# encoding=utf-8
class ShixunsService
include ApplicationHelper
include GamesHelper
LIMIT = 10
# reuturn star_info打星情况
def show_shixun params, current_user
shixun = Shixun.select([:id, :identifier, :name, :fork_from, :user_id, :myshixuns_count, :trainee, :can_copy, :status, :propaedeutics]).find_by_identifier(params[:identifier])
star_info = shixun.shixun_preference_info
image_url = url_to_avatar(current_user)
username = current_user.try(:show_name)
is_certification_teacher = current_user.is_certification_teacher
manager = current_user.manager_of_shixun?(shixun, current_user)
owner = shixun.owner
watched = owner.watched_by?(current_user)
shixun_count = owner.shixuns.where(:status => [2, 3]).count
myshixun = Myshixun.select([:id, :user_id, :identifier, :shixun_id, :status]).where(:user_id => current_user, :shixun_id => shixun.id).first
if shixun.fork_from
fork_shixun = Shixun.select([:id, :name, :user_id]).find(shixun.fork_from)
fork_info = {:name => fork_shixun.name, :username => fork_shixun.owner.try(:show_name)}
currentUser = {:image_url => image_url, :username => username, :is_certification_teacher=> is_certification_teacher, :manager => manager,
:admin => current_user.admin?, :mail => current_user.try(:mail), :login => current_user.try(:login)}
creator = {:owner_id => owner.id, :image_url => url_to_avatar(owner), :username => owner.show_name, :watching => owner.watcher_users.count,
:shixun_count => shixun_count, :login => owner.login}
fork_count = Shixun.where(:fork_from => shixun.id).count
recommends = []
recommend_shixuns = recommend_shixun(shixun)
recommend_shixuns.each do |rec|
recommends << {:name => rec.name, :myshixuns_count => rec.myshixuns.count, :trainee => rec.trainee, :image_url => url_to_avatar(rec), :identifier => rec.identifier}
challenge_tags = []
user_get_tags = user_get_tags shixun.challenges.pluck(:id), current_user
ChallengeTag.where(:challenge_id => shixun.challenges.pluck(:id)).pluck(:name).uniq.each do |tag|
if user_get_tags.include?(tag)
challenge_tags << {:name => tag, :type => 2}
challenge_tags << {:name => tag, :type => 1}
recommend_paths = []
paths = Subject.where(:id => shixun.stage_shixuns.map(&:subject_id), :hidden => 0).limit(2)
paths.each do |path|
experience = path.subject_shixun_score + path.subject_shixun_choose_score
learn_count = path.respond_to?("myshixun_member_count") ? path.myshixun_member_count : Myshixun.where(:shixun_id => path.stage_shixuns.map(&:shixun_id)).count
recommend_paths << {url: "/paths/#{path.id}",
image_url: "/images/#{url_to_avatar(path)}",
name: path.name,
stages_count: path.stages_count,
experience: experience,
learn_count: learn_count}
return {:current_user => currentUser, :shixun => shixun.try(:attributes), :fork_info => fork_info, :creator => creator, :star_info => star_info,
:myshixuns_count => shixun.myshixuns.count, :shixun_score => shixun.shixun_score, :shixun_level => shixun.shixun_level,
:fork_count => fork_count, :recommend_shixuns => recommends, :myshixun => myshixun.try(:attributes), :watched => watched,
:recommend_paths => recommend_paths, :challenge_tags => challenge_tags}
# 实训讨论帖子
def shixun_discuss params, current_user
page = params[:page].to_i
offset = page * LIMIT
dis_id = params[:container_id] # 如:shixun_id
dis = Shixun.select([:id, :user_id]).find(dis_id)
dis_type = params[:container_type] # 如:"Shixun"
# 总数,分页使用
if current_user.admin?
disscuss_count = Discuss.where(:dis_id => dis_id, :dis_type => dis_type, :root_id => nil).count
discusses = Discuss.limit(LIMIT).where(:dis_id => dis_id, :dis_type => dis_type,
:root_id => nil).includes(:user, :praise_tread).offset(offset)
disscusses = Discuss.where("dis_id = :dis_id and dis_type = :dis_type and root_id = :root_id and
(hidden = :hidden or user_id = :user_id)",
{dis_id: dis_id, dis_type: dis_type, root_id: nil, hidden: false,
user_id: current_user.id})
disscuss_count = disscusses.count
discusses = disscusses.limit(LIMIT).includes(:user, :praise_tread).offset(offset)
base_data discusses, dis, current_user
return {:children_list => @children_list, :disscuss_count => disscuss_count}
# 获取某条消息的具体位置(比如在分页中的某一页)
def anchor params, current_user
discuss_id = params[:discuss_id].to_i
dis_id = params[:container_id] # 如:shixun_id
dis = Shixun.select([:id, :user_id]).find(dis_id)
dis_type = params[:container_type] # 如:"Shixun"
# 注意:此处查询的条件必须和列表的条件一致,否则结果定位可能会有问题
position_discusses = Discuss.find_by_sql("SELECT @rowno:=@rowno+1 as rowno, r.id from discusses r,(select @rowno:=0) m where root_id is null and
dis_id=#{dis_id} and dis_type='#{dis_type}' order by created_at desc")
disscuss_count = position_discusses.size
# 标记是否找到评论
find_status = false
if disscuss_count > 0
position = position_discusses.select{|discuss| discuss.id == discuss_id}.first.try(:rowno)
page = position.to_i / LIMIT
offset = page * LIMIT
find_status = true if position
discusses = Discuss.limit(LIMIT).where(:dis_id => dis_id, :dis_type => dis_type, :root_id => nil).includes(:user, :praise_tread).offset(offset)
base_data discusses, dis, current_user
Myshixun.find(params[:myshixun_id]).update_attribute(:onclick_time, Time.now)
return {:children_list => @children_list, :disscuss_count => disscuss_count, :page => page.to_i, :find_status => find_status}
# 判断当前用户是否有新的评论消息
def new_message params, current_user
onclick_time = Myshixun.find(params[:myshixun_id]).try(:onclick_time)
dis_id = params[:container_id]
dis_type = params[:container_type]
# 获取当前用户发布的帖子,如果帖子有非自己的回复则通知我
ids = Discuss.where("user_id =? and dis_id =? and dis_type =? and root_id is null", current_user.id, dis_id, dis_type).pluck(:id)
user_discuss = Discuss.where("user_id !=? and created_at >?", current_user.id, onclick_time).where(:root_id => ids, :dis_id => dis_id, :dis_type => dis_type).first
return {:new_message => user_discuss}
# 公共数据结构
# 注意:shixun_id如果是非实训类型的,一定要主要其中的权限判断(目前只适用于实训)
def base_data discusses, dis, current_user
@children_list = []
# 目前只取十个,不多N+1问题不大
# 需要彻底解决则需要改数据路结构,比如Nested算法可以解决
if discusses.present?
discusses.each do |d|
# 总点赞数
praise_count = d.praise_tread.where(:praise_or_tread => 1).count
user_praise= d.praise_tread.select{|pt| pt.user_id == current_user.id}.length > 0 ? true : false
# 实训(TPM)的管理员可以看到隐藏的评论
manager = current_user.manager_of_shixun?(dis, current_user)
game_url =
if manager
position = d.position.nil? ? 1 : d.position
game_identifier = Game.find_by_sql("SELECT g.identifier FROM games g JOIN challenges c on g.challenge_id = c.id
WHERE c.shixun_id = #{dis.id} AND c.position = #{position} AND g.user_id = #{d.user_id}").first.try(:identifier)
parents = {:id => d.id, :content => d.content, :time => time_from_now(d.created_at), :position => d.position,
:user_id => d.user.try(:id), :reward => d.reward, :image_url => url_to_avatar(d.user),
:username => d.username, :user_login => d.user.try(:login), :shixun_id => dis.id, :hidden => d.hidden,
:manager => manager, :praise_count => praise_count, game_url: game_url,
:user_praise => user_praise, :admin => current_user.admin?}
# 现在没有二级回复,所以查询的时候直接从root_id取
children =
if current_user.admin?
Discuss.where(root_id: d.id).includes(:user).reorder("created_at asc")
Discuss.where("root_id = :root_id and (hidden = :hidden or user_id = :user_id",
{root_id: d.id, hidden: false, user_id: current_user.id}).includes(:user).reorder("created_at asc")
@children_list << parents.merge({:children => (children.map{|child| [:content => child.content, :time => time_from_now(child.created_at), :position => child.position , :reward => child.reward,:hidden => child.hidden,
:image_url => url_to_avatar(child.user), :username => child.username, :user_id => child.user_id, :user_login => child.user.try(:login),
:can_delete => child.can_delete_api(current_user, child.user_id), :id => child.id]}.flatten if children.present?)})
def myshixun_git params, current_user
page = params[:page].to_i
offset = page * LIMIT
shixun = Shixun.select([:id, :user_id]).find_by_identifier(params[:identifier])
myshixuns = Myshixun.limit(LIMIT).where(:shixun_id => shixun.id).includes(:user).offset(offset)
list = []
myshixuns.each do |myshixun|
git_url = gitlab_address_url myshixun
list << {:identifier => myshixun.identifier, :git_url => git_url, :username => myshixun.owner.show_name, :user_id => myshixun.owner.try(:id)}
return list
end |