You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
1.6 KiB

@nav_dispaly_contest_label = 1
@nav_dispaly_store_all_label = 1
@nav_dispaly_forum_label = 1
<!-- fq -->
<!-- modified by huang -->
<div class="top-content">
<%= form_tag(calls_path, :method => :get) do %>
<table width="940px">
<td class="info_font" style="width: 220px; color: #15bccf"><%= l(:label_requirement_enterprise ) %></td>
<td class="location-list"><strong><%= l(:label_user_location) %> :</strong></td>
<td rowspan="2">
<% if User.current.logged? %>
<%= link_to(l(:label_new_call), {:controller => 'bids', :action => 'new_bid'}, :class => 'icon icon-add') %>
<% end %>
<td rowspan="2" >
<div class="project-search" style="float: right">
<%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], :size => 28 %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reward_type', params[:reward_type] %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'project_type', params[:project_type] %>
<%= submit_tag l(:label_search), :class => "enterprise", :name => nil %>
<td style="padding-left: 8px"><a><%= link_to"/calls", :controller => 'bids', :action => 'index' %> </a></td>
<td ><%=link_to l(:field_homepage), home_path %> > <%=link_to l(:label_requirement_enterprise), :controller => 'bids', :action => 'index' %></td>
<% end %>
<% if @bids.size > 0 %>
<div id="bid-show">
<%= sort_bid(@s_state, @project_type)%>
<%= render :partial => 'bid_show', :locals => {:bids => @bids, :bid_pages => @bid_pages} %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => "layouts/no_content"%>
<% end %>
<% html_title l(:label_requirement_enterprise_list)%>