# cacache [](https://npm.im/cacache) [](https://npm.im/cacache) [](https://travis-ci.org/npm/cacache) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/npm/cacache) [](https://coveralls.io/github/npm/cacache?branch=latest)
[`cacache`](https://github.com/npm/cacache) is a Node.js library for managing
local key and content address caches. It's really fast, really good at
concurrency, and it will never give you corrupted data, even if cache files
get corrupted or manipulated.
On systems that support user and group settings on files, cacache will
match the `uid` and `gid` values to the folder where the cache lives, even
when running as `root`.
It was written to be used as [npm](https://npm.im)'s local cache, but can
just as easily be used on its own.
_Translations: [español](README.es.md)_
## Install
`$ npm install --save cacache`
## Table of Contents
* [Example](#example)
* [Features](#features)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [API](#api)
* [Using localized APIs](#localized-api)
* Reading
* [`ls`](#ls)
* [`ls.stream`](#ls-stream)
* [`get`](#get-data)
* [`get.stream`](#get-stream)
* [`get.info`](#get-info)
* [`get.hasContent`](#get-hasContent)
* Writing
* [`put`](#put-data)
* [`put.stream`](#put-stream)
* [`put*` opts](#put-options)
* [`rm.all`](#rm-all)
* [`rm.entry`](#rm-entry)
* [`rm.content`](#rm-content)
* Utilities
* [`setLocale`](#set-locale)
* [`clearMemoized`](#clear-memoized)
* [`tmp.mkdir`](#tmp-mkdir)
* [`tmp.withTmp`](#with-tmp)
* Integrity
* [Subresource Integrity](#integrity)
* [`verify`](#verify)
* [`verify.lastRun`](#verify-last-run)
### Example
const cacache = require('cacache/en')
const fs = require('fs')
const tarball = '/path/to/mytar.tgz'
const cachePath = '/tmp/my-toy-cache'
const key = 'my-unique-key-1234'
// Cache it! Use `cachePath` as the root of the content cache
cacache.put(cachePath, key, '10293801983029384').then(integrity => {
console.log(`Saved content to ${cachePath}.`)
const destination = '/tmp/mytar.tgz'
// Copy the contents out of the cache and into their destination!
// But this time, use stream instead!
cachePath, key
).on('finish', () => {
console.log('done extracting!')
// The same thing, but skip the key index.
cacache.get.byDigest(cachePath, integrityHash).then(data => {
fs.writeFile(destination, data, err => {
console.log('tarball data fetched based on its sha512sum and written out!')
### Features
* Extraction by key or by content address (shasum, etc)
* [Subresource Integrity](#integrity) web standard support
* Multi-hash support - safely host sha1, sha512, etc, in a single cache
* Automatic content deduplication
* Fault tolerance (immune to corruption, partial writes, process races, etc)
* Consistency guarantees on read and write (full data verification)
* Lockless, high-concurrency cache access
* Streaming support
* Promise support
* Pretty darn fast -- sub-millisecond reads and writes including verification
* Arbitrary metadata storage
* Garbage collection and additional offline verification
* Thorough test coverage
* There's probably a bloom filter in there somewhere. Those are cool, right? 🤔
### Contributing
The cacache team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation! There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The [Contributor Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) has all the information you need for everything from reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear.
All participants and maintainers in this project are expected to follow [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md), and just generally be excellent to each other.
Please refer to the [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) for project history details, too.
Happy hacking!
### API
#### Using localized APIs
cacache includes a complete API in English, with the same features as other
translations. To use the English API as documented in this README, use
`require('cacache/en')`. This is also currently the default if you do
`require('cacache')`, but may change in the future.
cacache also supports other languages! You can find the list of currently
supported ones by looking in `./locales` in the source directory. You can use
the API in that language with `require('cacache/')`.
Want to add support for a new language? Please go ahead! You should be able to
copy `./locales/en.js` and `./locales/en.json` and fill them in. Translating the
`README.md` is a bit more work, but also appreciated if you get around to it. 👍🏼
#### `> cacache.ls(cache) -> Promise