name: HomeBuildCI on: push: branches: - '**' - '!gh-pages' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: write # To push a branch pull-requests: write # To create a PR from that branch steps: # Check - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: home submodules: recursive - run: | echo '创建 temp/:' mkdir /home/runner/temp echo '复制 ./* 到 /home/runner/temp/*:' cp -v -u -r ./* /home/runner/temp/ echo '检查 temp/:' ls /home/runner/temp/ # Run merge home and gh-pages - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: gh-pages - run: | echo '如果存在则删除 ./css:' if [ -d "./css/" ];then rm -r ./css/ else echo "文件夹不存在。" fi; echo '复制 /home/runner/temp/css/ 到 ./css/:' cp -v -u -r /home/runner/temp/css/ ./css/ - run: | echo '如果存在则删除 ./js' if [ -d "./js/" ];then rm -r ./js/ else echo "文件夹不存在。" fi; echo '复制 /home/runner/temp/js/ 到 ./js/:' cp -v -u -r /home/runner/temp/js/ ./js/ - run: | echo '如果存在则删除 ./footer.html:' if [ ! -f "./footer.html" ];then echo "文件不存在" else rm -d ./footer.html fi echo '复制 /home/runner/temp/footer.html 到 ./footer.html:' cp -v -u -r /home/runner/temp/footer.html ./footer.html - run: | echo '如果存在则删除 ./index.html:' if [ ! -f "./index.html" ];then echo "文件不存在" else rm -d ./index.html fi echo '复制 /home/runner/temp/index.html 到 ./index.html:' cp -v -u -r /home/runner/temp/index.html ./index.html - run: | echo '如果存在则删除 ./404.html:' if [ ! -f "./404.html" ];then echo "文件不存在" else rm -d ./404.html fi echo '复制 /home/runner/temp/404.html 到 ./404.html:' cp -v -u -r /home/runner/temp/404.html ./404.html - name: 获取发行版 run: | mkdir ./Web /usr/bin/wget -O ./ unzip -o ./ -d ./Web ls ./Web rm ./ - name: Generate the sitemap id: sitemap uses: cicirello/generate-sitemap@v1 with: base-url-path: - name: Output sitemap stats run: | echo "sitemap-path = ${{ steps.sitemap.outputs.sitemap-path }}" echo "url-count = ${{ steps.sitemap.outputs.url-count }}" echo "excluded-count = ${{ steps.sitemap.outputs.excluded-count }}" # Deploy - uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4 with: branch: gh-pages # The branch the action should deploy to. folder: . # The folder the action should deploy. - name: Ping Google run: curl