You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1351 lines
34 KiB
1351 lines
34 KiB
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var MonacoEmacs;
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var stdoutEditor;
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function handleRunError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
handleError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
function handleResult(data) {
timeEnd =;
console.log("It took " + (timeEnd - timeStart) + " ms to get submission result.");
var status = data.status;
var stdout = decode(data.stdout);
var compile_output = decode(data.compile_output);
var time = (data.time === null ? "-" : data.time + "s");
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function getIdFromURI() {
var uri =;
return uri.split("&")[0];
function downloadSource() {
var value = parseInt($selectLanguage.val());
download(sourceEditor.getValue(), fileNames[value], "text/plain");
function loadSavedSource() {
snippet_id = getIdFromURI();
if (snippet_id.length == 36) {
url: apiUrl + "/submissions/" + snippet_id + "?fields=source_code,language_id,stdin,stdout,stderr,compile_output,message,time,memory,status,compiler_options,command_line_arguments&base64_encoded=true",
type: "GET",
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$selectLanguage.dropdown("set selected", data["language_id"]);
var time = (data.time === null ? "-" : data.time + "s");
var memory = (data.memory === null ? "-" : data.memory + "KB");
$statusLine.html(`${data.status.description}, ${time}, ${memory}`);
error: handleRunError
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function run() {
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showError("Error", "Source code can't be empty!");
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var compilerOptions = $compilerOptions.val();
var commandLineArguments = $commandLineArguments.val();
if (parseInt(languageId) === 44) {
sourceValue = sourceEditor.getValue();
var data = {
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language_id: languageId,
stdin: stdinValue,
compiler_options: compilerOptions,
command_line_arguments: commandLineArguments,
redirect_stderr_to_stdout: true
var sendRequest = function(data) {
timeStart =;
url: apiUrl + `/submissions?base64_encoded=true&wait=${wait}`,
type: "POST",
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contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
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withCredentials: apiUrl.indexOf("/secure") != -1 ? true : false
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
console.log(`Your submission token is: ${data.token}`);
if (wait == true) {
} else {
setTimeout(fetchSubmission.bind(null, data.token), check_timeout);
error: handleRunError
var fetchAdditionalFiles = false;
if (parseInt(languageId) === 82) {
if (sqliteAdditionalFiles === "") {
fetchAdditionalFiles = true;
url: `${}`,
type: "GET",
async: true,
contentType: "text/plain",
success: function (responseData, textStatus, jqXHR) {
sqliteAdditionalFiles = responseData;
data["additional_files"] = sqliteAdditionalFiles;
error: handleRunError
else {
data["additional_files"] = sqliteAdditionalFiles;
if (!fetchAdditionalFiles) {
function fetchSubmission(submission_token) {
url: apiUrl + "/submissions/" + submission_token + "?base64_encoded=true",
type: "GET",
async: true,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if ( <= 2) { // In Queue or Processing
setTimeout(fetchSubmission.bind(null, submission_token), check_timeout);
error: handleRunError
function changeEditorLanguage() {
monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(sourceEditor.getModel(), $selectLanguage.find(":selected").attr("mode"));
currentLanguageId = parseInt($selectLanguage.val());
$(".lm_title")[0].innerText = fileNames[currentLanguageId];
apiUrl = resolveApiUrl($selectLanguage.val());
function insertTemplate() {
currentLanguageId = parseInt($selectLanguage.val());
stdinEditor.setValue(inputs[currentLanguageId] || "");
$compilerOptions.val(compilerOptions[currentLanguageId] || "");
function loadRandomLanguage() {
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $selectLanguage[0].options.length; ++i) {
// $selectLanguage.dropdown("set selected", values[Math.floor(Math.random() * $selectLanguage[0].length)]);
$selectLanguage.dropdown("set selected", values[19]);
apiUrl = resolveApiUrl($selectLanguage.val())
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if (editorMode != "normal") {
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function disposeEditorModeObject() {
try {
editorModeObject = null;
} catch(ignorable) {
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var statusNode = $("#editor-status-line")[0];
editorModeObject = new MonacoEmacs.EmacsExtension(sourceEditor);
editorModeObject.onDidMarkChange(function(e) {
statusNode.textContent = e ? "Mark Set!" : "Mark Unset";
editorModeObject.onDidChangeKey(function(str) {
statusNode.textContent = str;
function resolveLanguageId(id) {
id = parseInt(id);
return languageIdTable[id] || id;
function resolveApiUrl(id) {
id = parseInt(id);
return languageApiUrlTable[id] || defaultUrl;
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stdoutEditor.updateOptions({fontSize: fontSize});
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$(document).ready(function () {
console.log("Hey, Judge0 IDE is open-sourced: Have fun!");
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$selectLanguage.change(function (e) {
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} else {
$compilerOptions = $("#compiler-options");
$commandLineArguments = $("#command-line-arguments");
$commandLineArguments.attr("size", $commandLineArguments.attr("placeholder").length);
$insertTemplateBtn = $("#insert-template-btn");
$ (e) {
if (isEditorDirty && confirm("Are you sure? Your current changes will be lost.")) {
$runBtn = $("#run-btn");
$ (e) {
$navigationMessage = $("#navigation-message span");
$updates = $("#judge0-more");
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apiUrl = url;
localStorageSetItem("api-url", apiUrl);
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automaticLayout: true,
theme: "vs-dark",
scrollBeyondLastLine: true,
readOnly: state.readOnly,
language: "cpp",
minimap: {
enabled: false
sourceEditor.getModel().onDidChangeContent(function (e) {
currentLanguageId = parseInt($selectLanguage.val());
isEditorDirty = sourceEditor.getValue() != sources[currentLanguageId];
layout.registerComponent("stdin", function (container, state) {
stdinEditor = monaco.editor.create(container.getElement()[0], {
automaticLayout: true,
theme: "vs-dark",
scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
readOnly: state.readOnly,
language: "plaintext",
minimap: {
enabled: false
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enabled: false
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// Template Sources
var assemblySource = "\
section .text\n\
global _start\n\
xor eax, eax\n\
lea edx, [rax+len]\n\
mov al, 1\n\
mov esi, msg\n\
mov edi, eax\n\
xor edi, edi\n\
lea eax, [rdi+60]\n\
section .rodata\n\
msg db 'hello, world', 0xa\n\
len equ $ - msg\n\
var bashSource = "echo \"hello, world\"";
var basicSource = "PRINT \"hello, world\"";
var cSource = "\
// Powered by Judge0\n\
#include <stdio.h>\n\
int main(void) {\n\
printf(\"Hello Judge0!\\n\");\n\
return 0;\n\
var csharpSource = "\
public class Hello {\n\
public static void Main() {\n\
System.Console.WriteLine(\"hello, world\");\n\
var cppSource = "\
#include <iostream>\n\
int main() {\n\
std::cout << \"hello, world\" << std::endl;\n\
return 0;\n\
var competitiveProgrammingSource = "\
#include <algorithm>\n\
#include <cstdint>\n\
#include <iostream>\n\
#include <limits>\n\
#include <set>\n\
#include <utility>\n\
#include <vector>\n\
using Vertex = std::uint16_t;\n\
using Cost = std::uint16_t;\n\
using Edge = std::pair< Vertex, Cost >;\n\
using Graph = std::vector< std::vector< Edge > >;\n\
using CostTable = std::vector< std::uint64_t >;\n\
constexpr auto kInfiniteCost{ std::numeric_limits< CostTable::value_type >::max() };\n\
auto dijkstra( Vertex const start, Vertex const end, Graph const & graph, CostTable & costTable )\n\
std::fill( costTable.begin(), costTable.end(), kInfiniteCost );\n\
costTable[ start ] = 0;\n\
std::set< std::pair< CostTable::value_type, Vertex > > minHeap;\n\
minHeap.emplace( 0, start );\n\
while ( !minHeap.empty() )\n\
auto const vertexCost{ minHeap.begin()->first };\n\
auto const vertex { minHeap.begin()->second };\n\
minHeap.erase( minHeap.begin() );\n\
if ( vertex == end )\n\
for ( auto const & neighbourEdge : graph[ vertex ] )\n\
auto const & neighbour{ neighbourEdge.first };\n\
auto const & cost{ neighbourEdge.second };\n\
if ( costTable[ neighbour ] > vertexCost + cost )\n\
minHeap.erase( { costTable[ neighbour ], neighbour } );\n\
costTable[ neighbour ] = vertexCost + cost;\n\
minHeap.emplace( costTable[ neighbour ], neighbour );\n\
return costTable[ end ];\n\
int main()\n\
constexpr std::uint16_t maxVertices{ 10000 };\n\
Graph graph ( maxVertices );\n\
CostTable costTable( maxVertices );\n\
std::uint16_t testCases;\n\
std::cin >> testCases;\n\
while ( testCases-- > 0 )\n\
for ( auto i{ 0 }; i < maxVertices; ++i )\n\
graph[ i ].clear();\n\
std::uint16_t numberOfVertices;\n\
std::uint16_t numberOfEdges;\n\
std::cin >> numberOfVertices >> numberOfEdges;\n\
for ( auto i{ 0 }; i < numberOfEdges; ++i )\n\
Vertex from;\n\
Vertex to;\n\
Cost cost;\n\
std::cin >> from >> to >> cost;\n\
graph[ from ].emplace_back( to, cost );\n\
Vertex start;\n\
Vertex end;\n\
std::cin >> start >> end;\n\
auto const result{ dijkstra( start, end, graph, costTable ) };\n\
if ( result == kInfiniteCost )\n\
std::cout << \"NO\\n\";\n\
std::cout << result << '\\n';\n\
return 0;\n\
var clojureSource = "(println \"hello, world\")\n";
var cobolSource = "\
DISPLAY \"hello, world\".\n\
var lispSource = "(write-line \"hello, world\")";
var dSource = "\
import std.stdio;\n\
void main()\n\
writeln(\"hello, world\");\n\
var elixirSource = "IO.puts \"hello, world\"";
var erlangSource = "\
main(_) ->\n\
io:fwrite(\"hello, world\\n\").\n\
var executableSource = "\
Judge0 IDE assumes that content of executable is Base64 encoded.\n\
This means that you should Base64 encode content of your binary,\n\
paste it here and click \"Run\".\n\
Here is an example of compiled \"hello, world\" NASM program.\n\
Content of compiled binary is Base64 encoded and used as source code.\n\
var fsharpSource = "printfn \"hello, world\"\n";
var fortranSource = "\
program main\n\
print *, \"hello, world\"\n\
var goSource = "\
package main\n\
import \"fmt\"\n\
func main() {\n\
fmt.Println(\"hello, world\")\n\
var groovySource = "println \"hello, world\"\n";
var haskellSource = "main = putStrLn \"hello, world\"";
var javaSource = "\
public class Main {\n\
public static void main(String[] args) {\n\
System.out.println(\"hello, world\");\n\
var javaScriptSource = "console.log(\"hello, world\");";
var kotlinSource = "\
fun main() {\n\
println(\"hello, world\")\n\
var luaSource = "print(\"hello, world\")";
var objectiveCSource = "\
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n\
int main() {\n\
@autoreleasepool {\n\
char name[10];\n\
scanf(\"%s\", name);\n\
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@\"hello, %s\\n\", name];\n\
printf(\"%s\", message.UTF8String);\n\
return 0;\n\
var ocamlSource = "print_endline \"hello, world\"";
var octaveSource = "printf(\"hello, world\\n\");";
var pascalSource = "\
program Hello;\n\
writeln ('hello, world')\n\
var perlSource = "\
my $name = <STDIN>;\n\
print \"hello, $name\";\n\
var phpSource = "\
print(\"hello, world\\n\");\n\
var plainTextSource = "hello, world\n";
var prologSource = "\
:- initialization(main).\n\
main :- write('hello, world\\n').\n\
var pythonSource = "print(\"hello, world\")";
var rSource = "cat(\"hello, world\\n\")";
var rubySource = "puts \"hello, world\"";
var rustSource = "\
fn main() {\n\
println!(\"hello, world\");\n\
var scalaSource = "\
object Main {\n\
def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\
val name =\n\
println(\"hello, \"+ name)\n\
var sqliteSource = "\
-- On Judge0 IDE your SQL script is run on chinook database (\n\
-- For more information about how to use SQL with Judge0 API please\n\
-- watch this asciicast:\n\
Name, COUNT(*) AS num_albums\n\
FROM artists JOIN albums\n\
ON albums.ArtistID = artists.ArtistID\n\
GROUP BY Name\n\
ORDER BY num_albums DESC\n\
LIMIT 4;\n\
var sqliteAdditionalFiles = "";
var swiftSource = "\
import Foundation\n\
let name = readLine()\n\
print(\"hello, \\(name!)\")\n\
var typescriptSource = "console.log(\"hello, world\");";
var vbSource = "\
Public Module Program\n\
Public Sub Main()\n\
Console.WriteLine(\"hello, world\")\n\
End Sub\n\
End Module\n\
var c3Source = "\
// On the Judge0 IDE, C3 is automatically\n\
// updated every hour to the latest commit on master branch.\n\
module main;\n\
extern func void printf(char *str, ...);\n\
func int main()\n\
printf(\"hello, world\\n\");\n\
return 0;\n\
var javaTestSource = "\
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;\n\
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;\n\
class MainTest {\n\
static class Calculator {\n\
public int add(int x, int y) {\n\
return x + y;\n\
private final Calculator calculator = new Calculator();\n\
void addition() {\n\
assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));\n\
var mpiccSource = "\
// Try adding \"-n 5\" (without quotes) into command line arguments. \n\
#include <mpi.h>\n\
#include <stdio.h>\n\
int main()\n\
MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);\n\
int world_size;\n\
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);\n\
int world_rank;\n\
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);\n\
printf(\"Hello from processor with rank %d out of %d processors.\\n\", world_rank, world_size);\n\
return 0;\n\
var mpicxxSource = "\
// Try adding \"-n 5\" (without quotes) into command line arguments. \n\
#include <mpi.h>\n\
#include <iostream>\n\
int main()\n\
MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);\n\
int world_size;\n\
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);\n\
int world_rank;\n\
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);\n\
std::cout << \"Hello from processor with rank \"\n\
<< world_rank << \" out of \" << world_size << \" processors.\\n\";\n\
return 0;\n\
var mpipySource = "\
# Try adding \"-n 5\" (without quotes) into command line arguments. \n\
from mpi4py import MPI\n\
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD\n\
world_size = comm.Get_size()\n\
world_rank = comm.Get_rank()\n\
print(f\"Hello from processor with rank {world_rank} out of {world_size} processors\")\n\
var nimSource = "\
# On the Judge0 IDE, Nim is automatically\n\
# updated every day to the latest stable version.\n\
echo \"hello, world\"\n\
var pythonForMlSource = "\
import mlxtend\n\
import numpy\n\
import pandas\n\
import scipy\n\
import sklearn\n\
print(\"hello, world\")\n\
var bosqueSource = "\
// On the Judge0 IDE, Bosque (\n\
// is automatically updated every hour to the latest commit on master branch.\n\
namespace NSMain;\n\
concept WithName {\n\
invariant $name != \"\";\n\
field name: String;\n\
concept Greeting {\n\
abstract method sayHello(): String;\n\
virtual method sayGoodbye(): String {\n\
return \"goodbye\";\n\
entity GenericGreeting provides Greeting {\n\
const instance: GenericGreeting = GenericGreeting@{};\n\
override method sayHello(): String {\n\
return \"hello world\";\n\
entity NamedGreeting provides WithName, Greeting {\n\
override method sayHello(): String {\n\
return String::concat(\"hello\", \" \",;\n\
entrypoint function main(arg?: String): String {\n\
var val = arg ?| \"\";\n\
if (val == \"1\") {\n\
return GenericGreeting@{}.sayHello();\n\
elif (val == \"2\") {\n\
return GenericGreeting::instance.sayHello();\n\
else {\n\
return NamedGreeting@{name=\"bob\"}.sayHello();\n\
var cppTestSource = "\
#include <gtest/gtest.h>\n\
int add(int x, int y) {\n\
return x + y;\n\
TEST(AdditionTest, NeutralElement) {\n\
EXPECT_EQ(1, add(1, 0));\n\
EXPECT_EQ(1, add(0, 1));\n\
EXPECT_EQ(0, add(0, 0));\n\
TEST(AdditionTest, CommutativeProperty) {\n\
EXPECT_EQ(add(2, 3), add(3, 2));\n\
int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n\
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);\n\
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();\n\
var csharpTestSource ="\
using NUnit.Framework;\n\
public class Calculator\n\
public int add(int a, int b)\n\
return a + b;\n\
public class Tests\n\
private Calculator calculator;\n\
protected void SetUp()\n\
calculator = new Calculator();\n\
public void NeutralElement()\n\
Assert.AreEqual(1, calculator.add(1, 0));\n\
Assert.AreEqual(1, calculator.add(0, 1));\n\
Assert.AreEqual(0, calculator.add(0, 0));\n\
public void CommutativeProperty()\n\
Assert.AreEqual(calculator.add(2, 3), calculator.add(3, 2));\n\
var sources = {
45: assemblySource,
46: bashSource,
47: basicSource,
48: cSource,
49: cSource,
50: cSource,
51: csharpSource,
52: cppSource,
53: cppSource,
54: competitiveProgrammingSource,
55: lispSource,
56: dSource,
57: elixirSource,
58: erlangSource,
44: executableSource,
59: fortranSource,
60: goSource,
61: haskellSource,
62: javaSource,
63: javaScriptSource,
64: luaSource,
65: ocamlSource,
66: octaveSource,
67: pascalSource,
68: phpSource,
43: plainTextSource,
69: prologSource,
70: pythonSource,
71: pythonSource,
72: rubySource,
73: rustSource,
74: typescriptSource,
75: cSource,
76: cppSource,
77: cobolSource,
78: kotlinSource,
79: objectiveCSource,
80: rSource,
81: scalaSource,
82: sqliteSource,
83: swiftSource,
84: vbSource,
85: perlSource,
86: clojureSource,
87: fsharpSource,
88: groovySource,
1001: cSource,
1002: cppSource,
1003: c3Source,
1004: javaSource,
1005: javaTestSource,
1006: mpiccSource,
1007: mpicxxSource,
1008: mpipySource,
1009: nimSource,
1010: pythonForMlSource,
1011: bosqueSource,
1012: cppTestSource,
1013: cSource,
1014: cppSource,
1015: cppTestSource,
1021: csharpSource,
1022: csharpSource,
1023: csharpTestSource,
1024: fsharpSource
var fileNames = {
45: "main.asm",
46: "",
47: "main.bas",
48: "main.c",
49: "main.c",
50: "main.c",
51: "Main.cs",
52: "main.cpp",
53: "main.cpp",
54: "main.cpp",
55: "script.lisp",
56: "main.d",
57: "script.exs",
58: "main.erl",
44: "a.out",
59: "main.f90",
60: "main.go",
61: "main.hs",
62: "",
63: "script.js",
64: "script.lua",
65: "",
66: "script.m",
67: "main.pas",
68: "script.php",
43: "text.txt",
69: "",
70: "",
71: "",
72: "script.rb",
73: "",
74: "script.ts",
75: "main.c",
76: "main.cpp",
77: "main.cob",
78: "Main.kt",
79: "main.m",
80: "script.r",
81: "Main.scala",
82: "script.sql",
83: "Main.swift",
84: "Main.vb",
85: "",
86: "main.clj",
87: "script.fsx",
88: "script.groovy",
1001: "main.c",
1002: "main.cpp",
1003: "main.c3",
1004: "",
1005: "",
1006: "main.c",
1007: "main.cpp",
1008: "",
1009: "main.nim",
1010: "",
1011: "main.bsq",
1012: "main.cpp",
1013: "main.c",
1014: "main.cpp",
1015: "main.cpp",
1021: "Main.cs",
1022: "Main.cs",
1023: "Test.cs",
1024: "script.fsx"
var languageIdTable = {
1001: 1,
1002: 2,
1003: 3,
1004: 4,
1005: 5,
1006: 6,
1007: 7,
1008: 8,
1009: 9,
1010: 10,
1011: 11,
1012: 12,
1013: 13,
1014: 14,
1015: 15,
1021: 21,
1022: 22,
1023: 23,
1024: 24
var extraApiUrl = "";
var languageApiUrlTable = {
1001: extraApiUrl,
1002: extraApiUrl,
1003: extraApiUrl,
1004: extraApiUrl,
1005: extraApiUrl,
1006: extraApiUrl,
1007: extraApiUrl,
1008: extraApiUrl,
1009: extraApiUrl,
1010: extraApiUrl,
1011: extraApiUrl,
1012: extraApiUrl,
1013: extraApiUrl,
1014: extraApiUrl,
1015: extraApiUrl,
1021: extraApiUrl,
1022: extraApiUrl,
1023: extraApiUrl,
1024: extraApiUrl
var competitiveProgrammingInput = "\
3 2\n\
1 2 5\n\
2 3 7\n\
1 3\n\
3 3\n\
1 2 4\n\
1 3 7\n\
2 3 1\n\
1 3\n\
3 1\n\
1 2 4\n\
1 3\n\
var inputs = {
54: competitiveProgrammingInput
var competitiveProgrammingCompilerOptions = "-O3 --std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -Wold-style-cast -Wuseless-cast -Wnull-dereference -Werror -Wfatal-errors -pedantic -pedantic-errors";
var compilerOptions = {
54: competitiveProgrammingCompilerOptions