You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
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/// <reference path="../../includes.ts"/>
/// <reference path="systemPlugin.ts"/>
/// <reference path="systemHelpers.ts"/>
/// <reference path="systemServices.ts"/>
module System{
export var SystemVerificationController = controller('SystemVerificationController', ['$scope', '$location', '$templateCache', 'Upload', 'NgTableParams', 'ngDialog', 'SystemModel', ($scope, $location, $templateCache, Upload, NgTableParams, ngDialog, SystemModel) => {
$scope.cities = classifyCity(SystemModel.regionalismInfo);
$scope.columns = [
{ field: "id", title: '序号', show: false},
{ field: "check", title: "验证结果", show: true},
{ field: "hasCollect", title: "采集", show: true },
{ field: "hasCheckSql", title: "支付信息标准表", show: true },
{ field: "hasExecSql", title: "可执行标准表", show: true },
{ field: "city", title: "市", show: true },
{ field: "county", title: "区/县", show: true },
{ field: "regionalismCode", title: "行政区划代码", show: true },
{ field: "systemCode", title: "信息系统代码", show: true },
{ field: "contactsPerson", title: "联系人", show: true },
{ field: "contactsMethod", title: "联系方式", show: true },
{ field: "databaseType", title: "数据库类型", show: true}
$scope.tableData = []
id: 1,
checkResult: '是',
hasCollect: '是',
hasCheckSql: '是',
hasExecSql: '是',
city: '南京市',
county: '玄武区',
regionalismCode: '320105',
systemCode: '2',
contactsPerson: '文豆豆',
contactsMethod: '15578203146',
databaseType: 'oracle'
id: 2,
checkResult: '否',
hasCollect: '是',
hasCheckSql: '否',
hasExecSql: '是',
city: '连云港市',
county: '浦口区',
regionalismCode: '320105',
systemCode: '6',
contactsPerson: '文豆豆',
contactsMethod: '15578203147',
databaseType: 'sqlServer'
$scope.filterResult = $scope.tableData;
// 表数据
$scope.tableParams = new NgTableParams({count: 25}, {
counts: [25, 50, 100],
dataset: $scope.filterResult
$scope.citySelect = (x) =>{
if(x != 'all'){
$scope.countries = classifyCountry(SystemModel.regionalismInfo, x);
$scope.filterResult = [];
angular.forEach($scope.tableData, (item) => {
if( == x)
dataset: $scope.filterResult
$scope.filterResult = $scope.tableData;
dataset: $scope.filterResult
$scope.countrySelect = (y) => {
if(y != 'all'){
var result = [];
angular.forEach($scope.filterResult, (item) => {
if(item.county == y)
dataset: result
dataset: $scope.filterResult
$scope.check = () => {