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/*! Element Plus Icons Vue v2.3.1 */
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Baseball,fe as Basketball,de as Bell,_e as BellFilled,xe as Bicycle,Ve as Bottom,we as BottomLeft,Ce as BottomRight,ye as Bowl,Me as Box,He as Briefcase,qe as Brush,Ae as BrushFilled,be as Burger,Pe as Calendar,Ie as Camera,Te as CameraFilled,Ue as CaretBottom,Ze as CaretLeft,Qe as CaretRight,Je as CaretTop,Ye as Cellphone,o2 as ChatDotRound,a2 as ChatDotSquare,l2 as ChatLineRound,f2 as ChatLineSquare,_2 as ChatRound,d2 as ChatSquare,x2 as Check,v2 as Checked,B2 as Cherry,C2 as Chicken,V2 as ChromeFilled,N2 as CircleCheck,y2 as CircleCheckFilled,q2 as CircleClose,L2 as CircleCloseFilled,P2 as CirclePlus,b2 as CirclePlusFilled,T2 as Clock,U2 as Close,I2 as CloseBold,Z2 as Cloudy,J2 as Coffee,Q2 as CoffeeCup,Y2 as Coin,e0 as ColdDrink,n0 as Collection,t0 as CollectionTag,l0 as Comment,f0 as Compass,i0 as Connection,x0 as Coordinate,w0 as CopyDocument,C0 as Cpu,g0 as CreditCard,M0 as Crop,H0 as DArrowLeft,A0 as DArrowRight,q0 as DCaret,b0 as DataAnalysis,P0 as DataBoard,T0 as DataLine,Z0 as Delete,I0 as DeleteFilled,U0 as DeleteLocation,Q0 as Dessert,X0 as Discount,oo as Dish,$0 as DishDot,io as Document,ro as DocumentAdd,no as DocumentChecked,lo as DocumentCopy,co as DocumentDelete,so as DocumentRemove,xo as Download,vo as Drizzling,Eo as Edit,Bo as EditPen,zo as Eleme,go as ElemeFilled,No as ElementPlus,Lo as Expand,So as Failed,Fo as Female,Do as Files,To as Film,Io as Filter,Uo as Finished,Ko as FirstAidKit,jo as Flag,Xo as Fold,c1 as Folder,$o as FolderAdd,o1 as FolderChecked,r1 as FolderDelete,n1 as FolderOpened,l1 as FolderRemove,s1 as Food,d1 as Football,x1 as ForkSpoon,v1 as Fries,B1 as FullScreen,M1 as Goblet,C1 as GobletFull,y1 as GobletSquare,V1 as GobletSquareFull,L1 as GoldMedal,F1 as Goods,S1 as GoodsFilled,D1 as Grape,R1 as Grid,I1 as Guide,U1 as Handbag,Z1 as Headset,J1 as Help,Q1 as HelpFilled,$1 as Hide,o4 as Histogram,r4 as HomeFilled,n4 as HotWater,l4 as House,i4 as IceCream,c4 as IceCreamRound,s4 as IceCreamSquare,u4 as IceDrink,h4 as IceTea,w4 as InfoFilled,k4 as Iphone,E4 as Key,g4 as KnifeFork,M4 as Lightning,H4 as Link,A4 as List,q4 as Loading,O4 as Location,b4 as LocationFilled,P4 as LocationInformation,U4 as Lock,Z4 as Lollipop,Q4 as MagicStick,J4 as Magnet,Y4 as Male,et as Management,rt as MapLocation,mt as Medal,pt as Memo,ft as Menu,ut as Message,_t as MessageBox,ht as Mic,wt as Microphone,kt as MilkTea,Et as Minus,gt as Money,zt as Monitor,At as Moon,Ht as MoonNight,bt as More,qt as MoreFilled,Pt as MostlyCloudy,Ot as Mouse,Gt as Mug,jt as Mute,Zt as MuteNotification,Xt as NoSmoking,er as Notebook,rr as Notification,nr as Odometer,lr as OfficeBuilding,fr as Open,_r as Operation,dr as Opportunity,xr as Orange,vr as Paperclip,kr as PartlyCloudy,Er as Pear,zr as Phone,gr as PhoneFilled,Fr as Picture,Nr as PictureFilled,Ar as PictureRounded,Pr as PieChart,Tr as Place,Ir as Platform,Ur as Plus,Zr as Pointer,Qr as Position,Xr as Postcard,$r as Pouring,o6 as Present,a6 as PriceTag,m6 as Printer,p6 as Promotion,f6 as QuartzWatch,_6 as QuestionFilled,d6 as Rank,B6 as Reading,h6 as ReadingLamp,y6 as Refresh,C6 as RefreshLeft,V6 as RefreshRight,M6 as Refrigerator,S6 as Remove,H6 as RemoveFilled,F6 as Right,D6 as ScaleToOriginal,R6 as School,O6 as Scissor,G6 as Search,W6 as Select,K6 as Sell,j6 as SemiSelect,X6 as Service,$6 as SetUp,oa as Setting,ra as Share,na as Ship,la as Shop,fa as ShoppingBag,ua as ShoppingCart,ia as ShoppingCartFull,ha as ShoppingTrolley,Ba as Smoking,Ca as Soccer,Va as SoldOut,Ha as Sort,ya as SortDown,Ma as SortUp,Aa as Stamp,ba as Star,qa as StarFilled,Ra as Stopwatch,Oa as SuccessFilled,Ga as Sugar,Qa as Suitcase,Wa as SuitcaseLine,Ja as Sunny,Ya as Sunrise,e3 as Sunset,p3 as Switch,r3 as SwitchButton,m3 as SwitchFilled,f3 as TakeawayBox,_3 as Ticket,d3 as Tickets,x3 as Timer,w3 as ToiletPaper,k3 as Tools,N3 as Top,V3 as TopLeft,z3 as TopRight,L3 as TrendCharts,F3 as Trophy,S3 as TrophyBase,P3 as TurnOff,T3 as Umbrella,G3 as Unlock,K3 as Upload,W3 as UploadFilled,X3 as User,j3 as UserFilled,$3 as Van,r8 as VideoCamera,o8 as VideoCameraFilled,n8 as VideoPause,l8 as VideoPlay,c8 as View,i8 as Wallet,s8 as WalletFilled,u8 as WarnTriangleFilled,w8 as Warning,h8 as WarningFilled,k8 as Watch,E8 as Watermelon,g8 as WindPower,z8 as ZoomIn,N8 as ZoomOut,T4e as default,M as icons};