> The document uses Google Translate
![title](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/og_image2.png) ![title](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/badges/01.svg) ![title](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/badges/02.svg) ![title](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/badges/03.svg)
![title](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/page_ui_en.jpg) Introduction to webp2jpg-online I often need to convert webp images to jpg format, and many of the functions provided by online conversion require uploading files, which sucks. There are non-uploads but the UI is difficult to use, Google later learned that html5 comes with a built-in interface called canvas. toBlob has the ability to convert images, so just do your own webp2jpg-online. ![title](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/format2.png) Online image format converter, jpeg, jpg, PNG, Gif, webp, svg, ICO, bmp files into Jpeg, PNG, webp, ICO, gif files. The conversion can be done locally without uploading the file Online picture format converter, can convert jpeg, jpg, png, gif, webp, svg, ico, bmp files into jpeg, png, webp, ico, gif files. No need to upload files, conversion can be done locally。 ## Main function No UPLOADS, conversion using the browser itself Batch translation outputs webp, jpeg, PNG, 8-bit PNG, gif animation, webp animation, base64 Output specified size (WEBP, jpeg) Output number of colors (Gif, png-8) Options can customize adding or removing a tick and persisting it ## Online address https://renzhezhilu.github.io/webp2jpg-online/ ## demo ![demo](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/cdn/v2_demo.gif) # plan # [ ] Pull out the main function to make [img2img.js](https://github.com/renzhezhilu/img2img ) module (not started) # # update the log ### v2.1 2020-08-17 New feature-output specified size NEW FEATURE-COLOR COUNT OPTION (GIF, png-8) New feature-automatic width output New format-8-bit PNG New format-base64 Fix-option delete function Fix-multi-file download omission Fix-compressed package file non-english garbled code Fix-capital suffix not recognized Fix-highlights that the prompt does not support file format Delete the-ico output (false ICO is still PNG) ### v2.0 2020-06-26 Refactoring using vue Support GIF GIF TO WEBP GIF The size and picture quality can be customized Option data persistence Enable image append mode Openable conversion comparison Optimized the UI Support for multiple languages The page file is also bigger, which is slower to open the first time and faster after the second time ### [v1.0](https://github.com/renzhezhilu/webp2jpg-online/tree/v1.0) 2020-01-14 Project Establishment Support for Jpeg, webp, PNG conversion Optional output width Optional output picture quality Batch processing Platform support | | Google Chrome | Firefox | Apple Safari | Microsoft Edge | IE | |---|-----|----|----|-----|---| | Windows ️| ☑️ | ☑️ | - | ☑️ |- |Mac OS|✔️|✔️|☑️|✔️|-| |Iphone|☑️|☑️| ✔️ | - |-| |Android|☑️|☑️|-| -|-| ️️ > Something is running well? Untested ## ❤ thanks for the recommendation [ tech enthusiast weekly (issue 114) : USB Survival and Uber-job ](http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/07/weekly-issue-114.html ) ## The core principle of image format conversion ### Canvas API [HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob()](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/toBlob) ``` javascript canvas.toBlob(callback, type, encoderOptions); ``` ### WebAssembly [MDN:WebAssembly doc](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/WebAssembly) [wasm-im ](https://github.com/mk33mk333/wasm-im) [ article: Web Assembly practice-using Imagemagick in a browser ](https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1554176) [(snapshot)](https://renzhezhilu.github.io/webp2jpg-online/doc/webassembly-using)