create table mysql.slave_relay_log_info ( Number_of_lines int unsigned not null comment 'Number of lines in the file or rows in the table. Used to version table definitions.', Relay_log_name text collate utf8mb3_bin null comment 'The name of the current relay log file.', Relay_log_pos bigint unsigned null comment 'The relay log position of the last executed event.', Master_log_name text collate utf8mb3_bin null comment 'The name of the master binary log file from which the events in the relay log file were read.', Master_log_pos bigint unsigned null comment 'The master log position of the last executed event.', Sql_delay int null comment 'The number of seconds that the slave must lag behind the master.', Number_of_workers int unsigned null, Id int unsigned null comment 'Internal Id that uniquely identifies this record.', Channel_name varchar(64) not null comment 'The channel on which the replica is connected to a source. Used in Multisource Replication' primary key, Privilege_checks_username varchar(32) collate utf8mb3_bin null comment 'Username part of PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER.', Privilege_checks_hostname varchar(255) charset ascii null comment 'Hostname part of PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER.', Require_row_format tinyint(1) not null comment 'Indicates whether the channel shall only accept row based events.', Require_table_primary_key_check enum ('STREAM', 'ON', 'OFF', 'GENERATE') default 'STREAM' not null comment 'Indicates what is the channel policy regarding tables without primary keys on create and alter table queries', Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_type enum ('OFF', 'LOCAL', 'UUID') default 'OFF' not null comment 'Indicates whether the channel will generate a new GTID for anonymous transactions. OFF means that anonymous transactions will remain anonymous. LOCAL means that anonymous transactions will be assigned a newly generated GTID based on server_uuid. UUID indicates that anonymous transactions will be assigned a newly generated GTID based on Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_value', Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_value text collate utf8mb3_bin null comment 'Indicates the UUID used while generating GTIDs for anonymous transactions' ) comment 'Relay Log Information' charset = utf8mb3 row_format = DYNAMIC stats_persistent = 0;