"use strict"; // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. // See LICENSE in the project root for license information. var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.extendVerifyFunction = exports.patchClass = exports.requireFromPathToLinterJS = exports.write = exports.prune = exports.shouldBulkSuppress = void 0; const fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs")); const Guards = __importStar(require("./ast-guards")); const _patch_base_1 = require("../_patch-base"); const constants_1 = require("./constants"); const bulk_suppressions_file_1 = require("./bulk-suppressions-file"); const ESLINTRC_FILENAMES = [ '.eslintrc.js', '.eslintrc.cjs' // Several other filenames are allowed, but this patch requires that it be loaded via a JS config file, // so we only need to check for the JS-based filenames ]; const SUPPRESSION_SYMBOL = Symbol('suppression'); const ESLINT_BULK_SUPPRESS_ENV_VAR_VALUE = process.env[constants_1.ESLINT_BULK_SUPPRESS_ENV_VAR_NAME]; const SUPPRESS_ALL_RULES = ESLINT_BULK_SUPPRESS_ENV_VAR_VALUE === '*'; const RULES_TO_SUPPRESS = ESLINT_BULK_SUPPRESS_ENV_VAR_VALUE ? new Set(ESLINT_BULK_SUPPRESS_ENV_VAR_VALUE.split(',')) : undefined; function getNodeName(node) { if (Guards.isClassDeclarationWithName(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isFunctionDeclarationWithName(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isClassExpressionWithName(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isFunctionExpressionWithName(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isNormalVariableDeclaratorWithAnonymousExpressionAssigned(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isNormalObjectPropertyWithAnonymousExpressionAssigned(node)) { return node.key.name; } else if (Guards.isNormalClassPropertyDefinitionWithAnonymousExpressionAssigned(node)) { return node.key.name; } else if (Guards.isNormalAssignmentPatternWithAnonymousExpressionAssigned(node)) { return node.left.name; } else if (Guards.isNormalMethodDefinition(node)) { return node.key.name; } else if (Guards.isTSEnumDeclaration(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node)) { return node.id.name; } else if (Guards.isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return node.id.name; } } function calculateScopeId(node) { const scopeIds = []; for (let current = node; current; current = current.parent) { const scopeIdForASTNode = getNodeName(current); if (scopeIdForASTNode !== undefined) { scopeIds.unshift(scopeIdForASTNode); } } if (scopeIds.length === 0) { return '.'; } else { return '.' + scopeIds.join('.'); } } const eslintrcPathByFileOrFolderPath = new Map(); function findEslintrcFolderPathForNormalizedFileAbsolutePath(normalizedFilePath) { const cachedFolderPathForFilePath = eslintrcPathByFileOrFolderPath.get(normalizedFilePath); if (cachedFolderPathForFilePath) { return cachedFolderPathForFilePath; } const normalizedFileFolderPath = normalizedFilePath.substring(0, normalizedFilePath.lastIndexOf('/')); const pathsToCache = [normalizedFilePath]; let eslintrcFolderPath; findEslintrcFileLoop: for (let currentFolder = normalizedFileFolderPath; currentFolder; // 'something'.substring(0, -1) is '' currentFolder = currentFolder.substring(0, currentFolder.lastIndexOf('/'))) { const cachedEslintrcFolderPath = eslintrcPathByFileOrFolderPath.get(currentFolder); if (cachedEslintrcFolderPath) { return cachedEslintrcFolderPath; } pathsToCache.push(currentFolder); for (const eslintrcFilename of ESLINTRC_FILENAMES) { if (fs_1.default.existsSync(`${currentFolder}/${eslintrcFilename}`)) { eslintrcFolderPath = currentFolder; break findEslintrcFileLoop; } } } if (eslintrcFolderPath) { for (const checkedFolder of pathsToCache) { eslintrcPathByFileOrFolderPath.set(checkedFolder, eslintrcFolderPath); } return eslintrcFolderPath; } else { throw new Error(`Cannot locate an ESLint configuration file for ${normalizedFilePath}`); } } // One-line insert into the ruleContext report method to prematurely exit if the ESLint problem has been suppressed function shouldBulkSuppress(params) { // Use this ENV variable to turn off eslint-bulk-suppressions functionality, default behavior is on if (process.env[constants_1.ESLINT_BULK_ENABLE_ENV_VAR_NAME] === 'false') { return false; } const { filename: fileAbsolutePath, currentNode, ruleId: rule, problem } = params; const normalizedFileAbsolutePath = fileAbsolutePath.replace(/\\/g, '/'); const eslintrcDirectory = findEslintrcFolderPathForNormalizedFileAbsolutePath(normalizedFileAbsolutePath); const fileRelativePath = normalizedFileAbsolutePath.substring(eslintrcDirectory.length + 1); const scopeId = calculateScopeId(currentNode); const suppression = { file: fileRelativePath, scopeId, rule }; const config = (0, bulk_suppressions_file_1.getSuppressionsConfigForEslintrcFolderPath)(eslintrcDirectory); const serializedSuppression = (0, bulk_suppressions_file_1.serializeSuppression)(suppression); const currentNodeIsSuppressed = config.serializedSuppressions.has(serializedSuppression); if (currentNodeIsSuppressed || SUPPRESS_ALL_RULES || (RULES_TO_SUPPRESS === null || RULES_TO_SUPPRESS === void 0 ? void 0 : RULES_TO_SUPPRESS.has(suppression.rule))) { problem[SUPPRESSION_SYMBOL] = { suppression, serializedSuppression, config }; } return process.env[constants_1.ESLINT_BULK_PRUNE_ENV_VAR_NAME] !== '1' && currentNodeIsSuppressed; } exports.shouldBulkSuppress = shouldBulkSuppress; function prune() { for (const [eslintrcFolderPath, suppressionsConfig] of (0, bulk_suppressions_file_1.getAllBulkSuppressionsConfigsByEslintrcFolderPath)()) { if (suppressionsConfig) { const { newSerializedSuppressions, newJsonObject } = suppressionsConfig; const newSuppressionsConfig = { serializedSuppressions: newSerializedSuppressions, jsonObject: newJsonObject, newSerializedSuppressions: new Set(), newJsonObject: { suppressions: [] } }; (0, bulk_suppressions_file_1.writeSuppressionsJsonToFile)(eslintrcFolderPath, newSuppressionsConfig); } } } exports.prune = prune; function write() { for (const [eslintrcFolderPath, suppressionsConfig] of (0, bulk_suppressions_file_1.getAllBulkSuppressionsConfigsByEslintrcFolderPath)()) { if (suppressionsConfig) { (0, bulk_suppressions_file_1.writeSuppressionsJsonToFile)(eslintrcFolderPath, suppressionsConfig); } } } exports.write = write; // utility function for linter-patch.js to make require statements that use relative paths in linter.js work in linter-patch.js function requireFromPathToLinterJS(importPath) { if (!_patch_base_1.eslintFolder) { return require(importPath); } const pathToLinterFolder = `${_patch_base_1.eslintFolder}/lib/linter`; const moduleAbsolutePath = require.resolve(importPath, { paths: [pathToLinterFolder] }); return require(moduleAbsolutePath); } exports.requireFromPathToLinterJS = requireFromPathToLinterJS; function patchClass(originalClass, patchedClass) { // Get all the property names of the patched class prototype const patchedProperties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(patchedClass.prototype); // Loop through all the properties for (const prop of patchedProperties) { // Override the property in the original class originalClass.prototype[prop] = patchedClass.prototype[prop]; } // Handle getters and setters for (const [prop, descriptor] of Object.entries(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(patchedClass.prototype))) { if (descriptor.get || descriptor.set) { Object.defineProperty(originalClass.prototype, prop, descriptor); } } } exports.patchClass = patchClass; /** * This returns a wrapped version of the "verify" function from ESLint's Linter class * that postprocesses rule violations that weren't suppressed by comments. This postprocessing * records suppressions that weren't otherwise suppressed by comments to be used * by the "suppress" and "prune" commands. */ function extendVerifyFunction(originalFn) { return function (...args) { const problems = originalFn.apply(this, args); if (problems) { for (const problem of problems) { if (problem[SUPPRESSION_SYMBOL]) { const { serializedSuppression, suppression, config: { newSerializedSuppressions, jsonObject: { suppressions }, newJsonObject: { suppressions: newSuppressions } } } = problem[SUPPRESSION_SYMBOL]; if (!newSerializedSuppressions.has(serializedSuppression)) { newSerializedSuppressions.add(serializedSuppression); newSuppressions.push(suppression); suppressions.push(suppression); } } } } return problems; }; } exports.extendVerifyFunction = extendVerifyFunction; //# sourceMappingURL=bulk-suppressions-patch.js.map