You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

299 lines
10 KiB

9 years ago
/// <reference path="../../includes.ts"/>
/// <reference path="kubernetesPlugin.ts"/>
module Kubernetes {
export var Apps = controller("Apps",
["$scope", "KubernetesModel", "KubernetesServices", "KubernetesReplicationControllers", "KubernetesPods", "KubernetesState", "KubernetesApiURL", "$templateCache", "$location", "$routeParams", "$http", "$dialog", "$timeout",
($scope, KubernetesModel: Kubernetes.KubernetesModelService, KubernetesServices:ng.resource.IResourceClass<any>, KubernetesReplicationControllers:ng.resource.IResourceClass<any>, KubernetesPods:ng.resource.IResourceClass<any>, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL,
$templateCache:ng.ITemplateCacheService, $location:ng.ILocationService, $routeParams, $http, $dialog, $timeout) => {
$scope.model = KubernetesModel;
$scope.apps = [];
$scope.allApps = [];
$scope.kubernetes = KubernetesState;
$scope.fetched = false;
$scope.json = '';
ControllerHelpers.bindModelToSearchParam($scope, $location, 'id', '_id', undefined);
ControllerHelpers.bindModelToSearchParam($scope, $location, 'appSelectorShow', 'openApp', undefined);
ControllerHelpers.bindModelToSearchParam($scope, $location, 'mode', 'mode', 'detail');
var branch = $scope.branch || "master";
var namespace = null;
function appMatches(app) {
var filterText = $scope.appSelector.filterText;
if (filterText) {
return Core.matchFilterIgnoreCase(app.groupId, filterText) ||
Core.matchFilterIgnoreCase(app.artifactId, filterText) ||
Core.matchFilterIgnoreCase(, filterText) ||
Core.matchFilterIgnoreCase(app.description, filterText);
} else {
return true;
function appRunning(app) {
return $scope.model.apps.any((running) => running.appPath === app.appPath);
$scope.tableConfig = {
data: 'model.apps',
showSelectionCheckbox: true,
enableRowClickSelection: false,
multiSelect: true,
selectedItems: [],
filterOptions: {
filterText: $["q"] || ''
columnDefs: [
{ field: '$name', displayName: 'App', cellTemplate: $templateCache.get(UrlHelpers.join(templatePath, "appIconTemlate.html")) },
{ field: '$servicesText', displayName: 'Services', cellTemplate: $templateCache.get(UrlHelpers.join(templatePath, "appServicesTemplate.html")) },
{ field: '$replicationControllersText', displayName: 'Controllers', cellTemplate: $templateCache.get(UrlHelpers.join(templatePath, "appReplicationControllerTemplate.html")) },
{ field: '$podCount', displayName: 'Pods', cellTemplate: $templateCache.get(UrlHelpers.join(templatePath, "appPodCountsAndLinkTemplate.html")) },
{ field: '$creationDate', displayName: 'Deployed', cellTemplate: $templateCache.get(UrlHelpers.join(templatePath, "appDeployedTemplate.html")) }
Kubernetes.initShared($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, KubernetesModel, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL);
$scope.expandedPods = [];
$scope.$on('do-resize', ($event, controller) => {
$scope.podExpanded = (pod) => {
var id = getName(pod)
return id && ($scope.expandedPods || []).indexOf(id) >= 0;
$scope.expandPod = (pod) => {
var id = getName(pod);
if (id) {
$scope.collapsePod = (pod) => {
var id = getName(pod);
if (id) {
_.remove($scope.expandedPods, (v) => id === v);
$scope.$on('$routeUpdate', ($event) => {
Kubernetes.setJson($scope, $['_id'], $scope.model.apps);
function deleteApp(app, onCompleteFn) {
function deleteServices(services, service, onCompletedFn) {
if (!service || !services) {
return onCompletedFn();
var id = getName(service);
if (!id) {
log.warn("No ID for service " + angular.toJson(service));
} else {
id: id
}, undefined, () => {
log.debug("Deleted service: ", id);
deleteServices(services, services.shift(), onCompletedFn);
}, (error) => {
log.debug("Error deleting service: ", error);
deleteServices(services, services.shift(), onCompletedFn);
function deleteReplicationControllers(replicationControllers, replicationController, onCompletedFn) {
if (!replicationController || !replicationControllers) {
return onCompletedFn();
var id = getName(replicationController);
if (!id) {
log.warn("No ID for replicationController " + angular.toJson(replicationController));
} else {
id: id
}, undefined, () => {
log.debug("Deleted replicationController: ", id);
deleteReplicationControllers(replicationControllers, replicationControllers.shift(), onCompletedFn);
}, (error) => {
log.debug("Error deleting replicationController: ", error);
deleteReplicationControllers(replicationControllers, replicationControllers.shift(), onCompletedFn);
function deletePods(pods, pod, onCompletedFn) {
if (!pod || !pods) {
return onCompletedFn();
var id = getName(pod);
if (!id) {
log.warn("No ID for pod " + angular.toJson(pod));
} else {
id: id
}, undefined, () => {
log.debug("Deleted pod: ", id);
deletePods(pods, pods.shift(), onCompletedFn);
}, (error) => {
log.debug("Error deleting pod: ", error);
deletePods(pods, pods.shift(), onCompletedFn);
var services = [].concat(;
deleteServices(services, services.shift(), () => {
var replicationControllers = [].concat(app.replicationControllers);
deleteReplicationControllers(replicationControllers, replicationControllers.shift(), () => {
var pods = [].concat(app.pods);
deletePods(pods, pods.shift(), onCompleteFn);
$scope.deleteSingleApp = (app) => {
$scope.deletePrompt = (selected) => {
if (angular.isString(selected)) {
selected = [{
id: selected
collection: selected,
index: '$name',
onClose: (result:boolean) => {
if (result) {
function deleteSelected(selected, next) {
if (next) {
var id =;
log.debug("deleting: ", id);
deleteApp(next, () => {
log.debug("deleted: ", id);
deleteSelected(selected, selected.shift());
deleteSelected(selected, selected.shift());
title: 'Delete Apps?',
action: 'The following Apps will be deleted:',
okText: 'Delete',
okClass: 'btn-danger',
custom: "This operation is permanent once completed!",
customClass: "alert alert-warning"
$scope.appSelector = {
filterText: "",
folders: [],
selectedApps: [],
isOpen: (folder) => {
if ($scope.appSelector.filterText !== '' || folder.expanded) {
return "opened";
return "closed";
getSelectedClass: (app) => {
if (app.abstract) {
return "abstract";
if (app.selected) {
return "selected";
return "";
showApp: (app) => {
return appMatches(app) && !appRunning(app);
showFolder: (folder) => {
return !$scope.appSelector.filterText || folder.apps.some((app) => appMatches(app) && !appRunning(app));
clearSelected: () => {
angular.forEach($scope.model.appFolders, (folder) => {
angular.forEach(folder.apps, (app) => {
app.selected = false;
$scope.appSelector.selectedApps = [];
updateSelected: () => {
// lets update the selected apps
var selectedApps = [];
angular.forEach($scope.model.appFolders, (folder) => {
var apps = folder.apps.filter((app) => app.selected);
if (apps) {
selectedApps = selectedApps.concat(apps);
$scope.appSelector.selectedApps = _.sortBy(selectedApps, "name");
select: (app, flag) => {
app.selected = flag;
hasSelection: () => {
return $scope.model.appFolders.any((folder) => folder.apps.any((app) => app.selected));
runSelectedApps: () => {
// lets run all the selected apps
angular.forEach($scope.appSelector.selectedApps, (app) => {
var name =;
var metadataPath = app.metadataPath;
if (metadataPath) {
// lets load the json/yaml
//var url = gitPathToUrl(Wiki.gitRelativeURL(branch, metadataPath));
var url = gitPathToUrl(metadataPath, branch);
if (url) {
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
if (data) {
// lets convert the json object structure into a string
var json = angular.toJson(data);
var fn = () => {};
Kubernetes.runApp($location, $scope, $http, KubernetesApiURL, json, name, fn, namespace);
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.summaryHtml = null;
log.warn("Failed to load " + url + " " + data + " " + status);
// lets go back to the apps view
$scope.appSelectorShow = false;