You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

330 lines
8.6 KiB

<view class="background">
<!-- 欢迎 -->
<image class="welcome" src="../../../static/login/account_login/welcome.png"></image>
<!-- 登录部分 -->
<view class="login_part">
<!-- 导航栏 -->
<view class="login_ways">
<!-- -->
<view class="account_words" @click="toPassageEvent"
<view class="captcha_words" @click="toCaptchaEvent"
<!-- 表单部分 -->
<form class="login_form">
<view class="form_input">
<view class="account_box login_form_item">
<input class="account" name="account" type="text" placeholder="请输入你的电话号码"/>
<!-- 密码登录 -->
<view class="passage_box login_form_item" v-if="isPassagePage">
<input class="passage" name="passage" :password="isOpened" type="text" placeholder="请输入你的密码"/>
<image @click="openEyesEvent" class="eyes" :src="eyesStateIcon"></image>
<view class="captcha_box login_form_item" v-else>
<input class="captcha" name="captcha" type="text" placeholder="请输入你的验证码"/>
<button class="captcha_button" @click="sendCaptchaEvent"
:style="{color:captchaButtonColor, backgroundColor:captchaButtonBackgroundColor}">
<view class="forget_passage">忘了密码</view>
<view class="button_box login_form_item">
<button name="submit_button" class="login_button" @click="login"></button>
<!-- 前往注册 -->
<navigator url="/pages/login/register/register">
<image class="goto_register" src="../../../static/login/account_login/register.png"></image>
<!-- 其他登录部分 -->
<view class="otherways_part">
<image class="otherways_tips" src="../../../static/login/account_login/other_ways.png"></image>
<view class="two_ways">
<image class="qq_icon" src="../../../static/login/account_login/qq_icon.png"></image>
<image class="weixin_icon" src="../../../static/login/account_login/weixin_icon.png"></image>
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
const isSendCaptcha = ref(false); //是否发送了验证码的标志
var codeTime = ref(0); //验证码的倒计时
const captchaButtonBackgroundColor = computed(() => isSendCaptcha.value ? "#ABCBFF" : "#ffffff"); //验证码按钮的背景颜色
const captchaButtonColor = computed(() => isSendCaptcha.value ? "#ffffff" : "#000364");//验证码按钮的字体颜色
const captchaButtonText = computed(() => isSendCaptcha.value ? (codeTime.value+"s后重新发送"):"发送验证码")
const isPassagePage = ref(true); //是否是密码登录页的标志;
const passageWordsBottomBorder = computed(() => isPassagePage.value? "0.1rem solid #094ABC":"none"); //密码登录导航的下边框
const captchaWordsBottomBorder = computed(() => isPassagePage.value? "none":"0.1rem solid #094ABC"); //验证码登录导航的下边框
const isOpened = ref(true); //密码是否明文显示的标志
const eyesStateIcon = ref("../../../static/login/account_login/login_part/closedeyes.png");
function toCaptchaEvent(){
isPassagePage.value = false;
function sendCaptchaEvent(){
console.log("send captcha");
if (codeTime.value>0){ //说明在倒计时
uni.showToast({ //弹出提示框
title: '不能重复获取',
} else{ //说明没有发送,也没倒计时
codeTime.value = 60;
isSendCaptcha.value = true;
var timer = setInterval(()=>{
isSendCaptcha.value = false;
codeTime.value = 0;
function login(){
url: '@pages/information/sex/sex.vue'//登录成功后跳转的页面
function toPassageEvent(){
isPassagePage.value = true;
// 判断密码是否要明文显示
function openEyesEvent()
if (isOpened.value)
isOpened.value = false;
eyesStateIcon.value = "../../../static/login/account_login/login_part/openedeyes.png"
isOpened.value =true;
eyesStateIcon.value = "../../../static/login/account_login/login_part/closedeyes.png";
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/* 发送验证码 */
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