# encoding=utf-8 # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class WelcomeController < ApplicationController # layout "base_welcome" include ApplicationHelper include WelcomeHelper helper :project_score caches_action :robots, :course, :contest, expires_in: 2.hours, layout: false #before_filter :find_first_page, :only => [:index] # before_filter :fake, :only => [:index, :course] before_filter :entry_select, :only => [:index] skip_before_filter :check_authentication, :only => [:index] require 'simple_xlsx_reader' DCODES = %W(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c f e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) def local_init LocalSubject.delete_all LocalStage.delete_all LocalStageShixun.delete_all LocalShixun.delete_all LocalMirrorRepository.delete_all LocalShixunTagRepertoire.delete_all LocalChallenge.delete_all LocalTestSet.delete_all LocalChallengeTag.delete_all render :json => {status: 0, message: "success"} end # 运营引流个人数据展示 def user_agents @user_agents = UserAgent.where(key: params[:edu]).order("register_status desc, action_status desc") @action_count = @user_agents.where(action_status: 2).count @register_count = @user_agents.where(register_status: 2).count @agents_count = @user_agents.count limit = 20 @agents_pages = Paginator.new @agents_count, limit, params['page'] || 1 @offset ||= @agents_pages.offset @user_agents = paginateHelper @user_agents, limit respond_to do |format| format.js format.html{ render :layout=>'users_base'} end end def join_private_courses @invitation_code = params[:invitation_code] respond_to do |format| format.js end end def subject_to_local subject_ids = params[:subject_ids].split(",") subjects = Subject.where(id: subject_ids) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin subjects.each do |subject| if LocalSubject.where(subject_id: subject.id).blank? local_subject = LocalSubject.create!(name: subject.name, description: subject.description, status: 0, learning_notes: subject.learning_notes, introduction: subject.introduction, stages_count: subject.stages_count, stage_shixuns_count: subject.stage_shixuns_count, subject_id: subject.id, shixuns_count: subject.shixuns_count) # 同步复制章节 if subject.stages.present? subject.stages.each do |stage| new_stage = LocalStage.new new_stage.attributes = stage.attributes.dup.except("id","user_id") new_stage.local_subject_id = local_subject.id new_stage.save! if stage.stage_shixuns.present? stage.stage_shixuns.each do |stage_shixun| new_stage_shixun = LocalStageShixun.new new_stage_shixun.attributes = stage_shixun.attributes.dup.except("id") new_stage_shixun.local_subject_id = local_subject.id new_stage_shixun.local_stage_id = new_stage.id new_stage_shixun.save! end end # 复制实训 _shixun_to_local(stage.shixuns) end end end end render :json => {status: 0, message: "success"} rescue Exception => e logger.error("shixun_local_in ##{e.message}") render :json => {status: -1, message: "error,#{e.message}"} raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def local_to_subject ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do subject_list = [] LocalSubject.find_each do |local_subject| subject = Subject.create!(name: local_subject.name, description: local_subject.description, user_id: User.current.id, status: 0, learning_notes: local_subject.learning_notes, introduction: local_subject.introduction, stages_count: local_subject.stages_count, stage_shixuns_count: local_subject.stage_shixuns_count, shixuns_count: local_subject.shixuns_count, visits: 1) m = SubjectMember.new(:user_id => User.current.id, :role => 1) subject.subject_members << m # 同步章节信息 local_stages = LocalStage.where(local_subject_id: local_subject.id) if local_stages.present? local_stages.each do |local_stage| new_stage = Stage.new new_stage.attributes = local_stage.attributes.dup.except("id","local_subject_id","subject_id") new_stage.subject_id = subject.id new_stage.save! # 同步章节实训关联表 local_stage_shixuns = LocalStageShixun.where(local_stage_id: local_stage.id) local_stage_shixuns.each do |local_stage_shixun| # 先同步实训 local_shixun = LocalShixun.where(id: local_stage_shixun.local_shixun_id).first shixun = _local_to_shixun local_shixun if local_shixun.present? new_stage_shixun = StageShixun.new new_stage_shixun.position = local_stage_shixun.position new_stage_shixun.stage_id = new_stage.id new_stage_shixun.subject_id = subject.id new_stage_shixun.shixun_id = shixun.try(:id) new_stage_shixun.save! end end end subject_list << subject.id end render :json => {status: 0, message: "success", identifier: subject_list} end end def shixun_to_local identifiers = params[:identifiers].split(",") shixuns = Shixun.where(identifier: identifiers) # 不重复导入 ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do begin _shixun_to_local(shixuns) render :json => {status: 0, message: "success"} rescue Exception => e logger.error("shixun_local_in ##{e.message}") render :json => {status: -1, message: "error,#{e.message}"} raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def local_to_shixun ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do shixun_list = [] LocalShixun.find_each do |local_shixun| shixun = _local_to_shixun local_shixun shixun_list << shixun.identifier end render :json => {status: 0, message: "success", identifier: shixun_list} end end # 生成表示码 def generate_identifier code = DCODES.sample(8).join return generate_identifier if Shixun.where(identifier: code).present? code end def index images = PortalImage.where(status: true).order("position asc") @images_url = [] images.each do |image| @images_url << {path: image.link, image_url: "/images/avatars/PortalImage/#{image.id}"} end # 目录分级 repertoires = Repertoire.includes(sub_repertoires: :tag_repertoires).order("updated_at asc") @rep_list = [] repertoires.each do |rep| sub_rep_list = [] rep.sub_repertoires.each do |sub_rep| tag_rep_list = [] sub_rep.tag_repertoires.each do |tag_rep| tag_rep_list << {tag_id: tag_rep.id, tag_name: tag_rep.name} end sub_rep_list << {sub_rep_id: sub_rep.id, sub_rep_name: sub_rep.name, tag_rep_list: tag_rep_list} end @rep_list << {rep_id: rep.id, rep_name: rep.name, sub_rep_list: sub_rep_list} end @shixuns = Shixun.select([:id, :user_id, :homepage_show, :identifier, :status, :name, :challenges_count, :myshixuns_count, :use_scope, :trainee, :averge_star]).where(homepage_show: 1).includes(:tag_repertoires).order("myshixuns_count desc").limit(8) @subjects = Subject.where(homepage_show: 1).includes(:shixuns).limit(8) @tea_users = User.where(homepage_teacher: 1).includes(:user_extensions).limit(10).order("experience desc") @stu_users = User.includes(:user_extensions).where(user_extensions: {identity: 1}).limit(10).order("experience desc") render :layout => 'educoder' end # 自动导入用户 def import_users begin lists = read_xlsx_data("files/users.xlsx") lists.each_with_index do |list| logger.info("#{list[0]}---#{list[1]}") mail = list[1] + "@educoder.net" login = "edu" + list[1] if User.where(:login => login).blank? us = UsersService.new user = us.register phone: mail, password: 'wuhan12345678' @user = user @user.login = login @se = @user.extensions @user.lastname = list[0] @user.firstname = "" @user.show_realname = 0 @user.nickname = list[0] @se.school_id = 117 if @user.save && @se.save reward_grade(@user, @user.id, 'Account', 500) user.update_attributes!(authentication:1) end render :json => {:message => "sucess"} end end rescue Exception => e logger.error(e.message) render :json => {:status => 500} end end # 读取文件 def read_xlsx_data(xlsx) doc = SimpleXlsxReader.open(xlsx) sheet = doc.sheets.first return sheet.rows end def add_user_by_name end def ccf render :layout => 'base_ccf' end def robots @projects = Project.all_public.active render :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain' end def course redirect_to signin_path return # # @course_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('course') # @school_id = params[:school_id] || User.current.user_extensions.school.try(:id) || 117 # @logoLink ||= logolink() end def logolink() @course_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('course') logo = get_avatar?(@course_page) id = params[:school_id] logo_link = "" if id.nil? && (User.current.user_extensions.nil? || User.current.user_extensions.school.nil?) if logo logo_link = url_to_avatar(@course_page) else logo_link = '/images/transparent.png' end else if id == "0" if logo logo_link = url_to_avatar(@course_page) else logo_link = '/images/transparent.png' end else if id.nil? if School.find(User.current.user_extensions.school.id).logo_link.nil? logo_link = '/images/transparent.png' else logo_link = School.find(User.current.user_extensions.school.id).logo_link end else logo_link = School.find(id).logo_link end end end return logo_link end def contest redirect_to signin_path return # @contest_page = FirstPage.find_by_page_type('contest') # @contest_notifications = Contestnotification.order("created_at desc").limit(5) end def search @name = params[:q] @search_type = params[:search_type] page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i @users_count = User.search(@name).results.total @syllabus_count = Syllabus.search(@name).results.total @course_count = Course.search(@name).results.total @attach_count = Attachment.search(@name).results.total @project_count = Project.search(@name).results.total @memo_count = Memo.search(@name).results.total @total_count = Elasticsearch::Model.search({ query: { multi_match: { query: @name, type:"most_fields", operator: "or", fields: ['login', 'firstname','lastname','title','name','description^0.5','filename','subject','content^0.5'] } }, highlight: { pre_tags: [''], post_tags: [''], fields: { login: {}, firstname: {}, lastname: {}, title:{}, name:{}, description:{}, filename:{}, subject:{}, content:{} } } },[User,Syllabus,Course,Attachment,Project,Memo] ).results.total case params[:search_type] when 'all' if (page-1)*20 >= @total_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @alls = Elasticsearch::Model.search({ query: { multi_match: { query: @name, type:"most_fields", operator: "or", fields: ['login', 'firstname','lastname','title','name','description^0.5','filename','subject','content^0.5'] } }, highlight: { pre_tags: [''], post_tags: [''], fields: { login: {}, firstname: {}, lastname: {}, title:{}, name:{}, description:{}, filename:{}, subject:{}, content:{} } } },[User,Syllabus,Course,Attachment,Project,Memo] ).page(page).per(20).results when 'user' if (page-1)*20 >= @users_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @users = User.search(@name).page(page).per(20) when 'syllabus' if (page-1)*20 >= @syllabus_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @syllabuses = Syllabus.search(@name).page(page).per(20).results when 'project' if (page-1)*20 >= @project_count page = 1 end @projects = Project.search(@name).page(page).per(20).results when 'course' if (page-1)*20 >= @course_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @courses = Course.search(@name).page(page).per(20).results when 'attachment' if (page-1)*20 >= @attach_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @attachments = Attachment.search(@name).page(page).per(20).results when 'memo' if (page-1)*20 >= @memo_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @memos = Memo.search(@name).page(page).per(20).results else if (page-1)*20 >= @total_count page = 1 params[:page] = "1" end @alls = Elasticsearch::Model.search({ query: { multi_match: { query: @name, type:"most_fields", operator: "or", fields: ['login', 'firstname','lastname','title','name','description^0.5','filename','subject','content^0.5'] } }, highlight: { pre_tags: [''], post_tags: [''], fields: { login: {}, firstname: {}, lastname: {}, title:{}, name:{}, description:{}, filename:{}, subject:{}, content:{} } } },[User,Syllabus,Course,Attachment,Project,Memo] ).page(page).per(20).results end # search_type = params[:search_type].to_sym unless search_condition.blank? # search_by = params[:search_by] # # if search_type.nil? && params[:contests_search] && params[:name] != "" # search_type = :contests # search_condition = params[:name] # end respond_to do |format| format.js format.html{ render :layout=>'users_base'} end end private def _shixun_to_local shixuns shixuns.each do |shixun| if LocalShixun.where(shixun_id: shixun.id).blank? local_shixun = LocalShixun.create!(name: shixun.name, description: shixun.description, user_id: User.current.id, status: 0, trainee: shixun.trainee, webssh: shixun.webssh, multi_webssh: shixun.multi_webssh, can_copy: shixun.can_copy, identifier: generate_identifier, shixun_id: shixun.id, use_scope: shixun.use_scope, visits: 1, evaluate_script: shixun.evaluate_script, local_giturl: shixun.git_url) # 同步更新实践课程中对应的shixun_id LocalStageShixun.where(shixun_id: shixun.id).update_all(local_shixun_id: local_shixun.id) # 同步镜像 if shixun.mirror_repositories.present? shixun.mirror_repositories.each do |mirror| # 本地版的mirror id和线上的可能不一样,所以按名字取,然后再存 # local_mirror = MirrorRepository.where(type_name: mirror.type_name).first.try(:id) LocalMirrorRepository.create!(:local_shixun_id => local_shixun.id, :mirror_repository_id => mirror.id, type_name: mirror.type_name) end end # 同步技术标签 shixun.shixun_tag_repertoires.each do |str| LocalShixunTagRepertoire.create!(:tag_repertoire_id => str.tag_repertoire_id, :local_shixun_id => local_shixun.id) end # 不需要同步版本库,版本库应该是从本地导入到线上的时候由线上版本创建的 # 同步复制关卡 if shixun.challenges.present? shixun.challenges.each do |challenge| new_challenge = LocalChallenge.new new_challenge.attributes = challenge.attributes.dup.except("id","shixun_id","user_id", "test_set_score", "test_set_average", "exec_time", "praises_count") new_challenge.local_shixun_id = local_shixun.id new_challenge.save! # 评测题,选择题暂时不考虑 # 同步测试集 if challenge.test_sets.present? challenge.test_sets.each do |test_set| new_test_set = LocalTestSet.new new_test_set.attributes = test_set.attributes.dup.except("id","challenge_id","match_rule") new_test_set.local_challenge_id = new_challenge.id new_test_set.save! end end # 同步关卡标签 challenge_tags = ChallengeTag.where("challenge_id =? and challenge_choose_id is null", challenge.id) if challenge_tags.present? challenge_tags.each do |challenge_tag| LocalChallengeTag.create!(:local_challenge_id => new_challenge.id, :name => challenge_tag.try(:name)) end end end end end end end def _local_to_shixun local_shixun identifier = generate_identifier shixun = Shixun.create!(name: local_shixun.name, description: local_shixun.description, user_id: User.current.id, trainee: local_shixun.trainee, webssh: local_shixun.webssh, multi_webssh: local_shixun.multi_webssh, can_copy: local_shixun.can_copy, identifier: identifier, reset_time: Time.now, modify_time: Time.now, use_scope: local_shixun.use_scope, visits: 1, evaluate_script: local_shixun.evaluate_script) m = ShixunMember.new(:user_id => User.current.id, :role => 1) shixun.shixun_members << m # 同步镜像 local_mirrors = LocalMirrorRepository.where(local_shixun_id: local_shixun.id) if local_mirrors.present? local_mirrors.each do |local_mirror| local_mirror_new = MirrorRepository.where(type_name: local_mirror.try(:type_name)).first ShixunMirrorRepository.create!(:shixun_id => shixun.id, :mirror_repository_id => local_mirror_new.id) end end # 同步技术标签 local_shixun_tags = LocalShixunTagRepertoire.where(local_shixun_id: local_shixun.id) if local_shixun_tags.present? local_shixun_tags.each do |str| ShixunTagRepertoire.create!(:tag_repertoire_id => str.tag_repertoire_id, :shixun_id => shixun.id) end end # 创建版本库 repository = Repository.new repository.shixun = shixun repository.type = 'Repository::Gitlab' repository.identifier = shixun.identifier.downcase repository.project_id = -1 repository.save! s = Trustie::Gitlab::Sync.new s.create_shixun(shixun, repository) raise "版本库创建失败" if shixun.gpid.blank? # 若和gitlab没同步成功,则抛出异常 g = Gitlab.client shixun.update_column(:git_url, g.project(shixun.gpid).path_with_namespace) local_git_path = local_shixun.local_giturl.split('/').last if local_shixun.local_giturl.present? new_giturl = "http://educoder:xinhu1ji2qu3@"+g.project(shixun.gpid).http_url_to_repo.split('//').last # 如果有目录才执行 if system("cd tmp/repositories/#{local_git_path}") system("cd tmp/repositories/#{local_git_path};git remote remove origin;git remote add origin #{new_giturl}; git add .;git commit -m '..';git push origin master") end # http://Hjqreturn:xinhu1ji2qu3@bdgit.educoder.net/Hjqreturn/pgfqe6ch8.git (fetch) # 同步关卡信息 local_challenges = LocalChallenge.where(local_shixun_id: local_shixun.id) if local_challenges.present? local_challenges.each do |local_challenge| new_challenge = Challenge.new new_challenge.attributes = local_challenge.attributes.dup.except("id","local_shixun_id","user_id", "test_set_score") new_challenge.user_id = User.current.id new_challenge.shixun_id = shixun.id new_challenge.save! # 同步测试集 local_test_sets = LocalTestSet.where(local_challenge_id: local_challenge.id) if local_test_sets.present? local_test_sets.each do |local_test_set| new_test_set = TestSet.new new_test_set.attributes = local_test_set.attributes.dup.except("id","challenge_id") new_test_set.challenge_id = new_challenge.id new_test_set.save! end end # 同步关卡标签 local_challenge_tags = LocalChallengeTag.where(local_challenge_id: local_challenge.id) if local_challenge_tags.present? local_challenge_tags.each do |local_challenge_tag| ChallengeTag.create!(:challenge_id => new_challenge.id, :name => local_challenge_tag.try(:name)) end end end end shixun end # 判断网站的入口,是课程 course 则跳过index去渲染 course 方法 def entry_select # url = request.original_url.gsub('/','') # if url.include?(Setting.url_course.gsub('/','')) # if @first_page.show_course == 1 # course # render :course # else # render_404 # end # # return 0 # elsif url.include?(Setting.url_contest.gsub('/','')) # if @first_page.show_contest == 1 # contest # render :contest # else # render_404 # end # # return 0 # elsif url.include?(Setting.url_user.gsub('/','')) # #redirect_to(:controller => "users", :action => "index") # end end # def render(*args) # _fake if @fake_filter # super # end # private # def fake # @fake_filter = true # end # # 骗子方法 # def _fake # instance_variables.map { |variable| # if variable.to_s =~ /Count$/ # self.instance_variable_set(variable.to_sym, # ("1" + (self.instance_variable_get(variable.to_sym).to_s)).to_i) # end # } # end end