# encoding: utf-8 module ManagementsHelper def user_phone_addr phone addr = "--" unless phone.nil? result = MobInfo.lookup(phone[0,7]) if result.present? addr = "#{result[:province]}-#{result[:city]}" end end return addr end def agent_action(user_agent) case user_agent.action_status when 1 then "代理之前注册" when 2 then "代理之后注册" when 0 then "未注册" else "--" end end def agent_register(user_agent) case user_agent.register_status when 1 then "代理之前报名" when 2 then "代理之后报名" when 0 then "未注册" else "--" end end def user_ip_addr ip addr = "--" unless ip.nil? result = SM.find_by_ip(ip) if result.present? addr = "#{result[:province]}-#{result[:city]}" end end return addr end def trial_authorization_status status case status when "0", nil 0 when "1" 1 when "2" 2 else [1,2] end end def mirror_status_show status case status when 0 "".html_safe when 1 "".html_safe when 2, 3 "".html_safe when 4 "".html_safe when 5 "".html_safe end end def mirror_script_show mirror case mirror.main_type.to_i when 1 " mirror.id)}\" target=\"_blank\">".html_safe end end def template_name type case type when "taskPass" "过关任务:" when "script" "通用模板:" when "courseGuide" "新课导语:" else "" end end def select_mirror_type type=nil case type when "1", nil, "" [["主类别", 1],["小类别", 0]] when "0" [["小类别", 0], ["主类别", 1]] end end def show_mirror_type type case type when "1" ''.html_safe when "0" ''.html_safe when nil "" end end def show_mirror_tip type case type when "1" "主类别" when "0" "子类别" when nil "未分类" end end def query_user_status_num status user = (status == 0) ? user = User.all : User.where(:status => status) return user.count end def course_list_major_time id Major.where(:id => id).first.try(:name) end # params[:id]: course_list_id def get_course_list_major id Major.where(:id => MajorCourse.where(:course_list_id => id).map(&:major_id)) end def course_list_count id Major.where(:id => id).first.try(:name) end def delete_mirror_http del_uri del_uri = URI.parse(URI.encode(del_uri.strip)) del_data = {} del_http = Net::HTTP.new del_uri.host, del_uri.port del_req = Net::HTTP::Delete.new(del_uri.request_uri) del_req.form_data = del_data del_res = del_http.start { |http| http.request del_req } end def get_shixun_task id HomeworkCommon.where(:course_id => id,:homework_type => 4).order("IF(ISNULL(publish_time),1,0),publish_time asc,created_at asc") end def get_sub_repertoires_first id SubRepertoire.where(:repertoire_id => id).order("created_at desc")[0] end def get_sub_repertoires id SubRepertoire.where(:repertoire_id => id).order("created_at desc") end def get_mirror_repository id, sub_id if sub_id.present? MirrorRepository.where(:repertoire_id => id, :sub_repertoire_id => sub_id) else MirrorRepository.where(:repertoire_id => id) end end def sort_shixun index, shixuns, sx_order if index == '6' shixuns.each do |shixun| shixun[:usercount] = Myshixun.where(:shixun_id => shixun.id).count end sx_order == "desc" ? shixuns.sort{|x,y| y[:usercount] <=> x[:usercount]} : @shixuns = @shixuns.sort{|x,y| x[:usercount] <=> y[:usercount]} else shixuns = shixuns.order("publish_time #{@sx_order}") end end # 实训作业列表的已提交作品数、有效作品数、通关数 def shixun_task_work_count homework_common statistics_count = {} statistics_count[:commit_count] = 0 statistics_count[:eff_count] = 0 statistics_count[:tog_count] = 0 student_works = homework_common.student_works.where("work_status !=?", 0) statistics_count[:commit_count] = student_works.size statistics_count[:eff_count] = StudentWork.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) size FROM (SELECT sw.`id` FROM student_works sw LEFT JOIN games g ON sw.`myshixun_id`=g.`myshixun_id` WHERE sw.`work_status`!= 0 AND sw.`is_delete`=0 AND g.`status` = 2 AND sw.`homework_common_id`=#{homework_common.id} GROUP BY sw.`id`) sg;").first.try(:size).to_i statistics_count[:tog_count] = StudentWork.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) size FROM (SELECT ms.`id` sw_id, COUNT(g.`id`) g_id FROM student_works sw, games g, myshixuns ms WHERE sw.`myshixun_id`=ms.`id` AND g.`myshixun_id`=ms.id AND sw.`homework_common_id`=#{homework_common.id} AND sw.`work_status`!= 0 AND sw.`is_delete`=0 AND g.`status` = 2 GROUP BY ms.`id`) sg WHERE sg.g_id = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM challenges c, homework_commons_shixuns hcs WHERE c.`shixun_id`=hcs.`shixun_id` AND hcs.`homework_common_id`=#{homework_common.id});").first.try(:size).to_i statistics_count end end