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var idbKeyval = function (t) {
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function e(t) {
return new Promise(((e, n) => {
t.oncomplete = t.onsuccess = () => e(t.result), t.onabort = t.onerror = () => n(t.error)
function n(t, n) {
const r =;
r.onupgradeneeded = () => r.result.createObjectStore(n);
const o = e(r);
return (t, e) => o.then((r => e(r.transaction(n, t).objectStore(n))))
let r;
function o() {
return r || (r = n("keyval-store", "keyval")), r
function u(t, n) {
return t("readonly", (t => (t.openCursor().onsuccess = function () {
this.result && (n(this.result), this.result.continue())
}, e(t.transaction))))
return t.clear = function (t = o()) {
return t("readwrite", (t => (t.clear(), e(t.transaction))))
}, t.createStore = n, t.del = function (t, n = o()) {
return n("readwrite", (n => (n.delete(t), e(n.transaction))))
}, t.entries = function (t = o()) {
const e = [];
return u(t, (t => e.push([t.key, t.value]))).then((() => e))
}, t.get = function (t, n = o()) {
return n("readonly", (n => e(n.get(t))))
}, t.getMany = function (t, n = o()) {
return n("readonly", (n => Promise.all( => e(n.get(t)))))))
}, t.keys = function (t = o()) {
const e = [];
return u(t, (t => e.push(t.key))).then((() => e))
}, t.promisifyRequest = e, t.set = function (t, n, r = o()) {
return r("readwrite", (r => (r.put(n, t), e(r.transaction))))
}, t.setMany = function (t, n = o()) {
return n("readwrite", (n => (t.forEach((t => n.put(t[1], t[0]))), e(n.transaction))))
}, t.update = function (t, n, r = o()) {
return r("readwrite", (r => new Promise(((o, u) => {
r.get(t).onsuccess = function () {
try {
r.put(n(this.result), t), o(e(r.transaction))
} catch (t) {
}, t.values = function (t = o()) {
const e = [];
return u(t, (t => e.push(t.value))).then((() => e))
}, t
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blob: null
console.error('GET ERRPR!', file);
blob: file.blob
// console.log(;
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else return null
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return null
if (blob) {
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console.error('ERROR URL:', element);
if (!blob) res(null)