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139 lines
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definer = `mysql.sys`@localhost function sys.ps_thread_stack(thd_id bigint unsigned, debug tinyint(1)) returns longtext
comment '
Outputs a JSON formatted stack of all statements, stages and events
within Performance Schema for the specified thread.
The id of the thread to trace. This should match the thread_id
column from the performance_schema.threads table.
in_verbose (BOOLEAN):
Include file:lineno information in the events.
(line separation added for output)
mysql> SELECT sys.ps_thread_stack(37, FALSE) AS thread_stack\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
thread_stack: {"rankdir": "LR","nodesep": "0.10","stack_created": "2014-02-19 13:39:03",
"mysql_version": "5.7.3-m13","mysql_user": "root@localhost","events":
[{"nesting_event_id": "0", "event_id": "10", "timer_wait": 256.35, "event_info":
"sql/select", "wait_info": "select @@version_comment limit 1\nerrors: 0\nwarnings: 0\nlock time:
sql security invoker
reads sql data
DECLARE json_objects LONGTEXT;
-- Do not track the current thread, it will kill the stack
UPDATE performance_schema.threads
SET instrumented = 'NO'
WHERE processlist_id = CONNECTION_ID();
SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=@@global.max_allowed_packet;
-- Select the entire stack of events
, CONCAT_WS( ', '
, CONCAT('"nesting_event_id": "', IF(nesting_event_id IS NULL, '0', nesting_event_id), '"')
, CONCAT('"event_id": "', event_id, '"')
-- Convert from picoseconds to microseconds
, CONCAT( '"timer_wait": ', ROUND(timer_wait/1000000, 2))
, CONCAT( '"event_info": "'
WHEN event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io%' THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -2), '\\', '\\\\')
WHEN event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io/file%' OR event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/io/socket%' THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(event_name, '/', -4), '\\', '\\\\')
ELSE event_name
, '"'
-- Always dump the extra wait information gathered for statements
, CONCAT( '"wait_info": "', IFNULL(wait_info, ''), '"')
-- If debug is enabled, add the file:lineno information for waits
, CONCAT( '"source": "', IF(true AND event_name LIKE 'wait%', IFNULL(wait_info, ''), ''), '"')
-- Depending on the type of event, name it appropriately
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%' THEN '"event_type": "io/file"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/table%' THEN '"event_type": "io/table"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/io/socket%' THEN '"event_type": "io/socket"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex%' THEN '"event_type": "synch/mutex"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/cond%' THEN '"event_type": "synch/cond"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/synch/rwlock%' THEN '"event_type": "synch/rwlock"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'wait/lock%' THEN '"event_type": "lock"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'statement/%' THEN '"event_type": "stmt"'
WHEN event_name LIKE 'stage/%' THEN '"event_type": "stage"'
WHEN event_name LIKE '%idle%' THEN '"event_type": "idle"'
, '}'
ORDER BY event_id ASC SEPARATOR ',') event
INTO json_objects
-- Select all statements, with the extra tracing information available
(SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id,
CONCAT(sql_text, '\\n',
'errors: ', errors, '\\n',
'warnings: ', warnings, '\\n',
'lock time: ', ROUND(lock_time/1000000, 2),'us\\n',
'rows affected: ', rows_affected, '\\n',
'rows sent: ', rows_sent, '\\n',
'rows examined: ', rows_examined, '\\n',
'tmp tables: ', created_tmp_tables, '\\n',
'tmp disk tables: ', created_tmp_disk_tables, '\\n',
'select scan: ', select_scan, '\\n',
'select full join: ', select_full_join, '\\n',
'select full range join: ', select_full_range_join, '\\n',
'select range: ', select_range, '\\n',
'select range check: ', select_range_check, '\\n',
'sort merge passes: ', sort_merge_passes, '\\n',
'sort rows: ', sort_rows, '\\n',
'sort range: ', sort_range, '\\n',
'sort scan: ', sort_scan, '\\n',
'no index used: ', IF(no_index_used, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), '\\n',
'no good index used: ', IF(no_good_index_used, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), '\\n'
) AS wait_info
FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history_long WHERE thread_id = thd_id)
-- Select all stages
(SELECT thread_id, event_id, event_name, timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, null AS wait_info
FROM performance_schema.events_stages_history_long WHERE thread_id = thd_id)
-- Select all events, adding information appropriate to the event
(SELECT thread_id, event_id,
CONCAT(event_name ,
IF(event_name NOT LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex%', IFNULL(CONCAT(' - ', operation), ''), ''),
IF(number_of_bytes IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' ', number_of_bytes, ' bytes'), ''),
IF(event_name LIKE 'wait/io/file%', '\\n', ''),
IF(object_schema IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('\\nObject: ', object_schema, '.'), ''),
IF(object_name IS NOT NULL,
IF (event_name LIKE 'wait/io/socket%',
-- Print the socket if used, else the IP:port as reported
CONCAT(IF (object_name LIKE ':0%', @@socket, object_name)),
IF(index_name IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(' Index: ', index_name), ''),'\\n'
) AS event_name,
timer_wait, timer_start, nesting_event_id, source AS wait_info
FROM performance_schema.events_waits_history_long WHERE thread_id = thd_id)) events
ORDER BY event_id;
'"rankdir": "LR"',
'"nodesep": "0.10"',
CONCAT('"stack_created": "', NOW(), '"'),
CONCAT('"mysql_version": "', VERSION(), '"'),
CONCAT('"mysql_user": "', CURRENT_USER(), '"'),
CONCAT('"events": [', IFNULL(json_objects,''), ']')