create definer = `mysql.sys`@localhost function sys.quote_identifier(in_identifier text) returns text comment ' Description ----------- Takes an unquoted identifier (schema name, table name, etc.) and returns the identifier quoted with backticks. Parameters ----------- in_identifier (TEXT): The identifier to quote. Returns ----------- TEXT CHARSET UTF8MB4 Example ----------- mysql> SELECT sys.quote_identifier(''my_identifier'') AS Identifier; +-----------------+ | Identifier | +-----------------+ | `my_identifier` | +-----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT sys.quote_identifier(''my`idenfier'') AS Identifier; +----------------+ | Identifier | +----------------+ | `my``idenfier` | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ' deterministic sql security invoker no sql BEGIN RETURN CONCAT('`', REPLACE(in_identifier, '`', '``'), '`'); END;