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package handler
import (
5 years ago
var mu sync.Mutex
var ComsuNum int
// 生产者产生 shell的命令放入管道中等待生产者执行
func Productor(channel chan string, dbw *database.DbWorker) {
defer close(channel)
for i := 0; i < len(dbw.Repositories); i++ {
channel <- fmt.Sprintf("%s", dbw.Repositories[i].Path.String)
// 消费者负责执行shell
func Consumer(channel chan string, dbw *database.DbWorker, wg *sync.WaitGroup, osslink string) {
for {
path, ok := <-channel // 此处会阻塞, 如果信道中没有数据的话
if ok {
if len(path) != 0 {
5 years ago
//pathDir := strings.Replace(path, ".git", "", -1)
//utils.Log.Info("path:", pathDir, "ComsumerNume:", ComsuNum)
// 拷贝版本库到oss
5 years ago
ossPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", osslink, path)
copyExec := fmt.Sprintf("obsutil sync %s %s", path, ossPath)
fmt.Println("shell:", copyExec)
5 years ago
s, err := Exec_linux_shell(copyExec)
utils.Log.Info("copy exec_shell: ", s, " err", err)
// 拷贝完成后,更新数据 oss=1
if err == nil {
} else {
5 years ago
utils.Log.Errorf("objectStore upload Failedcommad %s Git Path %s:shell exec return %", copyExec, path, s, " err", err)
5 years ago
//执行shell 命令
func Exec_linux_shell(s string) (string, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", s)
var out bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
//Run执行c包含的命令并阻塞直到完成。 这里stdout被取出cmd.Wait()无法正确获取stdin,stdout,stderr则阻塞在那了
err := cmd.Run()
return out.String(), err