568flat is a cool grub 2 theme which is designed for ventoy.
> [568flat](#568flat-installation) is designed for resolution of 1024x544 and above.
> If your screen resolution is over 2048x1088, please use [568flat_x2](#568flat_x2-installation) for better experience.
## Installation
If the resolution is not over 2048x1088, please goto [568flat Installation](#568flat-installation); Else, goto [568flat_x2 Installation](#568flat_x2-installation).
Copy the `568flat` folder (`568flat-en` folder for English version) into `ventoy/themes` which should be located in the partition where your ISOs are located.
Copy the `568flat_x2` folder (`568flat_x2-en` folder for English version) into `ventoy/themes` which should be located in the partition where your ISOs are located.