You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1.9 KiB

written by Lorenz Muller
import numpy as np
from time import time
def loadData(path='./', valfrac=0.1, delimiter='::', seed=1234,
loads ml-1m data
:param path: path to the ratings file
:param valfrac: fraction of data to use for validation
:param delimiter: delimiter used in data file
:param seed: random seed for validation splitting
:param transpose: flag to transpose output matrices (swapping users with movies)
:return: train ratings (n_u, n_m), valid ratings (n_u, n_m)
tic = time()
print('reading data...')
data = np.loadtxt(path, skiprows=0, delimiter=delimiter).astype('int32')
print('data read in', time() - tic, 'seconds')
n_u = np.unique(data[:, 0]).shape[0] # number of users
n_m = np.unique(data[:, 1]).shape[0] # number of movies
n_r = data.shape[0] # number of ratings
# these dictionaries define a mapping from user/movie id to to user/movie number (contiguous from zero)
udict = {}
for i, u in enumerate(np.unique(data[:, 0]).tolist()):
udict[u] = i
mdict = {}
for i, m in enumerate(np.unique(data[:, 1]).tolist()):
mdict[m] = i
# shuffle indices
idx = np.arange(n_r)
trainRatings = np.zeros((n_u, n_m), dtype='float32')
validRatings = np.zeros((n_u, n_m), dtype='float32')
for i in range(n_r):
u_id = data[idx[i], 0]
m_id = data[idx[i], 1]
r = data[idx[i], 2]
# the first few ratings of the shuffled data array are validation data
if i <= valfrac * n_r:
validRatings[udict[u_id], mdict[m_id]] = int(r)
# the rest are training data
trainRatings[udict[u_id], mdict[m_id]] = int(r)
if transpose:
trainRatings = trainRatings.T
validRatings = validRatings.T
print('loaded dense data matrix')
return trainRatings, validRatings