# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri May 24 19:55:20 2024 @author: 李庆 """ import pygame import Gomoku import QMessageBox import pygame.time # 初始化pygame pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600)) # 设置窗口长宽 pygame.display.set_caption('五子棋-EduCoder') # 设置 pygame 窗口名 space = 20 # 四周留下的边距 cell_size = 40 # 每个格子大小 cell_num = 15 #设置线条数 chess_arr = [] #创建列表记录落子位置 #加入背景音乐 file=r"D:\python课\轻松时光乐团 - 心灵和鸣.mp3" pygame.mixer.init() track=pygame.mixer.music.load(file) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) myfont = pygame.font.Font() # 初始化Clock对象 clock = pygame.time.Clock() remaining_time = 300 * 1000 # 300秒转换为毫秒 def get_one_dire_num(lx, ly, dx, dy, m): #将最后的x坐标赋值给tx tx = lx #将最后的y坐标赋值给tx ty = ly #判断连子 s = 0 while True: #判断上下左右斜方向是否有连子 tx += dx ty += dy #如果没有的连子的话返回当前连子数量 if tx < 0 or tx >= cell_num or ty < 0 or ty >= cell_num or m[ty][tx] == 0: return s #连子累加 1 s+=1 def check_win(chess_arr, flag): m = [[0] * cell_num for i in range(cell_num)] # 先定义一个15*15的全0的数组,不能用[[0]*cell_num]*cell_num的方式去定义因为一位数组会被重复引用 for x, y, c in chess_arr: if c == flag: m[y][x] = 1 # 上面有棋则标1 lx = chess_arr[-1][0] # 最后一个子的x ly = chess_arr[-1][1] # 最后一个子的y dire_arr = [[(-1, 0), (1, 0)], [(0, -1), (0, 1)], [(-1, -1), (1, 1)], [(-1, 1), (1, -1)]] # 4个方向数组,往左+往右、往上+往下、往左上+往右下、往左下+往右上,4组判断方向 for dire1, dire2 in dire_arr: # 往左,往上,往左上,往左下判断是否有连子 dx, dy = dire1 num1 = get_one_dire_num(lx, ly, dx, dy, m) # 往右,往下,往右下、往右上判断是否有连子 dx, dy = dire2 num2 = get_one_dire_num(lx, ly, dx, dy, m) # 不同方向加起来的连子数为5的则获胜返回True if num1 + num2 + 1 >= 5: return True return False flag = 1 # 1=》黑 2=》白 game_state = 1 # 游戏状态1.表示正常进行 2.表示白胜 3.表示黑胜 while True: # 死循环确保窗口一直显示 # 控制帧率 fps = 60 # 设定帧率 dt = clock.tick(fps) # 传递你想要的帧率给tick方法 # 减去经过的时间 remaining_time -= dt # 检查是否时间耗尽 if remaining_time <= 0: # 设置游戏状态为平局或其他你想要的逻辑 game_state = 4 # 假设4表示平局 break # 跳出循环 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 遍历所有事件 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # 如果单击关闭窗口,则退出 pygame.quit() #关闭 pygame 程序 exit() #结束程序 if game_state == 1 and (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button==1): # 鼠标弹起 x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 获取鼠标位置 file=r"D:\python课\落子声音.mp3" pygame.mixer.init() track=pygame.mixer.music.load(file) pygame.mixer.music.play(1) xi = int(round((x - space) * 1.0 / cell_size)) # 获取到x方向上取整的序号 yi = int(round((y - space) * 1.0 / cell_size)) # 获取到y方向上取整的序号 if xi >= 0 and xi < cell_num and yi >= 0 and yi < cell_num and (xi, yi,1) not in chess_arr and (xi, yi,2) not in chess_arr: chess_arr.append((xi, yi,flag)) #调用函数判断下的该子是否获胜 if check_win(chess_arr, flag): #若状态值为 1 则表示3,否则表示2 game_state = 2 if flag == 1 else 3 else: #若状态值为 1 则表示 2 否则为 1(代表转换棋子) flag = 2 if flag == 1 else 1 #悔棋 if game_state == 1 and (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button==3): flag=chess_arr[-1][-1] chess_arr.pop(-1) screen.fill((204, 153, 102)) # 将界面设置棕色 #遍历横位置点,步长为40 #pygame.draw.line(窗口, 线条颜色, 开始坐标, 结束坐标, 线条大小 ) for x in range(0, cell_size * cell_num, cell_size): pygame.draw.line(screen, (200, 200, 200), (x + space, 0 + space), (x + space, cell_size * (cell_num - 1) + space), 1) # 遍历竖位置点,步长为40 # pygame.draw.line(窗口, 线条颜色, 开始坐标, 结束坐标, 线条大小 ) for y in range(0, cell_size * cell_num, cell_size): pygame.draw.line(screen, (200, 200, 200), (0 + space, y + space), (cell_size * (cell_num - 1) + space, y + space), 1) #绘制棋子 for x, y,c in chess_arr: chess_color = (30, 30, 30) if c == 1 else (225, 225, 225) pygame.draw.circle(screen, chess_color, [x * cell_size + space, y * cell_size + space], 16, 16) # 绘制五个点 # pygame.draw.circle(窗口,颜色,坐标,圆半径,线条大小) lst1=[(4, 4,1),(10, 10, 1),(10, 4, 1),(4, 10, 1),(7, 7, 1)] lst2=[(4, 4,2),(10, 10, 2),(10, 4, 2),(4, 10, 2),(7, 7, 2)] for i in range(len(lst1)): a=lst1[i] b=lst2[i] if a not in chess_arr and b not in chess_arr: pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), (cell_size * a[0] + space, cell_size * b[1] + space), 2, 1) # 绘制剩余时间 time_text = "Time remaining: {:.2f}s".format(remaining_time / 1000) time_image = myfont.render(time_text, True, (255,255,255)) screen.blit( (10, 10)) # 假设在屏幕左上角显示剩余时间 pygame.display.update() # 必须调用update才能看到绘图显示 if game_state != 1 and (game_state == 2 or game_state == 3): myfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 60) white = 210, 210, 0 win_text = "%s win" % ('black' if game_state == 2 else 'white') textImage = myfont.render(win_text, True, white) screen.blit(textImage, (260, 320)) else : win_text = "Draw" textImage = myfont.render(win_text, True, white) screen.blit(textImage, (260, 320)) pygame.display.update() # 必须调用update才能看到绘图显示 def game_restart(game,game_state): #显示游戏结束信息 if game_state==2: QMessageBox.about(game,'游戏结束','白棋胜') elif game_state==3: QMessageBox.about(game,'游戏结束','黑棋胜') elif game_state==4: QMessageBox.about(game,'游戏结束','平局') else: raise ValueError('游戏结束的标志必须为2,3或4') #重新开始游戏(再来一局) game.g=Gomoku() game.repaint(0,0,600,600)