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4 months ago
{"version":3,"file":"hr.min.js","sources":["../../../../packages/locale/lang/hr.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export default {\n name: 'hr',\n el: {\n breadcrumb: {\n label: 'Breadcrumb', // to be translated\n },\n colorpicker: {\n confirm: 'OK',\n clear: 'Očisti',\n },\n datepicker: {\n now: 'Sada',\n today: 'Danas',\n cancel: 'Otkaži',\n clear: 'Očisti',\n confirm: 'OK',\n selectDate: 'Odaberi datum',\n selectTime: 'Odaberi vrijeme',\n startDate: 'Datum početka',\n startTime: 'Vrijeme početka',\n endDate: 'Datum završetka',\n endTime: 'Vrijeme završetka',\n prevYear: 'Prethodna godina',\n nextYear: 'Sljedeća godina',\n prevMonth: 'Prethodni mjesec',\n nextMonth: 'Sljedeći mjesec',\n year: '',\n month1: 'Siječanj',\n month2: 'Veljača',\n month3: 'Ožujak',\n month4: 'Travanj',\n month5: 'Svibanj',\n month6: 'Lipanj',\n month7: 'Srpanj',\n month8: 'Kolovoz',\n month9: 'Rujan',\n month10: 'Listopad',\n month11: 'Studeni',\n month12: 'Prosinac',\n week: 'tjedan',\n weeks: {\n sun: 'Ned',\n mon: 'Pon',\n tue: 'Uto',\n wed: 'Sri',\n thu: 'Čet',\n fri: 'Pet',\n sat: 'Sub',\n },\n months: {\n jan: 'Jan',\n feb: 'Feb',\n mar: 'Mar',\n apr: 'Apr',\n may: 'May',\n jun: 'Jun',\n jul: 'Jul',\n aug: 'Aug',\n sep: 'Sep',\n oct: 'Oct',\n nov: 'Nov',\n dec: 'Dec',\n },\n },\n select: {\n loading: 'Učitavanje',\n noMatch: 'Nema pronađenih podataka',\n noData: 'Nema podataka',\n placeholder: 'Izaberi',\n },\n mention: {\n loading: 'Učitavanje',\n },\n cascader: {\n noMatch: 'Nema pronađenih podataka',\n loading: 'Učitavanje',\n placeholder: 'Izaberi',\n noData: 'Nema podataka',\n },\n pagination: {\n goto: 'Idi na',\n pagesize: '/stranica',\n total: 'Ukupno {total}',\n pageClassifier: '',\n page: 'Page', // to be translated\n prev: 'Go to previous page', // to be translated\n next: 'Go to next page', // to be translated\n currentPage: 'page {pager}', // to be translated\n prevPages: 'Previous {pager} pages', // to be translated\n nextPages: 'Next {pager} pages', // to be translated\n },\n messagebox: {\n title: 'Poruka',\n confirm: 'OK',\n cancel: 'Otkaži',\n error: 'Pogrešan unos',\n },\n upload: {\n deleteTip: 'pritisnite izbriši za brisanje',\n delete: 'Izbriši',\n preview: 'Pregled',\n continue: 'Nastavak',\n },\n table: {\n emptyText: 'Nema podataka',\n confirmFilter: 'Potvrdi',\n resetFilter: 'Resetiraj',\n clearFilter: 'Sve',\n sumText: 'Suma',\n },\n tree: {\n emptyText: 'Nema podataka',\n },\n transfer: {\n noMatch: 'Nema pronađenih podataka',\n noData: 'Nema podataka',\n titles: ['Lista 1', 'Lista 2'], // to be translated\n filterPlaceholder: 'Unesite ključnu riječ', // to be translated\n noCheckedFormat: '{total} stavki', // to be translated\n hasCheckedFormat: '{checked}/{total} checked', // to be translated\n },\n image: {\n error: 'FAILED', // to be translated\n },\n pageHeader: {\n title: 'Back', // to be translated\n },\n popconfirm: {\n confirmButtonText: 'Yes', // to be translated\n cancelButtonText: 'No', // to be translated\n },\n carousel: {\n leftArrow: 'Carousel arrow left', // to be translated\n rightArrow: 'Carousel arrow right', // to be translated\n indicator: 'Carousel switch to index {index}', // to be translated\n },\n },\n}\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;AAAA,WAAc,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,YAAY,CAAC,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,aAAa,CAAC,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC