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5 months ago
"use strict";
// Generated using scripts/write-encode-map.ts
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function restoreDiff(arr) {
for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i][0] += arr[i - 1][0] + 1;
return arr;
// prettier-ignore
exports.default = new Map(/* #__PURE__ */ restoreDiff([[9, "&Tab;"], [0, "&NewLine;"], [22, "&excl;"], [0, "&quot;"], [0, "&num;"], [0, "&dollar;"], [0, "&percnt;"], [0, "&amp;"], [0, "&apos;"], [0, "&lpar;"], [0, "&rpar;"], [0, "&ast;"], [0, "&plus;"], [0, "&comma;"], [1, "&period;"], [0, "&sol;"], [10, "&colon;"], [0, "&semi;"], [0, { v: "&lt;", n: 8402, o: "&nvlt;" }], [0, { v: "&equals;", n: 8421, o: "&bne;" }], [0, { v: "&gt;", n: 8402, o: "&nvgt;" }], [0, "&quest;"], [0, "&commat;"], [26, "&lbrack;"], [0, "&bsol;"], [0, "&rbrack;"], [0, "&Hat;"], [0, "&lowbar;"], [0, "&DiacriticalGrave;"], [5, { n: 106, o: "&fjlig;" }], [20, "&lbrace;"], [0, "&verbar;"], [0, "&rbrace;"], [34, "&nbsp;"], [0, "&iexcl;"], [0, "&cent;"], [0, "&pound;"], [0, "&curren;"], [0, "&yen;"], [0, "&brvbar;"], [0, "&sect;"], [0, "&die;"], [0, "&copy;"], [0, "&ordf;"], [0, "&laquo;"], [0, "&not;"], [0, "&shy;"], [0, "&circledR;"], [0, "&macr;"], [0, "&deg;"], [0, "&PlusMinus;"], [0, "&sup2;"], [0, "&sup3;"], [0, "&acute;"], [0, "&micro;"], [0, "&para;"], [0, "&centerdot;"], [0, "&cedil;"], [0, "&sup1;"], [0, "&ordm;"], [0, "&raquo;"], [0, "&frac14;"], [0, "&frac12;"], [0, "&frac34;"], [0, "&iquest;"], [0, "&Agrave;"], [0, "&Aacute;"], [0, "&Acirc;"], [0, "&Atilde;"], [0, "&Auml;"], [0, "&angst;"], [0, "&AElig;"], [0, "&Ccedil;"], [0, "&Egrave;"], [0, "&Eacute;"], [0, "&Ecirc;"], [0, "&Euml;"], [0, "&Igrave;"], [0, "&Iacute;"], [0, "&Icirc;"], [0, "&Iuml;"], [0, "&ETH;"], [0, "&Ntilde;"], [0, "&Ograve;"], [0, "&Oacute;"], [0, "&Ocirc;"], [0, "&Otilde;"], [0, "&Ouml;"], [0, "&times;"], [0, "&Oslash;"], [0, "&Ugrave;"], [0, "&Uacute;"], [0, "&Ucirc;"], [0, "&Uuml;"], [0, "&Yacute;"], [0, "&THORN;"], [0, "&szlig;"], [0, "&agrave;"], [0, "&aacute;"], [0, "&acirc;"], [0, "&atilde;"], [0, "&auml;"], [0, "&aring;"], [0, "&aelig;"], [0, "&ccedil;"], [0, "&egrave;"], [0, "&eacute;"], [0, "&ecirc;"], [0, "&euml;"], [0, "&igrave;"], [0, "&iacute;"], [0, "&icirc;"], [0, "&iuml;"], [0, "&eth;"], [0, "&ntilde;"], [0, "&ograve;"], [0, "&oacute;"], [0, "&ocirc;"], [0, "&otilde;"], [0, "&ouml;"], [0, "&div;"], [0, "&oslash;"], [0, "&ugrave;"], [0, "&uacute;"], [0, "&ucirc;"], [0, "&uuml;"], [0, "&yacute;"], [0, "&thorn;"], [0, "&yuml;"], [0, "&Amacr;"], [0, "&amacr;"], [0, "&Abreve;"], [0, "&abreve;"], [0, "&Aogon;"], [0, "&aogon;"], [0, "&Cacute;"], [0, "&cacute;"], [0, "&Ccirc;"], [0, "&ccirc;"], [0, "&Cdot;"], [0, "&cdot;"], [0, "&Ccaron;"], [0, "&ccaron;"], [0, "&Dcaron;"], [0, "&dcaron;"], [0, "&Dstrok;"], [0, "&dstrok;"], [0, "&Emacr;"], [0, "&emacr;"], [2, "&Edot;"], [0, "&edot;"], [0, "&Eogon;"], [0, "&eogon;"], [0, "&Ecaron;"], [0, "&ecaron;"], [0, "&Gcirc;"], [0, "&gcirc;"], [0, "&Gbreve;"], [0, "&gbreve;"], [0, "&Gdot;"], [0, "&gdot;"], [0, "&Gcedil;"], [1, "&Hcirc;"], [0, "&hcirc;"], [0, "&Hstrok;"], [0, "&hstrok;"], [0, "&Itilde;"], [0, "&itilde;"], [0, "&Imacr;"], [0, "&imacr;"], [2, "&Iogon;"], [0, "&iogon;"], [0, "&Idot;"], [0, "&imath;"], [0, "&IJlig;"], [0, "&ijlig;"], [0, "&Jcirc;"], [0, "&jcirc;"], [0, "&Kcedil;"], [0, "&kcedil;"], [0, "&kgreen;"], [0, "&Lacute;"], [0, "&lacute;"], [0, "&Lcedil;"], [0, "&lcedil;"], [0, "&Lcaron;"], [0, "&lcaron;"], [0, "&Lmidot;"], [0, "&lmidot;"], [0, "&Lstrok;"], [0, "&lstrok;"], [0, "&Nacute;"], [0, "&nacute;"], [0, "&Ncedil;"], [0, "&ncedil;"], [0, "&Ncaron;"], [0, "&ncaron;"], [0, "&napos;"], [0, "&ENG;"], [0, "&eng;"], [0, "&Omacr;"], [0, "&omacr;"], [2, "&Odblac;"], [0, "&odblac;"], [0, "&OElig;"], [0, "&oelig;"], [0, "&Racute;"], [0, "&racute;"], [0, "&Rcedil;"], [0, "&rcedil;"], [0, "&Rcaron;"], [0, "&rcaron;"], [0, "&Sacute;"], [0, "&sacute;"], [0, "&Scirc;"], [0, "&scirc;"], [0, "&Scedil;"], [0, "&scedil;"], [0, "&Scaron;"], [0, "&scaron;"], [0, "&Tcedil;"], [0, "&tcedil;"], [0, "&Tcaron;"], [0, "&tcaron;"], [0, "&Tstrok;"], [0, "&tstrok;"], [0, "&Utilde;"], [0, "&utilde;"], [0, "&Umacr;"], [0, "&umacr;"], [0, "&Ubreve;"], [0, "&ubreve;"], [0, "&Uring;"], [0, "&uring;"], [0, "&Udblac;"], [0, "&udblac;"], [0, "&Uogon;"], [0, "&uogon;"], [0, "&Wcirc;"], [0, "&wcirc;"], [0, "&Ycirc;"], [0, "&ycirc;"],