create table mysql.slave_worker_info ( Id int unsigned not null, Relay_log_name text collate utf8mb3_bin not null, Relay_log_pos bigint unsigned not null, Master_log_name text collate utf8mb3_bin not null, Master_log_pos bigint unsigned not null, Checkpoint_relay_log_name text collate utf8mb3_bin not null, Checkpoint_relay_log_pos bigint unsigned not null, Checkpoint_master_log_name text collate utf8mb3_bin not null, Checkpoint_master_log_pos bigint unsigned not null, Checkpoint_seqno int unsigned not null, Checkpoint_group_size int unsigned not null, Checkpoint_group_bitmap blob not null, Channel_name varchar(64) not null comment 'The channel on which the replica is connected to a source. Used in Multisource Replication', primary key (Channel_name, Id) ) comment 'Worker Information' charset = utf8mb3 row_format = DYNAMIC stats_persistent = 0;