name: Release on: push: branches: - '**' - '!release' paths: - '!**.md' - '!LICENSE' - '!.github\workflows\**' jobs: Release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone assets branch run: | echo '创建 tree/:' mkdir /home/runner/tree echo '克隆 三个分支:' git clone -b assets /home/runner/tree/assets echo '检查 tree/assets:' ls /home/runner/tree/assets - name: Checkout main branch uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: main submodules: recursive - name: Merge main with assets run: | echo '复制 tree/assets/* 到 .:' cp -v -u -r /home/runner/tree/assets/* . - name: Delete 冗 run: | rm -r lib/tools/dwv/doc/ rm -r lib/tools/webp2jpg-online/doc/ - name: HTML/CSS/JS Minifier uses: docker://devatherock/minify-js:2.0.0 with: add_suffix: false - name: Generate the sitemap id: sitemap uses: cicirello/generate-sitemap@v1 with: base-url-path: - name: Output sitemap stats run: | echo "sitemap-path = ${{ steps.sitemap.outputs.sitemap-path }}" echo "url-count = ${{ steps.sitemap.outputs.url-count }}" echo "excluded-count = ${{ steps.sitemap.outputs.excluded-count }}" - name: Deploy as pages uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4 with: branch: release # The branch the action should deploy to. folder: . # The folder the action should deploy. # - name: Checkout release branch # uses: actions/checkout@v3 # with: # ref: release # - name: Update tool lib # run: | # rm -r ./lib/ # git config --global "PJ569-bot" # git config --global "" # git submodule update # # git rm --cached lib # # git submodule add -b tools ./lib # # git add ./lib/ # git commit -m '库更新' # git push - name: Ping Google run: curl