/** * @vue/compiler-ssr v3.5.1 * (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors * @license MIT **/ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var compilerDom = require('@vue/compiler-dom'); var shared = require('@vue/shared'); const SSR_INTERPOLATE = Symbol(`ssrInterpolate`); const SSR_RENDER_VNODE = Symbol(`ssrRenderVNode`); const SSR_RENDER_COMPONENT = Symbol(`ssrRenderComponent`); const SSR_RENDER_SLOT = Symbol(`ssrRenderSlot`); const SSR_RENDER_SLOT_INNER = Symbol(`ssrRenderSlotInner`); const SSR_RENDER_CLASS = Symbol(`ssrRenderClass`); const SSR_RENDER_STYLE = Symbol(`ssrRenderStyle`); const SSR_RENDER_ATTRS = Symbol(`ssrRenderAttrs`); const SSR_RENDER_ATTR = Symbol(`ssrRenderAttr`); const SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_ATTR = Symbol(`ssrRenderDynamicAttr`); const SSR_RENDER_LIST = Symbol(`ssrRenderList`); const SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR = Symbol( `ssrIncludeBooleanAttr` ); const SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL = Symbol(`ssrLooseEqual`); const SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN = Symbol(`ssrLooseContain`); const SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_MODEL = Symbol( `ssrRenderDynamicModel` ); const SSR_GET_DYNAMIC_MODEL_PROPS = Symbol( `ssrGetDynamicModelProps` ); const SSR_RENDER_TELEPORT = Symbol(`ssrRenderTeleport`); const SSR_RENDER_SUSPENSE = Symbol(`ssrRenderSuspense`); const SSR_GET_DIRECTIVE_PROPS = Symbol(`ssrGetDirectiveProps`); const ssrHelpers = { [SSR_INTERPOLATE]: `ssrInterpolate`, [SSR_RENDER_VNODE]: `ssrRenderVNode`, [SSR_RENDER_COMPONENT]: `ssrRenderComponent`, [SSR_RENDER_SLOT]: `ssrRenderSlot`, [SSR_RENDER_SLOT_INNER]: `ssrRenderSlotInner`, [SSR_RENDER_CLASS]: `ssrRenderClass`, [SSR_RENDER_STYLE]: `ssrRenderStyle`, [SSR_RENDER_ATTRS]: `ssrRenderAttrs`, [SSR_RENDER_ATTR]: `ssrRenderAttr`, [SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_ATTR]: `ssrRenderDynamicAttr`, [SSR_RENDER_LIST]: `ssrRenderList`, [SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR]: `ssrIncludeBooleanAttr`, [SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL]: `ssrLooseEqual`, [SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN]: `ssrLooseContain`, [SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_MODEL]: `ssrRenderDynamicModel`, [SSR_GET_DYNAMIC_MODEL_PROPS]: `ssrGetDynamicModelProps`, [SSR_RENDER_TELEPORT]: `ssrRenderTeleport`, [SSR_RENDER_SUSPENSE]: `ssrRenderSuspense`, [SSR_GET_DIRECTIVE_PROPS]: `ssrGetDirectiveProps` }; compilerDom.registerRuntimeHelpers(ssrHelpers); const ssrTransformIf = compilerDom.createStructuralDirectiveTransform( /^(if|else|else-if)$/, compilerDom.processIf ); function ssrProcessIf(node, context, disableNestedFragments = false, disableCommentAsIfAlternate = false) { const [rootBranch] = node.branches; const ifStatement = compilerDom.createIfStatement( rootBranch.condition, processIfBranch(rootBranch, context, disableNestedFragments) ); context.pushStatement(ifStatement); let currentIf = ifStatement; for (let i = 1; i < node.branches.length; i++) { const branch = node.branches[i]; const branchBlockStatement = processIfBranch( branch, context, disableNestedFragments ); if (branch.condition) { currentIf = currentIf.alternate = compilerDom.createIfStatement( branch.condition, branchBlockStatement ); } else { currentIf.alternate = branchBlockStatement; } } if (!currentIf.alternate && !disableCommentAsIfAlternate) { currentIf.alternate = compilerDom.createBlockStatement([ compilerDom.createCallExpression(`_push`, ["``"]) ]); } } function processIfBranch(branch, context, disableNestedFragments = false) { const { children } = branch; const needFragmentWrapper = !disableNestedFragments && (children.length !== 1 || children[0].type !== 1) && // optimize away nested fragments when the only child is a ForNode !(children.length === 1 && children[0].type === 11); return processChildrenAsStatement(branch, context, needFragmentWrapper); } const ssrTransformFor = compilerDom.createStructuralDirectiveTransform("for", compilerDom.processFor); function ssrProcessFor(node, context, disableNestedFragments = false) { const needFragmentWrapper = !disableNestedFragments && (node.children.length !== 1 || node.children[0].type !== 1); const renderLoop = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression( compilerDom.createForLoopParams(node.parseResult) ); renderLoop.body = processChildrenAsStatement( node, context, needFragmentWrapper ); if (!disableNestedFragments) { context.pushStringPart(``); } context.pushStatement( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_LIST), [ node.source, renderLoop ]) ); if (!disableNestedFragments) { context.pushStringPart(``); } } const ssrTransformSlotOutlet = (node, context) => { if (compilerDom.isSlotOutlet(node)) { const { slotName, slotProps } = compilerDom.processSlotOutlet(node, context); const args = [ `_ctx.$slots`, slotName, slotProps || `{}`, // fallback content placeholder. will be replaced in the process phase `null`, `_push`, `_parent` ]; if (context.scopeId && context.slotted !== false) { args.push(`"${context.scopeId}-s"`); } let method = SSR_RENDER_SLOT; let parent = context.parent; if (parent) { const children = parent.children; if (parent.type === 10) { parent = context.grandParent; } let componentType; if (parent.type === 1 && parent.tagType === 1 && ((componentType = compilerDom.resolveComponentType(parent, context, true)) === compilerDom.TRANSITION || componentType === compilerDom.TRANSITION_GROUP) && children.filter((c) => c.type === 1).length === 1) { method = SSR_RENDER_SLOT_INNER; if (!(context.scopeId && context.slotted !== false)) { args.push("null"); } args.push("true"); } } node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(method), args); } }; function ssrProcessSlotOutlet(node, context) { const renderCall = node.ssrCodegenNode; if (node.children.length) { const fallbackRenderFn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression([]); fallbackRenderFn.body = processChildrenAsStatement(node, context); renderCall.arguments[3] = fallbackRenderFn; } if (context.withSlotScopeId) { const slotScopeId = renderCall.arguments[6]; renderCall.arguments[6] = slotScopeId ? `${slotScopeId} + _scopeId` : `_scopeId`; } context.pushStatement(node.ssrCodegenNode); } function createSSRCompilerError(code, loc) { return compilerDom.createCompilerError(code, loc, SSRErrorMessages); } const SSRErrorMessages = { [65]: `Unsafe attribute name for SSR.`, [66]: `Missing the 'to' prop on teleport element.`, [67]: `Invalid AST node during SSR transform.` }; function ssrProcessTeleport(node, context) { const targetProp = compilerDom.findProp(node, "to"); if (!targetProp) { context.onError( createSSRCompilerError(66, node.loc) ); return; } let target; if (targetProp.type === 6) { target = targetProp.value && compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(targetProp.value.content, true); } else { target = targetProp.exp; } if (!target) { context.onError( createSSRCompilerError( 66, targetProp.loc ) ); return; } const disabledProp = compilerDom.findProp( node, "disabled", false, true /* allow empty */ ); const disabled = disabledProp ? disabledProp.type === 6 ? `true` : disabledProp.exp || `false` : `false`; const contentRenderFn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression( [`_push`], void 0, // Body is added later true, // newline false, // isSlot node.loc ); contentRenderFn.body = processChildrenAsStatement(node, context); context.pushStatement( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_TELEPORT), [ `_push`, contentRenderFn, target, disabled, `_parent` ]) ); } const wipMap$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function ssrTransformSuspense(node, context) { return () => { if (node.children.length) { const wipEntry = { slotsExp: null, // to be immediately set wipSlots: [] }; wipMap$3.set(node, wipEntry); wipEntry.slotsExp = compilerDom.buildSlots( node, context, (_props, _vForExp, children, loc) => { const fn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression( [], void 0, // no return, assign body later true, // newline false, // suspense slots are not treated as normal slots loc ); wipEntry.wipSlots.push({ fn, children }); return fn; } ).slots; } }; } function ssrProcessSuspense(node, context) { const wipEntry = wipMap$3.get(node); if (!wipEntry) { return; } const { slotsExp, wipSlots } = wipEntry; for (let i = 0; i < wipSlots.length; i++) { const slot = wipSlots[i]; slot.fn.body = processChildrenAsStatement(slot, context); } context.pushStatement( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_SUSPENSE), [ `_push`, slotsExp ]) ); } const rawChildrenMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const ssrTransformElement = (node, context) => { if (node.type !== 1 || node.tagType !== 0) { return; } return function ssrPostTransformElement() { const openTag = [`<${node.tag}`]; const needTagForRuntime = node.tag === "textarea" || node.tag.indexOf("-") > 0; const hasDynamicVBind = compilerDom.hasDynamicKeyVBind(node); const hasCustomDir = node.props.some( (p) => p.type === 7 && !shared.isBuiltInDirective(p.name) ); const needMergeProps = hasDynamicVBind || hasCustomDir; if (needMergeProps) { const { props, directives } = compilerDom.buildProps( node, context, node.props, false, false, true ); if (props || directives.length) { const mergedProps = buildSSRProps(props, directives, context); const propsExp = compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_RENDER_ATTRS), [mergedProps] ); if (node.tag === "textarea") { const existingText = node.children[0]; if (!existingText || existingText.type !== 5) { const tempId = `_temp${context.temps++}`; propsExp.arguments = [ compilerDom.createAssignmentExpression( compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(tempId, false), mergedProps ) ]; rawChildrenMap.set( node, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INTERPOLATE), [ compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`"value" in ${tempId}`, false), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`${tempId}.value`, false), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression( existingText ? existingText.content : ``, true ), false ) ]) ); } } else if (node.tag === "input") { const vModel = findVModel(node); if (vModel) { const tempId = `_temp${context.temps++}`; const tempExp = compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(tempId, false); propsExp.arguments = [ compilerDom.createSequenceExpression([ compilerDom.createAssignmentExpression(tempExp, mergedProps), compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(compilerDom.MERGE_PROPS), [ tempExp, compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_GET_DYNAMIC_MODEL_PROPS), [ tempExp, // existing props vModel.exp // model ] ) ]) ]) ]; } } else if (directives.length && !node.children.length) { const tempId = `_temp${context.temps++}`; propsExp.arguments = [ compilerDom.createAssignmentExpression( compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(tempId, false), mergedProps ) ]; rawChildrenMap.set( node, compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`"textContent" in ${tempId}`, false), compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INTERPOLATE), [ compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`${tempId}.textContent`, false) ]), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`${tempId}.innerHTML ?? ''`, false), false ) ); } if (needTagForRuntime) { propsExp.arguments.push(`"${node.tag}"`); } openTag.push(propsExp); } } let dynamicClassBinding = void 0; let staticClassBinding = void 0; let dynamicStyleBinding = void 0; for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const prop = node.props[i]; if (node.tag === "input" && isTrueFalseValue(prop)) { continue; } if (prop.type === 7) { if (prop.name === "html" && prop.exp) { rawChildrenMap.set( node, compilerDom.createCompoundExpression([`(`, prop.exp, `) ?? ''`]) ); } else if (prop.name === "text" && prop.exp) { node.children = [compilerDom.createInterpolation(prop.exp, prop.loc)]; } else if (prop.name === "slot") { context.onError( compilerDom.createCompilerError(40, prop.loc) ); } else if (isTextareaWithValue(node, prop) && prop.exp) { if (!needMergeProps) { node.children = [compilerDom.createInterpolation(prop.exp, prop.loc)]; } } else if (!needMergeProps && prop.name !== "on") { const directiveTransform = context.directiveTransforms[prop.name]; if (directiveTransform) { const { props, ssrTagParts } = directiveTransform( prop, node, context ); if (ssrTagParts) { openTag.push(...ssrTagParts); } for (let j = 0; j < props.length; j++) { const { key, value } = props[j]; if (compilerDom.isStaticExp(key)) { let attrName = key.content; if (attrName === "key" || attrName === "ref") { continue; } if (attrName === "class") { openTag.push( ` class="`, dynamicClassBinding = compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_RENDER_CLASS), [value] ), `"` ); } else if (attrName === "style") { if (dynamicStyleBinding) { mergeCall(dynamicStyleBinding, value); } else { openTag.push( ` style="`, dynamicStyleBinding = compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_RENDER_STYLE), [value] ), `"` ); } } else { attrName = node.tag.indexOf("-") > 0 ? attrName : shared.propsToAttrMap[attrName] || attrName.toLowerCase(); if (shared.isBooleanAttr(attrName)) { openTag.push( compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR), [value] ), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(" " + attrName, true), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression("", true), false ) ); } else if (shared.isSSRSafeAttrName(attrName)) { openTag.push( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_ATTR), [ key, value ]) ); } else { context.onError( createSSRCompilerError( 65, key.loc ) ); } } } else { const args = [key, value]; if (needTagForRuntime) { args.push(`"${node.tag}"`); } openTag.push( compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_ATTR), args ) ); } } } } } else { const name = prop.name; if (node.tag === "textarea" && name === "value" && prop.value) { rawChildrenMap.set(node, shared.escapeHtml(prop.value.content)); } else if (!needMergeProps) { if (name === "key" || name === "ref") { continue; } if (name === "class" && prop.value) { staticClassBinding = JSON.stringify(prop.value.content); } openTag.push( ` ${prop.name}` + (prop.value ? `="${shared.escapeHtml(prop.value.content)}"` : ``) ); } } } if (dynamicClassBinding && staticClassBinding) { mergeCall(dynamicClassBinding, staticClassBinding); removeStaticBinding(openTag, "class"); } if (context.scopeId) { openTag.push(` ${context.scopeId}`); } node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createTemplateLiteral(openTag); }; }; function buildSSRProps(props, directives, context) { let mergePropsArgs = []; if (props) { if (props.type === 14) { mergePropsArgs = props.arguments; } else { mergePropsArgs.push(props); } } if (directives.length) { for (const dir of directives) { mergePropsArgs.push( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_GET_DIRECTIVE_PROPS), [ `_ctx`, ...compilerDom.buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context).elements ]) ); } } return mergePropsArgs.length > 1 ? compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(compilerDom.MERGE_PROPS), mergePropsArgs) : mergePropsArgs[0]; } function isTrueFalseValue(prop) { if (prop.type === 7) { return prop.name === "bind" && prop.arg && compilerDom.isStaticExp(prop.arg) && (prop.arg.content === "true-value" || prop.arg.content === "false-value"); } else { return prop.name === "true-value" || prop.name === "false-value"; } } function isTextareaWithValue(node, prop) { return !!(node.tag === "textarea" && prop.name === "bind" && compilerDom.isStaticArgOf(prop.arg, "value")); } function mergeCall(call, arg) { const existing = call.arguments[0]; if (existing.type === 17) { existing.elements.push(arg); } else { call.arguments[0] = compilerDom.createArrayExpression([existing, arg]); } } function removeStaticBinding(tag, binding) { const regExp = new RegExp(`^ ${binding}=".+"$`); const i = tag.findIndex((e) => typeof e === "string" && regExp.test(e)); if (i > -1) { tag.splice(i, 1); } } function findVModel(node) { return node.props.find( (p) => p.type === 7 && p.name === "model" && p.exp ); } function ssrProcessElement(node, context) { const isVoidTag = context.options.isVoidTag || shared.NO; const elementsToAdd = node.ssrCodegenNode.elements; for (let j = 0; j < elementsToAdd.length; j++) { context.pushStringPart(elementsToAdd[j]); } if (context.withSlotScopeId) { context.pushStringPart(compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_scopeId`, false)); } context.pushStringPart(`>`); const rawChildren = rawChildrenMap.get(node); if (rawChildren) { context.pushStringPart(rawChildren); } else if (node.children.length) { processChildren(node, context); } if (!isVoidTag(node.tag)) { context.pushStringPart(``); } } const wipMap$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function ssrTransformTransitionGroup(node, context) { return () => { const tag = compilerDom.findProp(node, "tag"); if (tag) { const otherProps = node.props.filter((p) => p !== tag); const { props, directives } = compilerDom.buildProps( node, context, otherProps, true, false, true ); let propsExp = null; if (props || directives.length) { propsExp = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_ATTRS), [ buildSSRProps(props, directives, context) ]); } wipMap$2.set(node, { tag, propsExp, scopeId: context.scopeId || null }); } }; } function ssrProcessTransitionGroup(node, context) { const entry = wipMap$2.get(node); if (entry) { const { tag, propsExp, scopeId } = entry; if (tag.type === 7) { context.pushStringPart(`<`); context.pushStringPart(tag.exp); if (propsExp) { context.pushStringPart(propsExp); } if (scopeId) { context.pushStringPart(` ${scopeId}`); } context.pushStringPart(`>`); processChildren( node, context, false, /** * TransitionGroup has the special runtime behavior of flattening and * concatenating all children into a single fragment (in order for them to * be patched using the same key map) so we need to account for that here * by disabling nested fragment wrappers from being generated. */ true, /** * TransitionGroup filters out comment children at runtime and thus * doesn't expect comments to be present during hydration. We need to * account for that by disabling the empty comment that is otherwise * rendered for a falsy v-if that has no v-else specified. (#6715) */ true ); context.pushStringPart(``); } else { context.pushStringPart(`<${tag.value.content}`); if (propsExp) { context.pushStringPart(propsExp); } if (scopeId) { context.pushStringPart(` ${scopeId}`); } context.pushStringPart(`>`); processChildren(node, context, false, true, true); context.pushStringPart(``); } } else { processChildren(node, context, true, true, true); } } const wipMap$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function ssrTransformTransition(node, context) { return () => { const appear = compilerDom.findProp(node, "appear", false, true); wipMap$1.set(node, !!appear); }; } function ssrProcessTransition(node, context) { node.children = node.children.filter((c) => c.type !== 3); const appear = wipMap$1.get(node); if (appear) { context.pushStringPart(``); } else { processChildren(node, context, false, true); } } const wipMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const WIP_SLOT = Symbol(); const componentTypeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const ssrTransformComponent = (node, context) => { if (node.type !== 1 || node.tagType !== 1) { return; } const component = compilerDom.resolveComponentType( node, context, true /* ssr */ ); const isDynamicComponent = shared.isObject(component) && component.callee === compilerDom.RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT; componentTypeMap.set(node, component); if (shared.isSymbol(component)) { if (component === compilerDom.SUSPENSE) { return ssrTransformSuspense(node, context); } else if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION_GROUP) { return ssrTransformTransitionGroup(node, context); } else if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION) { return ssrTransformTransition(node); } return; } const vnodeBranches = []; const clonedNode = clone(node); return function ssrPostTransformComponent() { if (clonedNode.children.length) { compilerDom.buildSlots(clonedNode, context, (props, vFor, children) => { vnodeBranches.push( createVNodeSlotBranch(props, vFor, children, context) ); return compilerDom.createFunctionExpression(void 0); }); } let propsExp = `null`; if (node.props.length) { const { props, directives } = compilerDom.buildProps( node, context, void 0, true, isDynamicComponent ); if (props || directives.length) { propsExp = buildSSRProps(props, directives, context); } } const wipEntries = []; wipMap.set(node, wipEntries); const buildSSRSlotFn = (props, _vForExp, children, loc) => { const param0 = props && compilerDom.stringifyExpression(props) || `_`; const fn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression( [param0, `_push`, `_parent`, `_scopeId`], void 0, // no return, assign body later true, // newline true, // isSlot loc ); wipEntries.push({ type: WIP_SLOT, fn, children, // also collect the corresponding vnode branch built earlier vnodeBranch: vnodeBranches[wipEntries.length] }); return fn; }; const slots = node.children.length ? compilerDom.buildSlots(node, context, buildSSRSlotFn).slots : `null`; if (typeof component !== "string") { node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_RENDER_VNODE), [ `_push`, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(compilerDom.CREATE_VNODE), [ component, propsExp, slots ]), `_parent` ] ); } else { node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createCallExpression( context.helper(SSR_RENDER_COMPONENT), [component, propsExp, slots, `_parent`] ); } }; }; function ssrProcessComponent(node, context, parent) { const component = componentTypeMap.get(node); if (!node.ssrCodegenNode) { if (component === compilerDom.TELEPORT) { return ssrProcessTeleport(node, context); } else if (component === compilerDom.SUSPENSE) { return ssrProcessSuspense(node, context); } else if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION_GROUP) { return ssrProcessTransitionGroup(node, context); } else { if (parent.type === WIP_SLOT) { context.pushStringPart(``); } if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION) { return ssrProcessTransition(node, context); } processChildren(node, context); } } else { const wipEntries = wipMap.get(node) || []; for (let i = 0; i < wipEntries.length; i++) { const { fn, vnodeBranch } = wipEntries[i]; fn.body = compilerDom.createIfStatement( compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_push`, false), processChildrenAsStatement( wipEntries[i], context, false, true ), vnodeBranch ); } if (context.withSlotScopeId) { node.ssrCodegenNode.arguments.push(`_scopeId`); } if (typeof component === "string") { context.pushStatement( compilerDom.createCallExpression(`_push`, [node.ssrCodegenNode]) ); } else { context.pushStatement(node.ssrCodegenNode); } } } const rawOptionsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const [baseNodeTransforms, baseDirectiveTransforms] = compilerDom.getBaseTransformPreset(true); const vnodeNodeTransforms = [...baseNodeTransforms, ...compilerDom.DOMNodeTransforms]; const vnodeDirectiveTransforms = { ...baseDirectiveTransforms, ...compilerDom.DOMDirectiveTransforms }; function createVNodeSlotBranch(slotProps, vFor, children, parentContext) { const rawOptions = rawOptionsMap.get(parentContext.root); const subOptions = { ...rawOptions, // overwrite with vnode-based transforms nodeTransforms: [ ...vnodeNodeTransforms, ...rawOptions.nodeTransforms || [] ], directiveTransforms: { ...vnodeDirectiveTransforms, ...rawOptions.directiveTransforms || {} } }; const wrapperProps = []; if (slotProps) { wrapperProps.push({ type: 7, name: "slot", exp: slotProps, arg: void 0, modifiers: [], loc: compilerDom.locStub }); } if (vFor) { wrapperProps.push(shared.extend({}, vFor)); } const wrapperNode = { type: 1, ns: 0, tag: "template", tagType: 3, props: wrapperProps, children, loc: compilerDom.locStub, codegenNode: void 0 }; subTransform(wrapperNode, subOptions, parentContext); return compilerDom.createReturnStatement(children); } function subTransform(node, options, parentContext) { const childRoot = compilerDom.createRoot([node]); const childContext = compilerDom.createTransformContext(childRoot, options); childContext.ssr = false; childContext.scopes = { ...parentContext.scopes }; childContext.identifiers = { ...parentContext.identifiers }; childContext.imports = parentContext.imports; compilerDom.traverseNode(childRoot, childContext); ["helpers", "components", "directives"].forEach((key) => { childContext[key].forEach((value, helperKey) => { if (key === "helpers") { const parentCount = parentContext.helpers.get(helperKey); if (parentCount === void 0) { parentContext.helpers.set(helperKey, value); } else { parentContext.helpers.set(helperKey, value + parentCount); } } else { parentContext[key].add(value); } }); }); } function clone(v) { if (shared.isArray(v)) { return v.map(clone); } else if (shared.isPlainObject(v)) { const res = {}; for (const key in v) { res[key] = clone(v[key]); } return res; } else { return v; } } function ssrCodegenTransform(ast, options) { const context = createSSRTransformContext(ast, options); if (options.ssrCssVars) { const cssContext = compilerDom.createTransformContext(compilerDom.createRoot([]), options); const varsExp = compilerDom.processExpression( compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(options.ssrCssVars, false), cssContext ); context.body.push( compilerDom.createCompoundExpression([`const _cssVars = { style: `, varsExp, `}`]) ); Array.from(cssContext.helpers.keys()).forEach((helper) => { ast.helpers.add(helper); }); } const isFragment = ast.children.length > 1 && ast.children.some((c) => !compilerDom.isText(c)); processChildren(ast, context, isFragment); ast.codegenNode = compilerDom.createBlockStatement(context.body); ast.ssrHelpers = Array.from( /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ ...Array.from(ast.helpers).filter((h) => h in ssrHelpers), ...context.helpers ]) ); ast.helpers = new Set(Array.from(ast.helpers).filter((h) => !(h in ssrHelpers))); } function createSSRTransformContext(root, options, helpers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), withSlotScopeId = false) { const body = []; let currentString = null; return { root, options, body, helpers, withSlotScopeId, onError: options.onError || ((e) => { throw e; }), helper(name) { helpers.add(name); return name; }, pushStringPart(part) { if (!currentString) { const currentCall = compilerDom.createCallExpression(`_push`); body.push(currentCall); currentString = compilerDom.createTemplateLiteral([]); currentCall.arguments.push(currentString); } const bufferedElements = currentString.elements; const lastItem = bufferedElements[bufferedElements.length - 1]; if (shared.isString(part) && shared.isString(lastItem)) { bufferedElements[bufferedElements.length - 1] += part; } else { bufferedElements.push(part); } }, pushStatement(statement) { currentString = null; body.push(statement); } }; } function createChildContext(parent, withSlotScopeId = parent.withSlotScopeId) { return createSSRTransformContext( parent.root, parent.options, parent.helpers, withSlotScopeId ); } function processChildren(parent, context, asFragment = false, disableNestedFragments = false, disableCommentAsIfAlternate = false) { if (asFragment) { context.pushStringPart(``); } const { children } = parent; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; switch (child.type) { case 1: switch (child.tagType) { case 0: ssrProcessElement(child, context); break; case 1: ssrProcessComponent(child, context, parent); break; case 2: ssrProcessSlotOutlet(child, context); break; case 3: break; default: context.onError( createSSRCompilerError( 67, child.loc ) ); const exhaustiveCheck2 = child; return exhaustiveCheck2; } break; case 2: context.pushStringPart(shared.escapeHtml(child.content)); break; case 3: context.pushStringPart(``); break; case 5: context.pushStringPart( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INTERPOLATE), [ child.content ]) ); break; case 9: ssrProcessIf( child, context, disableNestedFragments, disableCommentAsIfAlternate ); break; case 11: ssrProcessFor(child, context, disableNestedFragments); break; case 10: break; case 12: case 8: break; default: context.onError( createSSRCompilerError( 67, child.loc ) ); const exhaustiveCheck = child; return exhaustiveCheck; } } if (asFragment) { context.pushStringPart(``); } } function processChildrenAsStatement(parent, parentContext, asFragment = false, withSlotScopeId = parentContext.withSlotScopeId) { const childContext = createChildContext(parentContext, withSlotScopeId); processChildren(parent, childContext, asFragment); return compilerDom.createBlockStatement(childContext.body); } const ssrTransformModel = (dir, node, context) => { const model = dir.exp; function checkDuplicatedValue() { const value = compilerDom.findProp(node, "value"); if (value) { context.onError( compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError( 60, value.loc ) ); } } function processOption(plainNode) { if (plainNode.tag === "option") { if (plainNode.props.findIndex((p) => p.name === "selected") === -1) { const value = findValueBinding(plainNode); plainNode.ssrCodegenNode.elements.push( compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR), [ compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( compilerDom.createCallExpression(`Array.isArray`, [model]), compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN), [ model, value ]), compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL), [ model, value ]) ) ]), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(" selected", true), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression("", true), false ) ); } } else if (plainNode.tag === "optgroup") { plainNode.children.forEach( (option) => processOption(option) ); } } if (node.tagType === 0) { const res = { props: [] }; const defaultProps = [ // default value binding for text type inputs compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`value`, model) ]; if (node.tag === "input") { const type = compilerDom.findProp(node, "type"); if (type) { const value = findValueBinding(node); if (type.type === 7) { res.ssrTagParts = [ compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_MODEL), [ type.exp, model, value ]) ]; } else if (type.value) { switch (type.value.content) { case "radio": res.props = [ compilerDom.createObjectProperty( `checked`, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL), [ model, value ]) ) ]; break; case "checkbox": const trueValueBinding = compilerDom.findProp(node, "true-value"); if (trueValueBinding) { const trueValue = trueValueBinding.type === 6 ? JSON.stringify(trueValueBinding.value.content) : trueValueBinding.exp; res.props = [ compilerDom.createObjectProperty( `checked`, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL), [ model, trueValue ]) ) ]; } else { res.props = [ compilerDom.createObjectProperty( `checked`, compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( compilerDom.createCallExpression(`Array.isArray`, [model]), compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN), [ model, value ]), model ) ) ]; } break; case "file": context.onError( compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError( 59, dir.loc ) ); break; default: checkDuplicatedValue(); res.props = defaultProps; break; } } } else if (compilerDom.hasDynamicKeyVBind(node)) ; else { checkDuplicatedValue(); res.props = defaultProps; } } else if (node.tag === "textarea") { checkDuplicatedValue(); node.children = [compilerDom.createInterpolation(model, model.loc)]; } else if (node.tag === "select") { node.children.forEach((child) => { if (child.type === 1) { processOption(child); } }); } else { context.onError( compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError( 57, dir.loc ) ); } return res; } else { return compilerDom.transformModel(dir, node, context); } }; function findValueBinding(node) { const valueBinding = compilerDom.findProp(node, "value"); return valueBinding ? valueBinding.type === 7 ? valueBinding.exp : compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(valueBinding.value.content, true) : compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`null`, false); } const ssrTransformShow = (dir, node, context) => { if (!dir.exp) { context.onError( compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError(61) ); } return { props: [ compilerDom.createObjectProperty( `style`, compilerDom.createConditionalExpression( dir.exp, compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`null`, false), compilerDom.createObjectExpression([ compilerDom.createObjectProperty( `display`, compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`none`, true) ) ]), false ) ) ] }; }; const filterChild = (node) => node.children.filter((n) => n.type !== 3); const hasSingleChild = (node) => filterChild(node).length === 1; const ssrInjectFallthroughAttrs = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 0) { context.identifiers._attrs = 1; } if (node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 1 && (node.tag === "transition" || node.tag === "Transition" || node.tag === "KeepAlive" || node.tag === "keep-alive")) { const rootChildren = filterChild(context.root); if (rootChildren.length === 1 && rootChildren[0] === node) { if (hasSingleChild(node)) { injectFallthroughAttrs(node.children[0]); } return; } } const parent = context.parent; if (!parent || parent.type !== 0) { return; } if (node.type === 10 && hasSingleChild(node)) { let hasEncounteredIf = false; for (const c of filterChild(parent)) { if (c.type === 9 || c.type === 1 && compilerDom.findDir(c, "if")) { if (hasEncounteredIf) return; hasEncounteredIf = true; } else if ( // node before v-if !hasEncounteredIf || // non else nodes !(c.type === 1 && compilerDom.findDir(c, /else/, true)) ) { return; } } injectFallthroughAttrs(node.children[0]); } else if (hasSingleChild(parent)) { injectFallthroughAttrs(node); } }; function injectFallthroughAttrs(node) { if (node.type === 1 && (node.tagType === 0 || node.tagType === 1) && !compilerDom.findDir(node, "for")) { node.props.push({ type: 7, name: "bind", arg: void 0, exp: compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_attrs`, false), modifiers: [], loc: compilerDom.locStub }); } } const ssrInjectCssVars = (node, context) => { if (!context.ssrCssVars) { return; } if (node.type === 0) { context.identifiers._cssVars = 1; } const parent = context.parent; if (!parent || parent.type !== 0) { return; } if (node.type === 10) { for (const child of node.children) { injectCssVars(child); } } else { injectCssVars(node); } }; function injectCssVars(node) { if (node.type === 1 && (node.tagType === 0 || node.tagType === 1) && !compilerDom.findDir(node, "for")) { if (node.tag === "suspense" || node.tag === "Suspense") { for (const child of node.children) { if (child.type === 1 && child.tagType === 3) { child.children.forEach(injectCssVars); } else { injectCssVars(child); } } } else { node.props.push({ type: 7, name: "bind", arg: void 0, exp: compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_cssVars`, false), modifiers: [], loc: compilerDom.locStub }); } } } function compile(source, options = {}) { options = { ...options, ...compilerDom.parserOptions, ssr: true, inSSR: true, scopeId: options.mode === "function" ? null : options.scopeId, // always prefix since compiler-ssr doesn't have size concern prefixIdentifiers: true, // disable optimizations that are unnecessary for ssr cacheHandlers: false, hoistStatic: false }; const ast = typeof source === "string" ? compilerDom.baseParse(source, options) : source; rawOptionsMap.set(ast, options); compilerDom.transform(ast, { ...options, hoistStatic: false, nodeTransforms: [ ssrTransformIf, ssrTransformFor, compilerDom.trackVForSlotScopes, compilerDom.transformExpression, ssrTransformSlotOutlet, ssrInjectFallthroughAttrs, ssrInjectCssVars, ssrTransformElement, ssrTransformComponent, compilerDom.trackSlotScopes, compilerDom.transformStyle, ...options.nodeTransforms || [] // user transforms ], directiveTransforms: { // reusing core v-bind bind: compilerDom.transformBind, on: compilerDom.transformOn, // model and show have dedicated SSR handling model: ssrTransformModel, show: ssrTransformShow, // the following are ignored during SSR // on: noopDirectiveTransform, cloak: compilerDom.noopDirectiveTransform, once: compilerDom.noopDirectiveTransform, memo: compilerDom.noopDirectiveTransform, ...options.directiveTransforms || {} // user transforms } }); ssrCodegenTransform(ast, options); return compilerDom.generate(ast, options); } exports.compile = compile;