/// <reference path="../../includes.ts"/>
/// <reference path="kubernetesHelpers.ts"/>
/// <reference path="kubernetesPlugin.ts"/>
module Kubernetes {
export var BuildConfigEditController = _module.controller("Kubernetes.BuildConfigEditController", ($scope, $element, KubernetesModel:Kubernetes.KubernetesModelService, KubernetesState, KubernetesSchema, $templateCache:ng.ITemplateCacheService, $location:ng.ILocationService, $routeParams, $http, $timeout, KubernetesApiURL, K8SClientFactory, SchemaRegistry:HawtioForms.SchemaRegistry) => {
$scope.kubernetes = KubernetesState;
$scope.model = KubernetesModel;
$scope.id = $routeParams["project"] || $routeParams["id"];
$scope.schema = KubernetesSchema;
var mode = $scope.$eval('mode') || 'edit';
log.debug("Mode: ", mode);
var specConfig = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.BuildConfigSpec');
var gitBuildSource = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.GitBuildSource');
var buildSource = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.BuildSource');
var buildOutput = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.BuildOutput');
var resources = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ResourceRequirements');
var revision = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.SourceRevision');
var strategy = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.BuildStrategy');
var customStrategy = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.CustomBuildStrategy');
var buildTriggerPolicy = SchemaRegistry.getSchema('io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.BuildTriggerPolicy');
var getSecrets = () => {
return $scope.secrets;
var secretSchemaType = "fabric8_SecretReference";
var secretSchemaRef = "#/definitions/" + secretSchemaType;
var secretSchemaJavaType = "io.fabric8.console.SecretReference";
var secretNameElement = <HawtioForms.FormElement> {
"type": "string",
"enum": getSecrets,
required: true
var secretSchema: HawtioForms.FormConfiguration = <any> {
"type": "object",
properties: {
"name": secretNameElement
javaType: secretSchemaJavaType
SchemaRegistry.addSchema(secretSchemaType, secretSchema);
// lets switch to the new secrets types:
var sourceSecretProperty = Core.pathGet(buildSource, ["properties", "sourceSecret"]);
Core.pathGet(customStrategy, ["properties", "pullSecret"]),
], (schemaType) => {
if (schemaType) {
schemaType["type"] = secretSchemaType;
schemaType["$ref"] = secretSchemaRef;
schemaType["javaType"] = secretSchemaJavaType;
// lets try make the buildSource's sourceSecret mandatory
//schemaSetRequired(customStrategy, 'pullSecret');
schemaSetRequired(buildSource, 'sourceSecret');
if (sourceSecretProperty) {
Core.pathSet(sourceSecretProperty, ['properties', 'required'], true);
Core.pathSet(sourceSecretProperty, ['properties', 'input-attributes', 'required'], true);
$scope.customStrategy = customStrategy;
$scope.buildSource = buildSource;
$scope.secrets = [];
// $scope.config = KubernetesSchema.definitions.os_build_BuildConfig;
//$scope.specConfig = KubernetesSchema.definitions.os_build_BuildConfigSpec;
specConfig.style = HawtioForms.FormStyle.STANDARD;
specConfig.properties['triggers']['label-attributes'] = {
style: 'display: none;'
gitBuildSource.controls = ['uri', 'ref', '*'];
buildSource.properties['type'].type = 'hidden';
buildSource.properties['type']['default'] = 'Git';
buildSource.controls = ['git', 'contextDir', 'sourceSecret', '*'];
gitBuildSource['hideLegend'] = true;
buildSource['hideLegend'] = true;
buildOutput['hideLegend'] = true;
resources['hideLegend'] = true;
revision['hideLegend'] = true;
strategy['hideLegend'] = true;
strategy.controls = ['type', '*'];
strategy.properties['type'] = {
type: 'text',
enum: [{
'value': 'Custom',
'label': 'Custom'
}, {
'value': 'Docker',
'label': 'Docker'
}, {
'value': 'Source',
'label': 'Source'
customStrategy['control-group-attributes'] = {
'ng-show': "entity.type == 'Custom'"
strategy.properties['dockerStrategy']['control-group-attributes'] = {
'ng-show': "entity.type == 'Docker'"
strategy.properties['sourceStrategy']['control-group-attributes'] = {
'ng-show': "entity.type == 'Source'"
buildTriggerPolicy.controls = ['type', '*'];
buildTriggerPolicy.properties['type'] = {
type: 'string',
enum: [{
'value': 'Github',
'label': 'Github'
}, {
'value': 'ImageChange',
'label': 'Image Change'
}, {
'value': 'Generic',
'label': 'Generic'
buildTriggerPolicy.properties['generic']['control-group-attributes'] = {
'ng-show': "entity.type == 'Generic'"
buildTriggerPolicy.properties['github']['control-group-attributes'] = {
'ng-show': "entity.type == 'Github'"
buildTriggerPolicy.properties['imageChange']['control-group-attributes'] = {
'ng-show': "entity.type == 'ImageChange'"
// re-arranging the controls
//specConfig.controls = ['source', '*'];
// tabs
specConfig.tabs = {
"Source": ["source"],
"Revision": ["revision"],
"Output": ["output"],
"Resources": ["resources"],
"Strategy": ["strategy"],
"Triggers": ["triggers"],
"Service Account": ["serviceAccount"]
* wizard, needs an 'onFinish' function in the scope
specConfig.wizard = <any>{
pages: {
Source: {
controls: ["source"]
Revision: {
controls: ["revision"]
Output: {
controls: ["output"]
Resources: {
controls: ["resources"]
Strategy: {
controls: ["strategy"]
Triggers: {
controls: ["triggers"]
"Service Account": {
controls: ["serviceAccount"]
$scope.entity = {
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "BuildConfig",
"metadata": {
"name": "",
"labels": {
"spec": {
"source": {
"type": "Git"
"strategy": {
"type": "Custom",
"customStrategy": {
"from": {
"kind": "DockerImage",
"name": "fabric8/openshift-s2i-jenkins-trigger"
"env": [
"name": "BASE_URI",
"value": jenkinsUrl
"name": "JOB_NAME",
"value": jobName
$scope.$watch('entity.spec.source.git.uri', (val) => {
if (!val) {
var lastBit = val.match(/[^\/]+$/)[0];
if (lastBit) {
var name = lastBit.replace(/\.git$/, '');
log.debug("name: ", name);
if (!Core.isBlank(name)
&& Core.isBlank(Core.pathGet($scope.entity, ['metadata', 'name']))) {
Core.pathSet($scope.entity, ['metadata', 'name'], name);
Kubernetes.initShared($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, KubernetesModel, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL);
$scope.breadcrumbConfig = Developer.createProjectSettingsBreadcrumbs($scope.projectId);
$scope.subTabConfig = Developer.createProjectSubNavBars($scope.projectId);
$scope.tabs = Developer.createProjectSettingsSubNavBars($scope.projectId);
watch($scope, $element, "secrets", $scope.namespace, onSecrets);
$scope.buildConfigClient = K8SClientFactory.create("buildconfigs", $scope.namespace);
$element.on('$destroy', () => {
$scope.$on('$destroy', () => {
$scope.$on('kubernetesModelUpdated', function () {
$scope.$on('$routeUpdate', ($event) => {
$scope.save = () => {
var entity = $scope.entity;
var spec = (entity || {}).spec || {};
// TODO update the jenkins job name!
// lets delete lots of cruft
var strategy = spec.strategy || {};
delete strategy["dockerStrategy"];
delete strategy["sourceStrategy"];
delete spec["revision"];
delete spec["output"];
delete spec["resources"];
var strategyPullSecretName = Core.pathGet(spec, ["strategy", "customStrategy", "pullSecret", "name"]);
var sourceSecretName = Core.pathGet(spec, ["source", "sourceSecret", "name"]);
log.info("sourceSecretName: " + sourceSecretName);
log.info("strategyPullSecretName: " + strategyPullSecretName);
if (!strategyPullSecretName && sourceSecretName) {
Core.pathSet(spec, ["strategy", "customStrategy", "pullSecret", "name"], sourceSecretName);
// TODO hack until the put deals with updates
var metadata = entity.metadata;
if (metadata) {
delete metadata["resourceVersion"];
log.info(angular.toJson(entity, true));
$scope.buildConfigClient.put(entity, (obj) => {
log.info("build config created!");
var link = Developer.projectSecretsLink($scope.namespace, getName(entity));
if (link) {
log.info("Navigating to: "+ link);
} else {
log.warn("Could not find the edit pipeline link!");
var jenkinsUrl = Developer.jenkinsLink();
var jobName = "";
function updateData() {
$scope.item = null;
if ($scope.id) {
var url = buildConfigRestUrl($scope.id);
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
if (data) {
$scope.entity = data;
var buildConfig = angular.copy(data);
var sortedBuilds = null;
Kubernetes.enrichBuildConfig(buildConfig, sortedBuilds);
$scope.buildConfig = buildConfig;
$scope.spec = ($scope.entity || {}).spec || {};
$scope.fetched = true;
// lets update the tabs
$scope.subTabConfig = Developer.createProjectSubNavBars($scope.projectId, null, $scope);
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
log.warn("Failed to load " + url + " " + data + " " + status);
} else {
$scope.fetched = true;
$scope.spec = $scope.entity.spec;
function onSecrets(secrets) {
var array = [];
angular.forEach(secrets, (secret) => {
var name = getName(secret);
if (name) {
label: name,
value: name,
"attributes": {
"title": name
$secret: secret
$scope.secrets = _.sortBy(array, "label");
var specSourceSecretNamePath = ['spec', 'source', 'sourceSecret', 'name'];
if ($scope.entity && !Core.pathGet($scope.entity, specSourceSecretNamePath)) {
var defaultSecretName = findDefaultImportSecretName(secrets);
Core.pathSet($scope.entity, specSourceSecretNamePath, defaultSecretName);
function findDefaultImportSecretName(secrets) {
var answer = null;
angular.forEach(secrets, (secret) => {
var name = getName(secret);
if (!answer && name && name.startsWith("jenkins-login")) {
answer = name;
if (!answer) {
angular.forEach(secrets, (secret) => {
var name = getName(secret);
if (!answer && name && name.startsWith("jenkins-token")) {
answer = name;
return answer;
switch (mode) {
case 'create':
delete specConfig.tabs;
_.forIn(buildSource.properties, (property:any, name:string) => {
if (name !== 'git') {
log.info("Hiding property: ", name);
property.hidden = true;
_.forIn(gitBuildSource.properties, (property:any, name:string) => {
if (name !== 'uri') {
log.info("Hiding property: ", name);
property.hidden = true;
} else {
property.label = "Git URL";
property['input-attributes'] = {
'required': true
_.forIn(specConfig.properties, (property:any, name:string) => {
if (name !== 'source') {
log.info("Hiding property: ", name);
property.hidden = true;
case 'edit':
$scope.specConfig = specConfig;