#coding=utf-8 require 'elasticsearch/model' class Course < ActiveRecord::Base include Redmine::SafeAttributes include CoursesHelper STATUS_ACTIVE = 1 STATUS_CLOSED = 5 STATUS_ARCHIVED = 9 # elasticsearch include Elasticsearch::Model #elasticsearch kaminari init Kaminari::Hooks.init Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Response.__send__ :include, Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Pagination::Kaminari settings index: { number_of_shards: 5 } do mappings dynamic: 'false' do indexes :name, analyzer: 'smartcn',index_options: 'offsets' indexes :description, analyzer: 'smartcn',index_options: 'offsets' indexes :updated_at, index:"not_analyzed",type:"date" end end attr_accessible :code, :extra, :name, :state, :tea_id, :time , :location, :state, :term, :password,:is_public, :description,:class_period, :open_student, :enterprise_name, :is_delete, :syllabus_id, :end_time, :end_term, :choose_group_allow, :is_end, :homepage_show, :course_list_id, :teacher_list, :student_list, :is_hidden #belongs_to :project, :class_name => 'Course', :foreign_key => :extra, primary_key: :identifier belongs_to :teacher, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => :tea_id # 定义一个方法teacher,该方法通过tea_id来调用User表 belongs_to :school, :class_name => 'School', :foreign_key => :school_id #定义一个方法school,该方法通过school_id来调用School表 belongs_to :syllabus belongs_to :course_list # has_many :bid has_many :course_members, dependent: :destroy has_many :members, :include => [:principal, :roles], :conditions => "#{Principal.table_name}.type='User' AND #{Principal.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE}" has_many :memberships, :class_name => 'Member' has_many :member_principals, :class_name => 'Member', :include => :principal, :conditions => "#{Principal.table_name}.type='Group' OR (#{Principal.table_name}.type='User' AND #{Principal.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUS_ACTIVE})" has_many :principals, :through => :member_principals, :source => :principal has_many :users, :through => :members has_many :org_courses, :dependent => :destroy has_many :organizations, :through => :org_courses # has_many :homeworks, :through => :homework_for_courses, :source => :bid, :dependent => :destroy has_many :journals_for_messages, :as => :jour, :dependent => :destroy # has_many :homework_for_courses, :dependent => :destroy has_many :student, :class_name => 'StudentsForCourse', :source => :user has_many :course_infos, :class_name => 'CourseInfos',:dependent => :destroy has_many :enabled_modules, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :boards, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "position ASC" #has_many :course_journals_for_messages, :class_name => 'CourseJournalsForMessage', :as => :jour, :dependent => :destroy has_many :news, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :author has_one :course_status, :class_name => "CourseStatus", :dependent => :destroy has_many :student_work_projects, :dependent => :destroy has_many :course_homework_categories, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "CONVERT(name USING gbk) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci ASC" has_many :homework_commons, :dependent => :destroy has_many :shixun_homework_commons, class_name: 'HomeworkCommon', conditions: 'homework_type = 4' has_many :other_homework_commons, class_name: 'HomeworkCommon', conditions: 'homework_type IN (1, 3)' has_many :homework_group_settings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :student_works, :through => :homework_commons, :dependent => :destroy # 毕设选题 has_many :graduation_topics, :dependent => :destroy has_many :student_graduation_topics, :dependent => :destroy has_many :graduation_groups, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "CONVERT(name USING gbk) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci ASC" # 毕设任务 has_many :graduation_tasks, :dependent => :destroy has_many :graduation_works, :dependent => :destroy has_many :course_groups, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "CONVERT(name USING gbk) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci ASC" has_many :teacher_course_groups, :dependent => :destroy has_many :course_homework_statisticss, :dependent => :destroy # 课程动态 has_many :course_acts, :class_name => 'CourseActivity',:as =>:course_act ,:dependent => :destroy # 工程认证 has_many :ec_courses, :through => :ec_major_courses has_many :ec_major_courses, :dependent => :destroy has_many :course_activities # 课程消息 has_many :course_messages, :class_name =>'CourseMessage', :as => :course_message, :dependent => :destroy has_many :exercises, :dependent => :destroy has_many :exercise_group_settings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :polls, :dependent => :destroy has_many :poll_group_settings, :dependent => :destroy # 课程贡献榜 has_many :course_contributor_scores, :dependent => :destroy has_many :attachment_group_settings, :dependent => :destroy #课程模块 has_many :course_modules, :dependent => :destroy #导入的学生信息 has_many :import_course_users, :dependent => :destroy has_many :tidings, :as => :container, :dependent => :destroy acts_as_taggable acts_as_nested_set :order => 'name', :dependent => :destroy acts_as_attachable :view_permission => :view_course_files, :delete_permission => :manage_files validates_presence_of :name #validates_format_of :class_period, :with =>/^[1-9]\d*$/ #validates_format_of :time, :with => /^\d{4}$/ validates_format_of :name,:with =>/^[^ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9_\u4e00-\u9fa5\s\S]*$/ validates_length_of :description, :maximum => 10000 before_save :self_validate # 公开课程变成私有课程,所有资源都变成私有 after_update :update_files_public after_create :create_board_sync, :act_as_course_activity, :send_tiding, :create_course_modules before_destroy :delete_all_members safe_attributes 'extra', 'time', 'name', 'extra', 'code', 'location', 'tea_id', 'password', 'term', 'is_public', 'description', 'class_period', 'open_student', 'is_delete', 'syllabus_id', 'end_time', 'end_term', 'os_allow', 'choose_group_allow', 'credit', 'homepage_show', 'show_unit' acts_as_customizable scope :not_deleted, lambda{where(is_delete: 0)} scope :not_deleted_not_end, lambda{where(is_delete: 0, is_end: 0)} scope :not_deleted_but_is_end, lambda{where(is_end: 1, is_delete: 0)} scope :all_course scope :active, lambda { where(:status => STATUS_ACTIVE) } scope :status, lambda {|arg| where(arg.blank? ? nil : {:status => arg.to_i}) } scope :all_public, lambda { where(:is_public => true) } scope :visible, lambda {|*args| where(Course.where("is_delete =?", 0).visible_condition(args.shift || User.current, *args)) } scope :allowed_to, lambda {|*args| user = User.current permission = nil if args.first.is_a?(Symbol) permission = args.shift else user = args.shift permission = args.shift end where(Course.allowed_to_condition(user, permission, *args)) } scope :like, lambda {|arg| if arg.blank? where(nil) else pattern = "%#{arg.to_s.strip.downcase}%" where(" LOWER(name) LIKE :p ", :p => pattern) end } scope :indexable,lambda { where('is_public = 1 and is_delete = 0') } def attachment_count Attachment.find_by_sql("select count(id) as count from attachments where container_id=#{self.id} and container_type='Course'").first.try(:count).to_i end def member_count CourseMember.find_by_sql("select count(id) as count from course_members where course_id=#{self.id}").first.try(:count).to_i end def self.search(query) __elasticsearch__.search( { query: { multi_match: { query: query, type:"most_fields", operator: "or", fields: ['name', 'description^0.5'] } }, sort: { _score:{order: "desc" }, updated_at:{order:"desc"} }, highlight: { pre_tags: ['<span class="c_red">'], post_tags: ['</span>'], fields: { name: {}, description: {} } } } ) end def self.e_search(query) __elasticsearch__.search( { query: { multi_match: { query: query, type:"most_fields", operator: "or", fields: ['name', 'description^0.5'] } }, sort: { _score:{order: "desc" }, updated_at:{order:"desc"} } } ) end def delete! update_attribute(:is_delete, true) end def visible?(user=User.current) user.allowed_to?(:view_course, self) end def parent_id_changed? false end # Returns the mail adresses of users that should be always notified on project events def recipients notified_users.collect {|user| user.mail} end # Returns the users that should be notified on project events def notified_users # TODO: User part should be extracted to User#notify_about? members.select {|m| m.principal.present? && (m.mail_notification? || m.principal.mail_notification == 'all')}.collect {|m| m.principal} end def course_list_name self.course_list ? self.course_list.name : "" end # 选出教师数不为0的答辩组 def course_graduation_group self.graduation_groups.select{|group| group.course_members.count > 0} end # 课程的短描述信息 def short_description(length = 255) description.gsub(/<\/?.*?>/,"").html_safe if description #description.gsub(/^(.{#{length}}[^\n\r]*).*$/m, '\1...').strip if description end # 课程的短名称信息 def short_name(length = 8) name.gsub(/<\/?.*?>/,"").html_safe if name end def strip_html(html) return html if html.empty? || !html.include?('<') output = "" tokenizer = HTML::Tokenizer.new(html) while token = tokenizer.next node = HTML::Node.parse(nil, 0, 0, token, false) output += token unless (node.kind_of? HTML::Tag) or (token =~ /^<!/) end return output end def extra_frozen? errors[:extra].blank? && !(new_record? || extra.blank?) end def archived? self.status == STATUS_ARCHIVED end # 课堂的老师不包括助教 def course_teachers self.course_members.where(:role => [1, 2]) end # 课堂的老师包括助教 def teachers self.course_members.where(:role => [1, 2, 3]) end def students self.course_members.where(:role => [4]) end def self.visible_condition(user, options={}) allowed_to_condition(user, :view_course, options) end # 获取课程的资源类型列表 def attachmenttypes @attachmenttypes = Attachmentstype.find(:all, :conditions => ["#{Attachmentstype.table_name}.typeId= ?",self.attachmenttype ]) end # 获取资源后缀名列表 def contenttypes attachmenttypes if @attachmenttypes.length >0 @attachmenttypes.last().suffixArr end end def active? self.status == STATUS_ACTIVE end #课程权限判断 def allows_to?(action) if archived? # No action allowed on archived projects return false end unless active? || Redmine::AccessControl.read_action?(action) # No write action allowed on closed projects return false end # No action allowed on disabled modules if action.is_a? Hash allowed_actions.include? "#{action[:controller]}/#{action[:action]}" else allowed_permissions.include? action end end # 课程允许的权限集合 def allowed_permissions @allowed_permissions ||= begin module_names = enabled_modules.all(:select => :name).collect {|m| m.name} Redmine::AccessControl.modules_permissions(module_names).collect {|p| p.name} end end # 课程允许的动作集合 def allowed_actions @actions_allowed ||= allowed_permissions.inject([]) { |actions, permission| actions += Redmine::AccessControl.allowed_actions(permission) }.flatten end # 返回用户组可以访问的课程 def users_by_role members.includes(:user, :roles).all.inject({}) do |h, m| m.roles.each do |r| h[r] ||= [] h[r] << m.user end h end end #自定义验证 def self_validate end def update_files_public unless self.is_public? self.attachments.each do |a| a.update_attributes(:is_public => false) end end end def is_public? self.is_public == 1 end def update_default_value self.time = Time.now.year unless time self.term = cur_course_term unless term self.class_period = 10 unless class_period end # 创建课程讨论区 def create_board_sync @board = self.boards.build #self.name=" #{l(:label_borad_course) }" @board.name = " #{l(:label_borad_course) }"#self.name @board.description = self.name.to_s @board.project_id = -1 if @board.save logger.debug "[Course Model] ===> #{@board.to_json}" else logger.error "[Course Model] ===> Auto create board when course saved, because #{@board.full_messages}" end end # 新增课程留言 # add by nwb def self.add_new_jour(user, notes, id, options={}) course = Course.find(id) if options.count == 0 pjfm = course.journals_for_messages.build(:user_id => user.id, :notes => notes, :reply_id => 0) else pjfm = course.journals_for_messages.build(options) end pjfm.save pjfm end # 删除课程所有成员 def delete_all_members CourseMember.delete_all(['course_id = ?', id]) # if self.members && self.members.count > 0 # me, mr = Member.table_name, MemberRole.table_name # connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{mr} WHERE #{mr}.member_id IN (SELECT #{me}.id FROM #{me} WHERE #{me}.course_id = #{id})") # Member.delete_all(['course_id = ?', id]) # end end # 创建课程模块 def create_course_modules mod = self.course_modules if mod.blank? type = ["activity", "shixun_homework", "common_homework", "group_homework", "graduation", "exercise", "poll", "attachment", "board", "course_group"] name = ["动态", "实训作业", "普通作业", "分组作业", "毕业设计", "试卷", "问卷", "资源", "讨论", "分班"] for i in 0..9 CourseModule.create(:course_id => self.id, :module_type => type[i], :position => i + 1, :hidden => (i == 4 ? 1 : 0), :module_name => name[i]) end end end def get_endup_time begin end_time = Time.parse(self.endup_time) rescue Exception => e end_time = Time.parse("3000-01-01") Rails.logger.error "[Error] course endup_time error. ===> #{e}" ensure return end_time end end def get_time begin time = Date.new(self.time).to_time rescue Exception => e time = Time.parse("3000-01-01") Rails.logger.error "[Error] course time error. ===> #{e}" ensure return time end end def self.allowed_to_condition(user, permission, options={}) perm = Redmine::AccessControl.permission(permission) base_statement = (perm && perm.read? ? "#{Course.table_name}.status <> #{Course::STATUS_ARCHIVED}" : "#{Course.table_name}.status = #{Course::STATUS_ACTIVE}") if perm && perm.course_module base_statement << " AND #{Course.table_name}.id IN (SELECT em.course_id FROM #{EnabledModule.table_name} em WHERE em.name='#{perm.course_module}')" end if options[:course] course_statement = "#{Course.table_name}.id = #{options[:course].id}" course_statement << " OR (#{Course.table_name}.lft > #{options[:course].lft} AND #{Course.table_name}.rgt < #{options[:course].rgt})" if options[:with_subcourses] base_statement = "(#{course_statement}) AND (#{base_statement})" end if user.admin? base_statement else statement_by_role = {} unless options[:member] role = user.logged? ? Role.non_member : Role.anonymous if role.allowed_to?(permission) statement_by_role[role] = "#{Course.table_name}.is_public = #{connection.quoted_true}" end end if user.logged? user.courses_by_role.each do |role, courses| if role.allowed_to?(permission) && courses.any? statement_by_role[role] = "#{Course.table_name}.id IN (#{courses.collect(&:id).join(',')})" end end end if statement_by_role.empty? "1=0" else if block_given? statement_by_role.each do |role, statement| if s = yield(role, user) statement_by_role[role] = "(#{statement} AND (#{s}))" end end end "((#{base_statement}) AND (#{statement_by_role.values.join(' OR ')}))" end end end # 课堂实训作业的评测次数 def evaluate_count course_user_ids = self.students.map(&:user_id) shixun_ids = self.homework_commons.joins(:homework_commons_shixuns).where(homework_type: 4).pluck(:shixun_id) return 0 if shixun_ids.blank? Game.joins(:challenge).where(challenges: {shixun_id: shixun_ids}, games: {user_id: course_user_ids}).sum(:evaluate_count) end #课程动态公共表记录 def act_as_course_activity self.course_acts << CourseActivity.new(:user_id => self.tea_id,:course_id => self.id) end #创建课程后,给该用户发送消息 def send_tiding self.tidings << Tiding.new(:user_id => self.tea_id, :trigger_user_id => self.tea_id, :belong_container_id => self.id, :belong_container_type =>'Course', :tiding_type => "System") end #项目与课程分离后,很多课程的名称等信息为空,这些数据信息存储在项目表中!!就是数据兼容的问题 #def name # read_attribute('name') || Project.find_by_identifier(self.extra).try(:name) #end # after_commit on: [:create] do # __elasticsearch__.index_document # end # # after_commit on: [:update] do # __elasticsearch__.update_document # end # # after_commit on: [:destroy] do # __elasticsearch__.delete_document # end def create_course_ealasticsearch_index return if Rails.env.development? if self.is_public == 1 and self.is_delete == 0 #公开 和 没有被删除的课程才被索引 self.__elasticsearch__.index_document end end def update_course_ealasticsearch_index return if Rails.env.development? if self.is_public == 1 and self.is_delete == 0 #如果是初次更新成为公开或者恢复被删除的情况,会报错,那么这条记录尚未被索引过。没有报错就是更新的其他属性 begin self.__elasticsearch__.update_document rescue => e self.__elasticsearch__.index_document end else #如果是更新成为私有的,那么索引就要被删除 begin self.__elasticsearch__.delete_document rescue => e end end end def delete_course_ealasticsearch_index return if Rails.env.development? begin self.__elasticsearch__.delete_document rescue => e end end # 延迟生成邀请码 def invite_code return generate_invite_code end # 生成邀请码 CODES = %W(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) def generate_invite_code code = read_attribute(:invite_code) if !code || code.size <5 code = CODES.sample(5).join return generate_invite_code if Course.where(invite_code: code).present? update_attribute(:invite_code, code) end code end def generate_qrcode ticket = self.qrcode if !ticket || ticket.size < 10 || (Time.now.to_i > self.qrcode_expiretime) response = Wechat.api.qrcode_create_scene(invite_code, 2592000) logger.debug "response = #{response}" self.qrcode = response['ticket'] self.qrcode_expiretime = Time.now.to_i+response['expire_seconds'] save! && reload ticket = qrcode end ticket end end # Delete the previous articles index in Elasticsearch # Course.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.delete index: Course.index_name rescue nil # # # Create the new index with the new mapping # Course.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.create \ # index: Course.index_name, # body: { settings: Course.settings.to_hash, mappings: Course.mappings.to_hash } # Index all article records from the DB to Elasticsearch #Course.where('is_public = 1').import :force=>true