warnCjsUsage() // type utils module.exports.defineConfig = (config) => config // proxy cjs utils (sync functions) Object.assign(module.exports, require('./dist/node-cjs/publicUtils.cjs')) // async functions, can be redirect from ESM build const asyncFunctions = [ 'build', 'createServer', 'preview', 'transformWithEsbuild', 'resolveConfig', 'optimizeDeps', 'formatPostcssSourceMap', 'loadConfigFromFile', 'preprocessCSS', ] asyncFunctions.forEach((name) => { module.exports[name] = (...args) => import('./dist/node/index.js').then((i) => i[name](...args)) }) function warnCjsUsage() { if (process.env.VITE_CJS_IGNORE_WARNING) return const logLevelIndex = process.argv.findIndex((arg) => /^(?:-l|--logLevel)/.test(arg), ) if (logLevelIndex > 0) { const logLevelValue = process.argv[logLevelIndex + 1] if (logLevelValue === 'silent' || logLevelValue === 'error') { return } if (/silent|error/.test(process.argv[logLevelIndex])) { return } } const yellow = (str) => `\u001b[33m${str}\u001b[39m` console.warn( yellow( `The CJS build of Vite's Node API is deprecated. See https://vitejs.dev/guide/troubleshooting.html#vite-cjs-node-api-deprecated for more details.`, ), ) if (process.env.VITE_CJS_TRACE) { const e = {} const stackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 100 Error.captureStackTrace(e) Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit console.log( e.stack .split('\n') .slice(1) .filter((line) => !line.includes('(node:')) .join('\n'), ) } }