/** * @author Yosuke Ota * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ 'use strict' const { ReferenceTracker } = require('@eslint-community/eslint-utils') const utils = require('../utils') /** * @typedef {import('@eslint-community/eslint-utils').TYPES.TraceMap} TraceMap */ const LIFECYCLE_HOOKS = [ 'onBeforeMount', 'onBeforeUnmount', 'onBeforeUpdate', 'onErrorCaptured', 'onMounted', 'onRenderTracked', 'onRenderTriggered', 'onUnmounted', 'onUpdated', 'onActivated', 'onDeactivated' ] module.exports = { meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'disallow asynchronously registered lifecycle hooks', categories: ['vue3-essential'], url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/no-lifecycle-after-await.html' }, fixable: null, schema: [], messages: { forbidden: 'Lifecycle hooks are forbidden after an `await` expression.' } }, /** @param {RuleContext} context */ create(context) { /** * @typedef {object} SetupScopeData * @property {boolean} afterAwait * @property {[number,number]} range */ /** * @typedef {object} ScopeStack * @property {ScopeStack | null} upper * @property {FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression} scopeNode */ /** @type {Set} */ const lifecycleHookCallNodes = new Set() /** @type {Map} */ const setupScopes = new Map() /** @type {ScopeStack | null} */ let scopeStack = null return utils.compositingVisitors( { /** @param {Program} program */ Program(program) { const tracker = new ReferenceTracker(utils.getScope(context, program)) /** @type {TraceMap} */ const traceMap = {} for (const lifecycleHook of LIFECYCLE_HOOKS) { traceMap[lifecycleHook] = { [ReferenceTracker.CALL]: true } } for (const { node } of utils.iterateReferencesTraceMap( tracker, traceMap )) { lifecycleHookCallNodes.add(node) } } }, utils.defineVueVisitor(context, { onSetupFunctionEnter(node) { setupScopes.set(node, { afterAwait: false, range: node.range }) }, /** * @param {FunctionExpression | FunctionDeclaration | ArrowFunctionExpression} node */ ':function'(node) { scopeStack = { upper: scopeStack, scopeNode: node } }, ':function:exit'() { scopeStack = scopeStack && scopeStack.upper }, /** @param {AwaitExpression} node */ AwaitExpression(node) { if (!scopeStack) { return } const setupScope = setupScopes.get(scopeStack.scopeNode) if (!setupScope || !utils.inRange(setupScope.range, node)) { return } setupScope.afterAwait = true }, /** @param {CallExpression} node */ CallExpression(node) { if (!scopeStack) { return } const setupScope = setupScopes.get(scopeStack.scopeNode) if ( !setupScope || !setupScope.afterAwait || !utils.inRange(setupScope.range, node) ) { return } if (lifecycleHookCallNodes.has(node)) { if (node.arguments.length >= 2) { // Has target instance. e.g. `onMounted(() => {}, instance)` return } context.report({ node, messageId: 'forbidden' }) } }, onSetupFunctionExit(node) { setupScopes.delete(node) } }) ) } }