories.present? if main_miiror.present? ShixunMirrorRepository.create!(:shixun_id => shixun.id, :mirror_repository_id => main_miiror.id) else MirrorMigrateError.create(:shixun_id => shixun.id, :game_info => "MainMirror") logger.error("main_miiror is miss,shixun_id:#{shixun.id}") end ShixunMirrorRepository.create!(:shixun_id => shixun.id, :mirror_repository_id => child_miiror.id) if child_miiror.present? ShixunMirrorRepository.create!(:shixun_id => shixun.id, :mirror_repository_id => secend_miiror.id) if secend_miiror.present? params = {gameInfo: shixun.gameInfo} # 根据旧版代码生成新的脚本 uri = "" res = uri_exec uri, params if (res && res['code'] != 0) logger.error("migrate_data_and_script 8890 exception;tpmID:#{shixun.id}") MirrorMigrateError.create!(:shixun_id => shixun.id, :game_info => shixun.gameInfo) end template_script = tran_base64_decode64(res['template']) # 标准模板,一类语言一种 logger.error("##################################game_info: #{shixun.gameInfo}") if template_script.blank? shixun.update_column(:evaluate_script, template_script) main_miiror.update_column(:script_template, template_script) if main_miiror.present? end # 监测同步失败的实训 @ids = Shixun.all.map(&:id) - ShixunMirrorRepository.all.map(&:shixun_id) respond_to do |format| format.js end rescue Exception => e render :json => {:data => "#{e}"} logger.error("migrate_data_and_script error: #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def modify_script @mirror = MirrorRepository.find(params[:mirror_id]) if params[:script_template].present? @mirror.update_attribute(:script_template, params[:script_template]) redirect_to mirror_repository_managements_path return end respond_to do |format| format.html{render :layout => "base_edu"} end end def mirror_replace @mirror_id = params[:id] @mirror_name = params[:name] end # 修改此方法慎重:此方法只针对同一镜像出现两条记录,最终需要合并成一条 # 合并原则:把新的记录合并到老的记录中 # original_mirror:表示被更新对象即历史老记录 # current_mirror:表示新增镜像,一般需要被替换掉,替换成功后删除,删除完成后, # 后台人员需要删除对应的镜像记录 def mirror_replace_update begin original_mirror = MirrorRepository.find(params[:original_mirror_id]) current_mirror = MirrorRepository.where(:name => params[:mirror_name]).first original_mirror.update_attributes!(:name => params[:mirror_name], :mirrorID => current_mirror.mirrorID) current_mirror.delete! rescue Exception => e logger.error(e) end end # 职业路径列表 def career_list @menu_type = 13 @careers = if params[:search] Career.includes(career_stages: [career_stage_subjects: :subject]).where("careers.name like '%#{params[:search]}%'").order("created_at desc") else Career.includes(career_stages: [career_stage_subjects: :subject]).order("created_at desc") end respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 发布职业路径 def published_career career = Career.find(params[:id]) career.update_attribute(:status, true) @careers = Career.includes(career_stages: [career_stage_subjects: :subject]).order("created_at desc") end # 删除职业路径 def delete_career career = Career.find params[:id] career.destroy @careers = Career.includes(career_stages: [career_stage_subjects: :subject]).order("created_at desc") end # 工程认证专业信息目录 def major_information @disciplines = EcDiscipline.includes(ec_discipline_firsts: [:ec_majors]).order("ec_disciplines.code asc") end # 认证单位列表 def auth_school @schools = School.where(:ec_auth => 1).order("updated_at desc") end # 工程认证单位列表搜索学校 def search_school @schools = School.where("ec_auth != 1 and name like '%#{params[:name]}%'").limit(10) end # 添加认证学校 def add_school School.where(:id => params[:school_ids]).update_all(:ec_auth => 1) render :json => {status: 1} end # 搜索用户 def search_manager user_ids = EcSchoolUser.where(:school_id => params[:school_id]).pluck(:user_id) user_ids = user_ids.present? ? user_ids.join(",") : -1 @users = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{params[:name]}%' and id not in(#{user_ids})").limit(10) end # 添加认证学校管理员 def add_manager user_ids = params[:user_ids] school_id = params[:school_id] user_ids.each do |id| EcSchoolUser.create(:user_id => id, :school_id => school_id) end render :json => {status: 1} end # 删除学校管理员 def remove_manager manager = EcSchoolUser.where(:school_id => params[:school_id], :user_id => params[:user_id]).first manager.destroy end # 删除认证学校 def remove_auth_school school = School.find params[:school_id] school.update_column(:ec_auth, 0) school.ec_school_users.delete_all end # 工程认证: 毕业要求通用标准 def graduation_standard @standards = EcGraduationStandard.all end # 创建通用标准 def create_standard id = params[:id].to_i content = params[:content] if id == -1 EcGraduationStandard.create(:content => content) else standard = EcGraduationStandard.find params[:id] standard.update_attribute(:content, content) end @standards = EcGraduationStandard.all end def add_mirror_type data = {result: 0} if params[:name] if MirrorType.where(:name => params[:name]).count == 0 new_type = MirrorType.new(:user_id => User.current.id, :name => params[:name]) if new_type.save data[:result] = 1 end else data[:result] = 2 end end render :json => data end def modify_mirror @mirror = MirrorRepository.find params[:mirror_id] @mirror_types = MirrorType.where(nil) end def search_mirror_type data = {mirror_types: []} search = params[:search] MirrorType.where("name like '%#{search}%'").each do |mirror_type| option = [] option << mirror_type.name.to_s option << mirror_type.id data[:mirror_types] << option end render :json => data end def create_mirror MirrorRepository.create(:type_name => params[:type_name], :main_type => params[:mirror_type], :description => params[:description], :status => params[:status].to_i) respond_to do |format| format.js{redirect_to mirror_repository_managements_path(:reaction => "create_mirror")} end end # 更新实训,从未发布到发布需要syncImage同步镜像 def update_mirror ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin @mirror = MirrorRepository.find(@_params[:mirror_id]) if @_params[:status].to_i == 1 && @mirror.status != 1 shixun_tomcat = Redmine::Configuration['shixun_tomcat'] params = {imageName: @mirror.name} # 主从节点同步镜像 uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/docker/syncImage" res = uri_exec uri, params if (res && res['code'] != 0) raise("Synchronize Mirror exception") end end if @_params[:type_name] != @mirror.type_name MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => @mirror.id, :status => 5, :user_id => User.current.id, :old_tag => @mirror.type_name, :new_tag => @_params[:type_name]) elsif @_params[:status].to_i != @mirror.status MirrorOperationRecord.create!(:mirror_repository_id => @mirror.id, :status => 6, :user_id => User.current.id, :old_tag => @mirror.status, :new_tag => @_params[:status]) end @mirror.update_attributes(:description => @_params[:description], :status => @_params[:status], :main_type => @_params[:mirror_type], :type_name => @_params[:type_name], :resource_limit => @_params[:mirror_resource_limit], :cpu_limit => @_params[:mirror_cpu_limit], :memory_limit => @_params[:mirror_memory_limit], :time_limit => @_params[:mirror_time_limit]) @index = MirrorRepository.order("created_at desc").map(&:id).index(@mirror.id) respond_to do |format| format.js end rescue Exception => e logger.error("update_mirror error: #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def delete_mirror mirror = MirrorRepository.find params[:mirror_id] mirror.destroy respond_to do |format| format.js{redirect_to mirror_repository_managements_path(:reaction => "delete_mirror")} end end # 用户修改界面 def update_user @menu_type = 7 @sub_type = 1 # @next_type = 1 if params[:flag] applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:id => params[:applied_message_id]).first applied_message.update_attribute(:viewed, true) end @user = User.find(params[:user]) # 创建实训 @create_num = (@user == User.current ? Shixun.where(:user_id => @user).count : Shixun.where(:user_id => @user).visible.count) # 创建课堂 @create_courses_count = @user.courses.not_deleted_not_end.select{ |course| @user.has_teacher_role(course)}.count # 我的所有课程数 @all_courses_count = @user.courses.not_deleted_not_end.count # 参与课堂 @join_courses_count = @all_courses_count - @create_courses_count # 我合作的实训数 coop_id = Shixun.find_by_sql("select shixun_id from shixun_members where user_id=#{@user.id} and role = 2").map(&:shixun_id) # 合作者的实训id @cooperative_num = Shixun.where(:id => coop_id).count # 我挑战的实训数 ch_id = Shixun.find_by_sql("select id from shixuns where id in (select shixun_id from myshixuns where user_id = #{@user.id})") @challenge_num = Shixun.where(:id => ch_id).count #参与实训 @join_shixuns = @cooperative_num + @challenge_num # 我的关注 watch_query = User.watched_by(@user.id) @user_watchlist_count = watch_query.count() # 我的粉丝 fan_query = @user.watcher_users @user_fanlist_count = fan_query.count() end # 实训留言 def shixun_feedback @menu_type = 9 @sub_type = 1 @discusses = Discuss.where(:dis_type => "Shixun").reorder("created_at desc") @discusses_count = @discusses.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @discusses_pages = Paginator.new @discusses_count, @limit, @page @offset ||= @discusses_pages.offset @discusses = paginateHelper @discusses, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 实训反馈 def shixun_feedback_message @menu_type = 8 @sub_type = 2 @search = params[:search] @beginTime = params[:beginTime] @endTime = params[:endTime] if @search.present? shixun_ids = Shixun.where("name like ?", "%#{params[:search]}%").pluck(:id) @discusses = Discuss.where(:dis_type => "Shixun", :dis_id => shixun_ids).reorder("created_at desc") else @discusses = Discuss.where(:dis_type => "Shixun").reorder("created_at desc") end if params[:beginTime] && params[:beginTime].strip != "" @discusses = @discusses.where("created_at >= '#{Time.parse(params[:beginTime])}'") end if params[:endTime] && params[:endTime].strip != "" @discusses = @discusses.where("created_at <= '#{Time.parse(params[:endTime])}'") end @all_discusses = @discusses @discusses_count = @discusses.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @discusses_pages = Paginator.new @discusses_count, @limit, @page @offset ||= @discusses_pages.offset @discusses = paginateHelper @discusses, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ shixun_ids = @all_discusses.pluck(:dis_id).uniq filename = "#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")}-实训反馈.xls" send_data(shixun_feedback_xls(shixun_ids), :type => "text/excel;charset=utf-8; header=present", :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def evaluate_recod_time eva = EvaluateRecord.find(params[:record_id]) @consume_time = eva.consume_time @student_work = eva.student_work @file_update = eva.file_update @git_pull = eva.git_pull @create_pod = eva.create_pod @pod_execute = eva.pod_execute @test_cases = eva.test_cases @return_back = eva.return_back @brige = eva.brige @front_js = eva.front_js end # 评测时间列表 def evaluate_records shixun_tomcat = Redmine::Configuration['shixun_tomcat'] uri = "#{shixun_tomcat}/bridge/monitor/getPodsInfo" res = uri_exec uri, params if res['code'] == 0 @pod_num = res['sum'] @pod_dis = JSON.parse(res['distr']) if res['distr'].present? end page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i search = params[:search] keyword = params[:keyword] limit = 20 if search if "u_name" == keyword @evaluate_recods = EvaluateRecord.joins("join users u on evaluate_records.user_id = u.id").where("concat(u.lastname, u.firstname) like '%#{search}%'") # @evaluate_recods = EvaluateRecord.where(user_id: User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'").pluck(:id)) else @evaluate_recods = EvaluateRecord.joins("join user_extensions ue on evaluate_records.user_id = ue.user_id").where("ue.school_id in (select id from schools where name like '%#{search}%')") # @evaluate_recods = EvaluateRecord.where(user_id: UserExtensions.where(school_id: School.where("name like '%#{search}%'").pluck(:id)).pluck(:user_id)) end else @evaluate_recods = EvaluateRecord.where("0=0") end @evaluate_recods_count = @evaluate_recods.count @evaluate_recods_pages = Paginator.new @evaluate_recods_count, limit, page @evaluate_recods = @evaluate_recods.page(page).per(limit) @evaluate_recods = @evaluate_recods.includes(:shixun, :user) respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 作业回复 def leave_message @menu_type = 8 @sub_type = 1 @jour = JournalsForMessage.where(:jour_type => 'HomeworkCommon').order("created_on desc") @jour_count = @jour.count @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @jour_pages = Paginator.new @jour_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @jour_pages.offset @jour = paginateHelper @jour, @limit respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end # 讨论区 def messages_list @menu_type = 8 @sub_type = 3 @memo = Memo.where("0=0").order("created_at desc") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @memo_count = @memo.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @memo_pages = Paginator.new @memo_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @memo_pages.offset @memo = paginateHelper @memo, @limit respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end def course_messages_list @menu_type = 8 @sub_type = 4 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] # @message = Message.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE board_id IN (SELECT id FROM boards WHERE course_id IS NOT NULL) order by created_on #{@sx_order}") @message = Message.includes(:board).where("boards.course_id is not null").order("created_on #{@sx_order}") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @message_count = @message.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @message_pages = Paginator.new @message_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @message_pages.offset @message = paginateHelper @message, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 专业列表 def profession @major=Major.where("0=0") # @menu_type = 12 @sub_type = 1 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] major_level_option = params[:major_level] if params[:major_level] discipline_category_option = params[:discipline_category_id] if params[:discipline_category_id] first_level_discipline_option = params[:first_level_discipline_id] if params[:first_level_discipline_id] if major_level_option && major_level_option != '0' @major = @major.where(:major_level => major_level_option) end if discipline_category_option && discipline_category_option != '0' @major=@major.where(:discipline_category_id => discipline_category_option) end if first_level_discipline_option && first_level_discipline_option != '0' @major=@major.where(:first_level_discipline_id => first_level_discipline_option) end if params[:support_shixuns] @major = @major.where(:support_shixuns => params[:support_shixuns].to_i,:major_level=> 2) end @major = @major.order("created_at #{@sx_order}") @major_count = @major.count limit = 20 @is_remote = true @major_pages = Paginator.new @major_count, limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @major_pages.offset @major = paginateHelper @major, limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 新增专业页面 def new_major respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 新增专业 def insert_major major_list = Major.create(:name=>params[:major],:first_level_discipline_id=>params[:first_level_discipline_id],:major_level=>params[:major_level],:discipline_category_id=>params[:discipline_category_id],:major_code=>params[:major_code]) redirect_to profession_managements_path end # 支撑实训 def support_shixun if params[:syllabus_id] major = Major.find params[:syllabus_id] major.update_attributes(:support_shixuns => !major.support_shixuns) end end # 实训适用课程 def applicable_course # @menu_type = 12 @sub_type = 2 @major = Major.where(:major_level => 2,:support_shixuns => 1) @courselist = CourseList.where("0=0") search=params[:search] unless search.blank? @courselist = @courselist.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end @courselist = @courselist.reorder("created_at desc") @courselist_count = @courselist.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @page = params['page'] ? params['page'].to_i : 1 @courselist_pages = Paginator.new @courselist_count, @limit, @page @offset ||=@courselist_pages.offset @courselist = paginateHelper @courselist, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 增加课程 def add_course courselist= CourseList.create(:name => params[:course]) redirect_to applicable_course_managements_path end # 增加课程所属专业 def add_major data = {result: 0} id = MajorCourse.where(:course_list_id => params[:course_list_id]).first if (id.nil?) || (params[:major_id].to_i != '0' && params[:major_id].to_i != id.major_id) MajorCourse.create(:course_list_id => params[:course_list_id],:major_id=>params[:major_id]) data[:result] = 1 end render :json => data end # 竞赛列表 def competition @menu_type = 5 @sub_type = 1 @competitions = Competition.order("created_at desc") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 竞赛报名列表 def enroll_list @order = params[:order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:order] @competition = Competition.where(:id => params[:competition]).first @team_members = @competition.team_members.includes(:user => [:user_extensions => [:school]]) if params[:school] || params[:location] school_ids = School.where("schools.name like '%#{params[:school]}%'").pluck(:id) school_ids = school_ids.size == 0 ? "(-1)" : "(" + school_ids.join(",") + ")" location = params[:location] && params[:location] != "0" ? params[:location] : "" @team_members = @team_members.where("user_extensions.school_id in #{school_ids} and schools.province like '%#{location}%'") end @page = params[:page] || 1 @team_members = @team_members.reorder("team_members.created_at #{@order}") all_members = @team_members @team_members = paginateHelper @team_members, 50 respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ filename = "#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")}-#{@competition.name}.xls" send_data(competition_member_xls(all_members, @competition), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def competition_setting @menu_type = 5 @sub_type = 1 if Competition.where(:identifier => params[:com_id]).blank? @competition = Competition.where(:id => params[:com_id]).first else @competition = Competition.where(:identifier => params[:com_id]).first end end def create_competition_text CompetitionTextConfig.create(:name => params[:name], :description => params[:description], :competition_id => params[:competition_id]) render :json => {:status => 1} end def delete_competition_text ctc = CompetitionTextConfig.find params[:id] ctc.destroy render :json => {:status => 1} end # 导入单位部门 def import_departments attachments = params[:attachments] attachments.each do |attachment| attachment = Attachment.find_by_token_only(attachment[1]['token']) if attachment.present? attachment.container_id = 1 attachment.container_type = "ImportDepartment" attachment.save end end new_atta = Attachment.where(:container_id => 1, :container_type => "ImportDepartment").last if new_atta.present? Rails.logger.info("---------------------attachment_id: #{new_atta.id}") path = new_atta.disk_directory name = new_atta.disk_filename if name.split(".").last == "xls" begin xls = Roo::Spreadsheet.open("files/#{path}/#{name}",extension: :xls) worksheet = xls.sheet(0) n2 = worksheet.last_row #最后一行数 rows = n2 - 1 count = 0 rows.times do |r| #行数 school_id = worksheet.cell(r+2, 1) if school_id.present? school = School.where(:id => school_id).first if school.present? if school.departments.where(:name => worksheet.cell(r+2, 2)).count == 0 school.departments << Department.new(:name => worksheet.cell(r+2, 2), :is_auth => 1) count = count + 1 end end end end @status = "已导入#{count}个部门" rescue @status = "无法完成导入,原因:文件内容无法读取" end else @status = "无法完成导入,原因:文件类型错误(只支持.xls文件)" end new_atta.destroy else @status = "无法完成导入,原因:文件不存在" end respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 单位部门列表 def departments @menu_type = 6 @sub_type = 2 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] @department = Department.where(:is_auth => 1).is_active search = params[:search] admin = params[:admin].to_i url = params[:url].to_i if search.blank? @department = @department else apply = School.where("name like '%#{search}%'").map(&:id) @department = @department.where(:school_id => apply) end if admin == 0 @department = @department else department_ids = DepartmentMember.pluck(:department_id).uniq @department = @department.where(:id => department_ids) end if url == 1 @department = @department.where("identifier is not null and identifier != ''") end @department = @department.reorder("created_at #{@sx_order}") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @department_count =@department.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @department_pages = Paginator.new @department_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||=@department_pages.offset @department = paginateHelper @department, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def partners @menu_type = 6 @sub_type = 3 @partners = Partner.includes(:school).order("created_at desc") @partners = @partners.where("concat(schools.name) like ? ", "%#{params[:search]}%") unless params[:search].blank? @current_partner = nil if params[:partner] @current_partner = @partners.find params[:partner] else @current_partner = @partners[0] if @partners.size > 0 end @partners.each do |part| part.active = "active" if part.id == @current_partner.id end end def get_partner @partner = Partner.find partner end # 添加客户 def customers_list @search = params[:search] @province = params[:province] partner_id = params[:partner_id] @partner = Partner.find partner_id @customers = @partner.customers if @customers.present? @schools = School.where("(partner_id != ? or partner_id is NULL) and (customer_id is NULL or customer_id not in(#{@customers.map(&:id).join(",")}))", @partner.id) else @schools = School.where("partner_id != ? or partner_id is NULL", @partner.id) end if params[:search] @schools = @schools.where("name like ?", "%#{@search}%") end if params[:province] && params[:province] != '0' @schools = @schools.where("province like ?", "%#{@province}%") end @limit = 10 @page = params[:page] || 1 @schools_count = @schools.count @total_pages = (@schools_count / 10.0).ceil @schools = paginateHelper @schools, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.json { render json: @schools } end end def add_customers school_ids = params[:school_ids] if school_ids.length > 0 school_ids.each do |s| school = School.where("id = ?",s).first if school.present? customer = Customer.new(partner_id: params[:partner_id]) customer.save! school.update_attributes(:customer_id => customer.id) end end render :json => {status: 1, message: "创建成功!"} end end def delete_customers if params[:customer] customer = Customer.where(id: params[:customer]).first @current_partner = customer.partner customer.school.update_attributes(:customer_id => nil) customer.destroy end end def all_partners @search = params[:search] @province = params[:province] @schools = School.where("partner_id IS NULL") if params[:search] @schools = @schools.where("name like ?", "%#{@search}%") end if params[:province] && params[:province] != '0' @schools = @schools.where("province like ?", "%#{@province}%") end @limit = 10 @page = params[:page] || 1 @schools_count = @schools.count @total_pages = (@schools_count / 10.0).ceil @schools = paginateHelper @schools, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.json { render json: @schools } end end def add_partner school_ids = params[:school_ids] if school_ids.length > 0 school_ids.each do |s| school = School.where("id = ?",s).first if school.present? && school.partner_id.nil? partner = Partner.new(name: school.name) partner.save school.update_attributes(:partner_id => partner.id) end end end render :json => {status: 1, message: "创建成功!"} end # 删除部门管理员 def delete_depart_member DepartmentMember.where(:department_id => params[:depart], :user_id => params[:user_id]).destroy_all end # 添加部门管理员-弹框 def add_depart_member_box @department = Department.where(:id => params[:depart]).first #@members = User.where(:id => UserExtensions.where(:school_id => @department.try(:school_id)).map(&:user_id), :certification => 1) @members = if params[:search] User.where("LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname, nickname, mail)) LIKE '%#{params[:search]}%'") else User.where(:certification => 1) end @members = paginateHelper @members, 8 end # 添加部门管理员 def add_depart_member if params[:depart] && params[:depart_member] @department = Department.where(:id => params[:depart]).first params[:depart_member].each do |member| @department.department_members << DepartmentMember.new(:user_id => member) end end redirect_to partners_managments_path # respond_to do |format| # format.html {render :layout => "base_edu"} # format.js # end end # 添加合作伙伴管理员- 弹框 def add_partner_member_box @partner = Partner.where(:id => params[:partner]).first @members = if params[:search] User.where("LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname, nickname, mail)) LIKE '%#{params[:search]}%' AND partner_id is NULL") else User.where(:certification => 1, :partner_id => nil ) end @total_pages = (@members.count / 10.0).ceil @members = paginateHelper @members, 10 respond_to do |format| format.js format.json { render json: member_json_data(@members) } end end # 合作伙伴添加管理员 def add_partner_member if params[:partner] && params[:partner_member] @partner = Partner.find_by_id params[:partner] params[:partner_member].each do |member| user = User.find_by_id member user.update_attributes(partner_id: @partner.id) if !@partner.nil? && !user.nil? end end end # 合作伙伴删除管理员 def delete_partner_member if params[:partner] && params[:partner_member] @partner = Partner.find_by_id params[:partner] user = User.find_by_id params[:partner_member] user.update_attributes(partner_id: nil) if !@partner.nil? && !user.nil? end end # check 部门 identifier是否重复 def check_depart_identifier logger.info("###############{params}") if params[:depart] result = Department.where("id != #{params[:depart]} and identifier = '#{params[:identifier]}'").count == 0 || params[:identifier] == "" render :json => {result: result} end end # 更新部门 identifier def update_depart_identifier if params[:depart] && params[:identifier] @department = Department.where(:id => params[:depart]).first @department.update_attributes(:identifier => params[:identifier]) if @department.present? end end # 更新部门 host_count def update_host_count if params[:depart] && params[:host_count] @department = Department.where(:id => params[:depart]).first @department.update_attributes(:host_count => params[:host_count]) if @department.present? end end # 新增 def create_departments dep = Department.order("created_at desc").first @latest_school = School.find(dep.try(:school_id)).try(:name) @school_id = dep.try(:school_id) respond_to do |format| format.js end end def add_department department = Department.where(:school_id => params[:school], :name => params[:department]).first if department.nil? department = Department.create(:school_id => params[:school],:name => params[:department],:is_auth => 1) ApplyAddDepartment.create(:school_id => params[:school], :status => 1, :name => params[:department], :department_id => department.id, :user_id => User.current.id) end redirect_to departments_managements_path end # 修改单位部门列表 def update_department dep = Department.find params[:department_id] @edit_id = params[:department_id] @search = params[:search] if !params[:search].nil? search = "%#{params[:search].to_s.strip.downcase}%" @departments = Department.where("school_id = #{dep.school_id} and is_auth = 1 and id != #{params[:department_id].to_i} and #{Department.table_name}.name like :p", :p => search) #@schools = School.all else @departments = Department.where("school_id = #{dep.school_id} and is_auth = 1 and id != #{params[:department_id].to_i}") end respond_to do |format| format.js end end def edit_departments_school begin dep = Department.find(params[:department_id]) alter_dep = Department.find(params[:alter_dep_id]) apply_dep = ApplyAddDepartment.where(:department_id => params[:alter_dep_id]) if dep && alter_dep && dep != alter_dep # users = UserExtensions.where("department_id = #{dep.id}") # users.update_all(:department_id => params[:alter_dep_id]) # dep.destroy # apply_dep.update_all(:status => 2) # ApplyAddDepartment.where(:department_id =>params[:departments]).update_all(:department_id=>department_id) # users = UserExtensions.where("department_id = #{alt_dep.department_id}") # users.update_all(:department_id => department.id) apply_dep.destroy_all; users = UserExtensions.where(:department_id => params[:alter_dep_id]) users.update_all(:department_id => dep.id) alter_dep.destroy end rescue Exception => e puts e end redirect_to departments_managements_path end # 单位列表 def departments_part @menu_type = 6 @sub_type = 1 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] search = params[:search] if search.blank? @schools = School.where("0=0") else @schools = School.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end if params[:index] == '8' @schools = @schools.reorder("created_at #{@sx_order}") @order_type = "created_at" elsif params[:index] == '9' @schools = @schools.reorder("updated_at #{@sx_order}") @order_type = "updated_at" elsif params[:index] == "6" @order_type = "usercount" @schools.each do |school| school[:usercount] = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school.id).count end @sx_order == "desc" ? @schools = @schools.sort{|x,y| y[:usercount] <=> x[:usercount]} : @schools = @schools.sort{|x,y| x[:usercount] <=> y[:usercount]} else @schools = @schools.reorder("created_at #{@sx_order}") end @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @schools_count = @schools.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @schools_pages = Paginator.new @schools_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @schools_pages.offset @schools= paginateHelper @schools, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 新增部门名称 def add_departments_part end # 修改单位名称 def upload_logo @menu_type = 6 @sub_type = 1 @next_type = 1 @school = School.find(params[:school]) end # 添加学校视频描述 def add_contents_for_school school = School.find params[:school_id] school.update_attributes(:video_desc => params[:video_desc], :video_name => params[:video_name]) render :json => {status: 1, message: "创建成功!"} end # 添加学校课程信息 def add_course_info_for_school school = School.find params[:school_id] school.update_attributes(:course_link => params[:course_link], :course_name => params[:course_name]) render :json => {status: 1, message: "创建成功!"} end # 修改单位名称为其他 def school_upload_logo school = School.where(:id => params[:applied_id]).first ApplyAddSchools.where(:school_id => params[:applied_id]).destroy_all before_apply_departments = Department.where(:school_id => params[:applied_id]) before_apply_departments.each do |department| after_dep = Department.where(:school_id => params[:school_id], :name => department.name).first if after_dep UserExtensions.where(:school_id => params[:applied_id], :department_id => department.id).update_all(:department_id => after_dep.id) department.apply_add_departments.destroy_all department.destroy else department.apply_add_departments.update_all(:school_id => params[:school_id]) department.update_attribute(:school_id, params[:school_id]) end end UserExtensions.where(:school_id => params[:applied_id]).update_all(:school_id => params[:school_id]) school.destroy redirect_to departments_part_managements_path end # 修改单位信息 def school_message_update school_name = params[:schoolname] school_id = params[:school_id] School.where(:id => school_id).update_all(:name => school_name,:province => params[:province],:city =>params[:city],:address => params[:address],:shool_code => params[:school_code], :identifier => params[:identifier]) redirect_to departments_part_managements_path end # 删除单位 def delete_school school = School.where(:id => params[:school]).first UserExtensions.where(:school_id => params[:school]).update_all(:school_id => nil, :department_id => nil) ApplyAddSchools.where(:school_id => params[:school]).destroy_all ApplyAddDepartment.where(:school_id => params[:school]).destroy_all school.destroy redirect_to departments_part_managements_path end def save_school uploaded_io = params[:logo] school_pinyin = Pinyin.t(params[:schoolname].strip, splitter: '') sl = School.create(:name => params[:schoolname],:province => params[:province],:city => params[:city],:address => params[:address],:pinyin =>school_pinyin) # unless uploaded_io.nil? # File.open(Rails.root.join('public', 'images', 'school', sl.id.to_s+'.png'), 'wb') do |file| # file.write(uploaded_io.read) # end # sl.logo_link = '/images/school/'+sl.id.to_s+'.png' # sl.save # end @user = User.current @se = @user.extensions # if @user.save && @se.save # diskfile1 = disk_filename('school', sl.id , 'id') # diskfileID = diskfile1 + 'temp' # begin # FileUtils.mv diskfileID, diskfile1, force: true if File.exist? diskfileID # ensure # File.delete(diskfileID) if File.exist?(diskfileID) # end # end redirect_to departments_part_managements_path end # 部门审核 def depart @menu_type = 10 @sub_type = 3 search = params[:search] @apply_status = ApplyAddDepartment.where(:status=>0) @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] if search.blank? @apply_status = @apply_status.where("0=0") else @apply_status= @apply_status.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end @apply_status = @apply_status.order("created_at #{@sx_order}") @apply_status_count = @apply_status.count limit = 20 @is_remote = true @apply_status_pages = Paginator.new @apply_status_count, limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||=@apply_status_pages.offset @apply_status = paginateHelper @apply_status, limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 批准 def approve_applied_departments applied_department = ApplyAddDepartment.find(params[:id]) applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => applied_department.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment") applied_message.update_all(:status => 1) if applied_department.department applied_department.department.update_attributes(:is_auth => 1) end applied_department.update_attribute(:status, 1) unless applied_department.nil? # AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_department.user_id, :status => 1, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_department.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment", :name => applied_department.name ) UserExtensions.where(:user_id => applied_department.user_id).update_all(:department_id => applied_department.department_id) Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :trigger_user_id => applied_department.user_id, :container_id => applied_department.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAddDepartment', :status => 0, :tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => applied_department.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => applied_department.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddDepartment', :belong_container_id => applied_department.department.school_id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 1) respond_to do |format| format.html{ redirect_to depart_managements_path } end end # 删除 def delete_applied_departments applied_department = ApplyAddDepartment.find params[:depart_id] applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => applied_department.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment") applied_message.update_all(:status => 3) applied_department.update_attribute(:status, 3) # 未审批删除 if params[:tip] == "unapplied" # AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_department.user_id, :status => 3, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_department.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment", :name => applied_department.name ) Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :trigger_user_id => applied_department.user_id, :container_id => applied_department.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAddDepartment', :status => 0, :tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => applied_department.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => applied_department.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddDepartment', :belong_container_id => applied_department.department.school_id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 2, :extra => params[:reason]) # 删除学校的用户 users = UserExtensions.where("department_id = #{applied_department.department_id}") users.update_all(:department_id => nil) applied_department.department.destroy # 已审批删除 elsif params[:tip] == "applied" applied_department.destroy end respond_to do |format| format.html{ redirect_to depart_managements_path } end end # 部门修改 def all_department @edit_id = params[:department_id] @search = params[:search] dep = ApplyAddDepartment.where(:id => @edit_id).first if !params[:search].nil? search = "%#{params[:search].to_s.strip.downcase}%" @department = dep.school.departments.where("is_auth = 1 and #{Department.table_name}.name like :p", :p => search) else @department = dep.school.departments.where(:is_auth => 1) end respond_to do |format| format.js end # redirect_to unit_managements_path end # 修改 def edit_applied_department aas =ApplyAddDepartment.find(params[:applied_id]) # aas.update_attribute(:name, params[:name]) #applied_add_school = ApplyAddSchools.where(:name => aas.name) department =Department.find params[:department_id] begin #更新消息表的status if aas.department_id != department.id.to_i apply_depart_id = aas.department_id applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => apply_depart_id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment") applied_message.update_all(:status => 4) aas.update_attribute(:status, 2) aas.tidings.update_all(:status => 1) extra = department.name + "(#{department.school.try(:name)})" Tiding.create(:user_id => aas.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => aas.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddDepartment', :belong_container_id => department.school_id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 3, :extra => extra) # AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => aas.user_id, :status => 2, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => aas.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment", :name =>department.name ) users = UserExtensions.where("department_id = #{aas.department_id}") users.update_all(:department_id => department.id) aas.department.destroy ApplyAddDepartment.where(:department_id => aas.department_id).update_all(:department_id => department.id) Department.where(:department_id => aas.department_id).destroy_all aas.destroy_all end rescue Exception => e puts e end redirect_to depart_managements_path end # 单位审批 def unit @menu_type = 10 @sub_type = 4 search = params[:search] @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] @apply_status = ApplyAddSchools.where(:status=>0) if search.blank? @apply_status = @apply_status.where("0=0") else @apply_status= @apply_status.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end @apply_status = @apply_status.order("created_at #{@sx_order}") @apply_status_count = @apply_status.count limit = 20 @is_remote = true @apply_status_pages = Paginator.new @apply_status_count, limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @apply_status_pages.offset @apply_status = paginateHelper @apply_status, limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 单位审批批准 def approve_applied_schools applied_school = ApplyAddSchools.where(:id =>params[:id]).first applied_message_id = applied_school.school_id applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => applied_message_id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools") applied_message.update_all(:status => 1) unless applied_school.nil? applied_school.update_column('status', 1) end school = applied_school.school school.update_attribute("province", applied_school.province) AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :status => 1, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_school.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => applied_school.name ) Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :trigger_user_id => applied_school.user_id, :container_id => applied_school.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAddSchools', :status => 0, :tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => applied_school.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddSchools', :belong_container_id => applied_school.school_id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 1) redirect_to unit_managements_path end # 删除 def delete_applied_schools applied_school = ApplyAddSchools.find(params[:school_id]) applied_message_id = applied_school.school_id applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => applied_message_id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools") applied_message.update_all(:status => 3) applied_school.update_attribute(:status, 3) # 单位对应的部门审核也应做删除处理 applied_departments = ApplyAddDepartment.where(:school_id => applied_school.school_id) applied_departments.update_all(:status => 3) AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => applied_departments.map(&:id), :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment").update_all(:status => 3) # 删除学校的用户 users = UserExtensions.where("school_id = #{applied_school.school_id}") # 申请了职业认证的用户撤销申请 apply_user_auth = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:user_id => users.map(&:user_id), :auth_type => 2, :status => 0) apply_user_auth.each do |apply| apply.tidings.destroy_all apply.update_attribute('status', 3) diskfile2 = disk_auth_filename('UserAuthentication', apply.user_id, 'PRO') diskfilePRO = diskfile2 + 'temp' File.delete(diskfilePRO) if File.exist?(diskfilePRO) File.delete(diskfile2) if File.exist?(diskfile2) end users.update_all(:school_id => nil, :department_id => nil) # 未审批删除 if params[:tip] == "unapplied" # AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :status => 3, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_school.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => applied_school.name ) Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :trigger_user_id => applied_school.user_id, :container_id => applied_school.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAddSchools', :status => 0, :tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => applied_school.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => applied_school.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddSchools', :belong_container_id => applied_school.school_id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 2, :extra => params[:reason]) Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :container_id => applied_departments.map(&:id), :container_type => 'ApplyAddDepartment', :status => 0, :tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) if applied_departments.first Tiding.create(:user_id => applied_departments.first.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => applied_departments.first.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddDepartment', :belong_container_id => applied_school.school_id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 2) AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => applied_departments.first.user_id, :status => 3, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => applied_departments.first.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddDepartment", :name => applied_departments.first.name ) end applied_school.school.destroy applied_school.school.departments.destroy_all redirect_to unit_managements_path # 已审批删除 elsif params[:tip] == "applied" applied_departments.destroy_all applied_school.destroy redirect_to unit_managements_path end end # 单位审批修改 def all_schools apply_schools = ApplyAddSchools.where("status = 0") apply_school_ids = apply_schools.empty? ? "(#{params[:school_id].to_i})" : "(" + apply_schools.map{|sc| sc.school_id}.join(',') + ")" if !params[:search].nil? search = "%#{params[:search].to_s.strip.downcase}%" @schools = School.where("id not in #{apply_school_ids} and id != #{params[:school_id].to_i} and #{School.table_name}.name like :p", :p => search) else @schools = School.where("id not in #{apply_school_ids} and id != #{params[:school_id].to_i}") end @edit_id = params[:school_id] @search = params[:search] @upload = params[:upload] respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 修改 def edit_applied_schools aas = ApplyAddSchools.find(params[:applied_id]) school = School.find params[:school_id] begin #更新消息表的status if aas.school_id != school.id.to_i applied_message_id = aas.school_id applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:applied_id => applied_message_id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools") applied_message.update_all(:status => 4) Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :trigger_user_id => aas.user_id, :container_id => aas.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAddSchools', :status => 0, :tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) aas.update_attribute(:status, 2) # AppliedMessage.create(:user_id => aas.user_id, :status => 2, :viewed => 0, :applied_id => aas.id, :applied_type => "ApplyAddSchools", :name => school.name ) extra = school.try(:name).to_s Tiding.create(:user_id => aas.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => aas.id, :container_type =>'ApplyAddSchools', :belong_container_id => school.id, :belong_container_type=> 'School', :tiding_type => "System", :status => 3, :extra => extra) users = UserExtensions.where("school_id = #{aas.school_id}") users.update_all(:school_id => school.id) ApplyAddDepartment.where(:school_id => aas.school_id).update_all(:school_id => school.id) # 判断重复 before_apply_departments = Department.where(:school_id => aas.school_id) before_apply_departments.each do |department| after_dep = Department.where(:school_id => params[:school_id], :name => department.name).first if after_dep.present? UserExtensions.where(:school_id => aas.school_id, :department_id => department.id).update_all(:department_id => after_dep.id) department.destroy department.apply_add_departments.destroy_all else department.apply_add_departments.update_all(:school_id => school.id) department.update_attribute(:school_id, school.id) end end UserExtensions.where(:school_id => aas.school_id).update_all(:school_id => params[:school_id]) # Department.where(:school_id => aas.school_id).update_all(:school_id => school.id) aas.school.destroy aas.update_attribute(:school_id, school.id) end rescue Exception => e puts e end redirect_to unit_managements_path end # 课程列表 def classroom @menu_type = 2 @sub_type = 1 @courselist = CourseList.where("0=0") @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] keyword = params[:keyword] search = params[:search] if params[:support_shixuns_search_title] @courselist = @courselist.where(:support_shixuns_search => params[:support_shixuns_search_title].to_i) end if search.blank? @courselist = @courselist else if "u_name" == keyword # user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @courselist = @courselist.includes(:user).where("concat(users.lastname, users.firstname) like '%#{search}%'") else @courselist = @courselist.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end end @courselist = @courselist.order("course_lists.id #{@sx_order}") @page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i @courselist_count = @courselist.count @limit = 20 @courselist_pages = Paginator.new @courselist_count, @limit, @page @offset ||= @courselist_pages.offset @courselist = paginateHelper @courselist,@limit # @courselist = @courselist.order("courselist.created_at #{@sx_order}") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def rename_class @page = params[:page] @courselist = CourseList.where(:id => params[:course_list]).first if request.get? respond_to do |format| format.js end else if @courselist o_courselist = CourseList.where(:name => params[:name]).first if o_courselist @courselist.courses.each do |course| course.update_attributes(:name => course.name.sub(@courselist.name, params[:name]), :course_list_id => o_courselist.id) end @courselist.shixun_major_courses.update_all(:course_list_id => o_courselist.id, :major_id => @courselist.major_courses.first.try(:major_id)) @courselist.destroy else @courselist.courses.each do |course| course.update_attribute(:name, course.name.sub(@courselist.name, params[:name])) end @courselist.update_attributes(:name => params[:name]) end end redirect_to classroom_managements_path(:page => params[:page]) end end def migrate_class @page = params[:page] @courselist = CourseList.where(:id => params[:course_list]).first if request.get? respond_to do |format| format.js end else if @courselist o_courselist = CourseList.where(:name => params[:name]).first if o_courselist @courselist.courses.each do |course| course.update_column(:course_list_id, o_courselist.id) end @courselist.shixun_major_courses.update_all(:course_list_id => o_courselist.id, :major_id => @courselist.major_courses.first.try(:major_id)) @courselist.destroy else @courselist.update_column(:name, params[:name]) end end redirect_to classroom_managements_path(:page => params[:page]) end end # 支撑实训检索 def support_shixuns_search if params[:shixun_id] courselist = CourseList.find params[:shixun_id] courselist.update_attributes(:support_shixuns_search => !courselist.support_shixuns_search) end end # 课堂列表 def classroom_classment @menu_type = 2 @sub_type = 2 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] @courses = Course.where(:is_delete => 0) @timing=Course.where(:is_end=>false).count @end=Course.where(:is_end=>true).count # unless params[:school_id] || params[:search] || params[:keyword] || params[:status] # user_exs = UserExtensions.where(:school_id=> @courses.map(&:school_id)) # @schools = School.where(:id =>user_exs.map(&:school_id)) # end @search = params[:search] # 搜索字 @keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/课程名搜索 @status = params[:status] @school_id = params[:school_id] if params[:school_id] && params[:school_id] != '' @courses = @courses.joins("join user_extensions ue on courses.tea_id = ue.user_id").where("ue.school_id = #{params[:school_id]}") end if params[:homepage_show] @courses = @courses.where(:homepage_show => params[:homepage_show].to_i) end if params[:course_list] && params[:course_list] != '' course_name = "%#{params[:course_list].strip}%" course_lists = CourseList.where("name like '#{course_name}'").map(&:id) @courses = @courses.where(:course_list_id => course_lists) end if params[:status] && params[:status]!='' @courses = @courses.where(:is_end => @status.to_i) end if "u_name" == @keyword if @search.blank? @courses = @courses else user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") @courses = @courses.joins("join users u on courses.tea_id = u.id").where("concat(u.lastname, u.firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") end elsif "dep_name" == @keyword school = School.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").map(&:id) @courses = @courses.where(:school_id => school) # @courses= @courses.where("name like '%#{@search}%'") end @courses = @courses.select("courses.*,(SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM `course_activities` WHERE course_activities.course_id = courses.id) AS updatetime").order("updatetime desc") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @export_courses = @courses @courses_count = @courses.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @courses_pages = Paginator.new @courses_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @courses_pages.offset @courses = paginateHelper @courses, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ @export_courses = @export_courses.all filename = "#{l(:label_course_list_xls)}.xls" send_data(course_list_xls(@export_courses), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def hidden_course @course = Course.where(:id => params[:course_id]).first @course.update_attributes(:is_hidden => !@course.is_hidden) if @course.present? end def shixun_task @menu_type = 2 @sub_type = 3 homework_commons = HomeworkCommon.where(:homework_type => 4) @shixun_task = Course.where(:id => homework_commons.map(&:course_id)) @keyword = params[:keyword] @search = params[:search] @school_id = params[:school_id] if params[:school_id] && params[:school_id] != '' @shixun_task = @shixun_task.joins("join users u on courses.tea_id = u.id").joins("join user_extensions ue on u.id = ue.user_id").where("ue.school_id = #{params[:school_id]}") # @shixun_task = @shixun_task.includes(:user => {:user_extensions => []}).where("user_extensions.school_id = #{params[:school_id]}") end unless @search.blank? if "u_name" == @keyword user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") @shixun_task = @shixun_task.joins("join users u on courses.tea_id = u.id").where("concat(u.lastname, u.firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") else @shixun_task = @shixun_task.where("courses.name like '%#{@search}%'") end end # @shixun_task = @shixun_task.select("courses.*, (select h.publish_time from homework_commons h where h.course_id = courses.id group by courses.id) AS publish_time").reorder("publish_time desc") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @shixun_task_count = @shixun_task.size @export_shixun_task = @shixun_task @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @shixun_task_pages = Paginator.new @shixun_task_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @shixun_task_pages.offset @shixun_task = paginateHelper @shixun_task, @limit @shixun_task = @shixun_task.includes(:homework_commons => {:student_works => [], :homework_detail_manual => [], :shixuns => []}, :teacher => {:user_extensions => []}) respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ # @export_shixun_task = @export_shixun_task.all filename = "#{l(:label_shixun_task_xls)}.xls" send_data(shixun_task_xls(@export_shixun_task), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def project_list @menu_type = 2 @sub_type = 4 @pr_order = params[:pr_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:pr_order] @search = params[:search].to_s @projects = Project.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").order("created_on #{@pr_order}") @limit = 20 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @projects = paginateHelper @projects, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 班级首页显示 def course_homepage_show if params[:course_id] course = Course.find params[:course_id] course.update_attributes(:homepage_show => !course.homepage_show) end end # 课程实训 def class_shixuns @menu_type = 4 @sub_type = 1 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] @edit_class_sx_num=Subject.where(:status => 0).count @audit_class_sx_num=Subject.where(:status => 1).count @publish_class_sx_num=Subject.where(:status => 2).count @repertories = Repertoire.where(nil).order("CONVERT( name USING gbk ) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci ASC") search = params[:search] # 搜索字 keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/课程名搜索 status = params[:status].to_i if params[:school_id] && params[:school_id] != '0' @c_shixuns = Subject.includes(:user => {:user_extensions => []}).where("user_extensions.school_id = #{params[:school_id]}") else @c_shixuns = Subject.where("0=0") end if params[:status] && params[:status]!='' @c_shixuns= @c_shixuns.where(:status =>status) end if search.blank? @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns else if "u_name" == keyword # user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.includes(:user).where("concat(users.lastname, users.firstname) like '%#{search}%'") else @c_shixuns= @c_shixuns.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end end unless params[:school_id] || params[:search] || params[:keyword] || params[:status] user_exs = UserExtensions.where(:user_id => @c_shixuns.map(&:user_id)) @schools = School.where(:id => user_exs.map(&:school_id)) end @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.order("subjects.created_at #{@sx_order}") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @c_shixuns_count = @c_shixuns.count @limit = 20 @c_shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @c_shixuns_count, @limit, @page @c_shixuns = paginateHelper @c_shixuns, @limit @offset ||= @c_shixuns_pages.offset respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def subject_setting_list @menu_type = 4 @sub_type = 2 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] @edit_class_sx_num=Subject.where(:status => 0).count @audit_class_sx_num=Subject.where(:status => 1).count @publish_class_sx_num=Subject.where(:status => 2).count @repertories = Repertoire.where(nil).order("CONVERT( name USING gbk ) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci ASC") @levels = SubjectLevelSystem.all search = params[:search] # 搜索字 keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/课程名搜索 status = params[:status].to_i if params[:school_id] && params[:school_id] != '0' @c_shixuns = Subject.includes(:user => {:user_extensions => []}).where("user_extensions.school_id = #{params[:school_id]}") else @c_shixuns = Subject.where("0=0") end if params[:status] && params[:status]!='' @c_shixuns= @c_shixuns.where(:status =>status) end if search.blank? @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns else if "u_name" == keyword # user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.includes(:user).where("concat(users.lastname, users.firstname) like '%#{search}%'") else @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end end unless params[:school_id] || params[:search] || params[:keyword] || params[:status] user_exs = UserExtensions.where(:user_id => @c_shixuns.map(&:user_id)) @schools = School.where(:id => user_exs.map(&:school_id)) end if params[:search_homepage_show] @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.where(:homepage_show => params[:search_homepage_show].to_i) end @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.order("subjects.created_at #{@sx_order}") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @c_shixuns_count = @c_shixuns.count @limit = 20 @c_shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @c_shixuns_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @c_shixuns = paginateHelper @c_shixuns, @limit @offset ||= @c_shixuns_pages.offset respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def update_repertoire_of_subject subject = Subject.find(params[:subject_id]) subject.update_attribute(:repertoire_id, params[:rep_id]) render :json =>{ :data => "success"} end def update_subject_hidden @subject = Subject.find(params[:subject_id]) @subject.update_column(:hidden, !@subject.hidden) end # 已发布课程实训 def class_publish_shixuns @menu_type = 4 @sub_type = 3 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] search = params[:search] # 搜索字 keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/课程名搜索 if params[:school_id] && params[:school_id] != '0' @c_shixuns = Subject.includes(:user => {:user_extensions => []}).where("subjects.status = 2 and user_extensions.school_id = #{params[:school_id]}") else @c_shixuns = Subject.where(:status => 2) end if params[:beginTime] && params[:beginTime].strip != "" @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.where("publish_time >= '#{Time.parse(params[:beginTime])}'") end if params[:endTime] && params[:endTime].strip != "" @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.where("publish_time <= '#{Time.parse(params[:endTime])}'") end if search.blank? elsif "u_name" == keyword # 如果用户搜索为空,不用遍历user表,直接查找所有实训, 有搜索时才查找user user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.includes(:user).where("concat(users.lastname, users.firstname) like '%#{search}%'") else @c_shixuns= @c_shixuns.where("name like '%#{search}%'") end unless params[:school_id] || params[:search] || params[:keyword] user_exs = UserExtensions.where(:user_id => @c_shixuns.map(&:user_id)) @schools = School.where(:id => user_exs.map(&:school_id)) end @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @c_shixuns = @c_shixuns.order("subjects.publish_time #{@sx_order}") @c_shixuns_count = @c_shixuns.count all_subjects = @c_shixuns.includes(stages: [:stage_shixuns]) Rails.logger.warn("##########all_subjects:#{all_subjects.count}") @limit = 20 @c_shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @c_shixuns_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @c_shixuns_pages.offset @c_shixuns = paginateHelper @c_shixuns, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls { filename = "已发布实训课程-#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.xls" send_data(published_subject_xls(all_subjects), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end # 已发布实训路径首页显示 def subject_homepage_show if params[:subject_id] subject = Subject.find params[:subject_id] subject.update_attributes(:homepage_show => !subject.homepage_show) end end # 导出excel def export_excel @course = params[:course] respond_to do |format| format.xls { @course = @course.reorder("#{Tracker.table_name}.position, #{Course.table_name}.id").all filename = "#{l(:label_course_list_xls)}.xls" send_data(course_list_xls(@course), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end # 0 全部;1 活动的; 2 已注册; 3 锁定 def users @menu_type = 7 @sub_type = 1 status = params[:user_status].nil? ? 0 : params[:user_status].to_i @us_order = params[:us_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:us_order] # 排序 @order_key = params[:order_key].blank? ? "last_login_on" : params[:order_key] # 排序关键字 condition = (params[:research_condition].nil? || params[:research_condition] == "name") ? "concat(lastname, firstname)" : params[:research_condition] if 0 == status if params[:research_condition] == "phone" && params[:research_contents].blank? @users = User.where(nil) else @users = User.where("#{condition} like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'") end else if params[:research_condition] == "phone" && params[:research_contents].blank? @users = User.where(:status => status) else @users = User.where("status = #{status} and #{condition} like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'") end end if params[:identity] && params[:identity].to_i != -1 @users = @users.includes(:user_extensions).where("user_extensions.identity = ?", params[:identity].to_i) end if params[:auto_school] && params[:auto_school].to_i != 0 @users = @users.includes(:user_extensions => [:school]).where("schools.auto_users_trial = ?", params[:auto_school].to_i == 1 ? 1 : 0) end if params[:school] && params[:school] != '' school_name = params[:school] school = School.where("name like '%#{school_name}%'") school_id = school.map(&:id) user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) @users = @users.where(:id => user_id) end @users = @users.order("#{@order_key} #{@us_order}") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @users_count = @users.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @users_pages = Paginator.new @users_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @users_pages.offset @users = paginateHelper @users, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def shixuns @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 1 @sx_status = (params[:status].blank? || params[:status].class == Array) ? [0, 1, 2, 3] : params[:status].to_i # 搜索实训的状态 @keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/实训名搜索 @search = params[:search] # 搜索的字 @tech = params[:tech] @shixun_tag_id = params[:shixun_tag] @tech_system = MirrorRepository.where(nil).map(&:type_name).reject(&:blank?).sort() @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] # 排序 if "u_name" == @keyword # 如果用户搜索为空,不用遍历user表,直接查找所有实训, 有搜索时才查找user if @search.blank? @shixuns = Shixun.where(:status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") else user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") @shixuns = Shixun.where(:user_id => user_id, :status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") end else if params[:keyword] == "sx_name" @shixuns = Shixun.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").where(:status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") else school_id = School.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").map(&:id) user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) @shixuns = Shixun.where(:user_id => user_id).where(:status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") end end #@shixuns = @shixuns.includes(:mirror_repositories).where("mirror_repositories.name like '%#{@tech}%'") if @tech.present? if @tech.present? shixuns_id = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => @tech).first.try(:shixuns) @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end # shixun_tag_id: -1时 搜索没有技术标签的实训 if @shixun_tag_id.present? if @shixun_tag_id.to_i == -1 shixuns_id = ShixunTagRepertoire.where(nil).map(&:shixun_id) if shixuns_id.present? shixuns_id = @shixuns.map(&:id) - shixuns_id @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end else shixuns_id = ShixunTagRepertoire.where(:tag_repertoire_id => @shixun_tag_id).map(&:shixun_id) @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end end @shixun_xls = @shixuns @edit_sx_num = Shixun.where(:status => 0).count @audit_sx_num = Shixun.where(:status => 1).count @publish_sx_num =Shixun.where(:status => 2).count @close_sx_num = Shixun.where(:status => 3).count @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @shixuns_count = @shixuns.count @limit = 20 @shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @shixuns_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @shixuns_pages.offset @shixuns = paginateHelper @shixuns, @limit @shixun_tags = TagRepertoire.where(nil).order("name asc") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ # @export_shixun_task = @export_shixun_task.all filename = "实训详情_#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.xls" send_data(shixun_list_xls(@shixun_xls), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def shixun_setting_list @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 2 @sx_status = (params[:status].blank? || params[:status].class == Array) ? [0, 1, 2, 3] : params[:status].to_i # 搜索实训的状态 @keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/实训名搜索 @search = params[:search] # 搜索的字 @tech = params[:tech] @shixun_tag_id = params[:shixun_tag] @tech_system = MirrorRepository.where(nil).map(&:type_name).reject(&:blank?).sort() @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] # 排序 close = params[:close] # 关闭实训,参数是实训的Id unless close.blank? Shixun.find(close).update_attributes(:status => 3, :closer_id => User.current.id, :end_time => Time.now) end if "u_name" == @keyword # 如果用户搜索为空,不用遍历user表,直接查找所有实训, 有搜索时才查找user if @search.blank? @shixuns = Shixun.where(:status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") else user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") @shixuns = Shixun.where(:user_id => user_id, :status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") end else if params[:keyword] == "sx_name" @shixuns = Shixun.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").where(:status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") else school_id = School.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").map(&:id) user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) @shixuns = Shixun.where(:user_id => user_id).where(:status => @sx_status).order("created_at #{@sx_order}") end end #@shixuns = @shixuns.includes(:mirror_repositories).where("mirror_repositories.name like '%#{@tech}%'") if @tech.present? if @tech.present? shixuns_id = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => @tech).first.try(:shixuns) @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end # shixun_tag_id: -1时 搜索没有技术标签的实训 if @shixun_tag_id.present? if @shixun_tag_id.to_i == -1 shixuns_id = ShixunTagRepertoire.where(nil).map(&:shixun_id) if shixuns_id.present? shixuns_id = @shixuns.map(&:id) - shixuns_id @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end else shixuns_id = ShixunTagRepertoire.where(:tag_repertoire_id => @shixun_tag_id).map(&:shixun_id) @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end end if params[:can_copy] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:can_copy => params[:can_copy].to_i) end if params[:webssh] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:webssh => params[:webssh].to_i) end if params[:hidden] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:hidden => params[:hidden].to_i) end if params[:homepage_show] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:homepage_show => params[:homepage_show].to_i) end if params[:task_pass] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:task_pass => params[:task_pass].to_i) end if params[:code_hidden] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:code_hidden => params[:code_hidden].to_i) end @shixun_xls = @shixuns @edit_sx_num = Shixun.where(:status => 0).count @audit_sx_num = Shixun.where(:status => 1).count @publish_sx_num =Shixun.where(:status => 2).count @close_sx_num = Shixun.where(:status => 3).count @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @shixuns_count = @shixuns.count @limit = 20 @shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @shixuns_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @shixuns_pages.offset @shixuns = paginateHelper @shixuns, @limit @shixun_tags = TagRepertoire.where(nil).order("name asc") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ # @export_shixun_task = @export_shixun_task.all filename = "实训详情_#{Time.now}.xls" send_data(shixun_list_xls(@shixun_xls), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def update_shixun_task_pass shixun = Shixun.find(params[:shixun_id]) shixun.update_column(:task_pass, !shixun.task_pass) end def update_shixun_code_hidden shixun = Shixun.find(params[:shixun_id]) shixun.update_column(:code_hidden, !shixun.code_hidden) end def update_shixun_excute_time shixun = Shixun.find(params[:shixun_id]) shixun.update_column(:excute_time, params[:excute_time].strip == "" ? nil : params[:excute_time].strip) end def shixun_update_image_text image_text = params[:values].strip shixun = Shixun.find params[:id] shixun.update_column(:image_text, image_text) render :json => {success: "true"} end def build_shixun_and_repertore_relationship logger.info("#################{params}") tag_id = params[:tag_id].to_i shixun_id = params[:shixun_id] status = params[:status].to_i shixun_tags_count = ShixunTagRepertoire.where(:shixun_id => shixun_id).count logger.info("#################{shixun_tags_count}") if shixun_tags_count > 3 render :json => {data: "error"} else shixun_tags = ShixunTagRepertoire.where(:shixun_id => shixun_id, :tag_repertoire_id => tag_id).first if status == 0 shixun_tags.destroy if shixun_tags.present? else if shixun_tags.present? shixun_tags.update_attribute(:tag_repertoire_id, tag_id) else ShixunTagRepertoire.create!(:tag_repertoire_id => tag_id, :shixun_id => shixun_id) end end render :json => {data: "success"} end end def update_shixun_hidden @shixun = Shixun.find(params[:shixun_id]) @shixun.update_column(:hidden, !@shixun.hidden) end # 已发布的实训 def publish_shixuns logger.info("####################{params}") @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 3 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] # 排序 index = params[:index] # 排序 @search = params[:search] # 搜索字 @keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/实训名搜索 @tech = params[:tech] @beginTime = params[:beginTime] @endTime = params[:endTime] @tech_system = MirrorRepository.where(nil).map(&:type_name).reject(&:blank?).sort() if "u_name" == @keyword # 如果用户搜索为空,不用遍历user表,直接查找所有实训, 有搜索时才查找user if @search.blank? @shixuns = Shixun.where(:status => 2) @shixuns = sort_shixun index, @shixuns, @sx_order else user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{@search}%'") @shixuns = Shixun.where(:user_id => user_id, :status => 2) @shixuns = sort_shixun index, @shixuns, @sx_order end else @shixuns = Shixun.where("name like '%#{@search}%'").where(:status => 2) @shixuns = sort_shixun index, @shixuns, @sx_order end if params[:homepage_show] @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:homepage_show => params[:homepage_show].to_i) @shixuns = sort_shixun index, @shixuns, @sx_order end if params[:tech] && params[:tech] !='' @shixuns = @shixuns.where("language like '#{@tech}'") @shixuns = sort_shixun index, @shixuns, @sx_order end if @tech.present? shixuns_id = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => @tech).first.try(:shixuns) @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end if params[:beginTime].present? logger.info("#############------------------") endTime = params[:endTime].present? ? params[:endTime] : Time.now @shixuns = @shixuns.where("publish_time >= ? and publish_time <= ?", params[:beginTime], endTime) end if index == '6' @op_order = @sx_order @sx_order = "" else @sx_order = @sx_order @op_order = "" end @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @shixuns_count = @shixuns.count @shixun_xls = @shixuns @limit = 20 @shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @shixuns_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @shixuns_pages.offset @shixuns = paginateHelper @shixuns, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html format.xls{ filename = "已发布的实训_#{format_time Time.now}.xls" send_data(publish_shixun_list(@shixun_xls), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end # 实训首页显示 def shixun_homepage_show if params[:shixun_id] shixun = Shixun.find params[:shixun_id] shixun.update_attributes(:homepage_show => !shixun.homepage_show) end end # 允许复制 def shixun_can_copy if params[:shixun_id] shixun = Shixun.find params[:shixun_id] shixun.update_attributes(:can_copy => !shixun.can_copy) end end # 已关闭的实训 def close_shixuns @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 4 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] # 排序 search = params[:search] # 搜索字 keyword = params[:keyword].blank? ? "u_name" : params[:keyword] # 根据姓名/实训名搜索 reopen = params[:reopen] # 从新开启实训,参数是实训的Id tech = params[:tech] @tech_system = MirrorRepository.where(nil).map(&:type_name).reject(&:blank?).sort() unless reopen.blank? Shixun.find(reopen).update_attribute(:status, 2) end if "u_name" == keyword # 如果用户搜索为空,不用遍历user表,直接查找所有实训, 有搜索时才查找user if search.blank? @shixuns = Shixun.where(:status => 3).order("updated_at #{@sx_order}") else user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @shixuns = Shixun.where(:user_id => user_id, :status => 3).order("updated_at #{@sx_order}") end else @shixuns = Shixun.where("name like '%#{search}%'").where(:status => 3).order("updated_at #{@sx_order}") end if params[:tech].present? shixuns_id = MirrorRepository.where(:type_name => tech).first.try(:shixuns) @shixuns = @shixuns.where(:id => shixuns_id) end @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @shixuns_count = @shixuns.count @limit = 20 @shixuns_pages = Paginator.new @shixuns_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @shixuns_pages.offset @shixuns = paginateHelper @shixuns, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 镜像类别图片 def mirror_picture_shixuns @main_mirror = MirrorRepository.where(nil) @repertoire = Repertoire.where(nil) @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 7 search = params[:search] if params[:search] && params[:search] != '' @main_mirror = @main_mirror.where("type_name like '%#{search}%'") end @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @main_mirror_count = @main_mirror.count @limit = 20 @main_mirror_pages = Paginator.new @main_mirror_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @main_mirror_pages.offset @main_mirror = paginateHelper @main_mirror, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def update_mirror_picture if params[:res] == "1" mirror = MirrorRepository.where(:id => params[:mirror_id]).first MirrorRepository.where(:id => params[:mirror_id]).update_all(:repertoire_id => params[:use_scope], :sub_repertoire_id => nil) else MirrorRepository.where(:id => params[:mirror_id]).update_all(:sub_repertoire_id => params[:use_scope]) end redirect_to mirror_picture_shixuns_managements_path(:page => params[:page]) end # 实训成员列表 def shixun_member @menu_type = 3 @sub_type = 6 @shixun_member = Myshixun.where("0=0").order("created_at desc") keyword = params[:keyword] search = params[:search] member = params[:member] if search.blank? @shixun_member = @shixun_member else if "u_name" == keyword user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @shixun_member = @shixun_member.where(:user_id => user_id) elsif keyword == "u_id" user_id = User.where("login like '%#{search}%'") @shixun_member = @shixun_member.where(:user_id => user_id) elsif keyword == "sx_name" @shixun_member = @shixun_member.joins(:shixun).where("shixuns.name like '%#{search}%'") else school_id = School.where("name like '%#{search}%'").blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + School.where("name like '%#{search}%'").map(&:id).join(",") + ")" user_id = UserExtensions.where("school_id in #{school_id}").blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + UserExtensions.where("school_id in #{school_id}").map(&:user_id).join(",") + ")" @shixun_member = @shixun_member.where("user_id in #{user_id}") end end if member && member != '' user_id = User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{member}%'").blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + User.where("concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{member}%'").map(&:id).join(",") + ")" @shixun_member = @shixun_member.joins(:shixun).where("shixuns.user_id in #{user_id}") end @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @shixun_member_count = @shixun_member.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @shixun_member_pages = Paginator.new @shixun_member_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @shixun_member_pages.offset @shixun_member = paginateHelper @shixun_member, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def users_trial @menu_type = 7 @sub_type = 2 @sx_order = params[:sx_order].blank? ? "desc" : params[:sx_order] sql = if params[:t].to_i == 1 && params[:e].to_i == 1 "status = 1 and homepage_teacher = 1 and homepage_engineer = 1" elsif params[:t].to_i == 1 "status = 1 and homepage_teacher = 1" elsif params[:e].to_i == 1 "status = 1 and homepage_engineer = 1" else "status = 1" end @users = User.where("#{sql}").includes(:apply_actions, user_extensions: [:department, :school]).order("last_login_on #{@sx_order}") @has_cer_count = User.where(:status => 1, :certification => 1).count @reject_cer_count = User.where(:status => 1, :certification => 2).count @deal_cer_count = ApplyAction.where(:status => 0).select("distinct user_id").count time = Time.at(Time.now.to_i - 86400) cer = UserDayCertification.where("created_at > '#{time}'").pluck(:user_id) cer_ids = cer.join(",") @trial_cer_count = cer.blank? ? 0 : User.where("status = 1 and certification != 1 and id in (#{cer_ids})").count apply = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "TrialAuthorization").pluck(:user_id) apply_ids = apply.join(",") @nonn_cer_count = apply.blank? ? 0 : User.where("status = 1 and certification = 0 and id not in (#{apply_ids}) ").count @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @users_count = @users.count @limit = 20 @users_pages = Paginator.new @users_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @users_pages.offset @users = paginateHelper @users, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def user_homepage_show user = User.find params[:user_id] if params[:homepage] == "homepage_teacher" user.update_attributes(:homepage_teacher => !user.homepage_teacher) else user.update_attributes(:homepage_engineer => !user.homepage_engineer) end end def shixun_sigle_training begin shixun = Shixun.find(params[:shixun_id]) shixun.update_column(:sigle_training, !shixun.sigle_training) render :json => {:status => 1} rescue Exception => e logger.error(e.message) end end def import_course_members attachments = params[:attachments] @status = 0 member_count = 0 attachments.each do |attachment| attachment = Attachment.find_by_token_only(attachment[1]['token']) attachment.container_id = User.current.id attachment.container_type = "ImportCourseMember" attachment.save path = attachment.disk_directory name = attachment.disk_filename if name.split(".").last == "xls" begin xls = Roo::Spreadsheet.open("files/#{path}/#{name}",extension: :xls) worksheet = xls.sheet(0) rows = worksheet.last_row #最后一行数 if rows < 2 @status = 0 @message = "请按照模板格式导入" else for row in 2 .. rows student_id = worksheet.cell(row, 1) student_id = student_id.is_a?(Float) ? student_id.to_i : student_id member_role = worksheet.cell(row, 4).to_i course_id = worksheet.cell(row, 3) group_name = worksheet.cell(row, 5) school_id = worksheet.cell(row, 6).is_a?(Float) ? worksheet.cell(row, 6).to_i : worksheet.cell(row, 6) if student_id && member_role && [9, 7, 10].include?(member_role) && course_id && school_id user = User.find_by_sql("SELECT u.* FROM `users` u, `user_extensions` ue where u.id = ue.user_id and ue.student_id = '#{student_id}' and ue.school_id= #{school_id}").first course = Course.where(:id => course_id).first # 判断用户和课堂是否都存在,存在则判断该用户是否已是课堂成员,不是则加入课堂 if user.present? && course.present? course_group = CourseGroup.where(:course_id => course.id, :name => group_name).first || CourseGroup.create(:name => group_name, :course_id => course.id) if group_name member = course.members.where(:user_id => user.id).first # 如果已是课堂成员且是学生身份and不在指定的分班则移动到该分班 if member.present? && member.member_roles.pluck(:role_id).include?(10) && member.course_group_id != course_group.try(:id).to_i member.update_column("course_group_id", course_group.try(:id).to_i) member_count += 1 elsif !member.present? member = Member.new(:role_ids => [member_role], :user_id => user.id) if member_role == 10 StudentsForCourse.create(:student_id => user.id, :course_id => course.id) end Tiding.create(:user_id => user.id, :trigger_user_id => course.tea_id, :container_id => course.id, :container_type => 'TeacherJoinCourse', :belong_container_id => course.id, :belong_container_type => "Course", :tiding_type => "System", :extra => member_role) member.course_group_id = course_group.try(:id).to_i course.members << member member_count += 1 end end end end @status = 1 @message = "已导入/更新#{member_count}个成员" end rescue @status = 0 @message = "文件内容无法读取" end else @status = 0 @message = "只支持xls文件的导入" end attachment.destroy end end def import_student_accounts attachments = params[:attachments] @status = 0 attachments.each do |attachment| attachment = Attachment.find_by_token_only(attachment[1]['token']) attachment.container_id = User.current.id attachment.container_type = "ImportStudentAccount" attachment.save path = attachment.disk_directory name = attachment.disk_filename if name.split(".").last == "xls" || name.split(".").last == "xlsx" # lists = readXlsData("files/baolong.xlsx") lists = readXlsData("files/#{path}/#{name}") school_id = nil prefix = "" lists.each_with_index do |list, index| if list[0] # logger.info("#{list[0]}---#{list[1]}---#{list[2]}") if index == 0 school_id = list[0] elsif index == 1 prefix = list[0] elsif index != 2 && list[3] && [0, 1, 2].include?(list[3].to_i) if list[3].to_i == 1 user = User.find_by_sql("SELECT u.* FROM `users` u, `user_extensions` ue where u.id = ue.user_id and ue.identity = 1 and ue.student_id = '#{list[0]}' and ue.school_id= #{school_id.to_i}").first else user = User.find_by_sql("SELECT u.* FROM `users` u, `user_extensions` ue where u.id = ue.user_id and ue.identity = '#{list[3]}' and ue.technical_title = '#{list[4]}' and CONCAT(u.lastname,u.firstname) ='#{list[1]}' and ue.school_id= #{school_id.to_i}").first end school = School.where(:id => school_id).first # 用户不存在则创建账号 if !user.present? && school.present? department = school.departments.where(:name => list[2]).first user = User.new user.admin = false user.activate user.login = prefix + list[0] user.lastname = list[1] user.nickname = list[1] user.professional_certification = 1 user.certification = 1 user.grade = 0 user.password = "12345678" if user.save ue = UserExtensions.new(:user_id => user.id, :gender => 0, :school_id => school_id, :location => school.province, :location_city => school.city, :identity => list[3], :student_id => list[0], :department_id => department.try(:id)) if list[3] && list[3].to_i == 0 ue.technical_title = ["教授", "副教授", "讲师", "助教"].include?(list[4]) ? list[4] : "讲师" elsif list[3] && list[3].to_i == 2 ue.technical_title = ["企业管理者", "部门管理者", "高级工程师", "工程师", "助理工程师"].include?(list[4]) ? list[4] : "助理工程师" end ue.save end elsif user.present? user.update_column("certification", 1) end end end end @status = 1 end end end # 自动授权列表 def auto_users_trial @menu_type = 7 @sub_type = 3 # @apply_action = School.where(:auto_users_trial => 1).order('authorization_time desc') @apply_action = School.find_by_sql("select s.*, count(ue.user_id) as user_count From schools s left join user_extensions ue on s.id = ue.school_id where s.auto_users_trial =1 group by s.id order by user_count desc;") @auto_school_ids = @apply_action.empty? ? "(-1)" : "(" + @apply_action.map(&:id).join(",") + ")" @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @apply_action_count = @apply_action.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @apply_action_pages = Paginator.new @apply_action_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @apply_action_pages.offset @apply_action = paginateHelper @apply_action, @limit respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end def search_authorization_school school_name = params[:contents] @sx_order = params[:order] @apply_action = School.authorization.where("name like '%#{school_name}%'").order("authorization_time #{@sx_order}") @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @apply_action_count = @apply_action.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @apply_action_pages = Paginator.new @apply_action_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @apply_action_pages.offset @apply_action = paginateHelper @apply_action, @limit end # 过关任务模板 def editmd_template @menu_type = 3 @samples_type = params[:samples_type] @samples_type == "taskPass" ? @sub_type = 1 : ( @samples_type == "introduction" ? @sub_type = 2 : @sub_type = 3 ) @sample = PlatformSample.where(:samples_type => @samples_type).first unless params[:template].nil? if @sample.nil? @sample = PlatformSample.create(:samples_type => @samples_type, :contents => params[:template]) else @sample.update_attribute(:contents, params[:template]) end end respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end # 新课导语模板 def course_guide_template @menu_type = 12 @sub_type = 5 @samples_type = params[:samples_type] @sample = PlatformSample.where(:samples_type => @samples_type).first if request.post? unless params[:platform_sample][:contents].nil? if @sample.nil? PlatformSample.create(:samples_type => @samples_type, :contents => params[:platform_sample][:contents]) else @sample.update_attribute(:contents, params[:platform_sample][:contents]) end end end @sample = @sample || PlatformSample.new respond_to do |format| format.html end end # 实训评分 def shixun_quality_score @menu_type = 12 @sub_type = 6 @shixun_scores = ScoreSet.where(nil).order("created_at asc") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def new_score_sets name = params[:type_name] level = params[:level] lower = params[:lower] upper = params[:upper] ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin score_set = ScoreSet.create!(:name => name) level.each_with_index do |l, index| ScoreIndicatorQuality.create!(:name => l, :upper_limit => upper[index], :lower_limit => lower[index], :score_set_id => score_set.id, :position => index+1) if l.present? end rescue Exception => e logger.error("new_score_sets failed #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end redirect_to shixun_quality_score_managements_path end def new_score_indicator @shixun_scores = ScoreSet.find(params[:score_set_id]) @score_qualities = @shixun_scores.score_indicator_qualities end def edit_score_indicator @indicator = ScoreIndicator.find(params[:score_indicator_id]) @shixun_scores = @indicator.score_set @score_qualities = @shixun_scores.score_indicator_qualities end def create_score_indicator score_set_id = params[:score_set_id] name = params[:name] description = params[:description] desc_name = params[:description_name] scale = params[:scale] ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin indicator = ScoreIndicator.create!(:name => name, :score_set_id => score_set_id, :scale => scale, :description => description) desc_name.each_with_index do |name, index| ScoreQualityDescription.create!(:name => name, :score_indicator_id => indicator.id, :position => index+1) end rescue Exception => e logger.error("create_score_indicator failed #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end redirect_to shixun_quality_score_managements_path end def update_score_indicator score_indicator_id = params[:score_indicator_id] name = params[:name] description = params[:description] scale = params[:scale] description_name = params[:description_name] @indicator = ScoreIndicator.find(score_indicator_id) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin if name != @indicator.name || description != @indicator.description || scale != @indicator.scale @indicator.update_attributes(:name => name, :description => description, :scale => scale) if name.present? end description_name.each_with_index do |name, index| des = @indicator.score_quality_descriptions.where(:position => index+1).first if name != des.try(:name) if des.present? des.update_attribute(:name, name) else ScoreQualityDescription.create!(:name => name, :score_indicator_id => @indicator.id, :position => index+1) end end end redirect_to shixun_quality_score_managements_path rescue Exception => e logger.error("update_score_indicator failed #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def edit_score_set @shixun_score = ScoreSet.find(params[:score_set_id]) @qualities = @shixun_score.score_indicator_qualities end def update_score_sets score_set_name = params[:type_name] qualities_id = params[:quality] level = params[:level] create_level = params[:create_level] lower = params[:lower] create_lower = params[:create_lower] upper = params[:upper] create_upper = params[:create_upper] shixun_score = ScoreSet.find(params[:score_set_id]) quality_id = shixun_score.score_indicator_qualities.map(&:id) delete_quality_id = quality_id - qualities_id.map(&:to_i) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin # 更新Score_set if shixun_score.name != score_set_name && score_set_name.present? shixun_score.update_attribute(:name, score_set_name) end # 更新score_indicator_quality qualities_id.each_with_index do |id, index| quality = ScoreIndicatorQuality.find(id) quality.update_attributes(:name => level[index], :lower_limit => lower[index], :upper_limit => upper[index], :position => index + 1) if level[index].present? end # 删除score_indicator_quality delete_qualities = ScoreIndicatorQuality.where(:id => delete_quality_id) delete_qualities.destroy_all if delete_qualities.present? # 创建新增score_indicator_quality index_count = qualities_id.size create_level.try(:each_with_index) do |name, index| ScoreIndicatorQuality.create!(:name => name, :lower_limit => create_lower[index], :upper_limit => create_upper[index], :position => index_count + index + 1, :score_set_id => shixun_score.id) if create_lower[index].present? end # 删除超出position的score_indicator_descrition max_position = shixun_score.score_indicator_qualities.maximum(:position) shixun_score.score_indicators.each do |indicator| description = ScoreQualityDescription.where("score_indicator_id = ? and position > ?", indicator.id, max_position) description.destroy_all if description.present? end redirect_to shixun_quality_score_managements_path rescue Exception => e logger.error("update_score_sets failed #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def delete_score_set score_set = ScoreSet.find(params[:score_set_id]) score_set.destroy redirect_to shixun_quality_score_managements_path end def delete_score_indicator indicator = ScoreIndicator.find(params[:score_indicator_id]) indicator.destroy redirect_to shixun_quality_score_managements_path end # 添加 def create_auto_users_trial school = School.find params[:school] school.update_attributes(:auto_users_trial => 1, :authorization_time => Time.now) user_exs = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => params[:school]) day_cer = UserDayCertification.where(:user_id => user_exs.map(&:user_id)) users = User.where(:id => day_cer.map(&:user_id)) users.update_all("certification = 1") ApplyAction.where(:user_id => users.map(&:id), :container_type => "TrialAuthorization", :status => 0).update_all(:status => 1) redirect_to auto_users_trial_managements_path end # 删除 def update_auto_users_trial School.where(:id => params[:school]).update_all(:auto_users_trial => 0) redirect_to auto_users_trial_managements_path end def search_user if params[:member_ids] && params[:trial_whether] == "trial_agree" aUser = User.where(:id => params[:member_ids]).includes(:user_extensions) aUser.update_all(:certification => 1) # 授权的教师加入示例课堂 aUser.each do |user| join_ex_course(user) if user.user_extensions.identity == 0 end apply_user = ApplyAction.where(:user_id => params[:member_ids], :container_type => "TrialAuthorization") apply_user.update_all(:status => 1) unless apply_user.blank? elsif params[:member_ids] && params[:trial_whether] == "trial_cancel" User.where(:id => params[:member_ids]).update_all(:certification => 0) apply_user = ApplyAction.where(:user_id => params[:member_ids], :container_type => "TrialAuthorization") apply_user.update_all(:status => 2) unless apply_user.blank? end if params[:member_ids] && params[:occupation] == "occupation_agree" User.where(:id => params[:member_ids]).update_all(:professional_certification => true) apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:user_id => params[:member_ids], :auth_type => 2) unless apply_user.blank? apply_user.update_all(:status => 1) end elsif params[:member_ids] && params[:realname] == "realname_agree" User.where(:id => params[:member_ids]).update_all(:authentication => true) apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:user_id => params[:member_ids], :auth_type => 1) unless apply_user.blank? apply_user.update_all(:status => 1) end elsif params[:member_ids] && params[:occupation] == "occupation_cancel" users = User.where(:id => params[:member_ids]) users.update_all(:professional_certification => false) # 取消了职业认证给用户发消息 users.each do |user| Tiding.create(:user_id => user.id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => user.id, :container_type =>'CancelUserProCertification', :belong_container_id => user.id, :belong_container_type =>'User', :tiding_type => "System") end apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:user_id => params[:member_ids], :auth_type => 2) unless apply_user.blank? apply_user.update_all(:status => 2) end elsif params[:member_ids] && params[:realname] == "realname_cancel" users = User.where(:id => params[:member_ids]) users.update_all(:authentication => false) # 取消了实名认证给用户发消息 users.each do |user| Tiding.create(:user_id => user.id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => user.id, :container_type =>'CancelUserAuthentication', :belong_container_id => user.id, :belong_container_type =>'User', :tiding_type => "System") end apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:user_id => params[:member_ids], :auth_type => 1) unless apply_user.blank? apply_user.update_all(:status => 2) end end all_user_ids = User.where(:status => 1).pluck(:id) if params[:trial] == "-1" apply = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "TrialAuthorization").pluck(:user_id) apply_id = apply.blank? ? -1 : "(" + apply.join(",") + ")" apply_user_id = User.where("status = 1 and certification = 0 and id not in #{apply_id} ").pluck(:id) elsif params[:trial] == "-2" apply_user_id = all_user_ids elsif params[:trial] == "0" apply_user_id = ApplyAction.where(:status => 0).pluck(:user_id) elsif params[:trial] == "3" time = Time.at(Time.now.to_i - 86400) user_cer = UserDayCertification.where("created_at > '#{time}'").pluck(:user_id) cer_id = user_cer.blank? ? "(-1)" : "(" + user_cer.map{|a| a.user_id}.join(",") + ")" apply_user_id = User.where("status = 1 and certification != 1 and id in #{cer_id} ").pluck(:id) else apply_user_id = User.where(:status => 1, :certification => params[:trial]).pluck(:id) end if params[:school] == "" s_user_id = all_user_ids else school_ids = School.where("name like '%#{params[:school]}%'").pluck(:id) s_user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_ids).pluck(:user_id) end if params[:department] == "" d_user_id = all_user_ids else dep_ids = Department.where("name like '%#{params[:department]}%'").pluck(:id) d_user_id = UserExtensions.where(:department_id => dep_ids).pluck(:user_id) end ide_user_id = all_user_ids if params[:identity] == "1" || (params[:identity] == "0" && params[:te_technical_title] == "0") || (params[:identity] == "2" && params[:pro_technical_title] == "0") ide_user_id = UserExtensions.where("identity = #{params[:identity]}").pluck(:user_id) elsif (params[:identity] == "0" && params[:te_technical_title] != "0") || (params[:identity] == "2" && params[:pro_technical_title] != "0") technical_title = params[:identity] == "0" ? params[:te_technical_title] : params[:pro_technical_title] ide_user_id = UserExtensions.where("identity = #{params[:identity]} and technical_title = '#{technical_title}'").pluck(:user_id) end if params[:student_id] && params[:student_id] != '' stu_user_id = UserExtensions.where("student_id like '%#{params[:student_id]}%'").pluck(:user_id) else stu_user_id = all_user_ids end user_id = s_user_id & d_user_id & apply_user_id & stu_user_id & ide_user_id sql = "" sql = if params[:research_condition] == "name" "concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'" elsif params[:research_condition] == "email" "mail like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'" elsif params[:research_condition] == "phone" "phone like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'" elsif params[:research_condition] == "nickname" if params[:research_contents].present? "nickname like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'" end elsif params[:research_condition] == "login" params[:research_contents].present? ? "login like '%#{params[:research_contents]}%'" : "" end @users = User.where(:id => user_id).where("#{sql}").includes(:apply_actions, user_extensions: [:department, :school]).order("last_login_on desc") @xls_users = @users #导出excel用户 @page = (params['page'] || 1).to_i @users_count = @users.count @limit = 20 @is_remote = true @users_pages = Paginator.new @users_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @users_pages.offset @users = paginateHelper @users, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.xls{ # @export_shixun_task = @export_shixun_task.all filename = "用户列表.xls" send_data(user_list_xls(@xls_users), :type => 'application/octet-stream', :filename => filename_for_content_disposition(filename)) } end end def update_webssh webssh = params[:status] == "true" ? true : false @shixuns = Shixun.find(params[:shixun_id]) @shixuns.update_column(:webssh, webssh) respond_to do |format| format.js end end def affirm_cancel_auth user_id = params[:users] end # 升级通知 def update_notice @menu_type = 12 @sub_type = 8 @notice = SystemUpdateNotice.last end def edit_update_notice notice = SystemUpdateNotice.last if notice.present? && notice.end_time > Time.now notice.update_attributes(:end_time => params[:end_time], :start_time => params[:start_time], :subject => params[:subject], :notes => params[:notes]) UserSystemNotice.where(:notice_type => notice.notice_type).destroy_all else notice_type = UserSystemNotice.find_by_sql("select max(notice_type) as max_notice_type from user_system_notices").first.try(:max_notice_type).to_i + 1 SystemUpdateNotice.create(:end_time => params[:end_time], :start_time => params[:start_time], :subject => params[:subject], :notes => params[:notes], :notice_type => notice_type) end redirect_to update_notice_managements_path end def trial_authorization @menu_type =10 @sub_type = 2 name_search = params[:search] @status = trial_authorization_status(params[:status]) # @status = (params[:status].blank? || params[:status] == "0") ? 0 : [1,2] user_id = [] search = false @authorizations = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "TrialAuthorization", :status => @status) unless name_search.blank? new_user_id = User.find_by_sql("select id from users where concat(lastname,firstname) like '%#{name_search}%'").map(&:id) user_id = user_id.size == 0 ? new_user_id : user_id & new_user_id search = true end if params[:sname] && params[:sname].strip != '' school_id = School.where("name like '%#{params[:sname]}%'") new_user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) user_id = user_id.size == 0 ? new_user_id : user_id & new_user_id search = true end if params[:identity] && params[:identity].to_i != -1 new_user_id = UserExtensions.where(:identity => params[:identity].to_i).map(&:user_id) user_id = user_id.size == 0 ? new_user_id : user_id & new_user_id search = true end if params[:auto_school] && params[:auto_school].to_i != 0 school_id = School.where(auto_users_trial: params[:auto_school].to_i == 1 ? 1 : 0) new_user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) user_id = user_id.size == 0 ? new_user_id : user_id & new_user_id search = true end @authorizations = user_id.size == 0 && !search ? @authorizations.order("updated_at desc") : @authorizations.where(:user_id => user_id.uniq).order("updated_at desc") @autu_count = @authorizations.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @autu_pages = Paginator.new @autu_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @autu_pages.offset @authorizations = paginateHelper @authorizations, @limit @authorizations = @authorizations.includes(:user) respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 批量授权 def batch_authorization end # params[:type] 1:拒绝 0:同意 # authentication 会有一个初始值,不同的值代表不同的权限 # REDO: 后面权限改了后,一并要改 def trial_authorization_operation logger.warn("####trial_authorization_operation: #{format_time(Time.now)}") apply_action = ApplyAction.find(params[:apply_id]) type = params[:type] search = params[:search] if type == "0" authentication_user = AuthenticationsUsers.where(:user_id => apply_action.user_id).first if authentication_user.blank? AuthenticationsUsers.create(:user_id => apply_action.user_id, :authentication_id => 1) end begin logger.warn("trial_authorization_operation begin send: #{format_time(format_time(Time.now))}") # verification_code = code.sample(6).join if apply_action.user.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: apply_action.user.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'trial_authorization', user_name:apply_action.user.show_name, result:'已通过') end logger.warn("trial_authorization_operation complete send: #{format_time(Time.now)}") rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end # 授权的教师加入示例课堂 join_ex_course(apply_action.user) if apply_action.user.user_extensions.identity == 0 logger.warn("####trial_authorization_operation teacher joined: #{format_time(Time.now)}") else begin # verification_code = code.sample(6).join if apply_action.user.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: apply_action.user.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'trial_authorization', user_name:apply_action.user.show_name, result:'未通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end end Tiding.where(:user_id => 1, :trigger_user_id => apply_action.user_id, :container_id => apply_action.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAction', :tiding_type => "Apply", :status => 0).update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_action.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_action.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAction', :parent_container_id => apply_action.container_id, :parent_container_type => apply_action.container_type, :belong_container_id => apply_action.container_id, :belong_container_type => "User", :tiding_type => "System", :status => type == "0" ? 1 : 2) apply_action.update_attributes(:status => (params[:type] == "1" ? 2 : 1), :reason => params[:reject_reason], :dealer_id => User.current.id, :noticed => false) User.where(:id => apply_action.user_id).first.update_attributes(:certification => (params[:type] == "1" ? 2 : 1)) user_id = User.find_by_sql("select id from users where concat(lastname,firstname) like '%#{search}%'") @authorizations = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "TrialAuthorization", :status => 0, :user_id => user_id).includes(:user) @autu_count = @authorizations.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @autu_pages = Paginator.new @autu_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @autu_pages.offset @authorizations = paginateHelper @authorizations, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js end end def index end # copy from admin def identity_authentication @menu_type = 10 @sub_type = 1 @type = trial_authorization_status(params[:type]) type = params[:type] || 0 # 存在type 就用type 没有就为 0 user_id = User.find_by_sql("select id from users where concat(lastname,firstname) like '%#{params[:name]}%'") @unapproved_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:status => @type, :user_id => user_id, :auth_type => 1).order("updated_at desc") if params[:sname] && params[:sname] != '' school_id = School.where("name like '%#{params[:sname]}%'") user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) @unapproved_user = @unapproved_user.where(:user_id => user_id).order("updated_at desc") end @unapproved_user_count = @unapproved_user.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @unapproved_user_pages = Paginator.new @unapproved_user_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @unapproved_user_pages.offset @unapproved_user = paginateHelper @unapproved_user, @limit respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end def professional_authentication @menu_type = 10 @sub_type = 7 @type = trial_authorization_status(params[:type]) type = params[:type] || 0 # 存在type 就用type 没有就为 0 user_id = User.find_by_sql("select id from users where concat(lastname,firstname) like '%#{params[:name]}%'") # @unapproved_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:status => @type, :user_id => user_id, :auth_type => 2).find_by_sql("SELECT s.*, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, s.updated_at, now()) diff FROM `apply_user_authentications` s order by diff asc") @unapproved_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:status => @type, :user_id => user_id, :auth_type => 2) if params[:sname] && params[:sname] != '' school_id = School.where("name like '%#{params[:sname]}%'") user_id = UserExtensions.where(:school_id => school_id).map(&:user_id) @unapproved_user = @unapproved_user.where(:user_id => user_id) end if params[:identity] && params[:identity] != "" && params[:identity] != "-1" user_id = UserExtensions.where(:identity => params[:identity]).map(&:user_id) @unapproved_user = @unapproved_user.where(:user_id => user_id) end @unapproved_user = @unapproved_user.order("updated_at desc") @unapproved_user_count = @unapproved_user.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @unapproved_user_pages = Paginator.new @unapproved_user_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @unapproved_user_pages.offset @unapproved_user = paginateHelper @unapproved_user, @limit respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end # 拒绝身份认证 # copy from admin def reject_authentication apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:id => params[:apply_id], :auth_type => 1).first reason = apply_user.update_attributes(:status => 2, :remarks => params[:reject_reason]) =begin begin if apply_user.user.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: apply_user.user.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'authentication',user_name:apply_user.user.show_name, result:'未通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end diskfile1 = disk_filename("UserAuthentication", apply_user.user_id) +"ID" apply_user.update_attributes(:is_delete => true) File.delete(diskfile1) apply_user.tidings.where(:tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_user.user_id ,:trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_user.id, :container_type => "ApplyUserAuthentication", :belong_container_id => apply_user.user_id, :belong_container_type =>'User', :status => 2, :tiding_type => "System") render :json => {success: reason} end # 同意身份认证 # copy from admin def agree_authentication apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:id => params[:apply_id], :auth_type => 1).first user = User.find(apply_user.user_id) apply_user.update_attribute(:status, 1) user.update_attribute(:authentication, true) grade_record = Grade.where(:container_id => user.id, :container_type => "Authentication").first unless grade_record user.update_attribute(:grade, user.grade + 500) Grade.create(:user_id => user.id, :container_id => user.id, :container_type => "Authentication", :score => 500) end diskfile1 = disk_filename("UserAuthentication", apply_user.user_id) +"ID" apply_user.update_attributes(:is_delete => true) File.delete(diskfile1) =begin begin if apply_user.user.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: apply_user.user.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'authentication',user_name:apply_user.user.show_name, result:'已通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end apply_user.tidings.where(:tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_user.user_id ,:trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_user.id, :container_type => "ApplyUserAuthentication", :belong_container_id => apply_user.user_id, :belong_container_type =>'User', :status => 1, :tiding_type => "System") @unapproved_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:status => 0, :auth_type => 1).order("updated_at desc") @unapproved_user_count = @unapproved_user.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @unapproved_user_pages = Paginator.new @unapproved_user_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @unapproved_user_pages.offset @unapproved_user = paginateHelper @unapproved_user, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 拒绝职业认证 def reject_authentication_pro apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:id => params[:apply_id], :auth_type => 2).first if apply_user.present? && apply_user.status == 0 reason = apply_user.update_attributes(:status => 2, :remarks => params[:reject_reason]) diskfile1 = disk_filename("UserAuthentication", apply_user.user_id) +"PRO" apply_user.update_attributes(:is_delete => true) File.delete(diskfile1) =begin begin if apply_user.user.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: apply_user.user.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'authentication_pro',user_name:apply_user.user.show_name, result:'未通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end apply_user.tidings.where(:tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_user.user_id ,:trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_user.id, :container_type => "ApplyUserAuthentication", :belong_container_id => apply_user.user_id, :belong_container_type =>'User', :status => 2, :tiding_type => "System") render :json => {success: reason} end end # 同意职业认证 def agree_authentication_pro apply_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:id => params[:apply_id], :auth_type => 2).first user = User.find(apply_user.user_id) apply_user.update_attribute(:status, 1) user.update_attribute(:professional_certification, true) grade_record = Grade.where(:container_id => user.id, :container_type => "Professional").first unless grade_record user.update_attribute(:grade, user.grade + 500) Grade.create(:user_id => user.id, :container_id => user.id, :container_type => "Professional", :score => 500) end diskfile1 = disk_filename("UserAuthentication", apply_user.user_id) +"PRO" apply_user.update_attributes(:is_delete => true) File.delete(diskfile1) =begin begin if apply_user.user.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: apply_user.user.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'authentication_pro',user_name:apply_user.user.show_name, result:'已通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end apply_user.tidings.where(:tiding_type => "Apply").update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_user.user_id ,:trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_user.id, :container_type => "ApplyUserAuthentication", :belong_container_id => apply_user.user_id, :belong_container_type =>'User', :status => 1, :tiding_type => "System") @unapproved_user = ApplyUserAuthentication.where(:status => 0, :auth_type => 2).order("updated_at desc") @unapproved_user_count = @unapproved_user.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @unapproved_user_pages = Paginator.new @unapproved_user_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @unapproved_user_pages.offset @unapproved_user = paginateHelper @unapproved_user, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js end end def subject_authorization @menu_type = 10 @sub_type = 6 @type = trial_authorization_status params[:type] @authorizations = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "ApplySubject", :status => @type).order("created_at desc") # @subject=Subject.all @authorizations_count = @authorizations.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @authorizations_pages = Paginator.new @authorizations_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @authorizations_pages.offset @authorizations = paginateHelper @authorizations, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def shixun_authorization @menu_type = 10 @sub_type = 5 @type = trial_authorization_status params[:type] # sql = select * from apply_actions where dealer_id is null @authorizations = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "ApplyShixun", :status => @type).order("created_at desc") search = params[:search] unless search.blank? @authorizations = @authorizations.where(:container_id => Shixun.where(:id => @authorizations.map(&:container_id)).where("name like '%#{search}%'").map(&:id)).order("created_at desc") end @authorizations_count = @authorizations.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @authorizations_pages = Paginator.new @authorizations_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @authorizations_pages.offset @authorizations = paginateHelper @authorizations, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 课程实训发布审批 def deal_subject_authorization apply_action = ApplyAction.find(params[:apply_id]) type = params[:type].to_i subject = Subject.find apply_action.container_id if type == 0 #拒绝 subject.update_column('status', 0) apply_action.update_attributes(:status => 2, :reason => params[:reject_reason], :dealer_id => User.current.id) # notes = "您所在团队提交的课程实训发布申请:#{subject.name},审核未通过。
原因:#{params[:reject_reason]}" # JournalsForMessage.create(:jour_id => subject.user_id, :jour_type => 'Principal', :user_id => User.current.id, :notes => notes, :private => 1, :reply_id => 0) =begin begin # verification_code = code.sample(6).join if subject.owner.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: subject.owner.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'subject_authorization', name:subject.name, user_name:subject.owner.show_name, result:'未通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end else #同意 subject.update_attributes(:status =>2, :publish_time => Time.now) apply_action.update_attributes(:status => 1, :dealer_id => User.current.id) =begin begin unless subject.owner.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: subject.owner.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'subject_authorization', name:subject.name, user_name:subject.owner.show_name, result:'已通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end end Tiding.where(:user_id => 1 ,:trigger_user_id => apply_action.user_id, :container_id => apply_action.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAction', :tiding_type => "Apply", :status => 0).update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_action.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_action.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAction', :parent_container_id => apply_action.container_id, :parent_container_type => apply_action.container_type, :belong_container_id => apply_action.container_id, :belong_container_type => "Subject", :tiding_type => "System", :status => type == 0 ? 2 : 1) @authorizations = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "ApplySubject", :status => 0) @authorizations_count = @authorizations.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @authorizations_pages = Paginator.new @authorizations_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @authorizations_pages.offset @authorizations = paginateHelper @authorizations, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js end end # 项目实训发布审批 def deal_shixun_authorization apply_action = ApplyAction.find(params[:apply_id]) type = params[:type].to_i shixun = Shixun.find apply_action.container_id shixun_creator = shixun.owner if type == 0 #拒绝 shixun.update_column('status', 0) apply_action.update_attributes(:status => 2, :reason => params[:reject_reason], :dealer_id => User.current.id) =begin begin if shixun_creator.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: shixun_creator.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'shixun_authorization', name:shixun.name, user_name:shixun_creator.show_name, result:'未通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end else #同意 # 给实训制作者奖励“金币/经验” (奖励数额:实训关卡的金币的总数) score = shixun.all_score grade = Grade.where(:user_id => shixun.user_id, :container_id => shixun.id, :container_type => "shixunPublish").first if grade.blank? # 防止多条创建 Grade.create(:user_id => shixun.user_id, :container_id => shixun.id, :container_type => "shixunPublish", :score => score) Experience.create(:user_id => shixun.user_id, :container_id => shixun.id, :container_type => "shixunPublish", :score => score) shixun_creator.update_attributes(:grade => shixun_creator.grade + score, :experience => shixun_creator.experience + score) end shixun.update_column('status', 2) apply_action.update_attributes(:status => 1, :dealer_id => User.current.id) shixun = Shixun.where(:id => apply_action.container_id).first shixun.update_attribute(:publish_time, Time.now) # 实训通关则给实训制作者相应的金币奖励 shixun_modify_status_without_publish shixun, 1 =begin begin if shixun_creator.phone.present? status = Trustie::Sms.send(mobile: shixun.owner.phone.to_s, code: '1', send_type:'shixun_authorization', name:shixun.name, user_name:shixun.owner.show_name, result:'已通过') end rescue => e Rails.logger.error "发送验证码出错: #{e}" end =end end Tiding.where(:user_id => 1 ,:trigger_user_id => apply_action.user_id, :container_id => apply_action.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAction', :tiding_type => "Apply", :status => 0).update_all(:status => 1) Tiding.create(:user_id => apply_action.user_id, :trigger_user_id => 0, :container_id => apply_action.id, :container_type => 'ApplyAction', :parent_container_id => apply_action.container_id, :parent_container_type => apply_action.container_type, :belong_container_id => apply_action.container_id, :belong_container_type => "Shixun", :tiding_type => "System", :status => type == 0 ? 2 : 1) @authorizations = ApplyAction.where(:container_type => "ApplyShixun", :status => 0) @authorizations_count = @authorizations.count @limit = 15 @is_remote = true @authorizations_pages = Paginator.new @authorizations_count, @limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @authorizations_pages.offset @authorizations = paginateHelper @authorizations, @limit respond_to do |format| format.js end end def tech_system @menu_type = 12 @sub_type = 5 @tech_system = Repertoire.where(nil).order("updated_at asc") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end # 创建体系 def create_system rep_name = params[:repertoire] sub_rep_name = params[:sub_repertoire] tags_name = params[:tag_repertoire] ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin rep = Repertoire.create!(:name => rep_name) sub_rep = SubRepertoire.create!(:name => sub_rep_name, :repertoire_id => rep.id) tags_name.each do |tag| TagRepertoire.create!(:name => tag, :sub_repertoire_id => sub_rep.id) end redirect_to tech_system_managements_path rescue Exception => e logger.error("create_system error: #{e}") raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end # 更新tag_repertores的名称 def update_tag_name tag = TagRepertoire.find(params[:id]) if params[:name].blank? tag.destroy else if tag.name == params[:name].strip tag.update_column(:updated_at, Time.now) else tag.update_attribute(:name, params[:name]) end end render :json => {success: "true"} end # 更新sub_repertores的名称 def update_sub_name sub = SubRepertoire.find(params[:id]) if params[:name].blank? sub.destroy else if sub.name == params[:name].strip sub.update_column(:updated_at, Time.now) else sub.update_attribute(:name, params[:name]) end end render :json => {success: "true"} end def update_rep_name rep = Repertoire.find(params[:id]) if params[:name].blank? rep.destroy else if rep.name == params[:name].strip rep.update_column(:updated_at, Time.now) else rep.update_attribute(:name, params[:name]) end end render :json => {success: "true"} end # type: 1表示新建sub_repertoire, 2表示新建tag_repertoire def create_sub_or_tag_repertoire type = params[:type].to_i if type == 1 SubRepertoire.create(:name => params[:name], :repertoire_id => params[:id]) elsif type == 2 TagRepertoire.create(:name =>params[:name], :sub_repertoire_id => params[:id]) end respond_to do |format| format.js{redirect_to tech_system_managements_path} end end def delete_sub_tech_system sub_tech = SubRepertoire.where(:id => params[:sub_res]).first tech = Repertoire.where(:id => params[:sub_res]).first if sub_tech.present? sub_tech.destroy else tech.destroy end redirect_to tech_system_managements_path end def create_tech_system if params[:index] == "1" Repertoire.create(:name => params[:res_tech]) else SubRepertoire.create(:name => params[:sub_tech], :repertoire_id => params[:tech]) end redirect_to tech_system_managements_path end def rename_tech_system @sub_res = SubRepertoire.where(:id => params[:sub_res]).present? ? SubRepertoire.where(:id => params[:sub_res]).first : "0" @res = Repertoire.where(:id => params[:res]).first respond_to do |format| format.js end end def update_tech_system if params[:sub_tech] == "0" Repertoire.where(:id => params[:res]).update_all(:name => params[:update_res]) else Repertoire.where(:id => params[:res]).update_all(:name => params[:update_res]) SubRepertoire.where(:id => params[:sub_res]).update_all(:name => params[:update_sub_res]) end redirect_to tech_system_managements_path end def setting_banner @images = PortalImage.order("position asc") respond_to do |format| format.js format.html end end def create_portal_image PortalImage.create(:name => params[:name], :position => params[:position], :link => params[:link]) redirect_to setting_banner_managements_path end def create_school_image @school = School.find params[:school_id] SchoolImage.create(:name => params[:name], :position => params[:position], :link => params[:link], :school_id => params[:school_id]) end def update_school_image image = SchoolImage.find params[:id] image.update_attributes(:name => params[:name], :position => params[:position], :link => params[:link]) @school = image.school end def up_or_down_image image = PortalImage.find params[:id] image.update_attribute(:status, params[:status]) redirect_to setting_banner_managements_path end def up_or_down_school_image image = SchoolImage.find params[:id] image.update_attribute(:status, params[:status]) @school = image.school end def update_portal_image image = PortalImage.find params[:id] image.update_attributes(:name => params[:name], :position => params[:position], :link => params[:link]) redirect_to setting_banner_managements_path end def delete_portal_image image = PortalImage.find params[:id] image.destroy redirect_to setting_banner_managements_path end def delete_school_image image = SchoolImage.find params[:id] @school = image.school image.destroy end # 课程删除 before_filter :find_courselist, :only => [:destroy] # 课程列表的删除 def destroy if @courselist CourseList.where(:id => @courselist.id).destroy_all respond_to do |format| format.js end end end private # Find courselist of id params[:id] def find_courselist @courselist = CourseList.find_by_id(params[:id]) render_404 if @courselist.nil? rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_404 end def shixun_list_xls shixuns xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "sheet" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["实训ID","实训名称","技术平台", "Fork源", "实践任务","选择题任务","挑战人数", "通关人数", "状态","创建者", "单位", "职业", "关卡序号","关卡名称","技能标签"]) count_row = 1 shixuns.find_each do |shixun| sheet1[count_row, 0] = shixun.identifier sheet1[count_row, 1] = shixun.name sheet1[count_row, 2] = shixun.shixun_main_name sheet1[count_row, 3] = shixun.fork_identifier sheet1[count_row, 4] = shixun.challenges.practice_type.count sheet1[count_row, 5] = shixun.challenges.choose_type.count sheet1[count_row, 6] = shixun.myshixuns.count sheet1[count_row, 7] = shixun.myshixuns.finished.count sheet1[count_row, 8] = shixun.shixun_status sheet1[count_row, 9] = shixun.owner.show_real_name sheet1[count_row, 10] = shixun.owner.school_name sheet1[count_row, 11] = shixun.owner.identity shixun.challenges.each do |challenge| sheet1[count_row, 12] = "第#{challenge.position}关" sheet1[count_row, 13] = challenge.subject sheet1[count_row, 14] = challenge.tags_show count_row += 1 end count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def publish_shixun_list shixuns xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "sheet" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["序号","创建者","发布时间", "ID", "实训名称","技术平台","fork源", "实践任务"]) count_row = 1 shixuns.find_each do |shixun| sheet1[count_row, 0] = count_row sheet1[count_row, 1] = shixun.owner.try(:show_real_name) sheet1[count_row, 2] = format_time shixun.publish_time sheet1[count_row, 3] = shixun.identifier sheet1[count_row, 4] = shixun.name sheet1[count_row, 5] = show_shixun_mirror(shixun) sheet1[count_row, 6] = shixun.fork_identifier sheet1[count_row, 7] = shixun.challenges.count count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def training_2018_xls trainings xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "sheet" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["姓名", "手机号","邮箱","单位名称", "职位","专业", "学号", "支付方式","支付状态","支付时间", "发票类型", "发票抬头","税务登记号", "发票内容", "备注", "微信支付单号", "报名时间"]) count_row = 1 trainings.find_each do |t| sheet1[count_row, 0] = t.name sheet1[count_row, 1] = t.phone sheet1[count_row, 2] = t.email sheet1[count_row, 3] = t.school sheet1[count_row, 4] = t.position sheet1[count_row, 5] = t.major sheet1[count_row, 6] = t.student_id sheet1[count_row, 7] = t.training_payinfo.try(:pay_type_str) sheet1[count_row, 8] = t.training_payinfo.try(:pay_status_str) sheet1[count_row, 9] = format_time t.training_payinfo.try(:pay_time) sheet1[count_row, 10] = t.training_payinfo.try(:invoice_title).present? ? '需要' : '不需要' sheet1[count_row, 11] = t.training_payinfo.try(:invoice_title) sheet1[count_row, 12] = t.training_payinfo.try(:invoice_no) sheet1[count_row, 13] = t.training_payinfo.try(:invoice_content) sheet1[count_row, 14] = t.training_payinfo.try(:info) sheet1[count_row, 15] = t.training_payinfo.try(:out_trade_no) sheet1[count_row, 16] = format_time t.created_at count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def user_list_xls users xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "users" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["用户姓名","性别","职业","职称","地区"," 单位","子单位","注册时间","最后登录时间","授权"]) count_row = 1 users.find_each do |user| sheet1[count_row,0] = user.try(:show_real_name) sheet1[count_row,1] = user.sex sheet1[count_row,2] = user.user_extensions.try(:show_identity) sheet1[count_row,3] = user.job_title sheet1[count_row,4] = user.region_name sheet1[count_row,5] = user.user_extensions.try(:school).try(:name) sheet1[count_row,6] = user.user_extensions.try(:department).try(:name) sheet1[count_row,7] = format_time user.created_on sheet1[count_row,8] = format_time user.last_login_on sheet1[count_row,9] = user.trial_authorization count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def course_list_xls courses xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "course" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["ID","课堂名称","成员","资源","普通作业"," 实训作业","试卷","私有","状态","创建者单位","创建者","动态时间"]) count_row = 1 courses.each do |course| school = course.teacher.try(:user_extensions).try(:school).try(:name).blank? ? "--" : course.teacher.school_name teacher_name = course.teacher ? course.teacher.show_real_name : "" sheet1[count_row,0] = course.id sheet1[count_row,1] = course.name sheet1[count_row,2] = course.members.count sheet1[count_row,3] = course.attachments.count sheet1[count_row,4] = course.homework_commons.where(:homework_type => 1).count sheet1[count_row,5] = course.homework_commons.where(:homework_type => 4).count sheet1[count_row,6] = course.exercises.count sheet1[count_row,7] = course.is_public.to_i == 1 ? '否' : '是' sheet1[count_row,8] = course.is_end ? "已结束" : "正在进行" sheet1[count_row,9] = school sheet1[count_row,10] = teacher_name sheet1[count_row,11] = format_time(course.updatetime) count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def shixun_task_xls shixun_task xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "course" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue sheet1.row(0).concat(["ID","课堂名称","创建者","学生","实训作业","序号", "ID", "关卡数","作业名称","发布时间","截至时间","已提交作品","有效作品","通关","状态"]) count_row = 1 shixun_task.each_with_index do |shixun_task,index| teacher_name = shixun_task.teacher ? shixun_task.teacher.show_real_name : "" sheet1[count_row,0] = shixun_task.id sheet1[count_row,1] = shixun_task.name sheet1[count_row,2] = teacher_name sheet1[count_row,3] = shixun_task.student.count sheet1[count_row,4] = get_shixun_task(shixun_task.id).count get_shixun_task(shixun_task.id).each_with_index do |gst, j| sheet1[count_row,5] = get_hw_index(gst, @is_teacher, 4) + 1 sheet1[count_row,6] = gst.shixun.try(:identifier).nil? ? "--" : gst.shixun.try(:identifier) sheet1[count_row,7] = gst.shixun.challenges.count sheet1[count_row,8] = gst.name sheet1[count_row,9] = format_time(gst.publish_time) sheet1[count_row,10] = format_time(gst.end_time) sheet1[count_row,11] = had_commit_studentwork_count(gst) sheet1[count_row,12] = effective_shixun_work_count gst sheet1[count_row,13] = tongguan_shixun_work_count gst sheet1[count_row,14] = if HomeworkDetailManual.where(:homework_common_id => gst.id).first.comment_status == 0 "未发布" elsif HomeworkDetailManual.where(:homework_common_id => gst.id).first.comment_status == 1 "提交中" elsif HomeworkDetailManual.where(:homework_common_id => gst.id).first.comment_status == 3 "匿评中" elsif HomeworkDetailManual.where(:homework_common_id => gst.id).first.comment_status == 4 "申诉中" elsif HomeworkDetailManual.where(:homework_common_id => gst.id).first.comment_status == 5 "评阅中" else HomeworkDetailManual.where(:homework_common_id => gst.id).first.comment_status == 6 "已结束" end count_row += 1 end end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def readXlsData(xlsx) doc = SimpleXlsxReader.open(xlsx) sheet = doc.sheets.first return sheet.rows end def shixun_feedback_xls shixun_ids xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "实训反馈" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue count_row = 1 shixuns = Shixun.where(:id => shixun_ids).includes(discusses: [:user]) sheet1.row(0).concat(["序号", "实训ID", "实训名称", "实训作者", "作者单位", "评论数", "评论内容", "关卡", "评论者", "评论者职业", "评论者单位", "评论时间", "社区导师是否已回复"]) shixuns.each_with_index do |shixun, i| discusses = shixun.discusses.where("user_id != ?", 1) sheet1[count_row, 0] = i + 1 sheet1[count_row, 1] = shixun.identifier sheet1[count_row, 2] = shixun.name sheet1[count_row, 3] = shixun.owner.show_real_name sheet1[count_row, 4] = shixun.owner.school_name sheet1[count_row, 5] = discusses.count discusses.each_with_index do |discuss, j| user = discuss.user content = discuss.content.gsub(//, "【图片评论】").gsub(/!\[\].+\)/, "【图片评论】") sheet1[count_row, 6] = strip_html content sheet1[count_row, 7] = "第#{discuss.position}关" sheet1[count_row, 8] = user.show_real_name sheet1[count_row, 9] = user.identity sheet1[count_row, 10] = user.school_name sheet1[count_row, 11] = format_time discuss.created_at sheet1[count_row, 12] = discuss.children.pluck(:user_id).include?(1) ? "是" : "否" count_row += 1 end #count_row += 1 end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def competition_member_xls members, competition xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "报名列表" blue = Spreadsheet::Format.new :color => :blue, :weight => :bold, :size => 10 sheet1.row(0).default_format = blue count_row = 1 records = competition.competition_teams if competition.identifier == "gcc-annotation-2018" records.each do |team| team[:s_score] = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_id => competition.id).first.try(:score).to_f.try(:round, 3) end records = records.sort do |a, b| [b[:s_score]] <=> [a[:s_score]] end elsif competition.identifier == "gcc-dev-2018" pre_stage = competition.competition_stages.where(:name => "预赛").first final_stage = competition.competition_stages.where(:name => "决赛").first records.each do |team| # 决赛记录 f_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => final_stage.try(:id)).first # 预赛记录 p_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => pre_stage.try(:id)).first team[:s_score] = (f_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.85 + p_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.15).try(:round, 2) team[:s_spend_time] = f_score.try(:cost_time).to_i + p_score.try(:cost_time).to_i end records = records.sort do |a, b| [b[:s_score], a[:s_spend_time]] <=> [a[:s_score], b[:s_spend_time]] end elsif competition.identifier == 'hn' pre_stage = competition.competition_stages.where(:name => "预赛").first final_stage = competition.competition_stages.where(:name => "决赛").first records.each do |team| f_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => final_stage.try(:id)).first p_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => pre_stage.try(:id)).first team[:s_score] = (f_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.8 + p_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.2).try(:round, 2) team[:s_spend_time] = f_score.try(:cost_time).to_i + p_score.try(:cost_time).to_i end records = records.sort do |a, b| [b[:s_score], a[:s_spend_time]] <=> [a[:s_score], b[:s_spend_time]] end end if competition.max_num > 1 sheet1.row(0).concat(["序号", "战队ID", "战队名称","指导老师", "队员姓名", "学号", "实名认证", "职业认证", "学校名称", "地区", "报名时间", "排名"]) members.each_with_index do |member, index| member_user = member.user sheet1[count_row,0] = index + 1 sheet1[count_row,1] = member.competition_team.try(:id) sheet1[count_row,2] = member.competition_team.try(:name) sheet1[count_row,3] = member.competition_team.teacher.try(:show_real_name) sheet1[count_row,4] = member_user.try(:show_real_name) sheet1[count_row,5] = member_user.try(:student_id) sheet1[count_row,6] = member_user.try(:authentication_status) sheet1[count_row,7] = member_user.try(:professional_status) sheet1[count_row,8] = member_user.try(:school_name) sheet1[count_row,9] = member_user.user_extensions.school.try(:province) sheet1[count_row,10] = format_time member.created_at sheet1[count_row,11] = records.present? ? (records.map(&:id).index(member.competition_team_id).to_i + 1) : "--" count_row += 1 end else sheet1.row(0).concat(["序号","姓名","学号","实名认证", "职业认证", "学校名称","地区", "报名时间", "排名"]) members.each_with_index do |member, index| member_user = member.user sheet1[count_row,0] = index + 1 sheet1[count_row,1] = member_user.try(:show_real_name) sheet1[count_row,2] = member_user.try(:student_id) sheet1[count_row,3] = member_user.try(:authentication_status) sheet1[count_row,4] = member_user.try(:professional_status) sheet1[count_row,5] = member_user.try(:school_name) sheet1[count_row,6] = member_user.user_extensions.school.try(:province) sheet1[count_row,7] = format_time member.created_at sheet1[count_row,8] = records.present? ? (records.map(&:id).index(member.competition_team_id).to_i + 1) : "--" count_row += 1 end end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def published_subject_xls subjects xls_report = StringIO.new book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet :name => "已发布实训课程" count_row = 2 sheet1.row(1).concat(["", "地址", "实训课程名称","章节名称", "实训组成", "关卡数", "状态", "课程等级", "更新时间", "发布时间", ]) Rails.logger.warn("##########subjects:#{subjects.count}") subjects.each do |subject| sheet1[count_row,1] = "paths/"+subject.id.to_s sheet1[count_row,2] = subject.name if subject.stages.count > 0 subject.stages.each_with_index do |stage, s_index| sheet1[count_row,3] = stage.name if stage.shixuns.count > 0 stage.shixuns.each_with_index do |shixun, index| sheet1[count_row,4] = "#{s_index + 1}-#{index + 1} #{shixun.name}" sheet1[count_row,5] = shixun.challenges.count sheet1[count_row,6] = shixun.shixun_status if s_index == 0 && index == 0 sheet1[count_row,7] = subject.subject_level_system.try(:name) || "--" sheet1[count_row,8] = format_time subject.updated_at sheet1[count_row,9] = format_time subject.publish_time end count_row += 1 end else if s_index == 0 sheet1[count_row,7] = subject.subject_level_system.try(:name) || "--" sheet1[count_row,8] = format_time subject.updated_at sheet1[count_row,9] = format_time subject.publish_time end count_row += 1 end end else sheet1[count_row,7] = subject.subject_level_system.try(:name) || "--" sheet1[count_row,8] = format_time subject.updated_at sheet1[count_row,9] = format_time subject.publish_time count_row += 1 end end book.write xls_report xls_report.string end def member_json_data mmebers mmebers.map do |member| real_name = member.show_real_name identity = member.identity school_name = member.school_name user_phone = member.phone || "" member.attributes.dup.except("login", "hashed_password", "salt", "status", "mail", "experience", "grade", "authentication", "professional_certification").merge({real_name: real_name, identity: identity, school_name: school_name, user_phone: user_phone}) end end end