You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

617 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2021-2024 Buf Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/* eslint-disable no-case-declarations,@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions */
import { ScalarType, } from "./descriptors.js";
import { protoInt64 } from "./proto-int64.js";
import { create } from "./create.js";
import { reflect } from "./reflect/reflect.js";
import { FieldError, isFieldError } from "./reflect/error.js";
import { formatVal } from "./reflect/reflect-check.js";
import { scalarZeroValue } from "./reflect/scalar.js";
import { base64Decode } from "./wire/base64-encoding.js";
import { isWrapperDesc, anyPack, ListValueSchema, NullValue, StructSchema, ValueSchema, } from "./wkt/index.js";
import { createExtensionContainer, setExtension } from "./extensions.js";
// Default options for parsing JSON.
const jsonReadDefaults = {
ignoreUnknownFields: false,
function makeReadOptions(options) {
return options ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, jsonReadDefaults), options) : jsonReadDefaults;
* Parse a message from a JSON string.
export function fromJsonString(schema, json, options) {
return fromJson(schema, parseJsonString(json, schema.typeName), options);
* Parse a message from a JSON string, merging fields.
* Repeated fields are appended. Map entries are added, overwriting
* existing keys.
* If a message field is already present, it will be merged with the
* new data.
export function mergeFromJsonString(schema, target, json, options) {
return mergeFromJson(schema, target, parseJsonString(json, schema.typeName), options);
* Parse a message from a JSON value.
export function fromJson(schema, json, options) {
const msg = reflect(schema);
try {
readMessage(msg, json, makeReadOptions(options));
catch (e) {
if (isFieldError(e)) {
// @ts-expect-error we use the ES2022 error CTOR option "cause" for better stack traces
throw new Error(`cannot decode ${e.field()} from JSON: ${e.message}`, {
cause: e,
throw e;
return msg.message;
* Parse a message from a JSON value, merging fields.
* Repeated fields are appended. Map entries are added, overwriting
* existing keys.
* If a message field is already present, it will be merged with the
* new data.
export function mergeFromJson(schema, target, json, options) {
try {
readMessage(reflect(schema, target), json, makeReadOptions(options));
catch (e) {
if (isFieldError(e)) {
// @ts-expect-error we use the ES2022 error CTOR option "cause" for better stack traces
throw new Error(`cannot decode ${e.field()} from JSON: ${e.message}`, {
cause: e,
throw e;
return target;
* Parses an enum value from JSON.
export function enumFromJson(descEnum, json) {
const val = readEnum(descEnum, json, false, false);
if (val === tokenIgnoredUnknownEnum) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode ${String(descEnum)} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
return val;
* Is the given value a JSON enum value?
export function isEnumJson(descEnum, value) {
return undefined !== descEnum.values.find((v) => === value);
function readMessage(msg, json, opts) {
var _a;
if (tryWktFromJson(msg, json, opts)) {
if (json == null || Array.isArray(json) || typeof json != "object") {
throw new Error(`cannot decode ${msg.desc} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
const oneofSeen = new Map();
const jsonNames = new Map();
for (const field of msg.desc.fields) {
jsonNames.set(, field).set(field.jsonName, field);
for (const [jsonKey, jsonValue] of Object.entries(json)) {
const field = jsonNames.get(jsonKey);
if (field) {
if (field.oneof) {
if (jsonValue === null && field.fieldKind == "scalar") {
// see conformance test Required.Proto3.JsonInput.OneofFieldNull{First,Second}
const seen = oneofSeen.get(field.oneof);
if (seen !== undefined) {
throw new FieldError(field.oneof, `oneof set multiple times by ${} and ${}`);
oneofSeen.set(field.oneof, field);
readField(msg, field, jsonValue, opts);
else {
let extension = undefined;
if (jsonKey.startsWith("[") &&
jsonKey.endsWith("]") &&
(extension = (_a = opts.registry) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getExtension(jsonKey.substring(1, jsonKey.length - 1))) &&
extension.extendee.typeName === msg.desc.typeName) {
const [container, field, get] = createExtensionContainer(extension);
readField(container, field, jsonValue, opts);
setExtension(msg.message, extension, get());
if (!extension && !opts.ignoreUnknownFields) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode ${msg.desc} from JSON: key "${jsonKey}" is unknown`);
function readField(msg, field, json, opts) {
switch (field.fieldKind) {
case "scalar":
readScalarField(msg, field, json);
case "enum":
readEnumField(msg, field, json, opts);
case "message":
readMessageField(msg, field, json, opts);
case "list":
readListField(msg.get(field), json, opts);
case "map":
readMapField(msg.get(field), json, opts);
function readMapField(map, json, opts) {
if (json === null) {
const field = map.field();
if (typeof json != "object" || Array.isArray(json)) {
throw new FieldError(field, "expected object, got " + formatVal(json));
for (const [jsonMapKey, jsonMapValue] of Object.entries(json)) {
if (jsonMapValue === null) {
throw new FieldError(field, "map value must not be null");
let value;
switch (field.mapKind) {
case "message":
const msgValue = reflect(field.message);
readMessage(msgValue, jsonMapValue, opts);
value = msgValue;
case "enum":
value = readEnum(field.enum, jsonMapValue, opts.ignoreUnknownFields, true);
if (value === tokenIgnoredUnknownEnum) {
case "scalar":
value = scalarFromJson(field, jsonMapValue, true);
const key = mapKeyFromJson(field.mapKey, jsonMapKey);
map.set(key, value);
function readListField(list, json, opts) {
if (json === null) {
const field = list.field();
if (!Array.isArray(json)) {
throw new FieldError(field, "expected Array, got " + formatVal(json));
for (const jsonItem of json) {
if (jsonItem === null) {
throw new FieldError(field, "list item must not be null");
switch (field.listKind) {
case "message":
const msgValue = reflect(field.message);
readMessage(msgValue, jsonItem, opts);
case "enum":
const enumValue = readEnum(field.enum, jsonItem, opts.ignoreUnknownFields, true);
if (enumValue !== tokenIgnoredUnknownEnum) {
case "scalar":
list.add(scalarFromJson(field, jsonItem, true));
function readMessageField(msg, field, json, opts) {
if (json === null && field.message.typeName != "google.protobuf.Value") {
const msgValue = msg.isSet(field) ? msg.get(field) : reflect(field.message);
readMessage(msgValue, json, opts);
msg.set(field, msgValue);
function readEnumField(msg, field, json, opts) {
const enumValue = readEnum(field.enum, json, opts.ignoreUnknownFields, false);
if (enumValue === tokenNull) {
else if (enumValue !== tokenIgnoredUnknownEnum) {
msg.set(field, enumValue);
function readScalarField(msg, field, json) {
const scalarValue = scalarFromJson(field, json, false);
if (scalarValue === tokenNull) {
else {
msg.set(field, scalarValue);
const tokenIgnoredUnknownEnum = Symbol();
function readEnum(desc, json, ignoreUnknownFields, nullAsZeroValue) {
if (json === null) {
if (desc.typeName == "google.protobuf.NullValue") {
return 0; // google.protobuf.NullValue.NULL_VALUE = 0
return nullAsZeroValue ? desc.values[0].number : tokenNull;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check
switch (typeof json) {
case "number":
if (Number.isInteger(json)) {
return json;
case "string":
const value = desc.values.find((ev) => === json);
if (value !== undefined) {
return value.number;
if (ignoreUnknownFields) {
return tokenIgnoredUnknownEnum;
throw new Error(`cannot decode ${desc} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
const tokenNull = Symbol();
function scalarFromJson(field, json, nullAsZeroValue) {
if (json === null) {
if (nullAsZeroValue) {
return scalarZeroValue(field.scalar, false);
return tokenNull;
// int64, sfixed64, sint64, fixed64, uint64: Reflect supports string and number.
// string, bool: Supported by reflect.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check
switch (field.scalar) {
// float, double: JSON value will be a number or one of the special string values "NaN", "Infinity", and "-Infinity".
// Either numbers or strings are accepted. Exponent notation is also accepted.
case ScalarType.DOUBLE:
case ScalarType.FLOAT:
if (json === "NaN")
return NaN;
if (json === "Infinity")
if (json === "-Infinity")
if (typeof json == "number") {
if (isNaN(json)) {
// NaN must be encoded with string constants
throw new FieldError(field, "unexpected NaN number");
if (!isFinite(json)) {
// Infinity must be encoded with string constants
throw new FieldError(field, "unexpected infinite number");
if (typeof json == "string") {
if (json === "") {
// empty string is not a number
if (json.trim().length !== json.length) {
// extra whitespace
const float = Number(json);
if (!isFinite(float)) {
// Infinity and NaN must be encoded with string constants
return float;
// int32, fixed32, uint32: JSON value will be a decimal number. Either numbers or strings are accepted.
case ScalarType.INT32:
case ScalarType.FIXED32:
case ScalarType.SFIXED32:
case ScalarType.SINT32:
case ScalarType.UINT32:
return int32FromJson(json);
// bytes: JSON value will be the data encoded as a string using standard base64 encoding with paddings.
// Either standard or URL-safe base64 encoding with/without paddings are accepted.
case ScalarType.BYTES:
if (typeof json == "string") {
if (json === "") {
return new Uint8Array(0);
try {
return base64Decode(json);
catch (e) {
const message = e instanceof Error ? e.message : String(e);
throw new FieldError(field, message);
return json;
* Try to parse a JSON value to a map key for the reflect API.
* Returns the input if the JSON value cannot be converted.
function mapKeyFromJson(type, json) {
switch (type) {
case ScalarType.BOOL:
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check
switch (json) {
case "true":
return true;
case "false":
return false;
return json;
case ScalarType.INT32:
case ScalarType.FIXED32:
case ScalarType.UINT32:
case ScalarType.SFIXED32:
case ScalarType.SINT32:
return int32FromJson(json);
return json;
* Try to parse a JSON value to a 32-bit integer for the reflect API.
* Returns the input if the JSON value cannot be converted.
function int32FromJson(json) {
if (typeof json == "string") {
if (json === "") {
// empty string is not a number
return json;
if (json.trim().length !== json.length) {
// extra whitespace
return json;
const num = Number(json);
if (Number.isNaN(num)) {
// not a number
return json;
return num;
return json;
function parseJsonString(jsonString, typeName) {
try {
return JSON.parse(jsonString);
catch (e) {
const message = e instanceof Error ? e.message : String(e);
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${typeName} from JSON: ${message}`,
// @ts-expect-error we use the ES2022 error CTOR option "cause" for better stack traces
{ cause: e });
function tryWktFromJson(msg, jsonValue, opts) {
if (!msg.desc.typeName.startsWith("google.protobuf.")) {
return false;
switch (msg.desc.typeName) {
case "google.protobuf.Any":
anyFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue, opts);
return true;
case "google.protobuf.Timestamp":
timestampFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue);
return true;
case "google.protobuf.Duration":
durationFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue);
return true;
case "google.protobuf.FieldMask":
fieldMaskFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue);
return true;
case "google.protobuf.Struct":
structFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue);
return true;
case "google.protobuf.Value":
valueFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue);
return true;
case "google.protobuf.ListValue":
listValueFromJson(msg.message, jsonValue);
return true;
if (isWrapperDesc(msg.desc)) {
const valueField = msg.desc.fields[0];
if (jsonValue === null) {
else {
msg.set(valueField, scalarFromJson(valueField, jsonValue, true));
return true;
return false;
function anyFromJson(any, json, opts) {
var _a;
if (json === null || Array.isArray(json) || typeof json != "object") {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${any.$typeName} from JSON: expected object but got ${formatVal(json)}`);
if (Object.keys(json).length == 0) {
const typeUrl = json["@type"];
if (typeof typeUrl != "string" || typeUrl == "") {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${any.$typeName} from JSON: "@type" is empty`);
const typeName = typeUrl.includes("/")
? typeUrl.substring(typeUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
: typeUrl;
if (!typeName.length) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${any.$typeName} from JSON: "@type" is invalid`);
const desc = (_a = opts.registry) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getMessage(typeName);
if (!desc) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${any.$typeName} from JSON: ${typeUrl} is not in the type registry`);
const msg = reflect(desc);
if (typeName.startsWith("google.protobuf.") &&, "value")) {
const value = json["value"];
readMessage(msg, value, opts);
else {
const copy = Object.assign({}, json);
delete copy["@type"];
readMessage(msg, copy, opts);
anyPack(msg.desc, msg.message, any);
function timestampFromJson(timestamp, json) {
if (typeof json !== "string") {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${timestamp.$typeName} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
const matches = json.match(/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(?:Z|\.([0-9]{3,9})Z|([+-][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]))$/);
if (!matches) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${timestamp.$typeName} from JSON: invalid RFC 3339 string`);
const ms = Date.parse(
matches[1] + "-" + matches[2] + "-" + matches[3] + "T" + matches[4] + ":" + matches[5] + ":" + matches[6] + (matches[8] ? matches[8] : "Z"));
if (Number.isNaN(ms)) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${timestamp.$typeName} from JSON: invalid RFC 3339 string`);
if (ms < Date.parse("0001-01-01T00:00:00Z") ||
ms > Date.parse("9999-12-31T23:59:59Z")) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${timestamp.$typeName} from JSON: must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive`);
timestamp.seconds = protoInt64.parse(ms / 1000);
timestamp.nanos = 0;
if (matches[7]) {
timestamp.nanos =
parseInt("1" + matches[7] + "0".repeat(9 - matches[7].length)) -
function durationFromJson(duration, json) {
if (typeof json !== "string") {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${duration.$typeName} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
const match = json.match(/^(-?[0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?s/);
if (match === null) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${duration.$typeName} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
const longSeconds = Number(match[1]);
if (longSeconds > 315576000000 || longSeconds < -315576000000) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${duration.$typeName} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
duration.seconds = protoInt64.parse(longSeconds);
if (typeof match[2] !== "string") {
const nanosStr = match[2] + "0".repeat(9 - match[2].length);
duration.nanos = parseInt(nanosStr);
if (longSeconds < 0 ||, -0)) {
duration.nanos = -duration.nanos;
function fieldMaskFromJson(fieldMask, json) {
if (typeof json !== "string") {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${fieldMask.$typeName} from JSON: ${formatVal(json)}`);
if (json === "") {
function camelToSnake(str) {
if (str.includes("_")) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${fieldMask.$typeName} from JSON: path names must be lowerCamelCase`);
const sc = str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (letter) => "_" + letter.toLowerCase());
return sc[0] === "_" ? sc.substring(1) : sc;
fieldMask.paths = json.split(",").map(camelToSnake);
function structFromJson(struct, json) {
if (typeof json != "object" || json == null || Array.isArray(json)) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${struct.$typeName} from JSON ${formatVal(json)}`);
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(json)) {
const parsedV = create(ValueSchema);
valueFromJson(parsedV, v);
struct.fields[k] = parsedV;
function valueFromJson(value, json) {
switch (typeof json) {
case "number":
value.kind = { case: "numberValue", value: json };
case "string":
value.kind = { case: "stringValue", value: json };
case "boolean":
value.kind = { case: "boolValue", value: json };
case "object":
if (json === null) {
value.kind = { case: "nullValue", value: NullValue.NULL_VALUE };
else if (Array.isArray(json)) {
const listValue = create(ListValueSchema);
listValueFromJson(listValue, json);
value.kind = { case: "listValue", value: listValue };
else {
const struct = create(StructSchema);
structFromJson(struct, json);
value.kind = { case: "structValue", value: struct };
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${value.$typeName} from JSON ${formatVal(json)}`);
return value;
function listValueFromJson(listValue, json) {
if (!Array.isArray(json)) {
throw new Error(`cannot decode message ${listValue.$typeName} from JSON ${formatVal(json)}`);
for (const e of json) {
const value = create(ValueSchema);
valueFromJson(value, e);