create table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed ( Channel_name char(64) not null comment 'The replication channel name that connects source and replica.', Managed_name char(64) default '' not null comment 'The name of the source which needs to be managed.', Managed_type char(64) default '' not null comment 'Determines the managed type.', Configuration json null comment 'The data to help manage group. For Managed_type = GroupReplication, Configuration value should contain {"Primary_weight": 80, "Secondary_weight": 60}, so that it assigns weight=80 to PRIMARY of the group, and weight=60 for rest of the members in mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover table.', primary key (Channel_name, Managed_name) ) comment 'The managed source configuration details' charset = utf8mb3 row_format = DYNAMIC stats_persistent = 0;