create definer = `mysql.sys`@localhost procedure sys.diagnostics(IN in_max_runtime int unsigned, IN in_interval int unsigned, IN in_auto_config enum ('current', 'medium', 'full')) comment ' Description ----------- Create a report of the current status of the server for diagnostics purposes. Data collected includes (some items depends on versions and settings): * The GLOBAL VARIABLES * Several sys schema views including metrics or equivalent (depending on version and settings) * Queries in the 95th percentile * Several ndbinfo views for MySQL Cluster * Replication (both master and slave) information. Some of the sys schema views are calculated as initial (optional), overall, delta: * The initial view is the content of the view at the start of this procedure. This output will be the same as the the start values used for the delta view. The initial view is included if @sys.diagnostics.include_raw = ''ON''. * The overall view is the content of the view at the end of this procedure. This output is the same as the end values used for the delta view. The overall view is always included. * The delta view is the difference from the beginning to the end. Note that for min and max values they are simply the min or max value from the end view respectively, so does not necessarily reflect the minimum/maximum value in the monitored period. Note: except for the metrics views the delta is only calculation between the first and last outputs. Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;". Parameters ----------- in_max_runtime (INT UNSIGNED): The maximum time to keep collecting data. Use NULL to get the default which is 60 seconds, otherwise enter a value greater than 0. in_interval (INT UNSIGNED): How long to sleep between data collections. Use NULL to get the default which is 30 seconds, otherwise enter a value greater than 0. in_auto_config (ENUM(''current'', ''medium'', ''full'')) Automatically enable Performance Schema instruments and consumers. NOTE: The more that are enabled, the more impact on the performance. Supported values are: * current - use the current settings. * medium - enable some settings. This requires the SUPER privilege. * full - enables all settings. This will have a big impact on the performance - be careful using this option. This requires the SUPER privilege. If another setting the ''current'' is chosen, the current settings are restored at the end of the procedure. Configuration Options ---------------------- sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables Specifies whether it is allowed to do table scan queries on information_schema.TABLES. This can be expensive if there are many tables. Set to ''ON'' to allow, ''OFF'' to not allow. Default is ''OFF''. sys.diagnostics.include_raw Set to ''ON'' to include the raw data (e.g. the original output of "SELECT * FROM sys.metrics"). Use this to get the initial values of the various views. Default is ''OFF''. sys.statement_truncate_len How much of queries in the process list output to include. Default is 64. sys.debug Whether to provide debugging output. Default is ''OFF''. Set to ''ON'' to include. Example -------- To create a report and append it to the file diag.out: mysql> TEE diag.out; mysql> CALL sys.diagnostics(120, 30, ''current''); ... mysql> NOTEE; ' sql security invoker reads sql data BEGIN DECLARE v_start, v_runtime, v_iter_start, v_sleep DECIMAL(20,2) DEFAULT 0.0; DECLARE v_has_innodb, v_has_ndb, v_has_ps, v_has_replication, v_has_ps_replication VARCHAR(8) CHARSET utf8mb4 DEFAULT 'NO'; DECLARE v_this_thread_enabled ENUM('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE v_table_name, v_banner VARCHAR(64) CHARSET utf8mb4; DECLARE v_sql_status_summary_select, v_sql_status_summary_delta, v_sql_status_summary_from, v_no_delta_names TEXT; DECLARE v_output_time, v_output_time_prev DECIMAL(20,3) UNSIGNED; DECLARE v_output_count, v_count, v_old_group_concat_max_len INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; -- The width of each of the status outputs in the summery DECLARE v_status_summary_width TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 50; DECLARE v_done BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; -- Do not include the following ndbinfo views: -- 'blocks' Static -- 'config_params' Static -- 'dict_obj_types' Static -- 'disk_write_speed_base' Can generate lots of output - only include aggregate views here -- 'memory_per_fragment' Can generate lots of output -- 'memoryusage' Handled separately -- 'operations_per_fragment' Can generate lots of output -- 'threadblocks' Only needed once DECLARE c_ndbinfo CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'ndbinfo' AND TABLE_NAME NOT IN ( 'blocks', 'config_params', 'dict_obj_types', 'disk_write_speed_base', 'memory_per_fragment', 'memoryusage', 'operations_per_fragment', 'threadblocks' ); DECLARE c_sysviews_w_delta CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM tmp_sys_views_delta ORDER BY table_name; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET v_done = TRUE; -- Do not track the current thread - no reason to clutter the output SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_this_thread_enabled FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID(); IF (v_this_thread_enabled = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; -- Check options are sane IF (in_max_runtime < in_interval) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'in_max_runtime must be greater than or equal to in_interval'; END IF; IF (in_max_runtime = 0) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'in_max_runtime must be greater than 0'; END IF; IF (in_interval = 0) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'in_interval must be greater than 0'; END IF; -- Set configuration options IF (@sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables = sys.sys_get_config('diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables', 'OFF'); END IF; IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.include_raw = sys.sys_get_config('diagnostics.include_raw' , 'OFF'); END IF; IF (@sys.debug IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.debug = sys.sys_get_config('debug' , 'OFF'); END IF; IF (@sys.statement_truncate_len IS NULL) THEN SET @sys.statement_truncate_len = sys.sys_get_config('statement_truncate_len' , '64' ); END IF; -- Temporary table are used - disable sql_log_bin if necessary to prevent them replicating SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; IF ((@log_bin = 1) AND (@@binlog_format = 'STATEMENT')) THEN SET sql_log_bin = 0; END IF; -- Some metrics variables doesn't make sense in delta and rate calculations even if they are numeric -- as they really are more like settings or "current" status. SET v_no_delta_names = CONCAT('s%{COUNT}.Variable_name NOT IN (', '''innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'', ', '''innodb_page_size'', ', '''last_query_cost'', ', '''last_query_partial_plans'', ', '''qcache_total_blocks'', ', '''slave_last_heartbeat'', ', '''ssl_ctx_verify_depth'', ', '''ssl_ctx_verify_mode'', ', '''ssl_session_cache_size'', ', '''ssl_verify_depth'', ', '''ssl_verify_mode'', ', '''ssl_version'', ', '''buffer_flush_lsn_avg_rate'', ', '''buffer_flush_pct_for_dirty'', ', '''buffer_flush_pct_for_lsn'', ', '''buffer_pool_pages_total'', ', '''lock_row_lock_time_avg'', ', '''lock_row_lock_time_max'', ', '''innodb_page_size''', ')'); IF (in_auto_config <> 'current') THEN IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('Updating Performance Schema configuration to ', in_auto_config) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CALL sys.ps_setup_save(0); IF (in_auto_config = 'medium') THEN -- Enable all consumers except %history and %history_long UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE '%\_history%'; -- Enable all instruments except wait/synch/% UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE 'wait/synch/%'; ELSEIF (in_auto_config = 'full') THEN UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES'; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES'; END IF; -- Enable all threads except this one UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = 'YES' WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID <> CONNECTION_ID(); END IF; SET v_start = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2)), in_interval = IFNULL(in_interval, 30), in_max_runtime = IFNULL(in_max_runtime, 60); -- Get a quick ref with hostname, server UUID, and the time for the report. SET v_banner = REPEAT( '-', LEAST( GREATEST( 36, CHAR_LENGTH(VERSION()), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.version_comment), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.version_compile_os), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.version_compile_machine), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.socket), CHAR_LENGTH(@@global.datadir) ), 64 ) ); SELECT 'Hostname' AS 'Name', @@global.hostname AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Port' AS 'Name', @@global.port AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Socket' AS 'Name', @@global.socket AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Datadir' AS 'Name', @@global.datadir AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Server UUID' AS 'Name', @@global.server_uuid AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT REPEAT('-', 23) AS 'Name', v_banner AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'MySQL Version' AS 'Name', VERSION() AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sys Schema Version' AS 'Name', (SELECT sys_version FROM sys.version) AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Version Comment' AS 'Name', @@global.version_comment AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Version Compile OS' AS 'Name', @@global.version_compile_os AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Version Compile Machine' AS 'Name', @@global.version_compile_machine AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT REPEAT('-', 23) AS 'Name', v_banner AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'UTC Time' AS 'Name', UTC_TIMESTAMP() AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Local Time' AS 'Name', NOW() AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Time Zone' AS 'Name', @@global.time_zone AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'System Time Zone' AS 'Name', @@global.system_time_zone AS 'Value' UNION ALL SELECT 'Time Zone Offset' AS 'Name', TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP()) AS 'Value'; -- Are the InnoDB, NDBCluster, and Performance Schema storage engines present? SET v_has_innodb = IFNULL((SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'InnoDB'), 'NO'), v_has_ndb = IFNULL((SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'NDBCluster'), 'NO'), v_has_ps = IFNULL((SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'), 'NO'), v_has_ps_replication = v_has_ps, v_has_replication = IF(v_has_ps_replication = 'YES', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status) > 0, 'YES', 'NO'), IF(@@master_info_repository = 'TABLE', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.slave_master_info) > 0, 'YES', 'NO'), IF(@@relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE', IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.slave_relay_log_info) > 0, 'YES', 'NO'), 'MAYBE'))); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT v_has_innodb AS 'Has_InnoDB', v_has_ndb AS 'Has_NDBCluster', v_has_ps AS 'Has_Performance_Schema', v_has_ps_replication 'AS Has_P_S_Replication', v_has_replication AS 'Has_Replication'; END IF; IF (v_has_innodb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN -- Need to use prepared statement as just having the query as a plain command -- will generate an error if the InnoDB storage engine is not present SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = 'SHOW ENGINE InnoDB STATUS'; PREPARE stmt_innodb_status FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN -- Need to use prepared statement as just having the query as a plain command -- will generate an error if the InnoDB storage engine is not present SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = 'SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS'; PREPARE stmt_ps_status FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN -- Need to use prepared statement as just having the query as a plain command -- will generate an error if the NDBCluster storage engine is not present SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = 'SHOW ENGINE NDBCLUSTER STATUS'; PREPARE stmt_ndbcluster_status FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; SET @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template = 'SELECT CONCAT( ''SELECT '', GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN (SUBSTRING(TABLE_NAME, 3), COLUMN_NAME) IN ( (''io_global_by_file_by_bytes'', ''total''), (''io_global_by_wait_by_bytes'', ''total_requested'') ) THEN CONCAT(''format_bytes('', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN COLUMN_NAME LIKE ''%latency'' THEN CONCAT(''format_pico_time('', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -7) = ''_memory'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -17) = ''_memory_allocated'' OR ((SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -5) = ''_read'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_written'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -6) = ''_write'') AND SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 6) <> ''COUNT_'') THEN CONCAT(''format_bytes('', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) ELSE COLUMN_NAME END ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION SEPARATOR '',\n '' ), ''\n FROM tmp_'', SUBSTRING(TABLE_NAME FROM 3), ''_%{OUTPUT}'' ) AS Query INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ''sys'' AND TABLE_NAME = ? GROUP BY TABLE_NAME'; SET @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta = 'SELECT CONCAT( ''SELECT '', GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN FIND_IN_SET(COLUMN_NAME COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci, THEN COLUMN_NAME WHEN diag.TABLE_NAME = ''io_global_by_file_by_bytes'' AND COLUMN_NAME COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci = ''write_pct'' THEN CONCAT(''IFNULL(ROUND(100-(((e.total_read-IFNULL(s.total_read, 0))'', ''/NULLIF(((e.total_read-IFNULL(s.total_read, 0))+(e.total_written-IFNULL(s.total_written, 0))), 0))*100), 2), 0.00) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN (diag.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME) IN ( (''io_global_by_file_by_bytes'', ''total''), (''io_global_by_wait_by_bytes'', ''total_requested'') ) THEN CONCAT(''format_bytes(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, ''-IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 4) IN (''max_'', ''min_'') AND SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''format_pico_time(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '') AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN COLUMN_NAME COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci = ''avg_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''format_pico_time((e.total_latency - IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0))'', ''/NULLIF( - IFNULL(, 0), 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -12) = ''_avg_latency'' THEN CONCAT(''format_pico_time((e.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''_latency - IFNULL(s.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''_latency, 0))'', ''/NULLIF(e.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''s - IFNULL(s.'', SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME FROM 1 FOR CHAR_LENGTH(COLUMN_NAME)-12), ''s, 0), 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN COLUMN_NAME LIKE ''%latency'' THEN CONCAT(''format_pico_time(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '' - IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN COLUMN_NAME IN (''avg_read'', ''avg_write'', ''avg_written'') THEN CONCAT(''format_bytes(IFNULL((e.total_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''written''), ''-IFNULL(s.total_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''written''), '', 0))'', ''/NULLIF(e.count_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''write''), ''-IFNULL(s.count_'', IF(COLUMN_NAME = ''avg_read'', ''read'', ''write''), '', 0), 0), 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) WHEN SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -7) = ''_memory'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -17) = ''_memory_allocated'' OR ((SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -5) = ''_read'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -8) = ''_written'' OR SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, -6) = ''_write'') AND SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 6) <> ''COUNT_'') THEN CONCAT(''format_bytes(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '' - IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) ELSE CONCAT(''(e.'', COLUMN_NAME, '' - IFNULL(s.'', COLUMN_NAME, '', 0)) AS '', COLUMN_NAME) END ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION SEPARATOR '',\n '' ), ''\n FROM tmp_'', diag.TABLE_NAME, ''_end e LEFT OUTER JOIN tmp_'', diag.TABLE_NAME, ''_start s USING ('',, '')'' ) AS Query INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta diag INNER JOIN information_schema.COLUMNS c ON c.TABLE_NAME COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci = CONCAT(''x$'', diag.TABLE_NAME) WHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = ''sys'' AND diag.TABLE_NAME = ? GROUP BY diag.TABLE_NAME'; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN -- Create temporary table with the ORDER BY clauses. Will be required both for the initial (if included) and end queries DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_sys_views_delta; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_sys_views_delta ( TABLE_NAME varchar(64) NOT NULL, order_by text COMMENT 'ORDER BY clause for the initial and overall views', order_by_delta text COMMENT 'ORDER BY clause for the delta views', where_delta text COMMENT 'WHERE clause to use for delta views to only include rows with a "count" > 0', limit_rows int unsigned COMMENT 'The maximum number of rows to include for the view', pk varchar(128) COMMENT 'Used with the FIND_IN_SET() function so use comma separated list without whitespace', PRIMARY KEY (TABLE_NAME) ); -- %{OUTPUT} will be replace by the suffix used for the output. IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'Populating tmp_sys_views_delta' AS 'Debug'; END IF; INSERT INTO tmp_sys_views_delta VALUES ('host_summary' , '%{TABLE}.statement_latency DESC', '(e.statement_latency-IFNULL(s.statement_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.statements - IFNULL(s.statements, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host'), ('host_summary_by_file_io' , '%{TABLE}.io_latency DESC', '(e.io_latency-IFNULL(s.io_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.ios - IFNULL(s.ios, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host'), ('host_summary_by_file_io_type' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', ', (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,event_name'), ('host_summary_by_stages' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', ', (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,event_name'), ('host_summary_by_statement_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host'), ('host_summary_by_statement_type' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', ', (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,statement'), ('io_by_thread_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,thread_id,processlist_id'), ('io_global_by_file_by_bytes' , '%{TABLE}.total DESC', '(, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', 100, 'file'), ('io_global_by_file_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', 100, 'file'), ('io_global_by_wait_by_bytes' , '%{TABLE}.total_requested DESC', '(e.total_requested-IFNULL(s.total_requested, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_name'), ('io_global_by_wait_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_name'), ('schema_index_statistics' , '(%{TABLE}.select_latency+%{TABLE}.insert_latency+%{TABLE}.update_latency+%{TABLE}.delete_latency) DESC', '((e.select_latency+e.insert_latency+e.update_latency+e.delete_latency)-IFNULL(s.select_latency+s.insert_latency+s.update_latency+s.delete_latency, 0)) DESC', '((e.rows_selected+e.insert_latency+e.rows_updated+e.rows_deleted)-IFNULL(s.rows_selected+s.rows_inserted+s.rows_updated+s.rows_deleted, 0)) > 0', 100, 'table_schema,table_name,index_name'), ('schema_table_statistics' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) > 0', 100, 'table_schema,table_name'), ('schema_tables_with_full_table_scans', '%{TABLE}.rows_full_scanned DESC', '(e.rows_full_scanned-IFNULL(s.rows_full_scanned, 0)) DESC', '(e.rows_full_scanned-IFNULL(s.rows_full_scanned, 0)) > 0', 100, 'object_schema,object_name'), ('user_summary' , '%{TABLE}.statement_latency DESC', '(e.statement_latency-IFNULL(s.statement_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.statements - IFNULL(s.statements, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user'), ('user_summary_by_file_io' , '%{TABLE}.io_latency DESC', '(e.io_latency-IFNULL(s.io_latency, 0)) DESC', '(e.ios - IFNULL(s.ios, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user'), ('user_summary_by_file_io_type' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.latency-IFNULL(s.latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,event_name'), ('user_summary_by_stages' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,event_name'), ('user_summary_by_statement_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user'), ('user_summary_by_statement_type' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,statement'), ('wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency' , 'IFNULL(%{TABLE}.total_latency / NULLIF(%{TABLE}.total, 0), 0) DESC', 'IFNULL((e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) / NULLIF(( - IFNULL(, 0)), 0), 0) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_class'), ('wait_classes_global_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'event_class'), ('waits_by_host_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.host, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', ', (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'host,event'), ('waits_by_user_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.user, %{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', 'e.user, (e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'user,event'), ('waits_global_by_latency' , '%{TABLE}.total_latency DESC', '(e.total_latency-IFNULL(s.total_latency, 0)) DESC', '( - IFNULL(, 0)) > 0', NULL, 'events') ; END IF; SELECT ' ======================= Configuration ======================= ' AS ''; -- Get the configuration. SELECT 'GLOBAL VARIABLES' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT LOWER(VARIABLE_NAME) AS Variable_name, VARIABLE_VALUE AS Variable_value FROM performance_schema.global_variables ORDER BY VARIABLE_NAME; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN -- Overview of the Performance Schema dynamic settings used for this report. SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Actors' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_actors; SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Consumers' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT NAME AS Consumer, ENABLED, sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled(NAME) AS COLLECTS FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers; SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Instruments' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(NAME, '/', 2) AS 'InstrumentClass', ROUND(100*SUM(IF(ENABLED = 'YES', 1, 0))/COUNT(*), 2) AS 'EnabledPct', ROUND(100*SUM(IF(TIMED = 'YES', 1, 0))/COUNT(*), 2) AS 'TimedPct' FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments GROUP BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(NAME, '/', 2) ORDER BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(NAME, '/', 2); SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Objects' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_objects; SELECT 'Performance Schema Setup - Threads' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT `TYPE` AS ThreadType, COUNT(*) AS 'Total', ROUND(100*SUM(IF(INSTRUMENTED = 'YES', 1, 0))/COUNT(*), 2) AS 'InstrumentedPct' FROM performance_schema.threads GROUP BY TYPE; END IF; IF (v_has_replication = 'NO') THEN SELECT 'No Replication Configured' AS 'Replication Status'; ELSE -- No guarantee that replication is actually configured, but we can't really know SELECT CONCAT('Replication Configured: ', v_has_replication, ' - Performance Schema Replication Tables: ', v_has_ps_replication) AS 'Replication Status'; IF (v_has_ps_replication = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Connection Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_configuration ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; END IF; IF (v_has_ps_replication = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Applier Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_configuration ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; END IF; IF (@@master_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Master Info Repository Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; -- Can't just do SELECT * as the password may be present in plain text -- Don't include binary log file and position as that will be determined in each iteration as well SELECT Channel_name, Host, User_name, Port, Connect_retry, Enabled_ssl, Ssl_ca, Ssl_capath, Ssl_cert, Ssl_cipher, Ssl_key, Ssl_verify_server_cert, Heartbeat, Bind, Ignored_server_ids, Uuid, Retry_count, Ssl_crl, Ssl_crlpath, Tls_version, Enabled_auto_position FROM mysql.slave_master_info ORDER BY Channel_name; END IF; IF (@@relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Relay Log Repository Configuration' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT Channel_name, Sql_delay, Number_of_workers, Id FROM mysql.slave_relay_log_info ORDER BY Channel_name; END IF; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'Cluster Thread Blocks' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM ndbinfo.threadblocks; END IF; -- For a number of sys views as well as events_statements_summary_by_digest, -- just get the start data and then at the end output the overall and delta values IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SELECT ' ======================== Initial Status ======================== ' AS ''; END IF; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_digests_start; CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('create_tmp', 'tmp_digests_start', NULL); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('snapshot', NULL, NULL); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('save', 'tmp_digests_start', NULL); -- Loop over the sys views where deltas should be calculated. IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = REPLACE(@sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template, '%{OUTPUT}', 'start'); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'The following query will be used to generate the query for each sys view' AS 'Debug'; SELECT @sys.diagnostics.sql AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE stmt_gen_query FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; END IF; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_sysviews_w_delta; c_sysviews_w_delta_loop: LOOP FETCH c_sysviews_w_delta INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_sysviews_w_delta_loop; END IF; IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('The following queries are for storing the initial content of ', v_table_name) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_', v_table_name, '_start`')); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_start` SELECT * FROM `sys`.`x$', v_table_name, '`')); IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SET @sys.diagnostics.table_name = CONCAT('x$', v_table_name); EXECUTE stmt_gen_query USING @sys.diagnostics.table_name; -- If necessary add ORDER BY and LIMIT SELECT CONCAT(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select, IF(order_by IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n ORDER BY ', REPLACE(order_by, '%{TABLE}', CONCAT('tmp_', v_table_name, '_start'))), ''), IF(limit_rows IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n LIMIT ', limit_rows), '') ) INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta WHERE TABLE_NAME COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_as_ci = v_table_name; SELECT CONCAT('Initial ', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE c_sysviews_w_delta; IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_gen_query; END IF; END IF; -- If in_include_status_summary is TRUE then a temporary table is required to store the data SET v_sql_status_summary_select = 'SELECT Variable_name', v_sql_status_summary_delta = '', v_sql_status_summary_from = ''; -- Start the loop REPEAT SET v_output_count = v_output_count + 1; IF (v_output_count > 1) THEN -- Don't sleep on the first execution SET v_sleep = in_interval-(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2))-v_iter_start); SELECT NOW() AS 'Time', CONCAT('Going to sleep for ', v_sleep, ' seconds. Please do not interrupt') AS 'The following output is:'; DO SLEEP(in_interval); END IF; SET v_iter_start = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2)); SELECT NOW(), CONCAT('Iteration Number ', IFNULL(v_output_count, 'NULL')) AS 'The following output is:'; -- Even in 5.7 there is no way to get all the info from SHOW MASTER|SLAVE STATUS using the Performance Schema or -- other tables, so include them even though they are no longer optimal solutions and if present get the additional -- information from the other tables available. IF (@@log_bin = 1) THEN SELECT 'SHOW MASTER STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; SHOW MASTER STATUS; END IF; IF (v_has_replication <> 'NO') THEN SELECT 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; SHOW SLAVE STATUS; IF (v_has_ps_replication = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Replication Connection Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status; SELECT 'Replication Applier Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; SELECT 'Replication Applier Status - Coordinator' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_coordinator ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME; SELECT 'Replication Applier Status - Worker' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker ORDER BY CHANNEL_NAME, WORKER_ID; END IF; IF (@@master_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Master Log Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT Master_log_name, Master_log_pos FROM mysql.slave_master_info; END IF; IF (@@relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE') THEN SELECT 'Replication - Relay Log Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT sys.format_path(Relay_log_name) AS Relay_log_name, Relay_log_pos, Master_log_name, Master_log_pos FROM mysql.slave_relay_log_info; SELECT 'Replication - Worker Status' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT Id, sys.format_path(Relay_log_name) AS Relay_log_name, Relay_log_pos, Master_log_name, Master_log_pos, sys.format_path(Checkpoint_relay_log_name) AS Checkpoint_relay_log_name, Checkpoint_relay_log_pos, Checkpoint_master_log_name, Checkpoint_master_log_pos, Checkpoint_seqno, Checkpoint_group_size, HEX(Checkpoint_group_bitmap) AS Checkpoint_group_bitmap, Channel_name FROM mysql.slave_worker_info ORDER BY Channel_name, Id; END IF; END IF; -- We need one table per output as a temporary table cannot be opened twice in the same query, and we need to -- join the outputs in the summary at the end. SET v_table_name = CONCAT('tmp_metrics_', v_output_count); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ', v_table_name)); -- Currently information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS has VARIABLE_VALUE as varchar(1024) CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ', v_table_name, ' ( Variable_name VARCHAR(193) NOT NULL, Variable_value VARCHAR(1024), Type VARCHAR(225) NOT NULL, Enabled ENUM(''YES'', ''NO'', ''PARTIAL'') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Type, Variable_name) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4')); SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = CONCAT( 'INSERT INTO ', v_table_name, ' SELECT Variable_name, REPLACE(Variable_value, ''\n'', ''\\\\n'') AS Variable_value, Type, Enabled FROM sys.metrics' ); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql); -- Prepare the query to retrieve the summary CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt( CONCAT('(SELECT Variable_value INTO @sys.diagnostics.output_time FROM ', v_table_name, ' WHERE Type = ''System Time'' AND Variable_name = ''UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'')') ); SET v_output_time = @sys.diagnostics.output_time; -- Limit each value to v_status_summary_width chars (when v_has_ndb = TRUE the values can be very wide - refer to the output here for the full values) -- v_sql_status_summary_select, v_sql_status_summary_delta, v_sql_status_summary_from SET v_sql_status_summary_select = CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_select, ', CONCAT( LEFT(s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value, ', v_status_summary_width, '), IF(', REPLACE(v_no_delta_names, '%{COUNT}', v_output_count), ' AND s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]+)?$'', CONCAT('' ('', ROUND(s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value/', v_output_time, ', 2), ''/sec)''), '''') ) AS ''Output ', v_output_count, ''''), v_sql_status_summary_from = CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_from, ' ', IF(v_output_count = 1, ' FROM ', ' INNER JOIN '), v_table_name, ' s', v_output_count, IF (v_output_count = 1, '', ' USING (Type, Variable_name)')); IF (v_output_count > 1) THEN SET v_sql_status_summary_delta = CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_delta, ', IF(', REPLACE(v_no_delta_names, '%{COUNT}', v_output_count), ' AND s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]+)?$'' AND s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]+)?$'', CONCAT(IF(s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+\\\\.[0-9]+$'' OR s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value REGEXP ''^[0-9]+\\\\.[0-9]+$'', ROUND((s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value-s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value), 2), (s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value-s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value) ), '' ('', ROUND((s', v_output_count, '.Variable_value-s', (v_output_count-1), '.Variable_value)/(', v_output_time, '-', v_output_time_prev, '), 2), ''/sec)'' ), '''' ) AS ''Delta (', (v_output_count-1), ' -> ', v_output_count, ')'''); END IF; SET v_output_time_prev = v_output_time; IF (@sys.diagnostics.include_raw = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.metrics' AS 'The following output is:'; -- Ensures that the output here is the same as the one used in the status summary at the end CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('SELECT Type, Variable_name, Enabled, Variable_value FROM ', v_table_name, ' ORDER BY Type, Variable_name')); END IF; -- InnoDB IF (v_has_innodb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; EXECUTE stmt_innodb_status; SELECT 'InnoDB - Transactions' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM information_schema.INNODB_TRX; END IF; -- NDBCluster IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'SHOW ENGINE NDBCLUSTER STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; EXECUTE stmt_ndbcluster_status; SELECT 'ndbinfo.memoryusage' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT node_id, memory_type, format_bytes(used) AS used, used_pages, format_bytes(total) AS total, total_pages, ROUND(100*(used/total), 2) AS 'Used %' FROM ndbinfo.memoryusage; -- Loop over the ndbinfo tables (except memoryusage which was handled separately above). -- The exact tables available are version dependent, so get the list from the Information Schema. SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_ndbinfo; c_ndbinfo_loop: LOOP FETCH c_ndbinfo INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_ndbinfo_loop; END IF; SELECT CONCAT('SELECT * FROM ndbinfo.', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('SELECT * FROM `ndbinfo`.`', v_table_name, '`')); END LOOP; CLOSE c_ndbinfo; SELECT * FROM information_schema.FILES; END IF; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.processlist' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT processlist.* FROM sys.processlist; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN -- latest_file_io IF (sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled('events_waits_history_long') = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.latest_file_io' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.latest_file_io; END IF; -- current memory usage IF (EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%' AND ENABLED = 'YES')) THEN SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_host_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_host_by_current_bytes; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_user_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_by_user_by_current_bytes; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes; END IF; END IF; SET v_runtime = (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(2)) - v_start); UNTIL (v_runtime + in_interval >= in_max_runtime) END REPEAT; -- Get Performance Schema status IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS' AS 'The following output is:'; EXECUTE stmt_ps_status; END IF; -- Deallocate prepared statements IF (v_has_innodb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_innodb_status; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_ps_status; END IF; IF (v_has_ndb IN ('DEFAULT', 'YES')) THEN DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_ndbcluster_status; END IF; SELECT ' ============================ Schema Information ============================ ' AS ''; SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Total Number of Tables' FROM information_schema.TABLES; -- The cost of information_schema.TABLES.DATA_LENGTH depends mostly on the number of tables IF (@sys.diagnostics.allow_i_s_tables = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'Storage Engine Usage' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT ENGINE, COUNT(*) AS NUM_TABLES, format_bytes(SUM(DATA_LENGTH)) AS DATA_LENGTH, format_bytes(SUM(INDEX_LENGTH)) AS INDEX_LENGTH, format_bytes(SUM(DATA_LENGTH+INDEX_LENGTH)) AS TOTAL FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY ENGINE; SELECT 'Schema Object Overview' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT * FROM sys.schema_object_overview; SELECT 'Tables without a PRIMARY KEY' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA, ENGINE, COUNT(*) AS NumTables FROM information_schema.TABLES LEFT OUTER JOIN information_schema.STATISTICS ON STATISTICS.TABLE_SCHEMA = TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA AND STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME = TABLES.TABLE_NAME AND STATISTICS.INDEX_NAME = 'PRIMARY' WHERE STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME IS NULL AND TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'sys') AND TABLES.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' GROUP BY TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA, ENGINE; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT 'Unused Indexes' AS 'The following output is:'; SELECT object_schema, COUNT(*) AS NumUnusedIndexes FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL AND count_star = 0 AND object_schema NOT IN ('mysql', 'sys') AND index_name != 'PRIMARY' GROUP BY object_schema; END IF; IF (v_has_ps = 'YES') THEN SELECT ' ========================= Overall Status ========================= ' AS ''; SELECT 'CALL sys.ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram()' AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram(); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('snapshot', NULL, NULL); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('overall', NULL, 'with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile'); SET @sys.diagnostics.sql = REPLACE(@sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template, '%{OUTPUT}', 'end'); IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'The following query will be used to generate the query for each sys view' AS 'Debug'; SELECT @sys.diagnostics.sql AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE stmt_gen_query FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_sysviews_w_delta; c_sysviews_w_delta_loop: LOOP FETCH c_sysviews_w_delta INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_sysviews_w_delta_loop; END IF; IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT CONCAT('The following queries are for storing the final content of ', v_table_name) AS 'Debug'; END IF; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp_', v_table_name, '_end`')); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_end` SELECT * FROM `sys`.`x$', v_table_name, '`')); SET @sys.diagnostics.table_name = CONCAT('x$', v_table_name); EXECUTE stmt_gen_query USING @sys.diagnostics.table_name; -- If necessary add ORDER BY and LIMIT SELECT CONCAT(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select, IF(order_by IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n ORDER BY ', REPLACE(order_by, '%{TABLE}', CONCAT('tmp_', v_table_name, '_end'))), ''), IF(limit_rows IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n LIMIT ', limit_rows), '') ) INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta WHERE TABLE_NAME COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_as_ci = v_table_name; SELECT CONCAT('Overall ', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select); END LOOP; CLOSE c_sysviews_w_delta; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_gen_query; SELECT ' ====================== Delta Status ====================== ' AS ''; CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('delta', 'tmp_digests_start', 'with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile'); CALL sys.statement_performance_analyzer('cleanup', NULL, NULL); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_digests_start; -- @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta is defined near the to together with @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template IF (@sys.debug = 'ON') THEN SELECT 'The following query will be used to generate the query for each sys view delta' AS 'Debug'; SELECT @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta AS 'Debug'; END IF; PREPARE stmt_gen_query_delta FROM @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta; SET v_old_group_concat_max_len = @@session.group_concat_max_len; SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 2048; SET v_done = FALSE; OPEN c_sysviews_w_delta; c_sysviews_w_delta_loop: LOOP FETCH c_sysviews_w_delta INTO v_table_name; IF v_done THEN LEAVE c_sysviews_w_delta_loop; END IF; SET @sys.diagnostics.table_name = v_table_name; EXECUTE stmt_gen_query_delta USING @sys.diagnostics.table_name; -- If necessary add WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT SELECT CONCAT(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select, IF(where_delta IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n WHERE ', where_delta), ''), IF(order_by_delta IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n ORDER BY ', order_by_delta), ''), IF(limit_rows IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\n LIMIT ', limit_rows), '') ) INTO @sys.diagnostics.sql_select FROM tmp_sys_views_delta WHERE TABLE_NAME COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_as_ci = v_table_name; SELECT CONCAT('Delta ', v_table_name) AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(@sys.diagnostics.sql_select); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_end`')); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp_', v_table_name, '_start`')); END LOOP; CLOSE c_sysviews_w_delta; SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = v_old_group_concat_max_len; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_gen_query_delta; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_sys_views_delta; END IF; SELECT 'SELECT * FROM sys.metrics' AS 'The following output is:'; CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt( CONCAT(v_sql_status_summary_select, v_sql_status_summary_delta, ', Type, s1.Enabled', v_sql_status_summary_from, ' ORDER BY Type, Variable_name' ) ); -- Remove all the metrics temporary tables again SET v_count = 0; WHILE (v_count < v_output_count) DO SET v_count = v_count + 1; SET v_table_name = CONCAT('tmp_metrics_', v_count); CALL sys.execute_prepared_stmt(CONCAT('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ', v_table_name)); END WHILE; IF (in_auto_config <> 'current') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved(); IF ((@log_bin = 1) AND (@@binlog_format = 'STATEMENT')) THEN SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END IF; END IF; -- Reset the @sys.diagnostics.% user variables internal to this procedure SET @sys.diagnostics.output_time = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_delta = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql_gen_query_template = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.sql_select = NULL, @sys.diagnostics.table_name = NULL; -- Restore INSTRUMENTED for this thread IF (v_this_thread_enabled = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; IF ((@log_bin = 1) AND (@@binlog_format = 'STATEMENT')) THEN SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END IF; END;