# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. #+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class MyController < ApplicationController include ApplicationHelper layout "users_base" skip_before_filter :check_authentication, :only => [:account] before_filter :auth_login1, :only => [:account] before_filter :require_login, except: [:change_mail_notification] helper :issues helper :users helper :custom_fields helper :user_score BLOCKS = { 'issuesassignedtome' => :label_assigned_to_me_issues, 'issuesreportedbyme' => :label_reported_issues, 'issueswatched' => :label_watched_issues, 'news' => :label_news_latest, 'calendar' => :label_calendar, 'documents' => :label_document_plural, 'timelog' => :label_spent_time }.merge(Redmine::Views::MyPage::Block.additional_blocks).freeze DEFAULT_LAYOUT = { 'left' => ['issuesassignedtome'], 'right' => ['issuesreportedbyme'] }.freeze def index page render :action => 'page' end # Show user's page def page @user = User.current @Issues= Issue.visible.open. where(:assigned_to_id => ([User.current.id] + User.current.group_ids)) @limit = 10 @feedback_count = @Issues.count @feedback_pages = Paginator.new @feedback_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @feedback_pages.offset @curse_attachments = @Issues[@offset, @limit] @blocks = @user.pref[:my_page_layout] || DEFAULT_LAYOUT end def page2 @limit = 10 @user = User.current @Issues= Issue.visible.open. where(:assigned_to_id => ([User.current.id] + User.current.group_ids)) @feedback_count = @Issues.count @feedback_pages = Paginator.new @feedback_count, @limit, params['page'] @offset ||= @feedback_pages.offset @curse_attachments = @Issues[@offset, @limit] @state = false @blocks = @user.pref[:my_page_layout] || DEFAULT_LAYOUT respond_to do |format| format.js end end def change_mail_notification token = params[:token] user = try_to_autologin1 if user user.mail_notification = params[:mail_notification] user.save flash[:notice] = l(:notice_mail_notification_updated) redirect_to my_account_url else redirect_to signin_url end end def clear_user_avatar_temp if params[:course] @course = Course.find params[:course] diskfile = disk_filename('Course', @course.id) elsif params[:contest] @contest = Contest.find params[:contest] diskfile = disk_filename('Contest', @contest.id) elsif params[:project] @project = Project.find params[:project] diskfile = disk_filename('Project', @project.id) elsif params[:organization] @organization = Organization.find params[:organization] diskfile = disk_filename('Organization', @organization.id) else @user = User.current diskfile = disk_filename('User', @user.id) end diskfile1 = diskfile + 'temp' File.delete(diskfile1) if File.exist?(diskfile1) end def save_user_avatar if params[:source_id] && params[:source_type] case params[:source_type] when 'User' @user = User.current diskfile = disk_filename('User', @user.id) when 'Course' @course = Course.find params[:source_id] diskfile = disk_filename('Course', @course.id) when 'Contest' @contest = Contest.find params[:source_id] diskfile = disk_filename('Contest', @contest.id) when 'Project' @project = Project.find params[:source_id] diskfile = disk_filename('Project', @project.id) when 'Organization' @organization = Organization.find params[:source_id] diskfile = disk_filename('Organization', @organization.id) end end diskfile1 = diskfile + 'temp' begin FileUtils.mv diskfile1, diskfile, force: true if File.exist? diskfile1 ensure File.delete(diskfile1) if File.exist?(diskfile1) end end # Edit user's account def account @user = params[:user_id].nil? ? User.current : User.find(params[:user_id]) ue = @user.user_extensions if @user.lastname.blank? || ue.try(:identity).nil? || (ue.try(:identity) == 1 && ue.try(:student_id).blank?) || (ue.try(:identity) != 1 && ue.try(:technical_title).blank?) || ue.try(:gender).blank? || ue.try(:school_id).blank? redirect_to user_info_path return end @force = params[:force] # 更新消息状态 if params[:flag] applied_message = AppliedMessage.where(:id => params[:applied_message_id]).first applied_message.update_attribute(:viewed, true) end # @user = User.current # 认证 @trail_authentication = ApplyAction.where(:user_id => User.current.id, :container_type => "TrialAuthorization").order("created_at desc").first if @trail_authentication && (@trail_authentication.status == 1 || @trail_authentication.status == 2) && !@trail_authentication.noticed @noticed_result = true @trail_authentication.update_attribute("noticed", 1) elsif @user.certification != 1 && (@trail_authentication.nil? || @trail_authentication.try(:status) != 0) first_update = Grade.where(:user_id => @user.id, :container_id => @user.id, :container_type => 'Account').first if first_update.present? && (Time.now.to_i - first_update.created_at.to_i) > 1 && @user.user_day_certifications.last.present? && @user.user_day_certifications.last.status == 1 @require_trail_auth = true @user.user_day_certifications.update_all("status = 2") @certification_expired = 1 elsif first_update.present? && (Time.now.to_i - first_update.created_at.to_i) > 1 @require_trail_auth = true end end =begin if @user.nickname.nil? || @user.lastname.nil? || ue.try(:identity).nil? || (ue.try(:identity) == 1 && ue.try(:student_id).blank?) || (ue.try(:identity) != 1 && ue.try(:technical_title).blank?) || ue.try(:location).nil? || ue.try(:location_city).nil? || ue.try(:gender).nil? || ue.try(:school_id).nil? @require_auth = true else if User.current.certification != 1 && (@trail_authentication.blank? || (@trail_authentication.status == 2 && (@trail_authentication.updated_at.to_i + 5*60) < Time.now.to_i)) @require_trail_auth = true end end =end =begin @s_message = AppliedMessage.where(:status => 3, :user_id => User.current.id, :viewed => 0, :applied_type => 'ApplyAddSchools').first @d_message = AppliedMessage.where(:status => 3, :user_id => User.current.id, :viewed => 0, :applied_type => 'ApplyAddDepartment').first AppliedMessage.where(:status => 3, :user_id => User.current.id, :viewed => 0, :applied_type => 'ApplyAddSchools').update_all(:viewed => true) AppliedMessage.where(:status => 3, :user_id => User.current.id, :viewed => 0, :applied_type => 'ApplyAddDepartment').update_all(:viewed => true) =end @setting_type = 1 render :layout => 'login' end # Destroys user's account def destroy @user = User.current unless @user.own_account_deletable? redirect_to my_account_url return end if request.post? && params[:confirm] @user.destroy if @user.destroyed? logout_user flash.now[:notice] = l(:notice_account_deleted) end redirect_to signin_path end end # Manage user's password def password begin @act='password' # @user = params[:user_id].nil? ? User.current : User.find(params[:user_id]) @user = User.current unless @user.change_password_allowed? flash.now[:error] = l(:notice_can_t_change_password) redirect_to my_account_url return end if request.post? us = UsersService.new @user = us.change_password params.merge(:current_user_id => @user.id) if @user.errors.full_messages.count <= 0 flash.now[:notice] = l(:notice_account_password_updated) # 修改完密码,让其重新登录,并更新Token Token.delete_user_all_tokens(@user) logout_user respond_to do |format| format.js end # redirect_to signin_url(back_url: my_account_path) return else #flash.now[:error] = l(:notice_account_wrong_password) end end rescue Exception => e if e.message == 'wrong password' # flash.now[:error] = l(:notice_account_wrong_password) else # flash.now[:error] = e.message end flash.now[:error] = l(:notice_account_old_wrong_password) end @setting_type = 5 render :template => 'account/change_psd',:layout=>'login' end # Create a new feeds key def reset_rss_key if request.post? if User.current.rss_token User.current.rss_token.destroy User.current.reload end User.current.rss_key flash[:notice] = l(:notice_feeds_access_key_reseted) end redirect_to my_account_url end # Create a new API key def reset_api_key if request.post? if User.current.api_token User.current.api_token.destroy User.current.reload end User.current.api_key flash[:notice] = l(:notice_api_access_key_reseted) end redirect_to my_account_url end # User's page layout configuration def page_layout @user = User.current @blocks = @user.pref[:my_page_layout] || DEFAULT_LAYOUT.dup @block_options = [] BLOCKS.each do |k, v| unless %w(top left right).detect {|f| (@blocks[f] ||= []).include?(k)} @block_options << [l("my.blocks.#{v}", :default => [v, v.to_s.humanize]), k.dasherize] end end end # Add a block to user's page # The block is added on top of the page # params[:block] : id of the block to add def add_block block = params[:block].to_s.underscore if block.present? && BLOCKS.key?(block) @user = User.current layout = @user.pref[:my_page_layout] || {} # remove if already present in a group %w(top left right).each {|f| (layout[f] ||= []).delete block } # add it on top layout['top'].unshift block @user.pref[:my_page_layout] = layout @user.pref.save end redirect_to my_page_layout_url end # Remove a block to user's page # params[:block] : id of the block to remove def remove_block block = params[:block].to_s.underscore @user = User.current # remove block in all groups layout = @user.pref[:my_page_layout] || {} %w(top left right).each {|f| (layout[f] ||= []).delete block } @user.pref[:my_page_layout] = layout @user.pref.save redirect_to my_page_layout_url end # Change blocks order on user's page # params[:group] : group to order (top, left or right) # params[:list-(top|left|right)] : array of block ids of the group def order_blocks group = params[:group] @user = User.current if group.is_a?(String) group_items = (params["blocks"] || []).collect(&:underscore) group_items.each {|s| s.sub!(/^block_/, '')} if group_items and group_items.is_a? Array layout = @user.pref[:my_page_layout] || {} # remove group blocks if they are presents in other groups %w(top left right).each {|f| layout[f] = (layout[f] || []) - group_items } layout[group] = group_items @user.pref[:my_page_layout] = layout @user.pref.saveaccount end end render :nothing => true end end