"use strict"; // Copyright 2021-2024 Buf Technologies, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.reflect = reflect; exports.reflectList = reflectList; exports.reflectMap = reflectMap; const descriptors_js_1 = require("../descriptors.js"); const reflect_check_js_1 = require("./reflect-check.js"); const error_js_1 = require("./error.js"); const unsafe_js_1 = require("./unsafe.js"); const create_js_1 = require("../create.js"); const wrappers_js_1 = require("../wkt/wrappers.js"); const scalar_js_1 = require("./scalar.js"); const proto_int64_js_1 = require("../proto-int64.js"); const guard_js_1 = require("./guard.js"); /** * Create a ReflectMessage. */ function reflect(messageDesc, message, /** * By default, field values are validated when setting them. For example, * a value for an uint32 field must be a ECMAScript Number >= 0. * * When field values are trusted, performance can be improved by disabling * checks. */ check = true) { return new ReflectMessageImpl(messageDesc, message, check); } class ReflectMessageImpl { get sortedFields() { var _a; return ((_a = this._sortedFields) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this._sortedFields = this.desc.fields .concat() .sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number))); } constructor(messageDesc, message, check = true) { this.lists = new Map(); this.maps = new Map(); this.check = check; this.desc = messageDesc; this.message = this[unsafe_js_1.unsafeLocal] = message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : (0, create_js_1.create)(messageDesc); this.fields = messageDesc.fields; this.oneofs = messageDesc.oneofs; this.members = messageDesc.members; } findNumber(number) { if (!this._fieldsByNumber) { this._fieldsByNumber = new Map(this.desc.fields.map((f) => [f.number, f])); } return this._fieldsByNumber.get(number); } oneofCase(oneof) { assertOwn(this.message, oneof); return (0, unsafe_js_1.unsafeOneofCase)(this.message, oneof); } isSet(field) { assertOwn(this.message, field); return (0, unsafe_js_1.unsafeIsSet)(this.message, field); } clear(field) { assertOwn(this.message, field); (0, unsafe_js_1.unsafeClear)(this.message, field); } get(field) { assertOwn(this.message, field); const value = (0, unsafe_js_1.unsafeGet)(this.message, field); switch (field.fieldKind) { case "list": // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations let list = this.lists.get(field); if (!list || list[unsafe_js_1.unsafeLocal] !== value) { this.lists.set(field, (list = new ReflectListImpl(field, value, this.check))); } return list; case "map": // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations let map = this.maps.get(field); if (!map || map[unsafe_js_1.unsafeLocal] !== value) { this.maps.set(field, (map = new ReflectMapImpl(field, value, this.check))); } return map; case "message": return messageToReflect(field, value, this.check); case "scalar": return (value === undefined ? (0, scalar_js_1.scalarZeroValue)(field.scalar, false) : longToReflect(field, value)); case "enum": return (value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : field.enum.values[0].number); } } set(field, value) { assertOwn(this.message, field); if (this.check) { const err = (0, reflect_check_js_1.checkField)(field, value); if (err) { throw err; } } let local; if (field.fieldKind == "message") { local = messageToLocal(field, value); } else if ((0, guard_js_1.isReflectMap)(value) || (0, guard_js_1.isReflectList)(value)) { local = value[unsafe_js_1.unsafeLocal]; } else { local = longToLocal(field, value); } (0, unsafe_js_1.unsafeSet)(this.message, field, local); } getUnknown() { return this.message.$unknown; } setUnknown(value) { this.message.$unknown = value; } } function assertOwn(owner, member) { if (member.parent.typeName !== owner.$typeName) { throw new error_js_1.FieldError(member, `cannot use ${member.toString()} with message ${owner.$typeName}`, "ForeignFieldError"); } } /** * Create a ReflectList. */ function reflectList(field, unsafeInput, /** * By default, field values are validated when setting them. For example, * a value for an uint32 field must be a ECMAScript Number >= 0. * * When field values are trusted, performance can be improved by disabling * checks. */ check = true) { return new ReflectListImpl(field, unsafeInput !== null && unsafeInput !== void 0 ? unsafeInput : [], check); } class ReflectListImpl { field() { return this._field; } get size() { return this._arr.length; } constructor(field, unsafeInput, check) { this._field = field; this._arr = this[unsafe_js_1.unsafeLocal] = unsafeInput; this.check = check; } get(index) { const item = this._arr[index]; return item === undefined ? undefined : listItemToReflect(this._field, item, this.check); } set(index, item) { if (index < 0 || index >= this._arr.length) { throw new error_js_1.FieldError(this._field, `list item #${index + 1}: out of range`); } if (this.check) { const err = (0, reflect_check_js_1.checkListItem)(this._field, index, item); if (err) { throw err; } } this._arr[index] = listItemToLocal(this._field, item); } add(item) { if (this.check) { const err = (0, reflect_check_js_1.checkListItem)(this._field, this._arr.length, item); if (err) { throw err; } } this._arr.push(listItemToLocal(this._field, item)); return undefined; } clear() { this._arr.splice(0, this._arr.length); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values(); } keys() { return this._arr.keys(); } *values() { for (const item of this._arr) { yield listItemToReflect(this._field, item, this.check); } } *entries() { for (let i = 0; i < this._arr.length; i++) { yield [i, listItemToReflect(this._field, this._arr[i], this.check)]; } } } /** * Create a ReflectMap. */ function reflectMap(field, unsafeInput, /** * By default, field values are validated when setting them. For example, * a value for an uint32 field must be a ECMAScript Number >= 0. * * When field values are trusted, performance can be improved by disabling * checks. */ check = true) { return new ReflectMapImpl(field, unsafeInput, check); } class ReflectMapImpl { constructor(field, unsafeInput, check = true) { this.obj = this[unsafe_js_1.unsafeLocal] = unsafeInput !== null && unsafeInput !== void 0 ? unsafeInput : {}; this.check = check; this._field = field; } field() { return this._field; } set(key, value) { if (this.check) { const err = (0, reflect_check_js_1.checkMapEntry)(this._field, key, value); if (err) { throw err; } } this.obj[mapKeyToLocal(key)] = mapValueToLocal(this._field, value); return this; } delete(key) { const k = mapKeyToLocal(key); const has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.obj, k); if (has) { delete this.obj[k]; } return has; } clear() { for (const key of Object.keys(this.obj)) { delete this.obj[key]; } } get(key) { let val = this.obj[mapKeyToLocal(key)]; if (val !== undefined) { val = mapValueToReflect(this._field, val, this.check); } return val; } has(key) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.obj, mapKeyToLocal(key)); } *keys() { for (const objKey of Object.keys(this.obj)) { yield mapKeyToReflect(objKey, this._field.mapKey); } } *entries() { for (const objEntry of Object.entries(this.obj)) { yield [ mapKeyToReflect(objEntry[0], this._field.mapKey), mapValueToReflect(this._field, objEntry[1], this.check), ]; } } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.entries(); } get size() { return Object.keys(this.obj).length; } *values() { for (const val of Object.values(this.obj)) { yield mapValueToReflect(this._field, val, this.check); } } forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) { for (const mapEntry of this.entries()) { callbackfn.call(thisArg, mapEntry[1], mapEntry[0], this); } } } function messageToLocal(field, value) { if (!(0, guard_js_1.isReflectMessage)(value)) { return value; } if ((0, wrappers_js_1.isWrapper)(value.message) && !field.oneof && field.fieldKind == "message") { // Types from google/protobuf/wrappers.proto are unwrapped when used in // a singular field that is not part of a oneof group. return value.message.value; } if (value.desc.typeName == "google.protobuf.Struct" && field.parent.typeName != "google.protobuf.Value") { // google.protobuf.Struct is represented with JsonObject when used in a // field, except when used in google.protobuf.Value. return wktStructToLocal(value.message); } return value.message; } function messageToReflect(field, value, check) { if (value !== undefined) { if ((0, wrappers_js_1.isWrapperDesc)(field.message) && !field.oneof && field.fieldKind == "message") { // Types from google/protobuf/wrappers.proto are unwrapped when used in // a singular field that is not part of a oneof group. value = { $typeName: field.message.typeName, value: longToReflect(field.message.fields[0], value), }; } else if (field.message.typeName == "google.protobuf.Struct" && field.parent.typeName != "google.protobuf.Value" && (0, guard_js_1.isObject)(value)) { // google.protobuf.Struct is represented with JsonObject when used in a // field, except when used in google.protobuf.Value. value = wktStructToReflect(value); } } return new ReflectMessageImpl(field.message, value, check); } function listItemToLocal(field, value) { if (field.listKind == "message") { return messageToLocal(field, value); } return longToLocal(field, value); } function listItemToReflect(field, value, check) { if (field.listKind == "message") { return messageToReflect(field, value, check); } return longToReflect(field, value); } function mapValueToLocal(field, value) { if (field.mapKind == "message") { return messageToLocal(field, value); } return longToLocal(field, value); } function mapValueToReflect(field, value, check) { if (field.mapKind == "message") { return messageToReflect(field, value, check); } return value; } function mapKeyToLocal(key) { return typeof key == "string" || typeof key == "number" ? key : String(key); } /** * Converts a map key (any scalar value except float, double, or bytes) from its * representation in a message (string or number, the only possible object key * types) to the closest possible type in ECMAScript. */ function mapKeyToReflect(key, type) { switch (type) { case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.STRING: return key; case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.INT32: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.FIXED32: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.UINT32: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.SFIXED32: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.SINT32: { const n = Number.parseInt(key); if (Number.isFinite(n)) { return n; } break; } case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.BOOL: switch (key) { case "true": return true; case "false": return false; } break; case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.UINT64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.FIXED64: try { return proto_int64_js_1.protoInt64.uParse(key); } catch (_a) { // } break; default: // INT64, SFIXED64, SINT64 try { return proto_int64_js_1.protoInt64.parse(key); } catch (_b) { // } break; } return key; } function longToReflect(field, value) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check switch (field.scalar) { case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.INT64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.SFIXED64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.SINT64: if ("longAsString" in field && field.longAsString && typeof value == "string") { value = proto_int64_js_1.protoInt64.parse(value); } break; case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.FIXED64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.UINT64: if ("longAsString" in field && field.longAsString && typeof value == "string") { value = proto_int64_js_1.protoInt64.uParse(value); } break; } return value; } function longToLocal(field, value) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check switch (field.scalar) { case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.INT64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.SFIXED64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.SINT64: if ("longAsString" in field && field.longAsString) { value = String(value); } else if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number") { value = proto_int64_js_1.protoInt64.parse(value); } break; case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.FIXED64: case descriptors_js_1.ScalarType.UINT64: if ("longAsString" in field && field.longAsString) { value = String(value); } else if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number") { value = proto_int64_js_1.protoInt64.uParse(value); } break; } return value; } function wktStructToReflect(json) { const struct = { $typeName: "google.protobuf.Struct", fields: {}, }; if ((0, guard_js_1.isObject)(json)) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(json)) { struct.fields[k] = wktValueToReflect(v); } } return struct; } function wktStructToLocal(val) { const json = {}; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(val.fields)) { json[k] = wktValueToLocal(v); } return json; } function wktValueToLocal(val) { switch (val.kind.case) { case "structValue": return wktStructToLocal(val.kind.value); case "listValue": return val.kind.value.values.map(wktValueToLocal); case "nullValue": case undefined: return null; default: return val.kind.value; } } function wktValueToReflect(json) { const value = { $typeName: "google.protobuf.Value", kind: { case: undefined }, }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check -- invalid input is unselected kind switch (typeof json) { case "number": value.kind = { case: "numberValue", value: json }; break; case "string": value.kind = { case: "stringValue", value: json }; break; case "boolean": value.kind = { case: "boolValue", value: json }; break; case "object": if (json === null) { const nullValue = 0; value.kind = { case: "nullValue", value: nullValue }; } else if (Array.isArray(json)) { const listValue = { $typeName: "google.protobuf.ListValue", values: [], }; if (Array.isArray(json)) { for (const e of json) { listValue.values.push(wktValueToReflect(e)); } } value.kind = { case: "listValue", value: listValue, }; } else { value.kind = { case: "structValue", value: wktStructToReflect(json), }; } break; } return value; }