'use strict'; var node_crypto = require('node:crypto'); var fs = require('node:fs'); var module$1 = require('node:module'); var path = require('node:path'); var node_url = require('node:url'); var node_worker_threads = require('node:worker_threads'); var core = require('@pkgr/core'); var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var __objRest = (source, exclude) => { var target = {}; for (var prop in source) if (__hasOwnProp.call(source, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0) target[prop] = source[prop]; if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(source)) { if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 && __propIsEnum.call(source, prop)) target[prop] = source[prop]; } return target; }; var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var fulfilled = (value) => { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var rejected = (value) => { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next()); }); }; const import_meta = {}; const INT32_BYTES = 4; const TsRunner = { // https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node TsNode: "ts-node", // https://github.com/egoist/esbuild-register EsbuildRegister: "esbuild-register", // https://github.com/folke/esbuild-runner EsbuildRunner: "esbuild-runner", // https://github.com/swc-project/swc-node/tree/master/packages/register SWC: "swc", // https://github.com/esbuild-kit/tsx TSX: "tsx" }; const { NODE_OPTIONS, SYNCKIT_EXEC_ARGV, SYNCKIT_GLOBAL_SHIMS, SYNCKIT_TIMEOUT, SYNCKIT_TS_RUNNER } = process.env; const IS_NODE_20 = Number(process.versions.node.split(".")[0]) >= 20; const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = SYNCKIT_TIMEOUT ? +SYNCKIT_TIMEOUT : void 0; const DEFAULT_EXEC_ARGV = (SYNCKIT_EXEC_ARGV == null ? void 0 : SYNCKIT_EXEC_ARGV.split(",")) || []; const DEFAULT_TS_RUNNER = SYNCKIT_TS_RUNNER; const DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS = ["1", "true"].includes( SYNCKIT_GLOBAL_SHIMS ); const DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS_PRESET = [ { moduleName: "node-fetch", globalName: "fetch" }, { moduleName: "node:perf_hooks", globalName: "performance", named: "performance" } ]; const MTS_SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSION = 16; let syncFnCache; function extractProperties(object) { if (object && typeof object === "object") { const properties = {}; for (const key in object) { properties[key] = object[key]; } return properties; } } function createSyncFn(workerPath, timeoutOrOptions) { syncFnCache != null ? syncFnCache : syncFnCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const cachedSyncFn = syncFnCache.get(workerPath); if (cachedSyncFn) { return cachedSyncFn; } if (!path.isAbsolute(workerPath)) { throw new Error("`workerPath` must be absolute"); } const syncFn = startWorkerThread( workerPath, /* istanbul ignore next */ typeof timeoutOrOptions === "number" ? { timeout: timeoutOrOptions } : timeoutOrOptions ); syncFnCache.set(workerPath, syncFn); return syncFn; } const cjsRequire = typeof require === "undefined" ? module$1.createRequire(import_meta.url) : ( /* istanbul ignore next */ require ); const dataUrl = (code) => new URL(`data:text/javascript,${encodeURIComponent(code)}`); const isFile = (path2) => { var _a; try { return !!((_a = fs.statSync(path2, { throwIfNoEntry: false })) == null ? void 0 : _a.isFile()); } catch (e) { return false; } }; const setupTsRunner = (workerPath, { execArgv, tsRunner }) => { let ext = path.extname(workerPath); if (!/[/\\]node_modules[/\\]/.test(workerPath) && (!ext || /^\.[cm]?js$/.test(ext))) { const workPathWithoutExt = ext ? workerPath.slice(0, -ext.length) : workerPath; let extensions; switch (ext) { case ".cjs": { extensions = [".cts", ".cjs"]; break; } case ".mjs": { extensions = [".mts", ".mjs"]; break; } default: { extensions = [".ts", ".js"]; break; } } const found = core.tryExtensions(workPathWithoutExt, extensions); let differentExt; if (found && (!ext || (differentExt = found !== workPathWithoutExt))) { workerPath = found; if (differentExt) { ext = path.extname(workerPath); } } } const isTs = /\.[cm]?ts$/.test(workerPath); let jsUseEsm = workerPath.endsWith(".mjs"); let tsUseEsm = workerPath.endsWith(".mts"); if (isTs) { if (!tsUseEsm) { const pkg = core.findUp(workerPath); if (pkg) { tsUseEsm = cjsRequire(pkg).type === "module"; } } if (tsRunner == null && core.isPkgAvailable(TsRunner.TsNode)) { tsRunner = TsRunner.TsNode; } switch (tsRunner) { case TsRunner.TsNode: { if (tsUseEsm) { if (!execArgv.includes("--loader")) { execArgv = ["--loader", `${TsRunner.TsNode}/esm`, ...execArgv]; } } else if (!execArgv.includes("-r")) { execArgv = ["-r", `${TsRunner.TsNode}/register`, ...execArgv]; } break; } case TsRunner.EsbuildRegister: { if (!execArgv.includes("-r")) { execArgv = ["-r", TsRunner.EsbuildRegister, ...execArgv]; } break; } case TsRunner.EsbuildRunner: { if (!execArgv.includes("-r")) { execArgv = ["-r", `${TsRunner.EsbuildRunner}/register`, ...execArgv]; } break; } case TsRunner.SWC: { if (!execArgv.includes("-r")) { execArgv = ["-r", `@${TsRunner.SWC}-node/register`, ...execArgv]; } break; } case TsRunner.TSX: { if (!execArgv.includes("--loader")) { execArgv = ["--loader", TsRunner.TSX, ...execArgv]; } break; } default: { throw new Error(`Unknown ts runner: ${String(tsRunner)}`); } } } else if (!jsUseEsm) { const pkg = core.findUp(workerPath); if (pkg) { jsUseEsm = cjsRequire(pkg).type === "module"; } } let resolvedPnpLoaderPath; if (process.versions.pnp) { const nodeOptions = NODE_OPTIONS == null ? void 0 : NODE_OPTIONS.split(/\s+/); let pnpApiPath; try { pnpApiPath = cjsRequire.resolve("pnpapi"); } catch (e) { } if (pnpApiPath && !(nodeOptions == null ? void 0 : nodeOptions.some( (option, index) => ["-r", "--require"].includes(option) && pnpApiPath === cjsRequire.resolve(nodeOptions[index + 1]) )) && !execArgv.includes(pnpApiPath)) { execArgv = ["-r", pnpApiPath, ...execArgv]; const pnpLoaderPath = path.resolve(pnpApiPath, "../.pnp.loader.mjs"); if (isFile(pnpLoaderPath)) { resolvedPnpLoaderPath = node_url.pathToFileURL(pnpLoaderPath).toString(); if (!IS_NODE_20) { execArgv = [ "--experimental-loader", resolvedPnpLoaderPath, ...execArgv ]; } } } } return { ext, isTs, jsUseEsm, tsRunner, tsUseEsm, workerPath, pnpLoaderPath: resolvedPnpLoaderPath, execArgv }; }; const md5Hash = (text) => node_crypto.createHash("md5").update(text).digest("hex"); const encodeImportModule = (moduleNameOrGlobalShim, type = "import") => { const { moduleName, globalName, named, conditional } = typeof moduleNameOrGlobalShim === "string" ? { moduleName: moduleNameOrGlobalShim } : moduleNameOrGlobalShim; const importStatement = type === "import" ? `import${globalName ? " " + (named === null ? "* as " + globalName : (named == null ? void 0 : named.trim()) ? `{${named}}` : globalName) + " from" : ""} '${path.isAbsolute(moduleName) ? String(node_url.pathToFileURL(moduleName)) : moduleName}'` : `${globalName ? "const " + ((named == null ? void 0 : named.trim()) ? `{${named}}` : globalName) + "=" : ""}require('${moduleName.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")}')`; if (!globalName) { return importStatement; } const overrideStatement = `globalThis.${globalName}=${(named == null ? void 0 : named.trim()) ? named : globalName}`; return importStatement + (conditional === false ? `;${overrideStatement}` : `;if(!globalThis.${globalName})${overrideStatement}`); }; const _generateGlobals = (globalShims, type) => globalShims.reduce( (acc, shim) => `${acc}${acc ? ";" : ""}${encodeImportModule(shim, type)}`, "" ); let globalsCache; let tmpdir; const _dirname = typeof __dirname === "undefined" ? path.dirname(node_url.fileURLToPath(import_meta.url)) : ( /* istanbul ignore next */ __dirname ); let sharedBuffer; let sharedBufferView; const generateGlobals = (workerPath, globalShims, type = "import") => { globalsCache != null ? globalsCache : globalsCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const cached = globalsCache.get(workerPath); if (cached) { const [content2, filepath2] = cached; if (type === "require" && !filepath2 || type === "import" && filepath2 && isFile(filepath2)) { return content2; } } const globals = _generateGlobals(globalShims, type); let content = globals; let filepath; if (type === "import") { if (!tmpdir) { tmpdir = path.resolve(core.findUp(_dirname), "../node_modules/.synckit"); } fs.mkdirSync(tmpdir, { recursive: true }); filepath = path.resolve(tmpdir, md5Hash(workerPath) + ".mjs"); content = encodeImportModule(filepath); fs.writeFileSync(filepath, globals); } globalsCache.set(workerPath, [content, filepath]); return content; }; function startWorkerThread(workerPath, { timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, execArgv = DEFAULT_EXEC_ARGV, tsRunner = DEFAULT_TS_RUNNER, transferList = [], globalShims = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS } = {}) { const { port1: mainPort, port2: workerPort } = new node_worker_threads.MessageChannel(); const { isTs, ext, jsUseEsm, tsUseEsm, tsRunner: finalTsRunner, workerPath: finalWorkerPath, pnpLoaderPath, execArgv: finalExecArgv } = setupTsRunner(workerPath, { execArgv, tsRunner }); const workerPathUrl = node_url.pathToFileURL(finalWorkerPath); if (/\.[cm]ts$/.test(finalWorkerPath)) { const isTsxSupported = !tsUseEsm || Number.parseFloat(process.versions.node) >= MTS_SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSION; if (!finalTsRunner) { throw new Error("No ts runner specified, ts worker path is not supported"); } else if ([ // https://github.com/egoist/esbuild-register/issues/79 TsRunner.EsbuildRegister, // https://github.com/folke/esbuild-runner/issues/67 TsRunner.EsbuildRunner, // https://github.com/swc-project/swc-node/issues/667 TsRunner.SWC, .../* istanbul ignore next */ isTsxSupported ? [] : [TsRunner.TSX] ].includes(finalTsRunner)) { throw new Error( `${finalTsRunner} is not supported for ${ext} files yet` + /* istanbul ignore next */ (isTsxSupported ? ", you can try [tsx](https://github.com/esbuild-kit/tsx) instead" : "") ); } } const finalGlobalShims = (globalShims === true ? DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS_PRESET : Array.isArray(globalShims) ? globalShims : []).filter(({ moduleName }) => core.isPkgAvailable(moduleName)); sharedBufferView != null ? sharedBufferView : sharedBufferView = new Int32Array( /* istanbul ignore next */ sharedBuffer != null ? sharedBuffer : sharedBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer( INT32_BYTES ), 0, 1 ); const useGlobals = finalGlobalShims.length > 0; const useEval = isTs ? !tsUseEsm : !jsUseEsm && useGlobals; const worker = new node_worker_threads.Worker( jsUseEsm && useGlobals || tsUseEsm && finalTsRunner === TsRunner.TsNode ? dataUrl( `${generateGlobals( finalWorkerPath, finalGlobalShims )};import '${String(workerPathUrl)}'` ) : useEval ? `${generateGlobals( finalWorkerPath, finalGlobalShims, "require" )};${encodeImportModule(finalWorkerPath, "require")}` : workerPathUrl, { eval: useEval, workerData: { sharedBuffer, workerPort, pnpLoaderPath }, transferList: [workerPort, ...transferList], execArgv: finalExecArgv } ); let nextID = 0; const receiveMessageWithId = (port, expectedId, waitingTimeout) => { const start = Date.now(); const status = Atomics.wait(sharedBufferView, 0, 0, waitingTimeout); Atomics.store(sharedBufferView, 0, 0); if (!["ok", "not-equal"].includes(status)) { const abortMsg = { id: expectedId, cmd: "abort" }; port.postMessage(abortMsg); throw new Error("Internal error: Atomics.wait() failed: " + status); } const _a = node_worker_threads.receiveMessageOnPort(mainPort).message, { id } = _a, message = __objRest(_a, ["id"]); if (id < expectedId) { const waitingTime = Date.now() - start; return receiveMessageWithId( port, expectedId, waitingTimeout ? waitingTimeout - waitingTime : void 0 ); } if (expectedId !== id) { throw new Error( `Internal error: Expected id ${expectedId} but got id ${id}` ); } return __spreadValues({ id }, message); }; const syncFn = (...args) => { const id = nextID++; const msg = { id, args }; worker.postMessage(msg); const { result, error, properties } = receiveMessageWithId( mainPort, id, timeout ); if (error) { throw Object.assign(error, properties); } return result; }; worker.unref(); return syncFn; } function runAsWorker(fn) { if (!node_worker_threads.workerData) { return; } const { workerPort, sharedBuffer: sharedBuffer2, pnpLoaderPath } = node_worker_threads.workerData; if (pnpLoaderPath && IS_NODE_20) { module$1.register(pnpLoaderPath); } const sharedBufferView2 = new Int32Array(sharedBuffer2, 0, 1); node_worker_threads.parentPort.on( "message", ({ id, args }) => { (() => __async(this, null, function* () { let isAborted = false; const handleAbortMessage = (msg2) => { if (msg2.id === id && msg2.cmd === "abort") { isAborted = true; } }; workerPort.on("message", handleAbortMessage); let msg; try { msg = { id, result: yield fn(...args) }; } catch (error) { msg = { id, error, properties: extractProperties(error) }; } workerPort.off("message", handleAbortMessage); if (isAborted) { return; } workerPort.postMessage(msg); Atomics.add(sharedBufferView2, 0, 1); Atomics.notify(sharedBufferView2, 0); }))(); } ); } exports.DEFAULT_EXEC_ARGV = DEFAULT_EXEC_ARGV; exports.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS; exports.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS_PRESET = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS_PRESET; exports.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; exports.DEFAULT_TS_RUNNER = DEFAULT_TS_RUNNER; exports.MTS_SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSION = MTS_SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSION; exports.TsRunner = TsRunner; exports._generateGlobals = _generateGlobals; exports.createSyncFn = createSyncFn; exports.encodeImportModule = encodeImportModule; exports.extractProperties = extractProperties; exports.generateGlobals = generateGlobals; exports.isFile = isFile; exports.runAsWorker = runAsWorker;